God Prohibitions

Chapter 6 - Mysterious old man

“Uh!” There was a “chuckle” in his throat, and Robben felt his consciousness return to his head little by little. He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy.

   A soft thing reached Robben’s mouth, and a cool feeling came from his lips.

   is water! Robben felt a burst of hunger and thirst, and opened his mouth eagerly, swallowing all the water sent to his mouth.

   It seems that he is not dead! Damn it, can you not die like this?

   Robben finally opened his eyes laboriously, and a figure swayed in front of him in the blur.

   Is it possible that another beautiful girl rescued herself, and finally fell in love with herself, experienced twists and turns, and ended in tragedy?

   “Huh?” Robben finally saw the person in front of him clearly, and now Robben regrets that he just said that the beautiful girl is terrible.

   There is no beautiful girl in front of her, but she is a dry little old man. It may be the illusion caused by the big bald head on the forehead. Robben felt that this old man had a big forehead, and the hair on the back of the head and sides fell like dry grass. The old man’s face had very wretched little eyes. At this moment, these little eyes were staring at him, and the old man’s face also had an unkind smile on his face. In his split mouth, there were a few jagged yellows. Teeth came out.

To be honest, this look frightened Robben, not only the old man’s length is relatively inferior to the audience, if when you wake up and suddenly find a huge head on the tip of your nose staring at you, let’s No one will be shocked.

   “You’re awake!” Seeing Robben’s opened eyes, the old man spit out three words.

A cold sweat dripped on Robben’s head. Seeing that he was awake, the old man finally raised his head slightly, and stretched the distance between the two from one inch…to one and a half inches, still staring at Robben with a greedy expression. .

   Could it be! Is this old man a legendary cannibal?

   Looking at the old man’s naked and unabashed hopeful gaze…Is it possible that this old man has any bad habits! ?

   Robben didn’t care about the former conjecture, and he killed himself with a great knife.

   But for the next guess, Robben felt a chill, and he couldn’t help looking at the old man with fear!

The old man finally raised his head, his small eyes were squinted into a pair of crescent crescents. If this expression is made by a beautiful woman, it should be a very charming expression, but this old man made it. …

   The world has such a wretched expression!

   The old man touched his bare chin, “Um… weird, but very good, very good!” The old man’s voice sounded old and hoarse. The words seemed very excited.

   Robben felt weak and painful all over, moved his fingers gently, and a tearing pain made Robben’s eye corner muscles jump.

   “If you want to survive, don’t move around. It’s a miracle if you haven’t died yet, eh! It’s great enough for someone to hurt you like this. After drinking the water, let’s lie down today!”

   Robben vaguely saw the old man holding a wide leaf in his hand, thinking that it was the old man who had just filled the leaf with water for himself to drink.

   It seems that this old man is his savior!

The old man no longer knew where he was going. Robben drank some water and his mind became clearer. He didn’t dare to move his neck, he could only stare at himself above him. This seemed to be a simple building made of branches and straw. The roof of the tree house was made of a few rattans, and some leaves were randomly scattered on it. A few ray of light shone through and shone on Robben’s face. There was a morning grass in his nose. Unique fresh taste.

   It turned out that this is the beginning of another “good” day! Robben thought weakly, and soon Robben fainted weakly.

   A chill sensation made Robben awake again, Robben’s dazed feeling that the pain throughout his body has disappeared a little.

   It seems that someone is flipping himself carefully?

   It seems that someone is taking off his clothes?

   Robben suddenly opened his eyes and found that the little old man was raising one of his hands and carefully peeling off his clothes. Robben was frightened.

   The old man really has some special hobbies!

   Luo Ben wanted to scream, but he couldn’t make his voice squeezed in his throat.

   “Well, kid, the capital is good!” The old man pulled off Robben’s pants and said with interest.

   Luo Ben’s heart is sad and angry: God! Do you want to play me to death! ?

   Now I can’t even care about making my eyes suffer from the pain of Venus with a little movement!

   The death is small, but the loss is big! Robben is ready to defend his pure body and spirit.

   Robben gathered the power of his whole body and stood up vigorously—–still lying motionless.

   Seeing the old man raised his hand, Robben felt his breath suffocated, as if he was tightly **** by something.

“It’s easy for you to be an old man and I can save you a dead person? Heal the bones and draw the knife! You are still tossing with me now, young man, why are you so irritable! Old man, I am good at this tune, and I won’t grow like you. Yeah.”

  Roben felt aggrieved, and he was considered handsome among his peers. But since you are not good at this tune, saying that you look like that giant beast, you also recognize it!

