Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 891 - War at sea

Manda stood in front of Circe, not running away or hiding, with a joking expression on her face.

Circe looked grimly and said: “Where did you take him? Quickly hand it over! Otherwise I will kill you immediately!”

“Whose life is it? You are so presumptuous! Do you want to murder your husband?”

“What are you talking about?” Circe emphasized that Manda didn’t know where it came from. He didn’t know how to refuse in vain, and it didn’t work for him during the evil play. People from Chinges, let’s discuss everything!”

“Do you really want me to let him go now?” Manda smiled. “There are some things that can’t be said clearly in just a few words.”

“I can’t tell, you tell me for me, if you don’t tell me, I will kill you!”

“Kill me and you will never find him again. If he dies, it is estimated that you will not live long. I guess Haotian God will not let you go.”

Manda said that he was critical, but Circe did not dare to act rashly.

“What do you want?”

“First of all, you have seen my methods. I am not weak enough to withstand a single blow, nor is it a character you can kill if you want to. When talking to me, it is best not to always use a threatening tone.”

“Well, I don’t need to threaten you,” Circe nodded. “You better not threaten me either.”

“That won’t work, I’m definitely going to threaten you. Kaijero’s life is in my hands. I will release him at the right time. As for when the right time appears, it depends entirely on your attitude. If… …”

Before Manda could finish speaking, Circe suddenly took out a paintbrush, which wandered through the air with ink, and a dragon suddenly appeared in front of Manda.

Manda frowned: “Your attitude is very bad now.”

Before the words were over, the dragon rushed towards Manda, and Manda ran away. After running for a while, Manda suddenly jumped off the edge of the island and disappeared into the thick fog.

“Funny, do you think you can escape?”

Circe rode the dragon to chase down, and Manda could be seen faintly in the clouds.

not good! He seemed to know the exit of the fourth-level island, and he was flying towards the exit with his flying shoes.

Circe was still surprised, why would Manda know the location of the exit? After a while, Manda has disappeared into the clouds.

He rushed away?

Yes, Manda rushed out.

More surprises are yet to come. Manda did not go out of Circe’s exit, it was an exit made by himself.

Circe chased in the clouds for a long time, and suddenly found a piece of land in front of her eyes, and she returned to the fourth layer of island.

How could this happen? Circe himself did not find an exit.

The exit has been in that fixed position since the birth of Aiyo Island, but today the exit has disappeared.

The reason is that Manda opened an exit next to the original exit.

The way to open the outlet is to expand a grid, causing the grid to deform.

Manda expanded the adjacent grid, squeezing the original exit.

The position is only a little bit worse, but Circe can’t get out.

This is Manda’s first development of this skill. He has realized that this skill will bring him more surprises.

In the afternoon, the witch Perumimi slept, came to the temple, and reported to Circe the important things on the island today.

In fact, it’s nothing important, it’s all trivial, otherwise Peru would not dare to sleep until this time, the witches were used to laziness, and Circe seldom cares.

But today the temple sitting is not Circe, it is Manda.

Manda sat on the seat of God and smiled and said to Peru: “The goddess has something to go out, entrust Ayo Island to me temporarily, gather all the witches and witches, let’s practice first.”

Manda spent ten days on Aiyo Island. In ten days, he learned all the witchcraft of witches and witches, and also left a well-developed army for Aiyo Island.

From the mouth of the witch Peru, Manda can confirm that Circe is indeed facing war. Sea Empress Amphitrite sent Fulcus to attack the Blue Bay. Although this matter was resolved by Manda, Hermes could not let this behavior be left. He issued a severe warning to the Sea Empress and took the Sea Empress away. Part of the authority, and Hercules has basically secured the position of the main god.

The angry sea queen launched a rebellion, but the goddess was surprisingly calm. He did not directly attack Olympia. He wanted to unify the forces on the sea and attack the wizarding kingdom. He did not look at the territory of Circe, but wanted Gain the power of the wizard family.

