God Prohibitions

Chapter 7 - Dragon\\\'s hard work

Pushing open the extremely simple wooden door, a fresh smell of flowers and plants rushed towards him, Robben looked at the scenery before him in a daze. A few days ago, he looked at the sky and white clouds outside from a gap in his roof. Robben never thought it would look like this outside.

   Is this a place to describe it? A big rock?

   Now Robben is on a huge flat rock, but this flat rock is not on a certain mountain, but inserted straight into the mountain!

Behind Robben is a high mountain with no top view. The mountain wall is steep and almost right-angled. It is covered with all kinds of rattans, and there are some unknown flowers blooming. The rattans stretch out on this rock like It grows continuously in all directions, and now it has covered the entire surface of the rock, and this rock is so straight on the mountain wall.

  Nature’s supernatural craftsmanship! ? Robben stared at the junction between this huge rock and the mountain that looked like huge cracks extending far and wide around. Robben was killed and he didn’t believe that it would have formed naturally. It was clear that there was some power to make this rock. Inserted into the mountain abruptly.

   But, how heavy is this rock? A few meals, dozens of tons or hundreds of tons! What kind of power is needed to move such a big rock! Even ten giant dragons can’t move such a huge boulder with an area of ​​several thousand square meters just outside the mountain wall.

   Luo Ben was shocked, there really is such a person in this world!

Robben couldn’t help looking at the old man, and saw that the old man was walking tremblingly towards another larger tree house on the rock. A gust of wind came, and the old man’s thin body seemed to float with his hair, although this It was quite amazed at how he could restrain himself in a few days of waving his hand to the old man, but Robben couldn’t imagine that this savage old man would have such a great ability.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t this old man be a guest of a powerful country on the mainland, how could it be his turn to save himself?

   Robben cautiously came to the edge of the rock and looked down. The entire mountain wall was as steep as being cut by a knife. Only this rock was abruptly lying in the air. Apart from that, there was nothing on the mountain wall.

   Robben swallowed: This is a Jedi!

There was a faint mist on the rocks. Robben raised his head. This time he stood outside the tree house. Robben could clearly see that the clouds seemed to be within reach of his head, surrounded by cliffs, and there was no way to go. , Only countless rattans hung on the mountain wall behind him, Robben asked himself that he was not confident that he could climb a mountain where the top could not be seen at all. In the distance, there is an undulating low mountain with dark green trees growing on top of each other. On the horizon, a tall mountain block blocked the view, and on the top of the mountain was a piece of white snow.

   Robben scratched his head, this is clearly the Pasay Mountains! This year, Robben, as a crew member, flew over the Passer Mountains countless times. The outline of the mountains is still recognizable. It seems that he is not too far away from the place where the airship was attacked.

  How did you come here? Doesn’t this old man leave here at all? What to eat What to drink? Do you soak that strange flower every day?

   Robben is full of questions.

   “Don’t be in a daze, come in quickly, or if you don’t have dinner today, I’ll go get it myself.”

   Why does this sound so familiar? A picture of a strong man appeared in front of Robben.

   I don’t know how Mace is now, he should be saved!

   Robben shook his head, cleared up his mood, and saw that the old man had entered the big tree house.

   It’s dead or alive, let’s take a look, Robben also ran to the tree house, opened the door and stepped in.

   This tree house is no different from Robben’s except that it is a bit bigger, that is, it has no furnishings at all.

   There are a large and a small pile of withered grass in the house. The larger one should be the old man’s own bed, because on the small pile of withered grass is now lying a very beautiful and somewhat pterosaur-like creature.

This is a strange creature that is only half a human: the whole body is covered with light green scales, a pair of odd-shaped wings are tucked behind the back, a pair of slender front paws are exposed under the body, and a slender tail is slightly curled. , On its slender and elegant neck, there is an extremely beautifully-lined head. What surprised Robben the most is that the eyes of this creature are colors that Robben has never even heard of. Countless brilliance kept flowing in its eyes.

