Golden Fishery

Chapter 8

Chapter 4: .My Poseidon Heart (Kneel for collection!)

As the fishing boat moved forward, the appearance of the island became clearer and clearer, but Qin Shiou’s passionate heart became colder and colder.

At first, he thought that this fishing ground would be a paradise, but what appeared before his eyes was a desert island with a fair area.

From the boat, there are also some bungalows and buildings on the island, but the number is sparse. Auerbach said that is to bid farewell to the town. Qin Shiou felt that this town might also have the population of the two villages in his hometown, the number is estimated to be less than two thousand.

Because of the early spring, this small island not far from the Arctic Circle is still in a winter climate. The island is full of unmelted snow. In addition, there is a small snow mountain that occupies half of the island’s territory, and it is covered with snow. Up.

There are six or seven small piers around the island. Without exception, these piers are messy and dirty. A large number of broken fishing nets are entangled on the reefs on the shore, and there are small fishing boats with rough workmanship that dock on the coast at will.

But Auerbach is right. The air here is very fresh. After getting used to the faint smell of the sea, it does have a sweet smell.

“Damn, the original ecology.” Qin Shiou smiled bitterly.

His fishing ground is at the southernmost point of the island. A circle of maple trees of various lengths surrounds a manor. It covers an area of more than ten square kilometers, which is more than one hundred thousand mu. It’s valuable, but it’s a pity that this is Canada, which is estimated to be the cheapest place in the world for land prices.

At the fishing ground, Qin Shiou could not move in either, because the house inside had not been cleaned for a long time.

Auerbach sent him to rest in a small hotel with ancient charm in the small town, saying that it was the afternoon to take him to file tax returns and go through the formalities.

Qin Shiou was exhausted, and when he arrived at the hotel, he fell asleep on the bed in darkness.

In the dream, when Qin Shiou was on a luxury cruise ship and was carrying the beauty of the world, someone woke him up and opened his eyes to see that it was Auerbach’s majestic and majestic face.

“I’ll sleep for a while, I’m so sleepy.” Qin Shiou hugged the pillow and didn’t let go.

Auerbach smiled, and took out a large-screen Nokia mobile phone to show him a photo. The photo was a beautiful woman with gentle eyes and a smile. It was the flight attendant who comforted Qin Shiou on the plane before.

“Are you sneaking a photo?” Qin Shiou called.

Auerbach shook his head, and said: “When you reach my age, you will know, young man, woman is like a bone! However, I believe this photo can treat your bedridden.”

Indeed, seeing the gentle and beautiful female stewardess, Qin Shiou was sober.

Auerbach explained: “You need jet lag now, so you can’t sleep during the day. Even if you’re sleepy, you can endure it. At night, you can sleep beautifully. Then I swear to God, you will adapt to the time in Canada in the future.”

Qin Shiou scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: “Mr Auerbach, I don’t think this is necessary anymore, ha ha, mine, ha ha, I plan to sell this fishery, and then bring cash back to China.”

“It’s a pity, boy.” Auerbach didn’t despise him after hearing what he said, but laughed. “It seems that you didn’t study your grandfather’s will seriously. There is one thing stated in his will that the fishery must not be sold. , If you insist on selling, the government of St. Johns will forcefully nationalize it!”

Qin Shiou suddenly messed up, Second Grandpa, what are you kidding about? Are you really planning to let your unpromising grandson inherit your mantle? Then you have to see if your grandson has this ability and talent!

Auerbach encouraged: “Come on, boy, your grandfather and I are close friends. He told me that he is optimistic that you will surely turn this fishing ground into a world-famous super fishing ground in the future, and you can change the Newfoundland fishing grounds again. Glory.”

Qin Shiou was crying, and there were ten thousand grass-and-mud horses whizzing past in his heart: He is optimistic that Lao Tzu has a fart!

“Let’s go, let’s go to the tax bureau in the town to confirm the tax you want to pay.” Auerbach finally gave Qin Shiou a big stick, letting him know that the sky will not fall, but only the discus!

“I still have to pay taxes? I asked you when I was in China, you said that there is no inheritance tax in Canada!” Qin Shiou cried.

Auerbach smiled and said: “Yes, there is no estate tax in Canada, but there is a probate tax.”

Will taxation means that once the person who made the will dies, his will has the legal effect to deal with his estate. Although the executor is legally entitled to deal with the estate in accordance with the will, when transferring assets such as investment and real estate, it is usually necessary to verify the will by the court, which is an authoritative institution, and this verification requires a fee.

