Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: That’S Fake, I Don’T Want To Give It To Me

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“Why are you here?” Lu Feng began to speak.

“Hey, you have to have a limit for your bravery.” Accelerator said unhappily.

He knew that Lu Feng was a level 0 ability person, and facing a high ability person or a large group of people alone would be tantamount to suicide.

After all, the information he got came from the nagging of the last work. The enemy who robbed the wreckage was a whole group, not only the hostile forces outside, but also the capable ones inside.

At this moment, his judgment was that Lu Feng had the same goal as his. As for how Lu Feng found this place, someone who claims to be a detective should be able to get some information, so he didn’t think much about it.

“Fortunately, after all, I am fully armed, but the opponent seems to be too strong.” Lu Feng pointed to the fake suitcase that he had abandoned by the roadside. “That thing is the core of the designer of the tree map. It seems that there are many accomplices who have signed Danxi, and they cannot be robbed by them.”

“Nima, that’s fake, I don’t even want to send it to me.”

The blue-haired swordsman was so depressed that he finally understood the current situation. Accelerator seemed to know this newcomer. He actually attacked the aborigines to help, and it was Accelerator who seemed completely impossible.

“It’s better to be fake. That stupid hat from Jiedao Danxi didn’t even want to take his life, which means you were played by the gang of school district 23 as monkeys.” Lu Feng said, and took out a piece of ointment. Fast-acting topical treatments you get from your doctor.

He didn’t care, and smeared the wound directly, he really didn’t have the time to be so meticulous at this time.

The bleeding stopped quickly.

This kind of quick-acting ointment for external use is quite special. It is not a prop for restoring blood, but the core goal of healing wounds.

The quality of blue is enough to deal with the trauma in the early stage, and the effect is immediately apparent. Although the wound is not so easy to think about, it is a small wound after all. After the incurable effect of Tongyi’s swordsmanship is cancelled, it becomes very easy to stop the bleeding. .

Fortunately, I got this ointment, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

It is useless to use props that simply restore HP. HP will increase, but if the wound cannot stop bleeding, it will continue to bleed, but it will only be delayed, and it will eventually hang.

Encountered with such attacks, it is necessary to use props to heal wounds, not just restore vitality.

“Mad, it was put together.” The blue-haired swordsman clenched his fists, very angry, he no longer attacked Lu Feng, but rushed towards Accelerator.

“Be careful, this guy’s abilities are very strange, he will enter an invincible defense state, and he can’t even shoot through a pistol,” Lu Feng reminded.

“I’m not afraid of pistols, is there such a person in Academy City? Wow, hahaha, I’ll try it out, if you’re not afraid of this.” Accelerator suddenly became excited and let out a permeating laughter. To be honest, he didn’t really believe what Lu Feng said. of.

He stepped on the ground, and all the rocks on the ground bounced up at a visible speed, blasting towards the blue-haired swordsman.

Pupupu, all the rocks were ejected before they touched the blue-haired swordsman’s body, and none of them attacked him.

“It’s interesting.” Accelerator was taken aback for a moment, but it really didn’t work. But it doesn’t look like a reflection, but blocks the attack.

Lu Feng had already been treated, so he took out the rest of the pistol and took the opportunity to reload.

In the face of this kind of skilled player, it is basically impossible to reload in the battle. If he hadn’t practiced how to quickly and accurately take things from the inventory, and he was very familiar with firearms and ammunition, he could even detonate with one hand. Grenade, otherwise you can only be beaten passively just now.

As soon as the reloading was completed, Lu Feng started to attack. He didn’t want to waste his words on the argument.

The blue-haired swordsman’s pace didn’t stop at all. He was very fast, and he didn’t care about Lu Feng’s attack, and ran all the way to Accelerator.

However, the blue-haired swordsman did not attack, he suddenly stopped and stood a meter away in front of Accelerator.

“You can die, Bai Mao.” The blue-haired swordsman stretched out his hand, but not very fast, and slowly stretched towards Accelerator’s neck.

The target is the collar around the neck.

“Hey, are you trying to tickle? I don’t like being tickled by men.” Accelerator’s tone was very relaxed, completely unaware of the crisis he encountered.

“Come on, Accelerator, step back.” Lu Feng shouted.

“What are you retreating?” Accelerator’s ability and his usual experience determined that he never knew what retreating was, so he punched hard.

With a bang, his punch was actually melted away, and the fist couldn’t be passed at all, and was bounced back directly.

The defense of the blue-haired swordsman seems to be a purely defensive ability, not physical defense, but a defensive force field at a short distance in front of his body, which can be determined according to the attack method. Is to repel, or directly absorb the attack.

All Accelerator’s attacks are not superficial attacks. Whether it is a punch or a kick, it is actually a vector operation, but whether it is a normal attack or a vector operation attack, it will be neutralized by the blue-haired swordsman’s defense.

That is, the blue-haired swordsman stood there, Accelerator couldn’t hurt the other party, and even couldn’t knock the other party back half a step.

“With your weak physique, such a strong ability was wasted in vain.”

The blue-haired swordsman snorted, he was very confident in his skills, no matter how awesome Accelerator’s ability was, it would be ineffective against him, and no matter how powerful Lu Feng’s attacking weapon was, it would also be ineffective against him.

Accelerator’s ability is vector operation, and more specifically, it is to control the direction of energy. Reflection is only the basic function he uses most often, or an automatic function set lazily.

Usually, the greater the attack power, the greater the reflected power.

But just a light touch usually won’t hurt Accelerator, and the reflected force is very low, so it won’t hurt the attacker.

Of course, as long as Accelerator is willing, more damage can be done.

But this vector operation has a characteristic that it needs to be touched by the skin to work.

The blue-haired swordsman was afraid that the movement would be too fast and the amplitude would be too large, and he would hit Accelerator’s body, so he was very cautious and slowly stretched out his hand. The world is clean.

Victory will be his.

At present, Accelerator can only rely on the collar. This is because that night, Accelerator suffered a severe head injury and can only rely on the Misaka network to calculate, otherwise it will not be able to use the ability, and the collar is such a tool.

Accelerator is also too famous, and the details of some abilities have been thoroughly understood by players.

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