   Hearing the human voice, it turned its head, but when it saw Robben, this beautiful creature that was as quiet as a virgin just now suddenly let out an angry hiss! With a “hoo”, the wings spread out and flew up from the dead grass, a pair of dreamlike eyes staring straight at Robben.

   At this time, the old man walked over calmly, blocking his view of Robben.

   “It’s okay, he won’t hurt you, I’m here to ask him to help you.” The old man said with a smile.

   Robben stared behind the old man and saw that the unknown creature made a non-dry hiss and fell back to the dead grass.

Although Robben’s knowledge of this world is still very poor, Robben also knows that there are some creatures with advanced intelligence in this world that can communicate with other races and even humans. Such highly intelligent creatures also possess incomparably strong power. They are all dominating the party and have their own territories, such as the giant dragon!

And now the old man has come to the creature that looks like a little pterodactyl, chattering about what to say to it like usual, and it seems to understand Luoben from time to time and nodding his head from time to time. .

   This little thing is actually a super high-end monster! And judging from the actions just now, why does this little thing seem to have any deep hatred with him?

Seeing the old man beckoning to him, Robben cautiously paid attention to the little thing’s behavior and circled the boss in the house, and finally hid behind the old man, only to find that the little thing seemed to lose interest in him. Never looked at myself again.

   “This is a magic dragon.” The old man said.

   So this thing is called a magic dragon! The name is quite appropriate!

   “From today, you have to find food for this magic dragon, once a day!”

   “Eh!? What? Why!” Luo Ben thought that he still let himself do hard work, his voice became uncontrollably high.

Seeing Robben’s dissatisfaction, the old man glared: “Why!? It’s because you took a bucket of venom and poured it on someone’s head. Now all three of the magic dragon mother and child are hanging by a thread. Old man, I am tired every day. To keep them alive and to take care of you, a daredevil, now that you are alive and kicking, it is time to help my old man!” The old man sprayed the spitting stars on Robben’s face with anger.

Only then did Robben noticed that, close to the magic dragon, two small heads were exposed in the withered grass. He was staring at two pairs of dark, shiny eyes looking at Robben curiously, but they were two chicks. Dragon.

Seeing Robben’s suspicious eyes, the old man snorted and explained: “The magic dragon is a very magical creature. It lived on this continent in ancient times, even longer than human history. The body is not strong, but the vitality is slightly tenacious, but the magic dragon will use two kinds of magic, which makes them extinct in the thousands of years, countless ancient creatures, but they have survived. When it is dangerous, the phantom dragon can use magic to make the opponent produce hallucinations. This hallucination is not comparable to the hallucinations made by those crappy wizards on the mainland. This hallucination is called the “mirror of reality.” All of the situation will be fed back to reality, injury, and even death!”

   Luo Ben was horrified! This thing can kill people invisible! Just now, the magic dragon seemed to be about to use some magic on itself, but it was interrupted by the old man!

The old man continued: “And the magic dragon’s second magic is their real magic. Whenever a creature is about to die, the magic dragon can inhale the soul of this creature completely into its own body. At that time, the magic dragon can transform into this kind of creature in a short time, but the overall ability is generally only about 30% of this kind of creature. Every time it absorbs a soul, it will add a color to the eyes according to the soul’s attributes.”

   Robben looked at the brilliant eyes between the opening and closing of the magic dragon’s eyes, and he shuddered in his heart.

   How many souls have been extracted!

   “When she attacked your airship that day, she used an ancient form of a large flying dragon. Maybe it was a soul that existed a long time ago, even I haven’t seen it.”

   “She attacked us, but now you want me to help her find food?” Robben’s face looked bad.

   “She also rescued you. You thought you fell directly with me! She flew back by holding you all the way.”

“I think I want to catch me back to feed its children.” Robben refused to give in. “There is no kindness between us. She attacked me first, even if she wanted to save me later, it would be at best. It’s even, we don’t owe each other!”

   “Why do you pay back the old man my kindness?” The old man gave a sly smile.

   “Uh!” Robben choked.

   “I didn’t intend to live, if you want, I will die if you want!” Robben began to play a rogue.

   “You mean the old man, I’m busy with my work, and I’ve delayed your journey to hell?” The old man asked slowly.


