Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 890 - My good lady

Manda thought of the first-order technique, not his own first-order technique, but the first-order technique of the Celestial God-Peeping Eye.

The purpose of the peeping eye is to observe celestial bodies other than the sun, moon, and stars. Manda has always felt that this skill is useless, and until now, he discovered that this skill is too useful.

Opening the peeping eyes, Manda immediately found a cloud of mist in the air.

That’s right, this is the celestial body he made. If he peels off the mist with the peeling eye, he can see the five feet of land in the mist.

But now there is no need to peel off the fog, what he needs is to get into the fog.

Manda was surprised to find that the hole in the mist was still there. This was the exit he made.

The divine power is long gone, but the exit is still there, and the net woven by the red thread is deformed. This deformation seems to be preserved forever.

This should be the passage for Circe in and out of celestial bodies.

There is a ready-made passage, and it saves Manda any more effort. He wanted to get into the mist through the exit, but after drilling through, he found that he was still outside the mist.

After trying several times in a row, Manda realized that this exit was one-way. It could get out of the celestial body, but could not get in from outside the celestial body.

Manda opened the Eye of the Third Line again, found a larger hole in the net of the red line, injected divine power, and continued to expand the hole.

He wants to make an entrance. Is the method of making the entrance the same as the method of making the exit?

There is no choice but to gamble once.

The thin thread was still strong and once again made a hole two feet in diameter, Manda exhausted all his supernatural power.

Weak Manda got through the hole, the mist cleared, and he fell on the five-foot-thin ground.

Lying on the ground, with her feet hanging over the edge, Manda laughed loudly and burst into tears.

Not only did he smile to return to the celestial body, but more importantly, he discovered an unprecedented new skill.

The celestial **** understands this skill, but only understands a little bit of fur. He can’t see the line or the net, and the development of this skill is very limited.

Give Manda more time, he can develop this skill to the extreme.

The voice of the **** of celestial bodies rang in my ears: “I didn’t expect you to really succeed. Seeing you leave the celestial bodies, I didn’t have time to stop you. I was worried that you could not find the entrance.”

Manda was panting with a smile: “I learned the method, but I still have a lot of questions for you.”

“Don’t rush to ask any questions, put this piece of land back to its original place, and leave here quickly.”

“No, these questions must be asked clearly now, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating, please tell me, why can’t I see the celestial body I made?”

“Outside the celestial bodies, you cannot see the celestial bodies. This is the iron law.”

“But why can I see this island? Although I couldn’t see the fourth floor before, I can see both the second and third floors.”

The **** of celestial bodies was silent for a while, and he didn’t want to answer this question.

If you can’t hear the answer, Manda won’t necessarily do anything.

“I don’t care if Aiyo Island collapses, Circe deceived me, and I should retaliate for it.”

“If you dare to do that, I will keep you trapped in the heavens forever!”

The **** of celestial bodies, who had always been indifferent, suddenly became angry. This is rare, but it is exactly what Manda expected.

“I have been waiting for your words, it proves that you have the bargaining chip to trade with me.”

“What deal?”

“Teach me all your skills, and then I will rescue you from the cage.”

“Help me out?” The God of Celestial Body sneered, “Only with you now? You have such a big tone!”

“I definitely can’t do it now. When I learn all your skills, I will be very different at that time.”

“You can’t learn all of my skills. Although you are beyond the personality of a mortal, there is still a gap between you and me that you can’t imagine.”

“I have done too many impossible things. This is why you are willing to pass on the skills to me. You believe that I will be able to save you one day, but you think this day is still far away.

But I tell you this day is very close, I don’t know how long you have been imprisoned, but if you are willing to believe me, you will be free. ”

The **** of celestial bodies took a deep breath, the temptation of this sentence was great.

“But why should I trust you? When you get everything you want, what should I do if you don’t want to save me?”

