Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 416

Vol 12 Chapter 12: Trial Of The Master

“That is to say, once all the conditions are met, the person who holds the title of No. 1 player will go through the trial of the controller, and it will continue indefinitely until he succeeds,” Lu Feng said.

This is not difficult to understand, because at the gold level, the number one player unlocks the special skills of the infinite player, that is, the permanent infinite world player status, and there is no mention of retirement.

Therefore, you can continue to receive this master trial until you succeed.

“If you are not the number one player, you can go through the god-level player trial, and you will succeed and fail until you get the title of god-level player, but there is a time limit, and you can retire in the infinite world at most.”

Lu Feng continued.

“Yes, if the number one player calls the end of his journey to the infinite world retiring, your words perfectly explain the difference between the two,” replied the infinite world.

Lu Feng probably understood a little.

It is no longer difficult to exceed the epic realm. Ordinary players can get a god-level player title at most. Once they get this title, they will retire, regardless of whether they still meet the six-year limit.

Then, the Ouroboros brand should also change to a grey embossed effect.

The number one player is special and will never be able to get the title of God-level player, because there is no such trial at all, it is the controller trial, and the brand of the Ouroboros will also change, but the purple-gold embossed effect.

In other words, there is a conflict between the title of the god-level player and the title of the number one player, because they are independent titles that do not occupy the title position, and any player can only get one.

“So, what rewards will you get after you get a god-level player?” After thinking about it, Lu Feng asked again.

“When you get the title of a god-level player, you will get four rewards, one is +1 for all attributes, the other is +1 for luck, and the third is that your body will never age, and will always stay at the moment you get the title.”

Infinite World gave a detailed answer, “The fourth is to randomly obtain a purple-gold-level item that can bring out the infinite world and is suitable.”

Lu Feng still had the authority to obtain this explanation, and it turned out that the number one player was very special.

“Just that little benefit?” Lu Feng almost blurted out.

To be honest, Lu Feng felt that he had lost 100 million yuan just now, but he didn’t expect that the reward was so small.

The first, second and fourth rewards are nothing to say, it’s easy to understand, all attributes +1 and luck +1, for the current Lu Feng, they really don’t like it.

The purple-gold-level props that can bring out the infinite world are not bad. This is really invaluable, but it is only invaluable. Improve your strength.

The third reward is immortality.

Because time is actually just a unit of measurement defined by human beings, age does not exist in essence. What exists is the degree of physical aging of any organic life body. Humans use age or time to measure this process.

Once this aging ceases to exist, age is essentially meaningless, only used to define how much time has passed.

Artoria’s situation is actually immortality, because her body does not age, and it will always stay at the moment when the sword in the stone is drawn.

This is a bit of a pity, after all, it is eternal life, but it’s just a bit of a pity.

Judging from the current situation, the number one player is destined to be stronger than a god-level player, because a god-level player is only a god-level player. After the god-level, there may be a super god-level, or other levels, and his strength is only a relative position.

But the number one player is different. The so-called number one means the first.

No matter if it is a **** level, a super **** level, or a super super **** level, or there are more levels in the future, but it can’t surpass the first.

This is a position that is forever fixed and cannot be surpassed.

The Infinite World didn’t answer. If it had feelings, it would probably be a bit stunned. Lu Feng actually didn’t like the title of a god-level player.

This time I got two dark gold props.

Lu Feng took it out. The first one was a pendant. The appearance was a silver-white rose with a silver-white necklace attached to the flower branch. The material looked like platinum, and it was exquisitely made.

【Silver Pendant (Holy Defender)】

【Origin: Infinite World】

[Item information: No one knows how this pendant is made, but it is not only a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also a strong defensive equipment that can resist almost any attack.

In addition, it can heal various unfavorable conditions, and it is almost a necessary decoration for battle.

