God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1079 Back in time 11

Everyone looked at the two with hot eyes.

After Liu Xiao just broke the news, the identities of the two people in front of them were almost revealed.

And the class teacher did not disappoint, standing on the podium and said: “These are the two new classmates who joined our class today, Qi Yu and Ningmeng. Then they will spend the last semester of high school together with everyone, everyone is welcome.”

There was a burst of warm applause in the class.

The head teacher said: “Ningmeng, Qi Yu, you take the two positions in the back first, and when the get out of class is over, I’ll see which classmate I change with, okay?”

“Yes. But we both have good eyesight. Let’s sit in the back.” Ningmeng smiled lightly and sat with Qi Yu in the last two empty seats.

The senior year of high school was tense in school. After Ningmeng and Qi Yu sat down, the head teacher began to give lectures.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu were sitting in the last row. Ningmeng opened the book and glanced around in the class. She immediately collided with many classmates who looked back and peeked at her and Qi Yu.

Ningmeng’s eyes were calm, but it was the other classmates. After all, they had never set foot in society, and their skin was still very thin. After being discovered by Ningmeng, they immediately turned their heads and stopped looking back.

Ningmeng hasn’t been attending a class in school for a long time, and suddenly seeing everyone’s sour reaction, feels funny inexplicably, the corners of her lips can’t help but rise slightly.

Qi Yu sat next to her, noticed her emotional changes, and squeezed Ningmeng’s hand under the desk.

Ningmeng turned her head to face Qi Yu with a smile.

In fact, it is almost the same as it was spread outside. Ningmeng and Qi Yu have already completed their three-year high school courses by themselves, and can skip a grade to take the college entrance examination at any time.

It’s just that the two didn’t want to be too high-profile, so they negotiated with the school.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu had experienced too many lives in other planes before, and they had too much experience, although there may still be some areas, they did not have any contact and did not understand.

But in those fields that the two have come into contact with, whether it is Ningmeng or Qi Yu, the knowledge in their minds is already considered to be the best in the industry.

So even if the two are worthy of adulthood, they have not taken a lot of private actions in these years.

Although they took root in the orphanage after coming to the magic city, they also did a lot of important things anonymously.

There are many vests on the two of them, and just throwing them out for a minute can cause turbulence in the headlines.

Moreover, whether it is Qiyu or Ningmeng, the property and real estate under their names are endless.

The brilliance in the dark is enough, there is no need for superficial glory to contribute.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu sat in the classroom and listened to four classes.

Fuhua No. 1 Middle School is worthy of being one of the most famous middle schools in the city. Every teacher has his own unique way of teaching, and it is easy to put students into a state of seriousness and concentration.

Even if Ningmeng has figured out the knowledge in the books, she can’t help but be attracted by the teachers’ lively and interesting teaching methods.

The whole morning passed quickly.

When the bell rang at the end of the fourth get out of class, the teacher walked away, and the students ran out of the classroom with cheers on their back feet.

Ningmeng leaned close to Qiyu and asked in a low voice, “Host, where are we going to eat?”

“Where do you want to eat?” Qi Yu sat upright, and the whole morning passed, his back was as straight as a pine and cypress, and his expression was cold and distant. Only a single look made those who wanted to come forward to talk to them. The classmates were forced to retreat three meters away.

“I wanted to go to the cafeteria, but there should be a lot of people. Let’s go out to eat.” Ning Meng suggested.

“Good.” Qi Yu nodded slightly.

The two got up from their seats and walked out of the classroom together.

No matter how low-key Qi Yu and Ningmeng are, they are still different from ordinary people.

There are many students who come and go down the teaching building, even if they are all dressed in uniforms, two of them are particularly outstanding among a group of energetic students.

A group of male classmates pass by the playground. They are dressed up in trendy and fashionable clothes, and they look like rich children.

One of the boys turned his head, glanced across the crowd inadvertently, and suddenly exclaimed: “Fuck! Fuck! Look! Is that a little fairy? It’s too good to see!” Dong Haoran Raised his hand and pointed.

The male classmates beside him all turned to look around.

Almost effortlessly, everyone’s eyes focused on Ningmeng’s white and delicate face.

“Ah, when did the school come to such a little fairy? This is a hundred times better than Jiang Xiaohua.”

“Should you learn to dance? I feel very temperamental, and I have a good body.”

Pingze on one side listened, and his expression was a little speechless: “You only noticed that one? Didn’t you see another flower protector next to them?”

Everyone shifted their eyes and finally saw the person next to Ningmeng, Qiyu walking next to her.

It’s not that Qiyu’s presence is too low, but because of the direction and angle of everyone’s standing.

Looking from their direction, Ningmeng was walking on the outside, and Qi Yu was on the inside.

And after seeing Ningmeng, they only stared at Ningmeng’s face and figure, so they subconsciously ignored the Qi Yu next to Ningmeng.