Manda smiled and said: “This is an unsolvable problem. You cannot have absolute trust in me, because I cannot have absolute loyalty to you. This is also the reason why I have been following Hermes. Under the rules of trading, all trust and loyalty come at a price.

While imparting my skills, you can have reservations. If I break my promise, you can retaliate against me. As you just said, you can trap me in the celestial bodies forever, or use something else. Ways to retaliate against me. This is your bargaining chip and the price I must pay after breach of contract.

As for how much to retain, you have the initiative to retain more, and you have more ways to retaliate against me, but if you retain too much, if my strength is not good, the chance of rescuing you will be smaller. The gains and losses of this You weigh it yourself. ”

The **** of celestial bodies remained silent for a long time and said, “Don’t you have any questions you want to ask me?”

He didn’t give the answer directly, but Manda knew he had successfully convinced him.

“The same question, why can I see Aiyo Island but not the celestial body I made?”

“Because only the uppermost celestial bodies are invisible.”

In one sentence, a series of doubts were answered.

Manda can see the second and third layers of islands because they are not the uppermost celestial bodies. The uppermost is the fourth layer, which Manda cannot see.

As for the celestial bodies that Manda usually makes, although there is only one layer, it is also the uppermost layer and is also invisible.

Now a new question has arisen. Manda has created another celestial body on the fourth-level island. Is this counted as the fifth-level island?

If it counts, are the fourth-tier islands visible now?

The answer of the celestial **** is no: “The technique of the ring is similar to the technique of ascension, but it is a higher-level skill.”

Sure enough, there are two different skills, this kind of multiple ascension skills was originally called the art of leaving the ring.

“The ascendant skill is your sixth-level skill, and the highest level of Titan God is the sixth-level. Why do you still have higher-level skills?”

“Classes? Ridiculous and absurd rules!” The **** of celestial bodies sneered, “When I was in the world, the rules on class had not yet been born. Do you think such ridiculous rules can restrain me? Don’t worry about irrelevant questions. I ask again, do you want to learn the skills of the ring? I will teach you now. Whether you can learn it depends on your own ability.”

At noon the next day, Kaijero and Circe came to the fourth island.

“A day is a day,” Circe smiled. “I thought you would torture him more.”

“Qinges believes his words, and I always hold goodwill towards him. If he is lost and knows how to return, I will naturally not let him suffer.”

“I don’t want him to suffer either,” Circe sighed. “He is the son of Hermes, and I don’t have the guts to offend Hermes.”

Kaijero shook his head and said, “I’ll say it he is not the son of Hermes, he is a member of my tribe, he is a good son of Chinges.”

While talking, the two came to Manda’s side.

Manda still maintains the shape of yesterday, as if a stone statue half stood at yesterday’s position.

Circe sighed slightly: “My lover, I have been wronged.”

Kaijieluo said: “We will take you out of here first, as long as you change your mind, you won’t have to go back to this place again.”

He was planning to step forward and carry Manda up, but suddenly he saw Manda step back, changed his appearance, and shouted at Circe:

“You keep claiming that I am a lover, but I hook up with other men, inseparable from each other, so what a decent way!”

Kaijero opened his mouth wide and said vaguely: “White, white trick… this is impossible!”

Before finishing speaking, Kaijero laughed loudly, Manda rushed forward, pierced Kaijero’s stomach with five fingers, and patted Circe’s cheek with his five fingers: “Good job, my lady. ”

Kaijero looked at Circe in shock. He couldn’t believe that Circe had worked with Manda to calculate him.

Circe was even more shocked than Kaijero. To use the words of the Chinges, his current situation was such that he couldn’t clear it even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

The only way to prove his innocence is to defeat Manda here. Circe is confident enough, but Manda has already marked it in advance.

He kicked the ground and took Kaijero into the air, and the two disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Not long after, Manda fell from the sky and looked at Circe with a smile: “Good lady, it’s all up to you this time.”

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