Also, please note that the teleport function must be within sight, and cannot be teleported out of sight, although it is quite safe and will never be sent into walls and rocks, but it is also obvious that the blind It is quite depressing to say that]

[Level: Dark Gold]

【Type: Accessory】

[Effect 1: Holy Healing (restores 100% health and stamina, heals various adverse conditions, the effect is equivalent to powerful healing, completely heals dark damage, can be used to attack undead creatures, charging time 12 hours)]

[Effect 2: Attack Nullification Enchantment (single protection enchantment, all tangible attacks are nullified, can be maintained for 60 seconds, and the charging time is 24 hours)]

[Effect 3: Teleportation (Teleport within the distance of the sight, charging time 6 hours)]

[Durability: 100%]

[Equipment restrictions: Spirit 35, Magic 60, must be female]

[Other information: 160,000 points can be exchanged]

“The requirements for magic attributes are really high.”

It seems that only Artoria can use it. Like her lady hairband, it can only be equipped by women, and it has no effect on men.

The higher the level of equipment items, the more restrictions there will be, not only in terms of attributes, but all kinds of restrictions are possible.

Lu Feng gave this pendant to Artoria, and the other item as a reward was a pair of leather gloves.

【Sword Master Gloves】

【Origin: Infinite World】

[Item information: This pair of gloves is made of leather from a certain magical beast. It is the favorite of swordsmen, but it has high requirements for swordsmanship. If a swordsman’s swordsmanship ability is not enough, even if he wears it, he will find it useless, so it has become a tool for high-level swordsmen to test his ability]

[Level: Dark Gold]

【Type: Gloves】

[Effect 1: Strength +3]

[Effect 2: Reaction +3]

[Effect 3: Sword Skill Level +5]

[Durability: 100%]

[Equipment Restrictions: Strength 40, Magic Power 50, Sword Skill LV50 and above]

[Other information: 120,000 points can be exchanged]

Although Artoria’s armor is equipped with gloves, the summoned armor can be adaptive to the wrist, and that is part of the armor, not glove equipment.

So extra leather or velvet gloves can be worn inside, so she can use this one too.

However, Lu Feng still used it for himself, because the bonus to him was more obvious. He was a true swordsman and had higher requirements for swordsmanship.

Artoria is now a paladin, and her swordsmanship is purely violent and destructive.

This time, he got another 138 potential points, of which 58 are dedicated skills, which Lu Feng plans to use immediately.

The first is to add eight potential points to each of the six surrounding attributes.

Afterwards, Lei Dijian’s Holy Body was upgraded to level 90, and both the calculation center and the Blazing Sword Skill were upgraded to level 95. This was the highest skill level under the current six-circle attribute.

There are still 60 potential points left, which is just enough for the three bloodline skills of Shuangjian Liu, Kuanglei and Thunderbolt to rise to level 70.

After adding points, Lu Feng immediately returned to Terra. This was his fastest time to leave the exclusive space, faster than Artoria, because Artoria was slower than him.

Lu Feng picked up the encrypted special mobile phone and planned to call Qiao Shan. He wanted to continue the plan of force suppression.

Because now he already knew what was going on at the **** level.

To put it bluntly, Yue Tenghai is only stronger than the gold-level peak, that is, one more all-attribute +1 and one more purple-gold equipment.

Maybe Yue Tenghai itself is very strong, but compared with him, any gold rank is still not the gap between the ordinary rank and the epic realm.

Therefore, as long as a few gold-level sieges are needed, Yue Tenghai can be captured.

And now that Lu Feng basically has god-level strength, they don’t have to be afraid of Yue Tenghai at all.

However, just as Lu Feng picked up his phone, he suddenly received a reminder from Infinite World, which was about the trial of the controller.

“Player number one’s first controller trial is about to begin, and a special copy will be opened. All controller trials cannot be given up. If you refuse to enter, you will receive the most severe punishment.”

“Hint: The master’s trial, regardless of success or failure, as long as he doesn’t die, he can return normally.”

“The number one player must return to the exclusive space within 60 minutes. The dungeon world entered this time is Terra, please prepare in advance.”

“If the player does not appear in the exclusive space five minutes before the opening of the dungeon world, it will be regarded as the player’s refusal to enter the dungeon world.”

“Warning: The nature of this copy must not be disclosed to anyone. The time limit is permanent, otherwise it will be dealt with in violation of regulations and will be directly obliterated.”

“The controller trial started so soon, and it’s still in Terra.”

