God Prohibitions

Chapter 5 - Farewell

Robben was betting that the Wind Spirit Scroll was used twice at the same time. Whether the effects could be superimposed, Robben had no idea about this!

If you are unlucky, you can only become a snack in the belly of this giant beast like the two crew members who jumped off the ship before. Maybe you can poison the bucket in your arms when you are eaten. The juice was stuffed into the belly of the giant beast, but Robben didn’t know whether the giant beast poisoned and died first after he was eaten instantaneously, or if it went back first to tear down the airship, even though from his previous experience, this The venom is very toxic, but this behemoth – it seems a bit bigger.

   A narcotic bomb can make people drunk to death, but hitting an elephant does not necessarily have such an effect.

   Although he is still not sure what effect the two-volume spirit spell will have, now Robben knows implicitly that he seems to be right!

   The two previous crew members just jumped off the ship and slowly fell to the ground, but they were holding a heavy wooden barrel but they were blown over the airship by the wind.

   Robben flew up and down in the air with the wind, constantly changing his posture, and felt that he was about to be crushed by the wind blowing from all directions. The violent wind was pushing and tearing himself like countless hands.

Although his body has become lighter several times, his toughness and strength have not been changed accordingly. If he hadn’t been holding a large wooden barrel to fix himself, Robben thought his head had been blown to the heel. .

   If you throw a paper model as big as a person at the height of Robben’s current sky, maybe there will only be a pile of debris left when it falls to the ground.

What made Robben a little bit certain was that he was quickly moving away from the airship, and since jumping out of the airship, Robben couldn’t care if the behemoth could be heard in such an empty sky, or that the behemoth was It’s not that he has hearing, Robben yelled all the way while blowing in the wind trying to attract the attention of this behemoth. Fortunately, this behemoth has been chasing Robben as he wished.

   Crazy roars surrounded Robben. After several ferocious collisions with this huge behemoth, Robben had a bottom in his heart.

With a body as big as this monster, the wind pressure brought by every impact on him is enough to blow the self blessed by the double wind spirit technique into the air, just like grabbing feathers quickly in the air. The same is not easy.

   However, several times the huge body behind the head of the behemoth still had intimate physical contact with Robben, and Robben was dizzy. Now Robben himself does not know how many bones he broke in the collision.

   Robben looked at the dimming magic halo on his body, and couldn’t help but pray in secret: Farther, farther. What Robben is doing now is to fight for the distance between the airship and the airship. The farther away the beast is from the airship, the longer it will take for the poison to attack. With a little difference in time, it may happen. When the beast venom died or the behemoth felt very good, the airship was already shot and crushed. Two results

   The roar of the giant beast was full of irritability and fury, and the impact on Robben became more and more frequent. Robben realized that he had run out of time.

   After a while, the magic halo on Luo himself was slightly invisible. After looking at it, he could only see the outline of the airship from a distance, and Luo Ben felt calm.

   “Die if you die, it’s nothing great, it’s not that you haven’t died, at least you can give people who want to live more opportunities!” Thinking of this, Robben couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride.

A roar of vibrating eardrums came from under his feet again, watching a dark shadow below rapidly enlarge, Robben used both feet, fixed the barrel in his arms, and freed a hand to withdraw. The palm-sized flare.

   “Come on! Come on! Come and eat Laozi!” Robben yelled almost crazy!

   felt a fishy stench and pounced on him! Robben tensed all over, “Let me give you an appetizer first!”

   Robben pressed the ejection mechanism of the flare fiercely, and with a “bang”, a large ball of light slammed downward.

In the dark night, a group of dazzling fire bursts suddenly, and Robben saw a burst of light in front of him rushing towards him. Although he had already prepared to squint his eyes in advance, he still felt that there was a violent burst in his eyes. Robben’s tingling pain, resisting the urge to close his eyes, Robben stared at his front through his fingers.

   Robben wanted to see what this thing that put everyone in desperation looked like.

   Along with the dazzling fire, a terrible roar came from the sky.

   Same as Robben expected: I don’t know what exactly is in front of me. Just two meters below Robben, a huge monster appeared in this dazzling light.

