Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 35 - iron Man

   The huge gap made Udora give up resistance. In despair, she closed her eyes and waited to die. When the stone statue was about to release the bowstring, the huge three-headed dog suddenly rammed the stone statue.

   The stone statue was knocked to the ground, and the feather arrow flew away. The three-headed dog stepped forward and took a bite. Two of its sharp teeth were broken, but the stone statue was intact.

   Physical attack is not possible. There are other methods. While the stone statue did not stand up, a group of fire sprang up from the mouth of the three-headed dog, and it was about to spray towards the stone statue. Suddenly, when the wind rang in his ears, a rain of arrows flew over.

   is Torres’s army. There are many torches behind the stone statue. This allows the soldiers to see the three-headed dog in the thick fog.

   Leonde didn’t put the group of soldiers in his eyes at all. He roared and was about to rush over when he saw a piece of rubble flying towards him.

   It was Ziegssel, this piece of rock made the three-headed dog immediately give up the idea of ​​hard steel, grabbed Udora in one bite, and disappeared into the mist before the swamp spread to his feet.

   “Why let him go!” Torres complained, “You should prepare the swamp sooner.”

   “I can’t exhaust all my mana. This night will be very long, and we have many enemies.”

   The stone statue stood up, and the army continued to follow the stone statue. Walking on the road, the stone statue shot and killed three white ducks that were patrolling the post from time to time.

   “It’s almost time to end,” Ziggs said, “cut off their heads, and it’s an explanation to the Marquis.”

   Torres whispered: “Leave now? There are soldiers from the Marquis here. At least you have to see the castle to retreat.”

   “It’s too late to see the castle, and the nymph can’t hold it for that long.”

   “Go a little further, and when we meet the next enemy, we will leave. If the nymph can’t hold it, the priest will give us a signal.”

   The stone statue continued to move forward in the thick fog, but never encountered an enemy again, until the shadow of the castle was vaguely seen in the thick fog, Ziegsser stepped forward and grabbed Torres’s rein: “It’s time to go!”

   Torres was no longer stubborn, he was about to give an order to retreat, when suddenly the enemy appeared in front of him.

   seems to be two soldiers, very tall, wearing armor and carrying long swords. Unlike the agile enemies before, they walk very slowly.

   “What’s this, is it here to die?” Torres looked at the enemy in surprise, and Ziegsel grabbed his rein again.

   “No matter what they are, we must go!”

   Torres’s horse was pulled a bit, which made him feel a little offended, he stared at Ziegsser for a moment, and Ziegsser quickly loosened Torres’s rein.

   Fortunately, Torres didn’t care too much: “Don’t be so nervous, let’s chop off two more heads and go back. Besides, we don’t need to do anything, just leave it to the nymph.”

  While speaking, the stone statue had already fired a feather arrow. The arrow hit an enemy and sparked some sparks on him, but the enemy did not fall.

   Ziegsai was startled, his heart immediately hung up, the stone statue shot several feather arrows one after another, and the two enemies still did not fall to the ground.

   ran out of feathers and arrows, the stone statue drew out the saber around his waist and walked towards the enemy. With the torch on the back of the stone statue, Ziegser could see the enemy clearly.

   Those were two iron men, warriors made of steel. One soldier swung a sword and slashed at the stone statue. The stone statue dodged and cut down the iron man with a long sword.

   The strength of the iron man is not as powerful as the stone statue, and the speed is not as fast as the stone statue, but the iron man who fell on the ground did not die. He hugged the stone statue’s leg while the other iron man was still fighting with the stone statue.

   Seeing their tacit cooperation, Ziegssey finally thought of their origins.

   “It’s Ares’ iron man! This is a fetish!”

   “What kind of fetish?” Torres said with a panic, “Is it stronger than the nymph of the goddess of hunting?”

   Zi Gesai did not explain much. An iron man is definitely not an opponent of the stone statue, but if the stone statue is entangled by the iron man, it means that they have lost half of their combat effectiveness.

   He threw the torch into the air, which was to inform the priest outside the valley to immediately manipulate the stone statue to retreat.

   The priest received the signal and was about to change the spell, when suddenly a peerless beauty appeared in front of him.

   She is too beautiful, but the beauty is not coquettish, but with inaccessible cold arrogance and majesty, people dare not look directly at it, and dare not profanity.

   “It’s the Queen of Heaven, Hera the Queen of Heaven, don’t look directly at the gods…” The priest hurriedly blindfolded his eyes. Knowing that he had been caught in an illusion, he quickly took out a knife and cut his thigh, trying to use the pain to free himself from the illusion.

   But the priest failed to break free from the illusion. He felt Hera’s majesty getting closer. He closed his eyes and wanted to escape. A maid pierced his chest with a machete.

   Several maids rushed up one after another, with grinning smiles, slashed at the priest one after another. Amid the crazy laughter of the maid, the priest was dismembered alive.

   After Heaven, Hera raised her arms as Bai Ru Lily, and she was summoning these maids.

   Lost in the illusion, the maids rushed to Hera with the priest’s flesh and blood and innards, and offered their sacrifices to the queen…

   The stone statue has lost control and has been fighting with the iron man. Ziegser has already felt the weakness of Nymph, and her advantage over the iron man is slowly disappearing.

   Ziegsel grabbed Torres’s rein again, this time Torres did not raise any objections.

   They rushed towards the mouth of the valley in the mist, and iron men appeared on both sides of the road from time to time, slashing the soldiers of Torres with their swords.

After running for a long time, there was a light in front of him. Ziegsah thought he had reached the mouth of the valley. UU read urged the horse to rush over, but he quickly took the reins. The light did not come from the mouth of the valley, but from the mouth of the valley. The torch behind the stone statue.

   The stone statue is in front of them, still fighting the iron man, which means that they have walked back to where they were and lost their way in the valley.

   Torres couldn’t help howling loudly, and the soldiers around him became chaotic. There were more and more iron men, fewer and fewer soldiers, and the stone statues became weaker and weaker, falling to the ground under the siege of the iron men.

   Ziegsah stretched out his right hand and shouted: “Mud! Flying dust!”

  All the soldiers fell into the swamp together with the Iron Man. Ziggsella picked up Torres to break through the dust and suddenly saw a lion flying in the air.

   “In the name of my god, gain the power of my **** and the light of my god!”


   The sound of killing all night, but it did not affect Manda’s dreams, he still slept soundly. At dawn the next day, a few white ducks carried a large pile of corpses into the cave.

   There is a very special corpse, his clothes are very gorgeous, you can tell at a glance that he is a nobleman.

   “I seem to have seen him somewhere.” Manda stared at the corpse a lot, found his purse from his waist, and poured out more than twenty gold coins.

   “It’s making a lot of money!” Manda’s eyes shone with gold.

   “Leave four gold coins, one of us, two, and the rest to the earl.” Portia put the gold coins back in her purse.

   “Why?” Manda was puzzled, “Didn’t you mean that the wealth of the corpse belongs to you?”

   “Who told you to belong to me? The earl just doesn’t care about the small money,” Portia hooked Manda’s nose, “Don’t be too greedy, otherwise life will not last.”

  Outside the valley, Ziegser, who had broken his hand, was walking through the woods with difficulty. Torres was dead, and he must leave Iron Mountain Town as soon as possible.


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