Lu Feng put down his phone and asked Infinite World: “Excuse me, Infinite World, what tasks are usually used in the trials of the master?”

“The number one player is not authorized enough.”

Infinite World replied: “But what can be told is that it must be a non-reincarnation world, and it must involve the number one player, because the controller trial is essentially a competitive trial between the number one players, and only one number one player can successfully complete the trial. .”

“Understood, it is the number one player among the top players competing for the top title among the top players. Once successful, it will be the number one player among all the players in the infinite world.”

This is probably the explanation that Lu Feng can think of.

Next, Lu Feng continued to call Qiao Shan and asked Qiao Shan not to cancel the plan to suppress the force, and they would meet again in an hour and a half.

It was already past 7:30 in the evening, and an hour and a half later, it was almost 9:00, and it was only about three hours before the originally planned time for the repression by force.

Time is running out.

Qiao Shan was very puzzled, but Lu Feng explained to him that he just brushed another dungeon and found out what happened to the **** level, and they were capable of taking down Yue Tenghai.

Although there is no detailed explanation, it has already revealed a piece of information. Lu Feng learned the secret of the **** level from this copy, which means that Lu Feng has probably been promoted to the **** level.

Therefore, Qiao Shan agreed to his request.

But Qiao Shan’s doubts are still great, because the first feeling of almost everyone is that promotion to God level is difficult, at least it is the same as promotion to the epic realm, which requires an additional trial.

On Lu Feng’s side, Arturia had already come out of the exclusive space.

Lu Feng couldn’t talk about any information about the Master’s Trial, but he still had a way to ask if the next instance was opened, so as to know from the side.

Soon, Lu Feng confirmed that Artoria had not received any information about the opening of the next instance.

That is to say, she did not receive the trial of the controller.

Explain that the controller trial, even the contract servant players cannot participate, this is a trial that needs to be completed by the number one player alone.

The time soon came, and Lu Feng entered the exclusive space again.

“The first master trial for the number one player will open in five minutes, forcibly closing access to the real world and public space, as well as access to epic space.”


The countdown begins.

[Infinite World 1086 Participating in the Master Trial Player: No. 1086-69690001]

[The controller trial player identity calculation is completed]

[Unlimited World 1086 decoupling, Central World takes over]

It is the central world again. It seems that the authority of the infinite world is not enough, and there is no way to handle this trial, which shows that the level of this controller trial is very high.


[Dungeon World: Terra, will open soon]

[The passage to the dungeon world is open, please number 1086-69690001 to enter the passage gate within 20 seconds]

【Enter the World: Terra】

[No. 1086-69690001 starts transmission, destination Qinglong Empire…]

Lu Feng appeared in his room, just like when he entered Terra, without his identity and protective cover.

Mission information came out immediately.

[Master Trial Mission: Within a month, end the war caused by other top players]

Like the last epic promotion trial, there was no difficulty, but Lu Feng knew very well that the difficulty was quite large, and it felt like it was almost impossible to complete.

The other top players are obviously referring to the Rambo trio, whose mission is to end the world war that is currently taking place in Terra.

Simply end the war, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not difficult, as long as the alliance of the five empires is guaranteed to exist, so many half of the alliance of the five empires will win, and then the war will be over.

Or, let Yuetenghai’s plan succeed, and the Qinglong Empire withdraws from the Five Empire Alliance and joins the White Shark camp, then the balance of victory should fall to the White Shark camp, and the war will end in the end, but Terra is likely to enter the Yuetenghai design. of that era.

That is, all countries are destroyed, Yue Tenghai is the king of Terra, and other epics get a territory and become the lord of the territory.

Because of the immortality of the god-level player, as long as he is not killed, Yue Tenghai will be the eternal king. This is probably why he suddenly has the ambition to become a king, and thinks of the reason for distributing the world structure like this.

Of course, Lu Feng would not let Yue Tenghai succeed.

Lu Feng will not let the Qinglong Empire be destroyed, so the Qinglong Empire must not withdraw from the Five Empire Alliance.

This is also the reason why Lu Feng asked Qiao Shan to continue the plan to suppress him by force. This time is a good opportunity. No matter whether there is a systematic mission or not, Lu Feng will find a way to continue the plan.

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