Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 7 - 25 Oath

  Your natal **** is…” The earl hesitated for a long time, but finally did not say the answer.

“I’m not going to tell you for the time being,” the count gave the following explanation. “In Typhon’s temple, if you dare to recite the names of other gods, everyone present will fall into the abyss of **** with you, and will never be freed. What you should know, I will naturally tell you later, the sacrifice is about to begin, don’t play tricks.”

  Oops, the earl didn’t tell his natal god, the first step of the plan failed.

   Quinta was right, he could see through all lies, this old cunning guy was too difficult to deal with.

   Manda did not dare to say a word, retreated under the earl’s gaze, and the four priestesses helped him wash his body and put on a new robe.

   This robe should be made of silk. This is really luxurious. In this era, silk has to be exchanged for the same weight of gold.

   dressed neatly, looking at the reflection in the bath, a neat boy appeared in front of him.

   burgundy hair, dark blue eyes, tall nose and freckled face.

   Coming into this world for ten days, this is the first time Manda has looked at his appearance. He is not so outstanding, but he can be regarded as an upright boy, not much better than the savage appearance in his previous life.

   After finishing this sacrifice, I don’t know what it will be like.

   Manda is still sentimental, the priest has prepared the sacrifice.

  The sacrifice for entering the stage is very simple, there is only one sheep.

  Manda stood under the altar. The three priests played music with lyre, panpipe, and lyre. The four priests danced around the altar.

   The earl calmly directed every step of the sacrifice. When the music and dance reached a climax, the earl made a gesture, and a priest walked up to the altar and pierced the heart of the goat with a sharp knife.

The goat wailed, and blood flowed down the crevice on the altar to Manda’s face. There was not much blood in the sheep, but the twelve-year-old boy was not too big. When the blood covered Manda’s body, Here comes the most critical step.

   I can’t give up hope, I have to give it a try!

   Manda’s mouth opened and closed, which seemed to be a normal reaction, with blood covering his face. To prevent the blood from getting into the nose, people would instinctively open their mouth to breathe.

   Manda didn’t do this to breathe, he was reciting the oath silently:

“Great god, my natal god, my master, please look here, forgive me for not being able to call your name, but I am flowing with your blood, and I offer sacrifices to you, together with my flesh and blood. Dedicated to you, I pray for your strength, I pray for your blessing, please open your door, please give me a way, please let me be your believer…”

   This is the Oath of the Second and the Five that Quinta designed for him, because Manda did not ask for the name of the destiny, so he could only make some temporary adaptations.

   He wiped his face with both hands, and this action didn’t seem to be a problem, but in fact this was the second step of the plan, the blood oath.

   Earlier, the earl cut a cut in Manda’s finger. Manda made the cut a little bigger with a gold finger, squeezed out a lot of blood, and smeared it on his face.

   “Together with my flesh and blood to give you, I pray for your strength, please let me be your believer…”

  Manda repeated the oath repeatedly, and he had already completed the blood oath ahead of time during the sacrifice section.

   And the object of the blood oath is a **** whose name he doesn’t know.

   If the earl knew what Manda had done, he would immediately take everyone out of the temple. But what Manda did was so concealed that the count didn’t see the slightest flaw.

   The sacrifice was over, Manda came to the altar with sheep’s blood covered in sheep’s blood, and recite the oath of blood together with the earl.

“The son of Gaia and Tartalus, the great Titan God Typhon, my master, please look here, I will dedicate my flesh and blood to you, I pray for your strength, I pray for your blessing Please open your door, please give me a way, please let me be your believer!”

   the earl said again, his tone is a little strange, his speech is not so clear, but fortunately he can barely distinguish.

  Manda repeated it, thinking in her heart: Great natal god, I was forced, these are not counted!

The earl asked Manda to stretch out his left hand. Manda had hidden a few drops of sheep’s blood in his palm in order to get through, but the earl didn’t give him a chance and wiped the blood in Manda’s hand clean with a knife. He made a cut and squeezed the blood into the sacrificial vessel.

   At this link, Manda has no chance of cheating.

   After the sacrifice, the earl pressed Manda’s shoulder, and the two knelt in front of the idol at the same time, waiting for Typhon’s will.

   The music, singing and dancing stopped instantly, and there was no sound in the temple, and Manda could even hear his own heartbeat.

   His heart beats fast because he is nervous. The earl seemed to be very nervous too, with sweat on his face, he was swallowing saliva and his complexion was very bad.

   A chill came, half of the candles in the temple were extinguished and the remaining half became much darker.

   Manda raised his head to look at the statue of Typhon, and found that the hundred snake heads on his neck were wriggling, and the flames in his mouth seemed to be trembling in the wind.

   “Close your eyes, you can’t look directly at the gods!” The earl yelled, his tone became more vague, and his lips were shaking, as if very angry.

   Manda closed his eyes obediently, but his heart hung in his throat.

