God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1101 Back in time 33

After receiving the police call from Ningmeng, the police also felt unbelievable.

Three big men kidnapped a girl, and she was actually killed by the girl.

But after hearing Ningmeng said that she only controlled one of them, the police suddenly became anxious again.

After the technicians determined the location of Ningmeng, they immediately sent someone to rescue and support.

However, after hearing Ningmeng’s name, why are you so familiar?

Ningmeng, a 16-year-old high school student from Beijing…

Suddenly, the police had an inspiration, and turned out the information passed from the Beijing Police Station a few days earlier. The name of one of the missing persons in the information seemed to be Ningmeng!

This name is rare, and the age and address are all right.

The police did not call back Ningmeng’s cell phone, but made a call to inform the people in Beijing.

Five days ago, the Beijing city issued an emergency notice to police stations across the country, so that everyone must pay attention to the recent cases of abduction and kidnapping.

Now is the information age that is developing so rapidly that police stations across the country know that two outstanding young people have disappeared.

The Beijing police station searched for a few days, and it was initially suspected that Shu Xuewen and Qi Han did the hands, but there was no evidence. When suddenly received a call from the Guang’an District Police Station, even if there was no 100% confirmation, it was enough. Let the Beijing Police Department excited.

The words are divided into two ends.

After Ningmeng hung up the call with the Guang’an District Police Station, she turned her mobile phone on silent.

She took a look out of the window and saw that the two had not yet returned. Ningmeng moved her body a little in the carriage, and then took out the long stick that she had left out of the system space.

Ningmeng pushed the door and got out of the car, using the body to hide her figure.

After a while, the two men returned after fetching water.

They didn’t notice the lemon cute hidden on the other side of the car.

One of them was in the passenger seat and the other in the driver’s seat.

Ningmeng waited on the spot until the bearded man sitting in the co-pilot walked around the body. Ningmeng, who had been crouching, stood up and hit him with the stick in his turn.

Hit with one blow.

The 1.9-meter man fell directly to the ground limply.

This sound alarmed the dark-skinned man who was planning to get in the car. He looked at Ningmeng with a startled expression: “How did you get out?!”

He immediately glanced into the car.

However, the windows of the car are closed, and people cannot see the inside from the outside.

But the man also knew that since Ningmeng was able to run out, then the youngest must be in an accident.

He was shocked for a moment, then dropped the water in his hand, and walked towards Ningmeng with a fierce look.

Although three people were brought down by Ningmeng, the man didn’t put Ningmeng in his eyes.

Ningmeng was drugged and hadn’t eaten for a few days. It was her limit to be able to knock down two men while they were not paying attention.

He didn’t think that Ningmeng still had the strength to beat him.

Moreover, if Ningmeng ran out, the consequences would be disastrous!

The man rushed towards Ningmeng with a grim look.

He ignored that people who haven’t eaten for a few days will not be full of anger at a glance like Ningmeng.

Moreover, the tall and mighty physique of the bearded man just now, even if he didn’t pay attention, few ordinary people could kill him in one blow.

All this shows that Ning Meng is not easy.

But he ignored it.

So, looking at the head of the person rushing towards him, Ningmeng didn’t change her face, she still went on with a stick.

Seeing the two who fell on the ground and passed out, Ningmeng took out a rope to tie them up with disgust, and then threw them into the car.

It is no exaggeration to say that they were lost. The two strong men of 1.8 meters tall were directly lifted by Ning Meng with one hand, as if carrying a small packet of snacks, easily.

If others see it, the eyeballs may fall to the ground in shock.

When the police rushed to the scene, what they saw was the scene of Ning Meng sitting leisurely on a rock by the roadside and basking in the sun.

And the three criminals were all **** in the car by Ning Meng.

The police immediately looked at Ning Meng first.

After confirming the identity of Ningmeng and knowing that she was the person the Beijing Police Department had been looking for, everyone became even more excited. They immediately contacted the Beijing Police Department and told them the good news.

When I received a call from the Guang’an Police Station, the Beijing Police Station had been waiting for follow-ups. After hearing the good news, they looked very excited. They immediately said that they would send someone over to pick up Ningmeng, and the Guang’an Police Station also said They will send someone to personally send Ningmeng back safely.

But Ningmeng refused.

She still doesn’t want to return to Beijing now.

Ningmeng said what she had heard from these men in the car these days.

Everyone was shocked and angry.

However, this kind of human trafficking is either not detected, and once detected, it will definitely involve a litter.

Even if Ningmeng doesn’t say anything, the Guang’an Police Department will conduct a severe interrogation of the three.

Then they did not approve of Ningmeng’s participation.

Although this kind of thing is glorious, the danger is self-evident.

