Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 34 - The Battle of Silence

   The coquettish woman on the altar gave Portia a piece of parchment, which seemed to have a catalog written on it.

   Portia took a look, pointed to a line in the table of contents and said: “I want this.”

   The woman showed her red and black teeth, smiled at Portia, and disappeared without a trace.

   After using it for too long, Manda got cramped again. After recovering for a long time, he found an extra piece of parchment on the altar.

   had strange words written on it, Manda didn’t recognize it, but he was sure it was very different from the previous catalog.

   “Two golden butterfly pupae, four fools flowers, six earworms, nine bitter noodle leaves…it seems to be only seven.

  The old witch crushed the medicinal materials, put them in a clay pot and boiled them with water. When the soup was about to boil, Portia asked, “Which **** are you a believer?”

   Manda answered without hesitation: “Of course I am a believer in Typhon.”

   “Tifeng has many subordinates, which subordinate are you a believer?”

   Manda pursed his lips: “I’m just a white duck. I haven’t got the call of the gods yet.”

The old witch added a piece of firewood and said with a smile: “I am getting older, and my patience has also deteriorated. When I was young, I could talk to you about nonsense like this for a whole day. I will ask you more directly. Which **** do you want to pretend to be a believer?”

   It’s too bad, it’s exposed, how does she know she’s pretending?

   Manda has a good impression of Portia, he has not concealed anything in front of her, but he has never revealed any secrets.

He was sweating profusely, thinking about how to deal with Portia, but saw Portia smile again: “When this wood is burned, the soup will be boiled out. You know, here I am. There are no more bitter leaves, and I don’t know what year it will be.”

   Manda looked at the old witch with cross-eyed eyes. When she said this, several gold coins fell from her eyes.

   Intuition tells Manda that this is a sincere help, and it is valuable help.

   Manda looked at the clay pot and said in a low voice, “I think I should be on the path of Chimera.”

   “Chimera? This is really troublesome, I remember there are a few Chimera’s manes.”

   The old witch rummaged through the cabinets and found a few things like lion’s mane and put them in the clay pot. A pungent smell floated out.

   The medicinal soup was boiled, and Portia carried the wooden bowl and brought it to Manda.

   “Drink it.”

   Manda instinctively shrank his head back: “What happens if I drink it?”

   “I won’t die.”

   “Will I really become a believer in Chimera?”

   “Don’t you want to?” The old witch gave an evil smile.

   “I really want to, but I can’t…” Manda is already a first-order believer of Hermes. If you get involved with Chi Mei at this time, I’m afraid Hermes will kill him in minutes.

   Portia smiled. She saw Manda’s thoughts: “If a bowl of soup can make you a believer in Chimera, what is the purpose of offering sacrifices? Chimera is too cheap.”

The old witch didn’t want to give more explanations, and she didn’t mean to force Manda. Manda took the soup bowl and rubbed the bottom of the bowl. She was about to repeat the old trick and drill a hole in the bottom of the bowl. Suddenly she heard Hermes in her ears. Pan said: “Drink, don’t suffer.”

  The words of God still need to be heard. Manda hesitated for a moment, and drank the soup in one breath. It was astringent and bitter, but it was not that bad.

   A warm current flooded all over, Manda was sweating, and there was a strange smell in the sweat.

   Portia stood up and said: “You are lucky, you already have the smell of Chimera. This smell can last for a year and can help you fool the earl.”

   Manda is relieved, this old woman is really, why didn’t she finish her words earlier?

   Watching her walk to the entrance of the cave, Manda also wanted to go over and blow the hair, but saw that the harpy brought the corpse again, so scared Manda hurriedly got into the bed.

   It seems that the war has really begun. There are almost twice as many corpses today than yesterday.

   After Eudora left, Manda tentatively asked: “Can the earl wake up?”

   The old witch stared into the dense fog and whispered: “The earl woke up a long time ago. He likes to fight in peace like this.”


   Outside the valley, Viscount Solens’s son Torres was making the final preparations before the charge. Ziegssel kept frowning his eyebrows. Although this was the order of the Viscount, in his opinion, the idea of ​​letting Torres enter the canyon himself was extremely stupid.

   “I think you misunderstood the Viscount’s intentions. There must be more subtle instructions in his order.”

   “There are no other instructions, he said very clearly, I must lead my army into the canyon, otherwise he will not be able to give the Marquis a satisfactory answer.”

   “You are his eldest son. There is nothing more important to him than you.”

   “Do you really think so?” Torres smiled bitterly, “In his eyes, there are many more important things than me. Sometimes I really envy your life, at least you are working hard for yourself.”

   A refugee was broken open and hung on a stone statue. At night, his blood was almost drained.

   The sacrifice is at the last The priest and the waiters dance a wild dance.

   When the moon shone on the stone statue, the stone statue’s arms trembled. The exhausted priest took the waiter and quickly fled to the distance, chanting the spell in the ancient Atlantean language.

   “Wake up, beautiful and holy goddess, there is your prey in the canyon.”

   The movement of the stone statue was no longer stiff, she gracefully took out a feather arrow from behind, put it on the bowstring, and walked into the valley silently.

  Zigsé grasped the reins, and finally told Torres: “At any time, don’t leave my sight.”

   More than two hundred soldiers followed the stone statue into the valley, and Eudora, who was hiding on the hillside, could see it clearly. She knew that the stone statue had an extraordinary origin, and she didn’t plan to fight the other side. All she had to do was to report the news to the castle.

   She leaped up in one step, and was about to take off, when she suddenly saw the stone statue turned around and opened her short bow.

   The bowstring quivered, and a feather arrow arrived. Udora was unprepared, and the feather arrow shot directly through her wings.

   Eudora fell to the ground, and the pain made her unable to crawl, and the bowstring rang again, and an arrow pierced and hit her leg, pinning her to the ground.

   “Rotten!” Yodora used a first-order skill. If it were a wooden arrow shaft, it would rot immediately, allowing her to get out of it without pain.

   But she miscalculated this time. This feather arrow is made of stone, and her skills have no effect on the feather arrow. When she desperately pulled out the feather arrow to escape, the stone statue had already arrived in front of her.

   Ruddy cheeks, soft smile, and the beauty of the hunting goddess’s face is irresistible.

   She took the stone arrow from her back, put it on the short bow, and aimed the arrow at Udora’s forehead.


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