  Kunta once told him that if the sacrifice is successful, the gods will come to the temple, sprinkle a drop of blood, and complete the blood oath.

  Manda thinks that all this is on the spiritual and soul level, at least invisible and inaudible.

   He was wrong. He closed his eyes and couldn’t see the face of the god, but he heard the voice, the voice of the god.

At first there was a lot of noise, there was laughter, there was crying, some people were talking, some were praying, some were whispering, some were roaring, some were shaking their throats and making weird noises, and some were holding tunes and singing. With melodious songs.

   Manda wanted to open his eyes, but instinctively told him not to do this, otherwise he would become blind.

   All the voices mixed together and poured into Manda’s brain. Manda felt a headache. He couldn’t hold it, and almost fell to the ground. Suddenly, all the voices disappeared, and the temple returned to silence again.

   Manda let out a sigh of relief, his sweat soaked through his clothes under the severe pain.

   So the sacrifice is over? There seems to be no pain as Quinta said. Didn’t see Typhon getting angry, nor did she look like Quinta, it seems that he got the best result.

   Unexpectedly, the sound rang in his ear again, low and noisy, like a noise on the radio. After a long time, Manda gradually distinguished the content of the sound.

   “Deceive me, someone deceived me.”

   is talking alone.

   The same voice repeated in the ears, and the surrounding air became cold and bitter.

   “Tartaros, my father, a stupid mortal deceived me. I will bring him into your abyss and let him suffer the torture of eternal life.”

   Is this the voice of Typhon? Manda looked at the count. The count was motionless. His time seemed to stand still, and the time of everyone around him seemed to stand still.

   It felt like someone was grabbing her hair and taking her body off the ground. Manda wanted to struggle, but couldn’t exert any strength.

   “Stupid mortal, fall into the abyss, this is the end you deserve! The first one is you, and the next is everyone here!”

   Manda felt his body plummet, and at the same time, countless soldering irons were burning his skin.

   Such pain can make people go crazy in an instant, Manda wants to mourn, but there is no sound from his throat.

   Although I don’t know what the abyss of Tartalus is, Manda can imagine that this place is more terrifying than the eighteenth hell.

   This time I got off the hook, the wisdom and power of the gods far exceeded his imagination, and his behavior of death in exchange for disastrous consequences.

   Just as he was about to lose consciousness, another voice suddenly rang in his ears.

   “Gaia, Mother of the Earth, Tartalus, Lord of the Abyss, I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me.”

   What a strange voice, like a man and a woman, like a person and a group of people, like chanting and singing, carefully distinguished as if there are thousands of voices, listening quietly, and it seems that there is only one person talking.

   “I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me.”

   Someone is helping him, who would that person be? Is it the earl?

  Impossible, the earl is still in the frozen time, and Manda is not so important to him.

   No one in this valley is willing to risk his life to help him, and there seems to be no such person in this world.

   “I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me.”

   With this voice’s constant prayers, Manda felt his pain relieved a lot.

   “I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me.”

   He felt his body slowly rising, as if he had broken free from the abyss.

   “I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me. I have prayed for you for so long, why don’t you say a few words for yourself?”

  What’s the situation, is he talking to me?

   “Who else can I talk to, and others can’t hear me!”

   Manda took a breath and almost let out a scream.

  Intuition tells him that this is his natal god, and his natal **** is helping him.

   His throat seems to be vocal. UU Reading

   “If you want to live, pray with me!”

   “I am a faithful believer of Typhon, please testify for me.”

   Manda spoke, and followed the prayers of the natal god. I did not know how many times this sentence was repeated until I felt my body returned to the altar again, smelling the smell of sheep blood and the unique fragrance of candlelight.

   “You are my believer!” The muffled voice sounded again, and Typhon accepted Manda.

   The earl also heard this sentence, and his time finally returned to flow.

Count    looked up at the idol, but saw a drop of bright red blood flowing from the mouth of a snake head in Typhon.

   The blood fell into the sacrificial vessel impartially, and the earl twitched his cheeks. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh.

   “Open your eyes,” the count said vaguely, “drink the gift of the gods!”

   Manda opened his eyes and felt that he had experienced a century of torture, but in fact he only waited a few minutes in front of the altar.

   He took the sacrificial vessel from the earl, which was mixed with his own blood and the blood of the gods, and the pungent fishy and salty smell contained an indescribable smell.

   Do you want to drink it?

   Is the natal **** really sheltering himself?

  Manda was hesitating, suddenly a dozen eyes grew out of the count’s face, staring at him together, as if one could see through his heart.

   “What are you waiting for?” the count asked.

   Manda put the sacrificial vessel to his mouth, and the voice of the **** of life resounded in his ear: “I have secretly exchanged that drop of blood, drink it, it is my blood.”

  Earl’s eyes became sharper and sharper, Manda did not dare to think about it, raised her neck, straightened her back, and drank the blood in the sacrificial vessel.


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