Auerbach told Qin Shiou that the tax rate in Newfoundland is that the inheritance is more than 25,000 yuan, 14,000 yuan per 1 million yuan, 2 million yuan 28,000 yuan, and so on. That is to say, Qin Shiou must pay the will and levy tax. 520,000 Canadian dollars, converted into RMB, 3 million!

Qin Shiou was directly angry and shouted: “You lie to me!”

Auerbach said solemnly: “You can abandon this fishing ground, and you will receive a 12.8% subsidy from the government. In other words, you can actually get a lot of money.”

“But,” he said, staring at Qin Shiou, “Do you know how Daqin Fishery was established? It is your grandfather, a yellow-skinned foreigner, who used his wisdom under the eyes and oppression of countless people. With tenacity, industriousness and vision, it took a lot of hard work to earn! My child, your grandfather is the most indomitable man I have ever seen! Do you understand what I mean? Don’t discredit such a man!”

Qin Shiou said: “Do you think I want to embarrass his old man? But my whole body is less than 20,000 yuan, and the family has only 200,000 property at most. How can I pay 3 million in taxes?”

Auerbach sat next to him and said, “This tax is actually nine years late. It doesn’t matter if it’s nine years later. Do you understand what I mean? You have enough time to make money from the fishing grounds!”

Qin Shiou is not a guilty species, since there is still a chance, why not let it go?

The tax bureau of the small town turned out to work only one to three to five. Auerbach asked and said that the town was poorly managed and the government couldn’t afford wages. It could only reduce the working hours of civil servants in order to cut their wages.

Qin Shiou couldn’t laugh or cry. The Canadian leaders seemed to have a hard time, which made him worry about the future of his fishing ground.

Auerbach drove his classic Ford car around the town, bringing Qin Shiou to familiarize himself with the environment, also for relaxation.

Twisted and twisted, the car drove to a lake. The lake’s ice surface melted soon, and the lake water was extremely clear, and some floating ice cubes were like mirrors.

The lake scenery is beautiful, the water grass is green, the ice is white, and sometimes there are water birds flying around with their wings, and there are fish jumping out of the water, beautiful and rich.

Auerbach introduced: “People only know that there are many lakes in Ontario, but there are also many in Newfoundland. This small lake is called Shenbao Lake. It is said that some people have sunk many treasures in it…”

“I really want to jump down and take a look.” Qin Shiou said depressed.

At this time, a fishing boat came slowly and slowly, and a short middle-aged fisherman waved to Auerbach and said, “Hi, Mr. Scherman, are you and your friends coming to Lake Shenbao to shoot fish? Come on, let us Together.”

In any case, Auerbach took Qin Shiou on a fishing boat and said: “Fishing is an activity that has only emerged in North America in recent years. Come on… Oh, damn!”

He didn’t finish his words. The fishing boat alarmed a large carp that was one meter long underwater. The carp jumped when it was frightened. It jumped and hit the three people on the boat by surprise. The fisherman and Auerbach subconsciously avoided, and Qin Shiou was stupid. Standing blankly at the stern of the boat, he was swept across his face by the tail of the fish like a fan, and swept directly into the lake.

“Help!” Auerbach cried anxiously.

The tail of the carp was very rough, and the tail thorn was as sharp as a knife, and it cut Qin Shiou’s chin all at once.

Qin Shiou felt as if he had been hit by a car, and he made a fancy turning motion and fell into the water. No one noticed. At this moment, the blood from his chin happened to drip on the one thrown from his chest. In the heart of Poseidon!

At the same time as he fell into the water, Qin Shiou felt a azure blue in front of him, as if what he had entered was not the turquoise and clear lake, but a piece of the sea. The lake water poured into his nasal cavity, and he even smelled the salty taste of the sea.

Then he saw that the Seagod’s heart was floating in the water, and the blue light in his eyes was emitted from the Seagod’s heart!

The blue light flashed, and in front of Qin Shiou, the Seagod’s heart turned into a thick blue light and penetrated into his body!

Qin Shiou was dragged onto the fishing boat with a dazed expression, because at this moment a trance picture appeared before his eyes:

The water was rippling and the seaweed was swaying. Several slap-length catfish happily emerged from the muddy bottom of the lake. Then they opened their mouths and happily searched for food and algae from the muddy water. In addition, when he looked up, he saw a shuttle-shaped thing. Wandering overhead—isn’t this the fishing boat he’s on now?

But, what is going on? How could he see the scene at the bottom of the lake and even feel the mood of the catfish? !

&Amp;&&& I hope everyone collects this book, and it is a kind of fun to develop. I think this book will not disappoint readers who like rural leisure farming in the end.

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