Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 5 - Get eternal life in the name of God

  Under the guard of Quinta, Manda wandered in the valley for a few days and came to three conclusions. The structure of the valley is very simple, the world of the ancient gods is very complicated, and Quinta’s life is very lonely.

   This valley is like a pocket. There are mountains on the east, west, and south sides. There is only one entrance on the north side and the only exit on the bright side. According to Quinta, there is still a tunnel in the valley where you can enter and exit. The location of the tunnel is classified, and Manda cannot be told for the time being.

   In such a closed environment, there are more than 60 people who believe in the ancient **** Tifeng. Among this group of people, Kunta belongs to the lowest rank and is called the white duck.

   Why is it called Duck? Quinta did not give an explanation for this point, because he had too much to explain.

   First of all, one thing can be confirmed. Manda is indeed flowing with the blood of the gods, but this is indeed not something to be proud of, because everyone is flowing with the blood of the gods.

From the moment a person is born, he carries the blood of an ancient **** in his body (Manda understands it as a gene). As for which god, this needs to be explored with special methods, and this **** is this Man’s natal god.

For example, if a person learns that he has the blood of Athena on his body, his natal **** is Athena. He can prepare the altar and the most basic sacrifices belonging to Athena according to the ancient secret recipe. The oath of blood.

If he hears the call of the gods during the sacrifice process, it proves that Athena has accepted this believer. He will use a drop of blood to form a sacred contract with the believer’s blood. This believer can gain some of the power of the gods and become the first level of the gods. Believers, this process is called stepping.

The rest is to upgrade, each level can get special skills gifted by the gods. In Quinta’s words, this is called the steps leading to the temple. Every step up is called an advancement. After climbing all the steps, you come to the door of the temple. , That is, believers who have reached the full level have to complete an arduous task to find the artifact.

“You can only get the name of God if you get a divine tool,” Quinta looked up at the sky and looked at the Sphinx hovering around, and said: “Her original name was Horna. After she reached the full order, she found Sphinx. X’s golden crown eventually gained the name of a god, became a demigod, and became the only messenger of the Sphinx in the world. The three-headed dog Leonde also reached the full rank, but he failed to get three heads. The canine’s artifact, so the name of the **** cannot be used yet.”

Manda has no interest in these theological knowledge. He just wants to escape the valley as soon as possible, but Quinta showed strong enthusiasm and patience. He eagerly imparted his knowledge to Manda, completely forgetting that Manda is a stranger. , And almost ate him.

   Manda couldn’t understand Quinta’s behavior at first, but after a few days together, he gradually understood. It is difficult for Quinta to find an opportunity to talk to others. Except for the Lion Girl who has a special love and accommodation for him in the valley, no one else wants to talk to him.

   Whenever I mention the Lion Girl, Quinta’s face always blushes: “You know? Few people in this world can get the name of God. Every time I see her smile, I am proud of myself.”

   Manda snorted: “What is the use of God’s name?”

   Kunta said: “It can increase mana, can turn artifacts into weapons, and can live forever. There should be no other use.”

   “It’s really useless…” Manda smiled contemptuously, and after a few seconds of silence, he hugged Quinta tightly.

“Actually, you should be able to see that I don’t have much scheming. Since entering the valley, the first person I have met is you. We trust and help each other. Even if there is a little friction, it is a thing of the past. Do you still remember the scene when we ate fish together? Thinking of that scene, I almost broke into tears. The fish you grilled is so delicious… So what I want to say is, what do you mean by immortality? It refers to spirit It’s on faith, or on faith?”

   Kunta looked at Manda in surprise: “You don’t even know this, right? Those who have the name of God will have eternal life, that is, live forever in this world.”

  Manda pointed to the Lion Girl flying around in the sky and said, “That is, she will be immortal?”

   “Living forever…I like this word,” Quinta smiled approvingly. “It can be said that she won’t die or grow old without being fatally injured. She is so beautiful…”

   Manda looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt that this neurotic woman was much more beautiful, much more lovely, and even a little sacred.

   He turned around and stared at Quinta: “My good friend, I really don’t know what sentence to use to praise our friendship.”

   “How about using that phrase to live forever?” Quinta laughed.

   “Too appropriate, my favorite is this word, do you have paper and pen?”

Quinta was startled, and then smiled: “You are also a person who loves knowledge.” He asked the right person. Quinta has the habit of carrying pen and paper at any time. He took out three pieces of parchment from his bag, one With a quill pen and a small pot of ink, Manda took a deep breath when he saw the paper and pen, and truly felt that he had returned to a human life.

   He has always maintained the habit of taking notes. Although he did not have pen and paper in the Jurassic, he still carves every hunting experience on the stone. This is an important magic weapon for him to survive for 82 years.

   “Now can I trouble you to repeat the previous things again, those bloodlines, sacrifices, steps, artifacts, natal gods and the like…”

   Coming into this world, Manda often had the same nightmare. In the dream, he stared at the dense notes on the cave, thinking about what to eat for the next meal.