However, after Ningmeng raised his hand and threw down ten police officers, everyone stopped talking.

And Ningmeng also said that even if everyone didn’t take her, she would secretly follow up by herself.

This makes the police officers have no choice but to compromise.

The police in Beijing also talked to Ningmeng on the phone. When they knew Ningmeng’s thoughts, they also disagree, but they couldn’t hold back the emperor.

And after hearing that this might be a huge kidnapping and trafficking incident, everyone’s heart was raised.

Ningmeng told the police officers of Beijing that she was drugged and sacked that day. At the same time, they didn’t think that they would be surprised. At least, she had to wait for her to rescue the trafficked people before they searched the Qi and Jiang family.

Of course, the Beijing police officer knew the seriousness of this incident and immediately said that all actions were in cooperation with Ning Meng.

Ningmeng hung up the phone contentedly after making them pay more attention to Qijia Hospital.

When the three men woke up and found that they were tied up, they knew they were going to suffer.

Facing the police’s interrogation, they were still stiff and refused to say anything.

But when Ningmeng threw a few pills in their mouths, making them uncontrollable itchy all over, as if there were countless bugs crawling in their bodies, and their hands and feet were still restricted from moving at all, they finally cried.

After several tossings, several people confessed their crimes painfully.

Not only did they lead the police and Ningmeng to find the Xinghua Village with the largest purchase of the population, but they were also forced to cooperate with the police and contact other people who also worked on this line, and then the police officers came forward to kill them all.

It was late at night when the police were dispatched.

When the masters of Qi and Jiang’s family were still meeting with Zhou Gong, all the criminals who abducted people had been arrested.

Afterwards, the police officers who had endured for a long time here in Beijing dispatched with full authority to arrest Shu Xuewen, Qi Han, Jiang Haitong, Jiang Haipeng and others.

Qiyu was also found by the police.

When he was found, he was just pushed into the operating room, and Qi Hao was also pushing into the operating room together.

Because Qi Hao couldn’t wait any longer.

Watching Qi Yu being locked up in the hospital but unable to undergo surgery, this day by day, wasting Qi Hao’s patience.

If Qi Yu hadn’t found it before, Qi Hao could bear it.

But when he found it back and was imprisoned, a bright and delicious fruit dangling in front of his eyes, how could he bear it!

And Qi Hao also had a pit in his head.

He probably knew that the situation was tight now, and Shu Xuewen and Qi Han would not agree to operate on him now, so he directly threatened the attending doctor and nurses and forced them to operate on him.

Both the doctors and nurses participated in the imprisonment of Qi Yu, and there were a lot of handles in the hands of Qi Han and Shu Xuewen before.

In addition, both Qi Yu and Qi Hao are currently in physical conditions suitable for surgery, so in the middle of the night, when the wind is high, everyone secretly moved.

Originally thought that he would not be discovered, but he was caught by the police.

Qi Yu was rescued, and Qi Hao, the attending doctor and related personnel were all taken away by the police.

Within two hours of their arrest, some netizens broke the news that the Qi and Jiang family were arrested by the police.

How did the two families of Qi and Jiang say they are also one of the major business giants in Beijing.

Regarding the two presidents, they are still very hotly discussed.

The industries of the two families of Qi and Jiang are also very extensive, and they are no strangers to the people.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered heated discussions among netizens.

“Really? The arrest in the middle of the night is still the two presidents, which is a bit imaginative.”

“What are the people upstairs talking about? It’s not just the two of them, the whole family has gone in!”

“Could it be tax evasion? But it’s impossible for the whole family to go in for tax evasion.”

“It’s true that all the two families went in! My uncle went to work at the police station. Last week, I watched him busy all day. I heard that he was sleeping in the police station these days. I heard that there was a major incident. ”

“Get out of the way! The representative of this class has come to popular science for you. The latest news, the two giants of the Qi family who made water heaters and the Jiang family who made toilets are indeed arrested. It is not a simple tax evasion, but a person Disgusting kidnapping|Trafficking|Illegal theft of human organs!”

“What?? What are you talking about on the 488th floor? Rich capitalists don’t want to spend money, but they want to do such illegal activities?”

“Yeah, you have delusions on the 488th floor. No matter which one of these behaviors is pulled out, it is a heinous crime. The rich are stupid to put good money without spending, and they have to do these illegal things.”

Many people saw the comments on the 488th floor and expressed their disbelief. Although they like to eat melons and watch the excitement, it does not mean that they have no ordinary people’s IQ.

After watching the 488th floor without reply for more than ten minutes, everyone immediately left her behind.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, the 488th floor was back.

And she came back with sufficient information and evidence. .

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