After seeing Qiyu, several wealthy young masters immediately noticed this person’s pure and precious temperament, which was not easy to provoke at first glance.

Dong Haoran sighed, “Hey, I thought I was lucky today! Unlucky.”

The boy who has been staring at Ningmeng next to him has gloomy brows and a sickly pale face. After hearing Dong Haoran’s words, he frowned and said, “It doesn’t have to be a couple, but it may be a brother and sister.”

It’s just that he didn’t speak loudly, and another person next to him suddenly exclaimed and directly covered his voice: “Fuck! I seem to have guessed who they are!”

“Who? Why didn’t I see it?” Dong Haoran started talking, and everyone looked at the person who spoke.

Seeing that what he said was ignored, Qi Hao looked a little unhappy, his eyes darkened.

The person who was talking suddenly and lying down was Shen Yunkai, the young master of the Shen family. He smiled and said, “Learning God! I didn’t tell you in the morning that the two legendary Xueshen came back to class. But you These pigs just play games and ignore me one by one.”

Dong Haoran’s eyes widened: “It turns out that it was the two of them! Even if they have good grades, they are actually so good, so there is no reason for them.”

They are a group of rich second generations from well-off families. They are born with wealth that ordinary people don’t have, so they don’t pay much attention to learning.

The student aura does not attract them.

Pingze looked playfully: “Tsk, look at the manners of the two, but they don’t seem to have come out of an orphanage at all.”

Dong Haoran asked, “What are their names?”

Shen Yunkai: “Qiyu, Ning Meng.”

“Ningmeng? There is also the last name of Ning? But the last name is Qi, Qi Hao, does that person have any relatives with you?” Dong Haoran turned his head to face the pale boy next to him, jokingly.

“Impossible.” Qi Hao frowned, his tone unhappy: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Yes, I’m just kidding.” Dong Haoran didn’t mind Qi Hao’s attitude, and laughed: “Are you hungry, walk around, this young master will have dinner today!”

A group of rich young masters walked toward the school gate mightily.

They were walking fast, and they happened to meet Ningmeng and Qi Yu at the school gate.

Dong Haoran liked the appearance of Ningmeng, deliberately slowed down and landed on the side of her little partner. From time to time, she raised her head and glanced at Ningmeng.

Ningmeng had actually noticed their gazes a long time ago, but never paid attention to it.

After all, there are too many people peeking at Ningmeng and Qi Yu today.

It just scans so casually. When she glanced at one of these people, Ningmeng was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously turned her head to look at Qiyu next to her.

When Qi Yu walked, his eyes were not squinted, his expression was as cold as usual, and Ningmeng couldn’t figure out whether he saw it.

Until everyone walked out of the school gate and turned in two different directions to separate, Ningmeng touched Qi Yu with an elbow: “Host, did you just see it?”

Ningmeng didn’t name her, but Qi Yu knew who she was talking about—the second young master of the Qi family, Qi Hao.


Qi Yu responded.

Just now when Dong Haoran and the others were still on the playground, Qi Yu noticed them. After all, they looked at Ningmeng with such blatant eyes.

Then Qi Yu also found Qi Hao, who was living among these wealthy young masters.

Qi Yu’s reaction was dull, and Ningmeng bit her lip, a little bit unsure of Qi Yu’s thoughts.

When binding with Qiyu, Ningmeng had seen the final outcome of Qiyu.

Qi Yu died on the operating table, his intact organs were replaced with Qi Hao’s body, and then abandoned by the Qi family in the wilderness, his whole body rotted and covered with maggots.

Although Ningmeng and Qi Yu were bound, Qi Yu had not yet fallen to that point.

But before meeting Ningmeng, Qi Yu had been imprisoned by the Qi family to draw blood for many years.

Ningmeng has never forgotten the hostile appearance of Qi Yu when she first met Qi Yu.

If he doesn’t hate the Qi family in his heart, it should be impossible.

However, after the two returned to this world, Qi Yu has never taken any action against the Qi family.

In the previous years, Ningmeng could say that Qi Yu was forbearing and strengthening his strength and bargaining chips.

But now, although the Qi family is well-known in the magic capital, the industry under the name of Qiyu is no less than that of the Qi family, and its influence is not less than that of the Qi family.

However, he has never taken any action against the Qi family, only sending people to pay attention to the Qi family’s movements.

This makes Ning Meng puzzled.

If it hadn’t been known that Qi Yu had his own ideas, Ningmeng would have to help him solve the Qi family.

“No hurry, let’s take it slowly.” As if knowing Ningmeng’s mind, Qi Yu grasped Ningmeng’s hand tightly, and said softly.

“Okay!” Ningmeng smiled suddenly, as long as Qi Yu had a plan in her heart, she would be relieved.

Qi Yu raised his head and stared ahead, and there was no emotion in his dark eyes.

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