The object in the foreground shook for a while, and he fell into a warm liquid with a “puff”. For a moment, Robben felt as if the pores of his whole body were about to open. There was a strange warm feeling. Every inch of skin in his body slowly penetrated in, as if he was slowly communicating with this warm liquid.

   “Let’s soak in it first, old man, I still have a lot to do.” The old man opened the simple wooden door and disappeared outside.

   After the old man went out, Robben began to look at the surrounding environment.

Robben realized that he was actually in a huge flower. A vine that was not very strong was split from the tree house, and the vines covered the floor of the house. This flower grew in the middle of the house. Although the bottom of the flower doesn’t seem to be connected to the vines, Robben is a big living person installed inside, but the flower does not even shake.

   This huge flower is cylindrical, and the flower is filled with a light green liquid. The bubbles above and below Robben’s head are in it, only the head is still exposed outside the flower.

   Although it is very comfortable to soak in it, why is the shape of this flower so much like an insectivorous flower in the original world? And why the petals are slowly closing inward! ? This old man doesn’t want to make himself a flower fertilizer!

   “Is there anyone!? Help!”

   Robben wanted to cry without tears. The original plan was to either “touch” and fall to the ground and break into meatloaf, or be bitten off by the beast with a “click”, and finally thought that he might be broken by a knife. But I never thought I would die like a fly!

   A person can have the courage not to be afraid of death, but you ask him to cut himself a thousand times and cut himself alive, do you think he dares!

Fortunately, the multi-flowered petals were closed to Robben’s neck and he never moved again, and there was no such thing as sticking out spikes or secreting any digestive juices. In the end, Robben felt a little insane and happy. Passed.


Robben is now looking at this little old man with tears in his eyes. The old man has a big head with a big shiny bald head. A pair of small poor eyes are squeezed into the crooked facial features. How do they look wretched. I was wearing a long robe that could not be distinguished from the original color. The sleeves of the robe are no longer known where it was pulled, exposing skinny arms. The corners of the robe are also worn out and unevenly, and the feet are simply Without shoes, just walking around on the ground with a pair of bare feet.

   a savage alive!

   “Can you come out?”

   “No, soak for a while!”

   “It’s been a long time since yesterday!”

   “Yesterday is yesterday, today is today!”

   “How long will it take to soak?”

“a while”

   “That’s what you said just now!”

  Roben has been with this old man for more than half a month. Since the last time Robben woke up, every day, the old man would throw Robben into that strange flower for a period of time.

   Although the liquid in the flower is warm and comfortable, once the petals are closed, the temperature rises sharply, and Robben is burnt red every time.

   And today, the temperature in the flower is surprisingly high, so high that it can burn a dead pig to jump up and escape!

   Just when Robben thought he was going to become a boiled live fish today, “Well, it’s okay, we can come out.” Robben thought this was the most beautiful voice in the world.

The old man beckoned, Robben’s whole body tightened, he was pulled out of the flower by a gentle force, and fell on a pile of hay with a “touch”, and Robben quickly picked up aside himself He put on his clothes. Although now I know that this old man has no bad hobbies, this old man often stares at him and keeps looking at him. The look in his eyes is like a strange uncle seeing little Lolita, and Robben feels naked. I am very insecure…

   The old man came over and squeezed Robben’s arm. This action made Robben get goosebumps. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   “Yes, in less than 10 days, the internal muscles and bones have been injured. It seems that my craftsmanship, old man, is still so exquisite!” The old man said complacently.

   It’s been more than half a month, I can’t count it! Although Robben muttered in his heart, he was really surprised at his recovery speed.

   One hundred days of injury!

   In the original world, if I broke my arm or leg, got a cast, or a cane, it would take a few months to get better. When I first woke up, I felt that my whole body was broken into four or five hundred bones. It is not known how many internal organs and blood vessels were pierced in the body by these broken bones, plus the close-range explosion of the flare. Some of the burns and the knife Mace stuck in Robben’s back have almost healed now. Robben swears by his nearly ten years of medical experience: This is absolutely impossible in the original world.

   Is this old guy a **** of medicine?

   “Since it’s all right, then it’s time to do something, come with me.”

   do business? A big question mark in Robben’s mind.

   You don’t want me to be a hard worker to save me, right?

   Seeing that the old man had already walked out the door, Robben hurriedly followed despite his doubts in his heart.

This is the first time Robben has stepped out of this small tree house. In the past twenty years, the old man has never talked nonsense with Robben. He has come to throw Robben into flowers every day. The rest of the time is the old man’s finger. Pointing, Robben lay upright on the pile of dead grass, unable to move. Even for so many days, Robben had not eaten anything or drank a drop of water. Although his abdomen was empty, he did not feel anything. How hungry, Robben must have thought that something was wrong with him unless he watched his body get better day by day.

   This old man is very mysterious!


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