Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Ye Wanling started taking biochemical serum, and Ye Changge started doing another thing.

That’s the auction!

The auction items are those 8 B-grade biochemical serums.

In fact, it is also possible to set up a street stall, but it is too time-consuming and too eye-catching.

Therefore, Ye Changge chose to let the login space help with the auction even if the 10% handling fee would be divided by the login space.

And let the login space be auctioned, but it can spread in a very short time.

indeed so!

In just a few minutes, the news of biochemical serum appeared on the login space auction interface, and it spread instantly.

“Biochemical serum? This is a good thing. It can actually increase 12 attribute points?”

“Come on, I’m blind, what is the attribute point, C-level telekinesis is the big one.”

“Tsk tsk, superb props, I seem to want them.”

“How much money do we still have, Lao Liu, hurry up and fix it for me.”

Although this is only a B-rank item, its effect is somewhat of a concern to even A-rank registrants.

Even the S-level powerhouses who just noticed it will probably take action.

They don’t need it, but they can give it to relatives, friends, or their subordinates.

And this biochemical serum is definitely the most suitable super item for beginners.

Soon, in just ten minutes, just put a biochemical serum of 1,000 points, and the price went up.

1300, 1500, 2000, 3000…

Suddenly, the price of 8 biochemical serums flashed and turned into 10,000 points.

This made the registrants who did not have a legion flash a trace of sadness in their eyes.

Because they know that this is the shot of those big legions.

Sure enough, the price of a biochemical serum stopped at around 15,000 points after another ‘fight’.

Half an hour later, Ye Changge received 115,500 points.

This is minus the handling fee.

In other words, an average biochemical serum exceeds 16,000 points.

Ye Changge was startled.

However, so many points are enough.

(The transaction category does not belong to the scope of the login space reward, so Ye Changge’s talent “doing more with less” will not work.)

Ye Changge glanced at Ye Wanling and said, “Let’s go to the strengthening room to strengthen, we will meet in three hours.”

“Confluence? What to do?”

Ye Wanling didn’t understand.

“Take you through the mission!”

After saying one sentence, Ye Changge withdrew from this private communication space.

Leave behind Ye Wanling, who is messy in the wind.

She, a powerful genius, a B-rank login.

She was actually told by a mere E-level registrant to take her on a mission?

Three hours later, Ye Changge came out of the strengthening room.

He has 30,000 points left in the points system.

In addition to the original points for the sale of biochemical serum, Ye Changge’s points are 146,000 points.

That is to say, Ye Changge spent 116,000 points in just three hours.

“Sure enough, the strengthening room is a gold swallowing cave.”

Looking at his remaining points, Ye Changge felt extremely melancholy.

Taking 20 points out of 28 skills, and raising the Thunder Fruit to LV6, Ye Changge naturally entered the strengthening room and carried out some strengthening development.

As for the remaining 100,000 points, it was used by Ye Changge to strengthen the weakness of the Thunder Fruit.

After all, in the next world to log in, just having a weak point in sea water would put Ye Changge in danger.

As for the last 30,000 points, Ye Changge did not stay, but bought an item from the login space.

A soul card.

The function of this thing is to completely replace a trauma to the soul.

This soul card works unless the soul is blown away.

At this point, Ye Changge’s points are cleared.

Soon, Ye Changge and Ye Wanling converged.

Ye Wanling gave Ye Changge a complicated look and asked, “What world are we logging into.”

During these three hours, she struggled for a long time.

But in the end, I chose to trust Ye Changge.

“Naruto, oh, the world of ninjas.”

Ye Changge said.

Before that, he had activated the login time card.

Once the login time card is activated, you can choose to log in to the world.

Even after choosing to log in to the world, what kind of tasks will appear will be displayed in advance.

To put it simply, this is a prop that can select various worlds and various tasks.

Therefore, the login time card is so precious and rare.

“Ninja World?”

Ye Wanling frowned, “That world is not safe. As far as I know, three S-rank powerhouses have fallen into that world.”

“This time I am a promotion mission after failure. Even if I choose the normal difficulty level, I am afraid that it will be equivalent to the difficult level in the end. The risk factor is too high, let’s change it!”

“It can’t be changed, I’ve already been inspired.”

Ye Changge shrugged.

“What? Why didn’t you discuss it with me?”

Ye Wanling was in a hurry.

Then, he sighed and said, “Forget it, it’s already like this, so let’s go to this world!”

【Ding~! The registrant ‘Jiu Wu’ invited you to form a team. Do you agree? 】

Forming a team is only a function that the legion will have when it reaches a certain level.

Login time card can enjoy a team.

Not only that, but you can even enjoy the identity setting benefits that you have when you log in for the first time.

“This is your identity information, you set it according to the above.”

Ye Changge sent Ye Wanling an identity document.

Vortex Wanling?

Orphans of the whirlpool family?

Uzumaki Kushina’s cousin?

What the hell is this setting?

“What information do you have? Who is Uzumaki Kushina? What is the Uzumaki family?”

Ye Wanling felt uncomfortable for a while.

She didn’t intend to set the identity of Konoha at all, her best choice was Yunyin Village.

“I remember that Konoha had a kid who was secretly called a demon fox, what is he called Uzumaki Naruto? It’s definitely not good to have a relationship with such a person. Let’s choose Yunyin Village!”

“Shut up, you ignorant loggers know shit!”

Ye Changge became impatient.

“This time, I’m the captain, and everything listens to me!”

“Okay, Ye Changge, you’re good at it, aren’t you? You actually burst out and returned the captain, I’m your sister!”

“Have you received a super god evaluation?”

“I am older than you……”

“I took it, and it was super god twice!”


“It’s okay, then listen to me!”


New book for collection, flowers, and evaluation! .

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