Don’t underestimate Circe’s power. Don’t think that she is just an insignificant Tier 4 god. Whether witch or witch, from Tier 1 to Tier 4, their power gradually increases, and the witchcraft becomes more exquisite, but there is no obvious skill. Change, which also means that Circe is probably not restricted by class, and that he and his followers are far more powerful than they appear on the surface.

Circe did not succumb to the queen of the sea. He did not want to be an enemy of the Olympian gods, but he did not accept the gods and did not receive the support of the gods.

Circe alone was not an opponent of Hai Empress. Circe reluctantly asked the Qinges for help. According to Peilu’s statement, Qings used two battles to beat the gods of the sea. This war has changed from a unilateral crush to today’s stalemate.

The Chinges people will not provide help free of charge. If Circe wants to continue to receive support, he must pay corresponding remuneration, and Manda is the best remuneration.

This is too worthy of me. In order to win me over, the Qings were involved in a war that has nothing to do with them?

Is this really just for me?

Impossible, there must be other reasons behind this.

This incident must be reported to Hermes. A large-scale war broke out on the sea. Hermes did not even know it. This shows how weak the control of the sea by the Olympian gods is. After Poseidon disappeared, it seemed to stay. There are a lot of questions.

Manda returned to the fourth level of the island. He wanted to throw Circe and Kaijero on it and let them fend for themselves, but after thinking about it carefully, it was absolutely wrong to do so.

First of all, the relationship between Circe and the God of the Celestial Body is very special. They may still maintain a certain way of contact. The God of the Celestial Body certainly cannot bear to make Circe sleepy. If necessary, he will help Circe. Mochi escaped from the celestial body, and even taught him the skills of making exports.

Under normal circumstances, the celestial **** should not make such an impulsive move, but Manda cannot force the celestial **** to impulsively. Once the celestial **** and Circe form an alliance, then it will pose a serious threat to Manda. .

Even if the **** of celestial bodies cannot establish contact with Circe, even if he ignores the matter, even if Manda traps Circe alive on the fourth-level island, Manda cannot explain some things.

There are many witches and witches on Aiyou Island. They can’t kill them all. They all know one thing. The Crazy King Claudesai came to Aiyou Island, and the goddess Circe disappeared. This thing should be done. How to explain?

When Hermes asked, Manda couldn’t explain it As for Kaijero, Manda must also put him down, he was on the celestial body that Manda made.

This is a celestial body made with the technique of ascension, which is fundamentally different from the technique of centrifugation. Under the guidance of the **** of celestial bodies, Manda learned that the technique of ascension requires a small amount of divine power to maintain. Manda left the celestial body, the divine power disappeared, and the celestial body It is falling at a very slow rate.

But the centrifugal skills do not need divine power to maintain. Aiyou Island was indeed created by the **** of celestial bodies. Although he is not here now, the islands of Aiyou Island will not descend.

Why didn’t Manda trap Kaijero with eccentricity?

The reason is very simple. The technique of centrifugation is too complicated. In a very short period of time, there is no condition to display skills. Moreover, once the technique of centrifugation is used, the fifth layer of islands is created, which will change the pattern of the entire island of Aiyo. , Doing so will anger the **** of heavenly bodies.

After more than a month, regardless of whether Manda has disarmed his skills, Kaijero will return to the fourth level of the island. Instead of letting him discuss with Circe to calculate himself, it is better to release him in advance.

Circe was trapped on the fourth-level island for ten days. He is a god, and he will not die from starvation and thirst. He set up a bunch of traps to wait for Manda to take the bait. He did not expect Manda to appear with a barrier on his body. .

Seeing a series of witchcraft triggering outside the barrier, Manda lowered his eyes and looked at Circe and said: “Wait here, I will pick you up in ten years.”

Circe knelt in front of Manda with a puff: “Love man, I was wrong, as long as you are willing to forgive me and let me do anything for you.”

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