Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 28 - Fenglin Yufu

   Sphinx really arranged a pretty girl for Manda.

   Eudora, Harpy, Sangila’s sister, beautiful, gentle, and able to fly.

She took Manda across the mountains, instead of holding him with her claws like a lion woman, or hanging him with insect silk like Worm, she put Manda on her soft back and made Manda I slept till dawn on the warm feathers.

When    was about to reach the red leaf forest, Yudola landed next to a pinus pine, transformed into a human shape, and hid in a bush with Manda.

   “This is the only way to get in and out of the red leaf forest. Let’s wait here for a while to see what happens.”

  Udora is very different from Worm, and has very rich experience in surveillance and detection. If you change to Worm, I am afraid that you have already flown Manda over the enemy camp.

   The sky was densely covered with dark clouds and sporadic light rains intermittently. From time to time, Eudora picked up the cloak to protect Manda from the rain, and nestled in her arms. The warm current was enough to make Manda overcome the cold wind of late autumn.

   What a nice girl! Manda praised from the bottom of his heart that when I became the master of the valley, I would definitely marry her as a wife, and then be angry with the lion girl…

   From dawn until around noon, a team finally appeared on the path outside the forest.

   There are more than twenty infantrymen, four cavalrymen, four carriages, two carts are used to pull goods, one is used to pull people, and the other is covered with curtains, and I don’t know what to load.

   Eudora whispered: “This is the supply team. If we can find some clues from them, we won’t have to venture into the jungle.”

This is the wisdom that a sentinel should have. Eudora is only a first-order believer. It is obviously unwise to sneak into the forest with Manda. If the other party has a second-order believer, it is very likely that they will come back and forth. Every time, I can have the luck of dealing with old Yaman.

Udora carefully observed the supply team, but those eagle-sharp eyes didn’t seem to help her too much: “I don’t see how special they are. We have to bring back some useful news, otherwise the Sphinx Sis will not let it go.”

   Her worries are not unreasonable. Although she doesn’t want to take risks, she must give the Lion Girl an explanation, otherwise there will be more dangerous tasks waiting for them.

   Manda moved forward two steps, and gently pushed aside the bushes in front of him, without making any sound.

   Yudola silently looked at Manda’s back and began to record his every move.

   is very agile and does not lose to the first-tier believers.

   Using all four limbs together, the action is like a beast.

   put a finger in front of his eyes, as if it was his way of casting spells.

   Eudora has amazing observation ability, but Manda knows nothing about it, and he focuses his attention on the carriage.

He first looked at the two carts that pulled goods. There were more than a dozen sacks on the carts. The goods on each cart were worth eight silver coins. Estimated at the current price, the carts are loaded with grain, which can add up to 1,000. Seven or eight hundred pounds, if Solens really had a hundred soldiers, then his camp would have at least nearly two hundred handymen, and there were three hundred people in total, and the food could last for four or five days.

   Then he looked at the carriage that was hidden by the curtain, and more than two hundred gold coins fell in front of him.

  What can be worth more than two hundred gold coins? There are only two possibilities. One is that it is the gold coin itself, and there is a box of gold coins on this car.

   Another possibility is that this is a valuable item.

   Why should precious items be sent to the barracks? This thing is likely to be a fetish, and it is likely to be a powerful weapon.

   The supply team was slowly approaching, and Manda was eager to see more information from the carriage, and his cross-eyedness got worse.

   But he only has gold coins in front of his eyes, he only has the ability to judge the value, he has no clairvoyance, he can’t get out of his body, and he won’t fetch things in space. The extra effort is completely futile.

   Due to the long-term cross-eyed state, Manda’s brain began to ache, and his vision was a little out of control. He inadvertently swept the carriage that contained people.

   The car was a wooden cage with seven people in it. Manda saw a dazzling silver light on these people.

What is this? Is it a silver coin? Manda increased his concentration, and he felt that his eyes were about to switch positions.

   That’s right, it’s silver coins. A dozen silver coins fell beside the wooden cage.

   Why do silver coins fall? Are people valuable?

   Manda recalled how he looked when he observed Old Yaman, and four copper coins popped out of his face. This is definitely not human value, life is priceless, this is an evaluation of his sensational remarks.

   But these slaves didn’t talk to me. They didn’t even know that I was here. What do these values ​​mean?

   The headache caused Manda to think quickly. He quickly thought of another thing. According to common sense, these people in the wooden cage should be slaves, and slaves are also a kind of commodity, and they should be valuable.

   But this is still unreasonable. According to the current price, the price of a slave is at least 50 silver coins, but why did I only see a dozen silver coins? Is each slave worth only two silver coins?

   can no longer use his divine power. The severe headache made Manda almost vomiting. He bit his index finger hard until he bit out a bit of fishy and salty bite, and the divine power was still not relieved.

   The cock-fighting eyes were kept for too long, and the eyeballs seemed to cramp. Manda felt that his consciousness was collapsing, the unbearable pain made him about to coma, and his eyes fell on a cavalry involuntarily.

   A large piece of gold coins fell, and it looked like there were hundreds of them.

