Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 110.1: Good Food (7)

The children were stunned.

They blankly stcired at Lin Shiheng. For ci moment, their gazes made him think he had done something unforgivable.

However, he wasn't weak-minded, and he didn’t feel guilty.

Instead, he patted Lin Yu’s little head. She was still holding the cake and didn’t know if she should eat it or not. He gently urged her, “Xiao Yu, eat. Brother will keep watch.”

Lin Yu nodded obediently. Smelling the sweet and creamy fragrance, she stopped looking at the children in front of her. She eagerly lowerecl her head, picked up the fork, and placecl a bit of the cake into her mouth.

Lin Yu was instantly overwhelmed by the mellow and fresh taste of the cream.

She carefully finished tasting the deliciousness in her mouth, and with a few hints of eagerness, she cut a small piece of the cake at the base and put it in her mouth.


Unconsciously letting out a satisfiecl sound, Lin Yu’s already bright eyes lit up a little more.

The cake’s fluffiness, mixed with the tiny blueberries hidclen inside, was tangy and delicate. After a few chews, she had learnecl to eat it with the whipped cream, which added to the sweet and creamy flavor.

Lin Yu had never eaten such clelicious food since she was born. After she tastecl the sweetness, she ate without lifting her head, and her cheeks, which were a bit flat because of her thinness, were now filled with food and puffecl up, they looked like chubby baby fat. Even if her clothes were dirty and torn, she was still cute.

The group of children opposite her didn’t appreciate how cute their fellow child was, their eyes were all drawn to the cake.

If they hadn’t tasted it before and just smelled the scent, they wouldn’t want it that badly. At best, they would clrool over it.

But after tasting what a delicacy it was, their hearts were filled with regret and other emotions.

Something like...

!f / hadn’t bullied Lin Yu, I could have eaten such a delicious cake.

I should have known better than to buiiy, I'm so hungry.

So regretful, so regretfu!...

And so on and so forth, with such sentiments.

Watching Lin Yu feast on her food, watching her eat without lifting her head and smelling that sweet, creamy aroma in the air, not one small child suggested leaving, even though their stomachs were already rumbling with hunger.

Even though people said 'out of sight, out of mind’. Even if they couldn’t eat it, they still wantecl to smell it.

As a result, such a strange scene appeared in the alley.

A skinny little girl ate her cake without looking up, standing next to a cleanly dressed young man with clark hair. Across from him stood several children, their eyes glowing with eagerness as they stared at the little girl eating her cake.

Lin Yu was very young, and even though the cake whetted her appetite, halfway through it, her tummy swelled up, and she couldn’t eat any more.

“Can’t eat anymore?”

Lin Shiheng took out a wet paper towel and gently wiped the cream and cake from the corners of her mouth.

Lin Yu obediently lifted her heacl and let her brother wipe her face, although she was a little apprehensive.

Her brother gave her such a delicious cake, but she couldn’t finish it all.

Will her older brother get angry?

She cautiously looked over with black pupils identical to Lin Shiheng’s and was relievecl to see only tenderness on his face, whispering, “I’m full."

She said she was full!!

She’s fulll!

She’s full from eating such a delicious cake!!!

The eyes of the few small children who were still watching with bated breath immediately burst with intense hope. Every one of them turned their eyes to Lin Shiheng’s face, who was standing beside Lin Yu.

She’s full, would he give them the rest of the cake?!

However, to their disappointment, Lin Shiheng slowly placed the cake back in the box and patted his sister’s heacl.

“Now that you’ve had your fill let’s go.”

Lin Yu held her brother’s hand and walked away. When they reached the entrance of the alley, the child who was their leader suddenly callecl out, “Lin Yu, are you going to play with us later?”

Lin Yu’s footsteps faltered, and she looked back at them, somewhat overwhelmed. Lin Shiheng took her sister’s hand and said warmly, “Let’s go."


Her brother’s voice gave Lin Yu courage. She nodded vigorously, turned her head again, and stoppecl looking at the 'friends’ behind her, who bullied her for star coins.

Even if she was hungry all the time, even if no one played with her, she didn’t want to be blindfolded and pushed arouncl by her friends, and she didn’t want to listen to them calling her Useless Lin.

Having walked all the way out of the alley, seeing the direction of home ahead, Lin Yu pursed her lips and carefully clenched Lin Shiheng’s hand.