This is a monster with a slightly flat body, covered with thick and thick scales. The two forelimbs are unusually thick, the hind limbs are relatively small, and the wide body trails a long huge tail on the back. With a pair of wide wings that resemble bats, a huge head is screaming crazily with a mouth wide open, and a long tongue is dragging softly out of the mouth!

   Luo Ben felt a horror in his heart. The huge body and hideous face of this behemoth made Robben feel that it was 10,000 times more terrifying than a certain sister on the Internet in the previous life at such a close distance.

Robben’s flare is used to shake the eyes of this monster. Robben feels that no matter how powerful the monster is, the eyes should be fragile. Even if the light of the flare at close range can’t blind the eyes of this monster, but Short-term blindness can always be done. In this way, you can buy some more time for the airship.

Perhaps this time, God really helped Robben. The signal flare was so immortal that it was thrown directly to the mouth of this monster. No matter how hard the skin of the monster is, it is not as hard as in the mouth. This signal is not so much. It dangled the eyes of Warcraft, but it exploded the mouth of Warcraft, and even the tongue was blown off.

   When he looked at the huge blood-filled mouth close at hand, Robben’s heart suddenly brightened! “God! So you have time to help me too!”

   Robben pulled out the wooden peg that locked the barrel! The dark green poison was dragged into the air by the cold wind.

   In the flames that have not yet dissipated, Robben has red eyes, his face is full of madness!

   “Let’s die together!”

   With a loud roar, Robben used all his strength and smashed the barrel of poison that had sealed his throat for the beasts against the huge **** mouth…

   Mace stood on the deck blankly, the bright spot in the sky was getting smaller and smaller, and a huge black shadow kept chasing this little light.

Every time that huge black shadow covers the bright spot, Metz’s heart is twitched. The light in the sky has become weaker and weaker. Now it is almost unclear. The two lines of tears can’t stop smoothly. His face shed.

   In Metz’s memory, I shed more tears one day today than all the days before, all because of the man who is now unaware of life and death.

   Finally, the bright light in the sky completely disappeared in Metz’s eyes, and it hasn’t appeared for a long time…

   “He…is he dead!?”

   Metz felt that something was pulled out of his body for an instant.

   “I owe you decades of life? I just throw away what I don’t want to others. It’s always…it’s so annoying!” Mayes wept bitterly.

   Suddenly, a small sun appeared in the sky, and a cloud of white light blossomed in the sky like a blooming lotus.

   “Ah!” Philip exclaimed, recognizing that his own flare blew up in the sky.

   Metz was startled, and continued ecstasy: He is not dead!

  On the entire ship, only Metz knew that Robben had taken an extra wind spirit scroll, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com also brought a signal bounce from the Metz family and jumped out of the ship.

All the people on the ship looked at the sky in shock. In the white light, the outline of a beast appeared clearly. Accompanied by the sudden flash of light, bursts of miserable howls passed into everyone’s ears. It’s just that the cry is not the thunderous roar that I heard before, but it becomes sharp and harsh. The beast in the sky seems to be enduring some great pain, the body is constantly twisted-deformed?

   Metz opened his mouth and looked at the body of the monster rapidly shrinking to only a small black spot.

   Everything is in an instant.

   The firelight in the sky suddenly appeared, and then disappeared suddenly.

   Except for the icy wind roaring in the night sky, there was no other sound. Everything was calm, as if nothing had happened.

   Metz opened his eyes wide and stared at the emptiness of the night sky. After a long while, he finally got soft and fainted on the deck.

   Robben’s whole body was frozen and stiff, his consciousness was blurred, he could only feel that he was declining rapidly.

   Everything seemed a bit unexpected. Robben’s plan was to first shake the eyes of the behemoth, and then be swallowed by the angry behemoth and the barrel of poison into his stomach, and then he had no choice but to resign. However, the monster seemed to be smashed back to his hometown by a wooden barrel he had imagined, and disappeared without a trace along with the flame.

   I want to come now that the monster is already dead and can’t die anymore, after all, swallowing the toxin into the belly is completely different from the efficiency of directly spraying it on the wound, and I still hit an important part like the head. As for myself, it doesn’t make any difference whether to smash the ground into a pie or become a beast.


bye! this world!


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