Go Alone

Chapter 914

Chapter 892 Pangu Legend

“A legendary taboo is naturally terrifying!” said the sloppy old man.

“Legend taboo?” Ye Yu asked without understanding.

“There is a legend in this world called Pangu, the world!”

The words of the sloppy old man made Ye Yu a little startled, thinking that the other party actually knew the legend, who was this old man? Was he born in this world too?

“Have you really heard of it?” Seeing Ye Yu’s appearance, the sloppy old man was slightly startled, thinking how it was possible. He only learned about it by chance.

Ye Yu didn’t answer his question, but asked: “Does this have anything to do with Pangu’s creation?”

“The world derives from chaos and then returns to chaos. This is a reincarnation!” The sloppy old man looked at Ye Yu and said, “But in this world, there are always people who want to cut this reincarnation! They want to live forever in the world!”

“Are you talking about those taboo strong men who devour the world?” Ye Yu asked the sloppy old man.

“It seems that you know a lot!” The sloppy old man continued, “It’s just that this is a way. And it’s a way that hurts others and benefits oneself. Those taboos are said to be the supreme supreme, but their hands are covered with them. Countless blood. One world after another is destroyed because of them.

This is a taboo strong man on an evil road, but the supreme supreme is also classified. For example, some strong taboos are waiting for reincarnation to return to chaos, such as some strong taboos who guard the world and conquer the world. And some taboo strong, unwilling to return to the world, and don’t want to be evil, choose a way to defeat the chaos. ”

“The taboo strong man in this world chose such a path at the beginning. He has great boldness and fearlessness. He is the strongest existence of heaven and earth.”

When the old man talked about this taboo strong man, he was full of admiration and awe.

Seeing that Ye Yu hadn’t answered, he continued: “This one is the prototype of the legendary Pangu Kaitian. It is said that this world has come to an end after countless years.

Chaos began to swallow this world, and soon this world reached its end and was swallowed by Chaos.

But this taboo strong man was not reconciled, he chose to reopen the world when the whole world was about to be swallowed.

Yes, he chose to reopen the world and embarked on a path that no one can imagine.

With supreme mana, he began to open the sky.

At that time, everyone thought that he would definitely not be able to do it, and he would definitely be swallowed by chaos. The world he is in has been swallowed, he is the taboo powerhouse in this world, and he must be swallowed too.

But no one thought that he was strong enough to make everyone desperate. Because he really split the chaos and reopened the world.

This world is the world you see. This world has even become the most expansive world in the chaos.

No one can imagine how powerful mana can do this. A world that had been swallowed was actually resurrected by him again, and it has grown countless times.

It’s just a pity that he reopened the world, but because of exhaustion, he did not resist the chaos and was eventually swallowed by the chaos. ”

Speaking of this, the sloppy old man regretted it and said, “It would be nice if he hadn’t opened such a big world. If he only opened halfway, he might be able to survive, but even so, it is the most vast and boundless in the chaos. The world. He just created a miracle, and can open up the world, then he can really cut the reincarnation and no longer be trapped by the chaos.”

The sloppy old man sighed: “Can you imagine? What a existence it is to open the sky in the chaos! The imagination is terrifying, I really want to see this great man back then!”

Ye Yu looked strange, although he couldn’t compare to the one he was sighing about. But after all, the sky is open. Is this his idol?

“Does this have anything to do with the Tao here?” Ye Yu asked.

“The moon and the earth in front of him are the only ones left behind by the chaos swallowed up by the world. They are the core of that world! After his death, the whole Tao is completely attached to the moon and the earth. In other words, it is the core of protecting this world. Right.”

Ye Yu thoughtfully, wondering if this is the guardian of a taboo strong man?

“This planet is not just that there are no strong taboos. I am afraid that there are no people who can practice. This world does not even have strong ones that can be guarded. When facing such a vast world, those taboos are not moved? Don’t swallow it?” Ye Yu asked.

“This requires their eloquence. Since it is the world he opened up, how can he not have the means? This world is different from the chaotic world, and this world is full of his breath of heaven. The essence of this world is naturally The strong taboo is longing for, but it is also a poison.”

“Swallowing these essences of the world is also swallowing the breath of the forbidden strong man to open the sky. These breaths impact, that is, poison enters the body. It is difficult to say that the benefits are more than toxins!”

“But with the horror of that person, it must be a lot of toxins for those taboo strong men who devour the world!” The sloppy old man said this, and exclaimed, “Life should be like this, no one would dare to treat him after death. The guarded world starts with a peaceful atmosphere, where, like other worlds, there are constant fights, internal and external troubles!”

Ye Yu thought of the legend of Pangu opening the sky, wondering if the true origin of this legend is like this?

Ye Yu took a deep breath and looked into the distance.

His parents are close at hand, but now he can’t go back. Ye Yu was born in this world, but he felt that from the moment he practiced, he was abandoned by this world.

“Can’t practice here?” Ye Yu asked.

The sloppy old man said: “With his Dao suppressed, who else can practice? His Dao is enough to suppress everything. Unless you can beat him, how else can you practice?”

“Is there really no way to get in?” Ye Yu asked.

“Unless he is not weaker than his Dao, it is possible to enter, otherwise there will be a taboo strong coming.” The sloppy old man said, “An ancestor who can give birth to the existence of such a big world as chaos, who doesn’t want to go up. At a glance. However, no one has been able to enter so far.”

Ye Yu felt the Tao in it. He was extremely unwilling. His parents were right in front of him. He wanted to see them very much. He tried his best to cross the starry sky. By coincidence, crossing the chaos to come here, can you wait for despair?

The sloppy old man asked Ye Yu: “Who are you? The fire heir to the Withered World?”

Ye Yu didn’t answer, but looked at the old man and asked: “Then who are you? The Yuwei who can walk here and hold it here should be an ancient emperor?”

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