Global Job Transfer: Binding Idols to Suppress Prisons at the Start!

Chapter 797

Chapter 800 Investigation Period!

The little one just remembered the important things that came here.

“Didn’t you say you want to find Zui Linglong? Now he wants to see you!” Little Budian said softly.

Liu Huade also glanced at Xiaodian in surprise, and quickly said to Xiaodian, “You guys are really fast!”

Liu Huade also took out some other medicinal pills from his body, and put all those medicinal pills on Xiaodian’s body.

“Take these as your snacks!” Liu Huade said in surprise: “In the future, you will have these things every day when you come to me!”

Little did not expect that there was unexpected joy, and nodded quickly.

Soon Liu Huade followed Xiao Budian to Su Xuan’s house. Liu Huade looked around and didn’t see Zui Linglong, but saw the boy before.

After Liu Huade saw the boy, he swallowed his saliva, patted the boy on the shoulder and said, “Are you the boy who defeated Drunk Linglong before?

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said to Liu Huade, “It was just an accident.”

If it is really defeated, I am afraid that no one can defeat Zui Linglong, and the scene of the Colosseum is really just an accident.

Gu Chen was very modest, and Liu Huade also saw it, Liu Huade said with a slight smile: “I’ve been here a few times before, and I haven’t seen you, are you following Su Xuan now?

Gu Chen shook his head and said, “Su Xuan gave me a secret book, and I have been studying abroad with Zui Linglong before.”

Liu Huade’s eyes also lit up, and he quickly said to Gu Chen, “Follow me in the future, so you can follow me too!

Gu Chen glanced at Su Xuan with some doubts, Su Xuan nodded lightly, and then Gu Chen said, “Okay.”

Zui Linglong saw this scene on the side, and then chuckled: “Are you the nemesis of the Nangong family?”

Looking at Zui Linglong in front of him, Liu Huade’s pupils shrank suddenly, and quickly said to Zui Linglong, “That’s right!”

Zui Linglong looked at Liu Huade up and down, and after looking at Liu Huade’s aura, he sat with his brows and said, “This person’s aura is very poor, and his foundation looks average. Is this kind of person worthy of comparison with the people of the Nangong family?

Although Young Master Nangong is not necessarily that powerful, Liu Huade is even worse than Young Master Nangong.

Liu Huade had already realized this for a long time, and he hurriedly took out the medicinal pills from his body.

Then he smiled and said to Zui Linglong: “”~ When it comes to force, I naturally can’t compare to him, but when it comes to money and strategy, I consider myself to be first-class. ”

Looking at the pills in his hand, Xiao Budian swallowed and said to Liu Huade, “Isn’t what you gave me all yours?

I thought (well done) Liu Huade had already given himself a lot of medicinal pills at his house, but he did not expect that Liu Huade would be able to take out so many medicinal pills.

Zui Linglong glanced at those medicinal pills with contempt. Although there were many, these medicinal pills were still not enough compared to being deeply tied to one person.

Seeing that Zui Linglong’s eyes were somewhat dissatisfied, Liu Huade took it out of his pocket again.

I saw that this time I took out a few magic pills.

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