Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Defeat Misaka Mikoto’S Operational Plan

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Lu Feng rushed back to the seventh school district and went to the school garden. He hid not far away, eating cakes for dinner, taking out multiple ultra-long-range binoculars with night vision function, and began to observe the girls’ dormitory building. .

Lu Feng is not a voyeur, his target is Misaka Mikoto.

Well, although observing a girl secretly is also voyeurism, it is really not the kind of voyeurism that the public understands. This is a more advanced espionage behavior.

At about 8 o’clock in the evening, Misaka Mikoto finally came out. She looked at the dormitory building and confirmed that Shirai Kuroko was not following her. She walked towards the 23rd school district, and when she was away from the dormitory building, she started to run away.

Thanks to the fact that the Academy City bus system was not operating at night, Misaka Mikoto had a very simple way of moving forward, except for taxis and subways, and there were not so many people outside.

Therefore, Lu Feng’s tracking was not that difficult, and it was easy to follow him from a distance using a telescope.

Misaka Mikoto didn’t find him at all. After all, his tracking is also professional level. Whether it is a place with a lot of traffic or a street with no people at all, it is almost impossible for an amateur high school student to find him.

School District 23 is a special school district, mainly for airports, aviation and space development and related facilities. There are no schools here. Except for civilian airports and subway bus stops, most places prohibit students and outsiders from entering.

The entrances and exits for outsiders are only subway bus stops, so it is quite closed here.

As expected, Misaka Mikoto didn’t enter from the subway station. She entered directly from the place where there was a sign prohibiting entry. At least she still knew that she was illegally trespassing here.

She seemed to be very familiar with this place, and went straight to a building. Lu Feng had investigated it before, and it should be a research institute. At that time, he saw guards standing guard at the entrance, but not at night, because there is a strong security system here.

Misaka Mikoto squatted in a corner of the building and took out what looked like a PDA. She quickly stood up, then opened the main entrance of the building, and she disappeared into the darkness in the hall of the building.

“The security system is done.” Lu Feng put on a mask and started to move. Misaka Mikoto had just left, but he arrived next and followed closely.

Lu Feng was standing in a reception hall with a statue surrounded by potted plants in the center.

There are only some emergency wall lamps in the hall, which is very dim. Lu Feng took out a tactical flashlight, which can emit direct light. However, it is difficult for the person on the spot to see the flashlight of the beam of light.

This stuff is a good buy.

Misaka Mikoto should go upstairs, because most of the labs are upstairs in this kind of place, and that is Misaka Mikoto’s target, but Lu Feng didn’t go upstairs.

According to experience, if the first floor is not a laboratory, most of it will be used as a security room, equipment room, reception room, etc.

Lu Feng soon saw a door with the Security Section written on it. There was no window on the door. Lu Feng thought about it and started knocking on the door.

dong dong dong.

There was a voice inside.

“Hey, Hattori, why did you come so early, why don’t you change the guard earlier, haha.” A man’s voice probably thought it was a colleague who came to change the guard. Then the sound of footsteps came to open the door.

Lu Feng temporarily turned off the light of the tactical flashlight, the door soon opened, and the room was bright. Lu Feng turned on the tactical flashlight immediately. It was a strong light, brighter than the room.

The door was opened by a middle-aged man in a security uniform, but he was caught off guard. When he was hit by a strong light, he immediately screamed and put his hands on his eyes.

Lu Feng slashed and hit the opponent’s neck. The man groaned. Because of the sudden ischemia of the brain, he fell back and fainted.

“Who?” There was another person inside, who noticed the abnormality at the door, called out, and pulled the pistol from his waist.

Lu Feng’s tactical flashlight was already aimed at the man, no exception. The other party was temporarily blinded. Lu Feng’s speed was very fast, and he rushed up with a few strides, punching him, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

The half-drawn pistol also fell to the ground.

There are only two security personnel. Because of their confidence in their own security system, they think that as long as they find someone intruding, they can notify the outside as soon as possible, but unfortunately, the security system has been fixed by Misaka Mikoto.

Pressing the alarm button is useless, and on the wall, many monitors are playing a video recorded before in a loop, and they can’t find out if someone comes in, because the monitoring has been paralyzed.

Misaka Mikoto’s hacking ability is really strong.

Lu Feng just used his skills to stun the two of them. He will wake up soon. There is no need for deliberate killing. There is no need for him to escalate the situation. It will not help the task in the slightest. necessary.

So, he immediately tied the two of them, blindfolded them, and gagged their mouths. These two steps were necessary, so that even if they woke up, they would be fine, and then start doing their own thing.

The first is to pick up the pistol that has fallen to the ground.

【Military pistol】

【Origin: Academy City】

[Item information: This pistol is made of new materials. UU reading is a standard weapon for Academy City guards. Fast firing rate, capacity for twenty rounds. 】

[Level: Normal]

【Type: Weapon】

[Durability: 98%]

[Other information: cannot be brought out of the current world]

“There is no way to exchange points.” Lu Feng confiscated the gun on the waist of the first guard, including the magazine.

Then, through the internal circuit diagram, Lu Feng determined the plan structure of the entire building and the regional functions inside.

“The equipment warehouse is really on the first floor.” It should be said that there is one passage on the first floor to the end. In addition, Lu Feng also determined the time for the guards to change shifts, which will be in an hour.

No wonder he said it earlier.

It’s right to come a little earlier. An hour earlier is too early. Fortunately, the other party is not too suspicious. Maybe it’s too long to be safe.

Best to evacuate after an hour.

Lu Feng found the guard’s access card and another emergency access card. According to the instructions, all public doors, the doors on the first floor, and the outer doors on each floor of the upstairs experimental area could be opened, but the internal laboratory could not be opened.

Because the laboratory has a higher level of security.

Lu Feng went to the equipment warehouse on the first floor. This time, he didn’t use the tactical flashlight anymore, because he already knew the inside well, and anyone knew that, as long as he didn’t go to the experimental area, no one knew if there were any experimenters working overtime.

Going to the passage where the equipment warehouse is located, he has to pass through the hall. Just as he was about to enter the hall, he suddenly saw a figure standing behind the statue in the middle of the hall.

“It’s not Misaka Mikoto.” Lu Feng’s intuition told him that it was someone else, so he immediately stepped back and hid.

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