Go Alone

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Ye Yumengchen

Zhao Zhijie arranged the best room for him and Xue Yan, and Xue Yan habitually nestled on Ye Yu. These days, the black thunder in his body was affected by Ye Yu’s breath and weakened by a little.

Seeing Ye Yu looking at the Yushu combat skills, she said, “The most important thing in practicing combat skills is to evolve the rhyme in it. The rhyme evolves, and everything will come naturally.”

“Rhyme?” Ye Yu looked at Xueyan, her eyes were unusually charming, and her skin was as soft as fat, and it was eye-catching.

“One way of practicing is to cultivate the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Whether it is practice exercises, combat techniques, or other secret cultivation techniques, they are essentially intercepting the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. The reason why combat skills are powerful is that they intercept part of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. So it can evolve the charm of heaven and earth and show great power. Therefore, if you practice combat skills, you can’t understand the rhymes contained in it. Even if you learn the moves, it will only be in vain.”

Speaking of this, Xueyan paused and continued: “What’s more, it is difficult to evolve his moves without realizing the rhyme. This is a complementary process!”

Ye Yu looked at the flowing rhyme of the jade book, and the palm prints appeared in the flowing rhyme of the jade. The palm prints were mysterious and complicated.

“Practicing combat skills is a long-term process. Although Huang Pin combat skills are the most superficial and the worst in intercepting the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it contains the rhyme of Dao Dao after all, and you have the spiritual realm. It is very difficult to practice!” Xueyan Remind Ye Yu.

“How long will it take you to practice?” Ye Yu asked Xueyan.

Xueyan smiled and said: “If I am not self-proclaimed, the strength is still there. Huang Pin combat skills can be learned by flipping hands. A person with a high enough level himself intercepts the deep avenues of heaven and earth. The simple rhyme of Huang Pin combat skills is naturally handy. . But you are different. The Yunling Realm is not even included in the gate of cultivation, so it is naturally very difficult to cultivate combat skills.”

“I heard it, you are mocking me for being weak!” Ye Yu looked at Xueyan.

Xueyan giggled, her mature body was vividly highlighted and **** and sultry: “Don’t you think you are strong.”

Ye Yu ignored Xueyan, his eyes immersed in the jade book, the rhyme of the jade book was flowing, and palm prints were constantly flashing. Ye Yu stared at the palm print, his hands constantly changing and imitating the palm print.

Xueyan looked at Ye Yu like this, and smiled and said nothing. The yellow-level combat skills are still too advanced for Ye Yu. If he reaches the spiritual realm, it will be relatively easy to cultivate.

Ye Yu’s mind was immersed in the jade book, his palms were constantly changing, and the power in his body was also running, turning his body with good fortune. Ye Yu only felt that his mind was clear and his body and mind were empty, and only the palm prints in the jade book were left in his eyes.

But Ye Yu was extremely surprised that the palm prints at this time were different from just now. The palm prints he saw at this time were clear and simple, without the cumbersome and mysterious before. Soon Ye Yu discovered that it was not that the palm print was simpler, but that he could see it more clearly. These simple palm prints are combined together, and finally become mysterious and complex palm prints.

The palm print seemed to be broken down, a complex and mysterious palm print turned into dozens of simple and clear palm prints.

Ye Yu’s heart shook, thinking that all of this only appeared after the operation of the Good Fortune Decision, and the palm print was broken down under the Good Fortune Decision. This… What good fortune actually has this kind of weirdness?

Ye Yu was immersed in it, and the simple palm prints were naturally simple to understand, and he had a faint understanding in his heart.

Xueyan watched Ye Yu completely immersed in the jade book, and smiled and reminded: “Cultivate a path, don’t force it, it will easily hurt the soul. Combat skills are not achieved overnight, it takes time and slowly…”

It was just that Xue Yan’s words came to an end quickly, and she stared at Ye Yu in disbelief.

In Ye Yu’s palm, a series of runes appeared. These runes were intertwined and had a strange Dao rhyme. Dao rhyme covered Ye Yu’s palm. Between Ye Yu’s palms, a flame-like aura appeared.

Ye Yu sat there cross-legged, palms constantly churning. The palm prints he made became more and more mysterious and more and more, and in his palm, more and more runes were also condensed, the rhyme of Taoism flowed in it, and between the tumbling, there were waves tumbling.

“Let’s palm!”

Xueyan felt dry and dry, and stared blankly at the palm prints that emerged.

He is only the initial stage of the Spirit Realm, why can he realize the palm of the storm in an instant. This is a combat technique that intercepts the rhyme of the Great Dao, and it is a set of extremely advanced combat techniques compared to the Yunling Realm.

Even if she was in the Yun Ling Realm, she would definitely not be able to cultivate a set of Huang Pin combat skills so quickly.

“What is his origin?”

Xueyan felt that Ye Yu was more and more weird, not afraid of the Nine Profound Yin Lightning, which was enough to shake one party, and then resonated with the spiritual energy of the heavens and earth to completeness, and now he can cultivate Huangpin combat skills in a single thought. This is simply incredible!

“So many strange things, only one explanation can make sense, and that is his physique!”

Xue Yan thought of a possibility that made him horrified, could it be that Ye Yu is a flawless fairy. But… even if it is a flawless immortal body, it is impossible not to fear the Nine Profound Yin Lightning!

Xue Yan stared at Ye Yu. Ye Yu had already entered the country at this time and was completely immersed in the practice. He found that the operation of the good fortune jue practice became more and more handy, and the palm prints were constantly churning out in his hands.

“If it’s just an extraordinary physique, he should be dazzling, and he will never look like an ordinary person! Like a nine-sun Taoist body, standing there like a blazing sun; like an immaculate body, standing there surrounded by a ring of gods, Dao Yun is entangled and does not touch the mortal dust.” Xueyan muttered, “Unless it is, he is covered in dust.”

Xueyan guessed that there was only one result, just like her, at this time, self-proclaimed herself was also covered in dust, so her vision was not obvious.

“If he is covered in dust, then the dust needs to be washed off.” Xueyan looked at Ye Yu, “Washing the marrow realm can sweep away the dust on the pearl, so that the pearl will regain its brilliance!”

Xueyan couldn’t help being excited and looking forward to this thought. What a terrifying physique that can be fearless of the Nine Profound Yin Lightning and cultivate combat skills with one thought.

Is this a physique beyond the supreme immortal body? So what kind of physique is this?

Xue Yan stared at Ye Yu, only hoping that he would reach the marrow-washing realm now and help her solve the mystery. Because even the extremely high-ranking physiques such as Innate Dao Body, Wild Ancient Body, and Primitive War Body, she had never heard of this ability.

Ye Yu was immersed in it, Xue Yan looked at Ye Yu scorchingly: You reach the marrow-washing state as soon as possible, let me see what kind of physique you are, it is so extraordinary.

Ye Yu didn’t know what Xueyan was thinking. He was immersed in the practice at this time, and the good fortune was moving faster and faster, his head became clearer and clearer, and palm prints continued to be punched out between the flips of his palms.

Outside the cabin, there were three people in night clothes at this time, and they slowly approached the positions of Ye Yu and Xueyan.

“Two Yun Lingjing Xiaocheng plus me are enough to kill that kid easily. But you can’t hurt that woman!” One of them stared fiercely at the cabin where Ye Yu was, his eyes full of licentious thoughts.

“Don’t worry, Shao Wang, that kid is just trying to force me. This time the two of us will be enough to clean up him, but Shao Wang will play with that woman!” A burly man beside him smiled.

“Quick battle!”

The three went straight to Ye Yu’s cabin.

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