   Lived for 82 years in the Jurassic, his hunting experience can be written into a million-word hunting book, but no amount of experience can change the fact that he is old.

   He can’t catch up with the old lizards, can’t beat young dinosaurs, can’t dig traps, can’t move rocks, can’t even grab carrion, and will be snatched by other dinosaurs if he grabs it.

   After being hungry for two days, he made a death decision to steal Allosaurus eggs. He successfully found the nest of Allosaurus and waited patiently for the mother dragon to leave. There was only one egg in the nest. When he was about to start, the young dragon broke its shell.

   That little guy is very cute, and his immature cry is like the cry of a baby.

   Stone this little guy to death, then take it away, eat it?

   did this when he was young, but now he can’t do it.

   He hesitated for a while, and for a while, the mother dragon was attracted by the cries of the young dragon.

   Then, there is no more…This is his last memory in the Jurassic.

   Birth, old age, sickness and death, reincarnation and curse that cannot be escaped, who dares to say that he can really bear it down?

   A ghost that retains the memory of two lives can prove that being indifferent to life and death is a nonsense, and even ghosts can’t deceive it!

   After suffering two lives, Manda finally found the meaning of this life.

   As long as you can have eternal life, you will not hesitate to pay any price!


   At night, except for those who are on duty in the valley, everyone else has to go to sleep in the earl’s castle.

The castle built on the cliff is much larger than Manda imagined. In the thick fog, Manda could not see the full view of the castle. He only knew that the castle had at least four floors, each with more than a dozen floors. Rooms.

   This proves two things. First, it proves that the earl is very generous and provided a good living environment for his subordinates.

   also proved that the earl is very powerful. There are sixty subordinates living in the castle, and each subordinate may become a powerful man in the sky. If one day takes them out of this valley, he should be able to easily conquer a country…

   Manda hasn’t completed the first sacrifice. He is not a believer. He can’t have his own room for the time being. He can only huddle with Quinta.

   In the middle of the night, he couldn’t fall asleep with excitement, and his belief in immortality kept stirring his nerves.

   This thing shouldn’t be too difficult, even the crazy lion girl did it.

   Seriously looking at the notes she took down, Manda gradually followed the process of becoming a god:

“The lion girl is bleeding from the sphinx. She is still a believer in the sphinx and became a full-level believer in the sphinx. The name of God, right?”

“Don’t call her a lion girl, you have to call her **** name Sphinx, or her real name Horna, and you are not right,” Quinta scratched her scalp, a little bit in her eyes dim.

   “What’s wrong? Isn’t this all you told me?” Manda checked the notes repeatedly, and found no logical loopholes.

   “This was originally classified. I shouldn’t tell you before you finish the sacrifice,” Quinta pursed her lips. “On other people, what you said is correct, but we are not the same.”

“What’s the difference?”

Quinta took a deep breath and seemed to have made a lot of determination: “Sphynx is not a **** recognized by people. To be precise, it is the monster that people said in ancient times. No one will shed the blood of monsters. No one believes in monsters, do you… understand what I mean?”

  Manda pointed out the window and said, “That lion girl flying around…”

“I said, her name is Horna, she is a good woman!” Quinta’s small gray face turned red again, “Her natal **** is Aphrodite, but she wrongly believed in war. Goddess Eris, UU reading will become a lost person in this way, and both body and soul will fall into chaos until destruction.”

   Manda was dizzy: “You just said Aphrodite, and what Eris did, but these two have nothing to do with Sphinx.”

“Actually, this is easy to understand. To put it simply, she has gone the wrong way and her bloodline does not match her beliefs. This is a fatal mistake. If you want to survive, you can only enter the abyss of Tartarus and devote yourself to the father of all demons. In the embrace of Typhon, he will identify a demon **** and become our new natal god.”

   Manda pondered for a long time, and finally understood Quinta’s words. Simply put, the Lioness believed in the wrong god, and this terrible mistake made her a monster.

   Faith and lineage must correspond strictly, with the blood of Athena, if you believe in Apollo, you will become a lost person and die soon.

  If you don’t want to die, you have to believe in the demon king Typhon, and use Typhon’s power to open up a path to becoming a demon god.

   Manda sat up, looked at Quinta nervously, and asked, “Do you know which god’s blood is bleeding on my body?”

   Quinta shook his head and said: “It can only be seen through the divination of priests, and there are very few priests with real magic power. Our earl knows how to divination, but he will not help you.”

   “Will I also believe in the wrong **** and go the wrong way?”

   “It doesn’t matter anymore,” Quinta bit her lip and looked at Manda sympathetically. “You have gone the wrong way. You have decided to follow Typhon. This is destined to become a monster.”

   Manda pursed his lips: “Is there no other choice?”

“there is none left.”

   Under Manda’s gaze, Quinta’s face turned redder.

   “Don’t look at me like this, I swear in the name of Typhon, it’s really gone!”

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