“Brother, are we going home?”

Lin Shiheng replied in a warm voice, “Yes, I'll take you back.”

Lin Yu’s clear eyes flickered and hesitated for a long while before asking in a small voice with a touch of trepidation, “Can we not go back?"

“Don’t worry.” The dark-haired youth touched her little head, “I came back this time to talk to Mother about having your account transferred to my name.”

Lin Yu was young, but she understood Lin Shiheng’s meaning and looked up in surprise. Her eyes were shining brightly as she looked at her older brother.

“Reallyl! Brother, are you going to take me away?”

Lin Shiheng smiled gently, “Does Xiao Yu want to go with her brother?”


Lin Yu felt the lump in her throat before the words left her mouth. She was only 7 years old, so she should have been playing every day like those children just now. But ever since she could remember, Lin Yu had wanted to escape from this family and from this mother.

Even if she didn’t go to school or go hungry, although her mother would never hit her or scold her, the look she gave her was always colcl.

Countless times Lin Yu would wake up from nightmares of her mother throwing her away. Not throwing her away and not raising her, but killing her.

For the 7-year-old Lin Yu, these nightmares were more than she could bear. Starving, being looked down upon, and no one even wanting to talk to her in that house. She didn’t know what she had done wrong to be treatecl like this by her mother, but she just didn’t want to stay any longer.

The girl’s tiny, childish voice took on a sobbing tone as she carefully took her eldest brother’s hand and pleadecl, “Brother, take me away. I don’t want to stay here anymore."


Lin Shiheng took his sister’s hand instead, crouched clown, and looked at her from the same level.

“Brother came back to take you away, Xiao Yu. Just listen to me. Later, when Brother is talking to Mom, you just stand aside and watch. Don’t say anything, okay?”

Lin Yu meekly nodded with tears in her eyes, “I understand.”

In this street, the Wang family was one of the wealthier ones. After all, the Wang family’s business was in nutrient solutions. As long as the psychic surges hadn’t clied down, there would always be a market for nutrient solutions.

It had the same production line as in Lai Wei’s father's factory, where Lin Shiheng had gone before. It was just on a smaller scale for the Wang family, but it was enough to make them a lot of money.

Recently Wang Renyi, the head of the Wang family, had annoyance written all over his face. He had inherited his father’s industry. After taking over several failecl investments, he no longer had the courage to touch the family’s industry, so he just followed the previous procedure all the time.

Because of the previous failures, Wang Renyi also realized that he lacked investment skills. He hacl originally thought that he could just keep on running the nutrient solution factory that he had taken over from his father. Anyway, as long as there was a market for nutrient solutions, he would never suffer a loss. With the previous foundation, he would have enough to live happily for the rest of his life.

It turned out that this time arouncl. the government came out with a potato brisket-flavoured healing nutrient solution.

If the food came out alone, it would be fine: after all, although the food was delicious, it didn’t affect the convenient nutrient solution market at all. People couldn’t carry around a plate of food: what would happen if they encountered a psychic surge outside?

It didn’t matter if the official healing nutrient solution was made by the government themselves, they would announce how to make it. and small factories like theirs could make money as long as they made it themselves.

The problem was that this healing nutrient solution was clonatecl by the 311 Group. Not only was it donated, but they also applied for a patent. That means, first of all. the government won’t share the production process. Secondly, even if companies had worked out the production method themselves, once they started selling it, according to Blue Star law, they could be sentenced to at least 20 years in prison.

Wang Renyi was only 50 years old this year. Although his wealth wasn’t as good as those of the richest families, he was worth a small fortune, so he was unwilling to take the risk.

So, the problem was since the Potato ancl Beef Brisket Flavored Healing Nutrient Solution came out, all Blue Stars who hacl tried it opted to buy it. The old Kung Pao chicken and shredded fish and pork were simply abandoned.

For the government, as long as they could suppress the psychic surge. it was fine for them to lose some equities, not to mention the new nutrient solution would make up for it.

But for companies like Wang Renyi's, which usecl to follow the government’s leacl. that would be a disaster.

No, it's not a disaster. The factory wouldn’t be able to keep going. He still had his savings, land, and house. As long as he could switch businesses peacefully, he could still run a business.

But Wang Renyi didn’t want to!

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