   In any case, Robben couldn’t say such a thing in front of his savior.

   “The world is getting worse!” The old man sighed, but secretly took his eyes to Robben: “Whenever, old man, I can be so cruel and unhelpful.” The old man kept sighing.

   Luo Ben’s heart is clear: Isn’t it just running on himself! It’s just that, after all, people have pulled themselves back from the ghost gate, this kindness is real, and now they are asking for themselves, and it is not too demanding.

Robben turned his head and looked at the magic dragon. This magic dragon seemed to know that Robben was fighting between heaven and humans in his heart, and there was a pleading in his beautiful eyes. Just now, this magic dragon seemed to be fighting and killing himself. Now he is showing a weak side for his children, which can’t help but remind Robben of his elderly parents.

   Well, Robben admits that he is indeed softened.

   “Eh! Good, good! Even for these two poor dragons, I will help this time.”

Perhaps no one realized that in the entire incident, the most important thing was not Robben’s gratitude to the old man, nor the plea of ​​this magic dragon, but–a kind of for these two little magic dragons. Can’t bear it.

Robben, who has experienced life and death, does not despise life. On the contrary, Robben has a kind of respect for life and an extreme desire, but he does not know how to face everything and face his completely distorted life, so Robben is willing Abandoning everything for Metz, who is fighting stubbornly, he also finds a little coordinate and meaning for his life.

   Now, the fate of these two little fantasy dragons is connected with Robben. In any case, Robben does not want them to die for his own reasons.

   “What do you want me to do!? Tell me!” Robben’s heroic face was righteous.

   Seeing Robben’s agreement, the old man opened his eyes and smiled.

   Then, the old man told Robben the whole thing.

It turns out that this magic dragon really does not move on the route from the Vale Alliance to the Caton Empire, as Metz said. This magic dragon has been living with the old man for a long time, most of the time. Sleeping lazily. The old man called this magic dragon “green spirit”

   Not long ago, the green spirit gave birth to two young dragons, and his actions began to change differently.

  Usually, the green spirits don’t eat much, and sometimes they fly out to get some wild fruits and the like to fight the teeth, but after giving birth, the green spirits start to hunt frequently and always bring back some animal corpses.

The old man told Robben that when the magic dragon raised their children, both the mother and the young dragons ate meat, and the young dragons needed a special kind of food to survive. This kind of thing only grows in some extremely cold places. , UU reading www. This thing called uukanshu.com is called ice lotus. It is a kind of strange ice crystal like lotus formed by the precipitation and condensation of the cold air and pure and thin water element of the extremely cold place. Such a harsh growth environment made snowy mountains like the Pasir Mountains the most likely place for ice lotus to grow. The old man suspected that this magic dragon staying here was waiting for the baby dragon to be born.

I don’t know if it was the bad luck of the Green Spirit or the bad luck of Metz’s and Robben. On that day, the Green Spirit didn’t find an ice lotus until late at night, so he could only fly in the snow-capped mountains non-stop, hoping to go back soon as awaiting feeding Young dragons go out to catch prey. Finally, Metz’s airship appeared in the sight of Green Spirit.

   At least fill up your stomach and bring back some food for the children!

   So everything happened naturally.

   The green spirit turned into a huge flying dragon and attacked the airship. In the end, Robben desperately staged an aerial battle with the green spirit and poured all the barrel of poison into the green spirit’s mouth. The wounded green spirit was unable to maintain the magic and was beaten back to its original form, and finally flew back to the old man with Robben, who had lost consciousness.

   I was really caught as food!

It’s just that this magic dragon is a little bit abnormal, it’s a whole big bucket, ordinary monsters will peel off a little bit, let alone spill the poison directly on the wound, and it looks , This magic dragon has nothing to do with it except it seems to be a little weak, it’s just that the vitality is slightly tenacious in the old man’s mouth. It is extremely powerful.

   “Your task is to find ice lotus on the snow mountain!”

   “Huh? What!? Not hunting! But ran to the Snow Mountain to find the ice lotus!?” Robben was the boss with staring eyes.

  God! Are you playing with me again?


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