God Prohibitions

Chapter 26 - Familiar City

The dude returned in a short while, led Robben and the others into the room, and then quietly retreated.

   The room was clean and tidy. As soon as Sasha entered the room, she plunged her head on the only bed in the room, her face rubbing against the soft bedding, and her expression was so happy and happy.

   After a while, I didn’t take off my clothes and shoes, so I fell asleep on the bed. Listening carefully, there was a faint snoring sound.

   These days, a big man himself is exhausting enough, and such a delicate little girl must have suffered a lot.

Robben gently took off Salsa’s torn boots. After several struggles, he still didn’t take off the girl’s clothes. He straightened Sasha’s body and covered the quilt. Then Robben got out of the bed again. Picked up a quilt and came to the door.

   eh, be a gentleman, anyway, this is much stronger than the wind and sun in the wild, spread the quilt on the spot, Robben lay on it, and fell asleep in a daze for a while.

   At night, Robben was sleeping Zhengxiang. Suddenly he felt someone shaking him gently, slowly opening his eyes, and Sasha was looking at herself with a touch of shame on her delicate face. The chick’s clothes and hair looked a little messy, as if she had just woke up, her cloak had already been thrown aside, under the faint moonlight in the room, her beautiful and enchanting figure in the thin soft armor showed up. Now, Sasha She was resting her hands on the floor and looked at herself sweetly.

   Robben felt his heart start to beat faster. At midnight, a pretty lazy beauty gently awakened you with a shy expression on his face, which could not help but make Robben dream.

   “Roben, the master told me that you can’t let a man touch your body easily!” Robben was fascinated by the red cloud on Sasha’s face.

“I guess you shouldn’t take the initiative to do anything to me!” As she said, Sasha moved her body a little bit again. If Sasha’s posture was not supporting the ground with her arms, she would have been directly pressing on Luo itself. , A virgin Youxiang penetrated Robben’s nostrils.

   “Sa Sa! Is this too fast?” Robben’s throat was dry for a while, and Sa Sha was staring at him with watery eyes.

   “It may be a little painful for a while, but forbearance will pass!” The soft voice made Robben feel that his blood vessels were about to burst.

   “Roben, good night!”

   “Good night? How did it become good night?”

   A small fist of Bai Shengsheng quickly enlarged and enlarged in Robben’s eyes!


   Luo Ben rolled his eyes and fainted.

   “Sleep well, Robben!” Sasha smiled sweetly, as if she hadn’t done anything just now.

In the early morning of the next morning, Robben had a panda eye and had breakfast with Sasha sitting across from him. People who went back and forth saw Robben with a beautiful girl, his face was obviously new hurt, and he couldn’t help but look on his face. Weimei’s pointers.

   Robben is extremely depressed, I don’t want to take advantage of this opportunity, you little girl actually shakes me up and knocks me out and throws me at the door of the room, but lies on the bed and fell asleep! When she asked for a room, this little girl must have made up her mind!


   “What!” Robben said badly.

   “Don’t be so fierce! The master said to be careful with men, especially when sleeping…”

   “Then you just want two rooms and it’s over, you retreat by yourself!” Robben couldn’t help itching his teeth.

   “The money is running out! I only have this left. Those few people are so poor…”

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this. Anyway, we will leave today or tomorrow. It’s great that I slept outside tonight! You locked the door!” Robben was afraid that this chick would think of going out and robbery now, so he stopped. If you live in Salsa.

   The two of them finished their meal, left the inn, and stood on this lively street in the city. Although it was morning, there were already a lot of people on the street.

   “Ah!” With a cheer, Sa Sa ran to a booth, stopped in front of a small cage, and stared at a monster in the cage.

Robben walked over and saw that this monster was not as big as a slap, and several times smaller than the fluffy hair in Sasha’s arms. “Maomao” was the name that Shasha gave to Xiaolong, because… Robben didn’t know why. What, the thin scales on the whole body of the little magic dragon, there is not a single hair…Anyway, Robben has never named the little dragon. Every day, Sasha calls “Maomao” and “Maomao”. Now I am used to it, maybe Salsa prefers furry animals.

   This beast, small enough to stand on a human hand, has a clean and shiny short hair. The whole body is round and bright. The two small black eyes are very clever and look very cute. Robben felt a bit like a guinea pig, but the little thing seemed to be afraid of people. He was hiding in the corner of the cage shivering in horror.

   Robben sighed. Yesterday there were so many monsters on the street and I didn’t see any reaction from you. I just stared at one as soon as I went out today. After eating and sleeping, this little girl is completely another person!

“This lady, you really have a vision, this was just caught from the mountain today, and no one asked the price…” Robben didn’t listen to the boss’s words. This little girl must have no money to buy it. Now I can only watch dry addiction.

“Huh? Boss! Are you sick of the beast? Why doesn’t it look right!” Sasha asked in a puzzled way. Sure enough, Robben saw the black and bright small eyes of the beast in the cage quickly. Losing her brilliance, her body was lying motionless in the corner of the cage, and it seemed that she was trembling from fear and disappeared.

“Oh! My money!” The boss of the beast seller glanced at the cage as if he was bitten by a cat. “What are you doing in a daze? Why don’t you go find a doctor for me! Tell you idiots to be careful. They are all pigs. Can’t remember? You know how much I’m going to pay if I hurt this thing!?” The boss furiously, pointed at a guy at the stall and yelled at him. The guy didn’t dare to fight back. He immediately got up and mixed into the crowd and disappeared. I went to find that doctor.

“Hehe, I told you to laugh, they are all vulgar people,” the boss turned his head and immediately put on a smiling face, “I still have the one I just captured…Eh! Don’t go! I’ll give you a 20% discount! Look again!”

   Robben pulled up Sasha and left the stall. Today, I mainly came out to buy some dry food that can be put on the road. By the way, to find out where it is, there is really no time to spend on these meaningless things.

  Neither Robben nor Sasha noticed, there was a faint dim light in Mao Mao’s eyes.

   After walking a few times in the crowd, and sending away a few people who wanted to buy Mao Mao, Robben finally knew what place it was. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com seems that Goddess of Luck has not yet discovered herself as a “black household” who had smuggled from another world. This small city is not in the Vale Alliance at all, but is located on the border of the Caton Empire, almost the most remote city in the empire. After spending the boss’s efforts, he still took the wrong path. It seemed that he could only continue to go inside the empire, find a larger city and return to the Vale Alliance by airship.

Robben also learned that the reason why there is a small city in such a remote place, and the empire has officially sent officials and soldiers to garrison it, because the mountains around this small city produce various pet-type monsters. When I discovered this mountain range, only twos and threes of gold prospectors came here, but with the rapid increase in popularity of these familiars in the empire, more and more people flocked here, stationed here, and even some large consortia sent special The team came here to operate the magic pet business. After all this, the small town has the scale of today.

This is a city purely for trading. The resident population is only one-tenth of the floating population. Every day, almost all people do business on this wide and exaggerated street. As for the tall and tall outside of the small city The city wall is just in case. Once any large monsters appear here, it can be resisted. Because the city is too small, it can even be said to be a big town. There are not many guards here, and the city wall looks very It is necessary.

Robben Sasa went around a few times and bought some traveler’s dry food for emergency needs. Among them, it was inevitable that Sasa would linger in front of all kinds of cute pets. Robben almost entrusted Sasa from one stall to another along the way. In a booth, two people were busy with their own affairs, but the mysterious light that had been quietly radiating in Mao Mao’s eyes was not noticed by the two people from beginning to end.


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