   Who is this? Why is it so valuable? Is it dazzling?

   Manda rubbed his eyes vigorously, hoping to get rid of the state of supernatural power, but found that the valuable cavalry turned his face and was looking at him.

   Eyes crossed, Manda took a breath, and his eyes quickly returned to normal.

   was discovered! Manda turned around and immediately informed Udora, only to find that there was no one behind him.

she left? When did you leave? Where did you go? While Manda was still bewildered, the cavalry had stepped off his horse and charged towards Manda.

   He didn’t want to expose himself to the sound of horse hooves, and he ran much faster than his horse. Manda could feel that the opponent was much faster than himself, but he didn’t plan to give up running away.

   The two sides have a distance of three hundred steps. They ran into the depths of the bushes and ran toward the narrowest, most difficult place, and the most thorny place. Perhaps they would be able to get rid of the chase of the other side.

   Manda, who was often chased by dinosaurs in his previous life, has a very rich escape experience, but when he just thought of getting up, he heard a cry in his ear:


  Manda’s feet suddenly turned into a swamp, and her feet fell into the mud, unable to move a step.

   The cavalry appeared behind him in the blink of an eye, watching Manda sink into the quagmire a little bit.

  Manda is very experienced, so you can’t just struggle at this time. He looked up at the cavalry and smiled awkwardly: “Aren’t you going to catch me?”

   “Why do you want to catch you? It’s fun to see you being submerged.” The cavalry is over forty years old, with heavy forehead lines and deep law lines. He is a typical cruel and mean middle-aged man.

Manda didn’t know what to do, so he could only look at him with begging eyes. As for begging, he forgot to say what to say. That thing was useless in the previous life and was not very useful in this life. Pity is a luxury. Reward is not something that can be exchanged for a few words.

   The mud was about to pass Manda’s waist, and the cavalry finally spoke: “What’s your name?”

   “My name is Dario, I came to find something to eat, I haven’t eaten in a few days, I saw you come, and I hid here.”

   “Just came to find food?”

   Manda nodded vigorously.

   “You are lucky, I have something to eat here, I just need someone.”

   I don’t know why this cavalry believes in Manda so easily, maybe he thinks Manda is not a threat at all.

   He pulled Manda out of the mud like a chicken, carried it to the side of the carriage, and threw it into the cage.

   The muddy Manda was thrown next to a young man who was about fourteen or five years old, wearing a dark red robe with a waist, and a pair of very clean leather boots.

   The mud on Manda soiled his boots, and he kicked Manda very annoyed.

   “Go away, shit-eating idiot!”

Manda was kicked in the ribs and was so painful. This kick was very heavy, but the young man didn’t feel that it was fun enough. He raised his foot and wanted to kick again. The carriage suddenly bumped, and the young man staggered. Almost fell.

   Manda raised his head and looked down at the nasty young man.

   The young man said with a grim look: “Look at what, believe it or not, I break your neck?”

   Manda wanted to teach him a lesson, but was pulled down. He turned his head and saw an acquaintance sitting behind him.

   is the kid, the kid saved by Worm by the well.

   His mother was also in the wooden cage, sitting on the hay with her eyes blank, her face even more numb than before.

“Sit next to my mother and me. Sit here.” The little boy tried to make room for Manda. After Manda sat down, he asked in a low voice, “You are also here to work for the Viscount Lord? You? Where’s that friend?”

   “He, not here…” Manda smiled, he didn’t want to talk more, didn’t want to expose his identity through a meaningless conversation.

   Looking at Manda’s embarrassed expression, the little boy at UU reading seemed to understand something, and asked carefully: “Are you hungry, I still have a little bit to eat…”

   Before he finished speaking, his mother kicked him and the little boy lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

   The carriage entered the forest, and the light suddenly dimmed. Although it was late autumn, most of the red leaves on the maple tree did not fall, densely intertwined on the top of the head, blocking most of the sunlight.

   While his mother was not paying attention, the little boy secretly stuffed Manda with a piece of bread, only a small piece. He held it in his hand for a long time and was soaked in sweat.

   He blinked his bright eyes and looked at Manda, and whispered to Manda, “Hurry up and eat.”

   It was Worm that helped him, and Worm was feeding him. Manda just stared coldly from the sidelines.

   But the little boy believed that Manda was Worm’s friend, and gave Manda the most precious food. His actions had been concealed from his mother, but he had not concealed it from the annoying young man.

   “What did you give him? Do you still have something to eat?” The young man looked at the little boy viciously, and the little boy quickly lowered his head in fright.

   “I’m asking you something!” The young man was gritting his teeth when he spoke, as if he was about to eat people, so his mother hurriedly took the boy in her arms.

   “I’m asking if you have anything to eat!” The young man stood up. He wanted to come over and pull the boy’s hair, but he didn’t dare to reach out.

   He found Manda looking at him with eyes downcast again.

   “What are you looking at! Believe it or not, I dug your eyes!” The young man gritted his teeth and looked at Manda.

   Tiger fangs are cute, but pig fangs are very annoying.

   This is a young man who hates more than pigs. Because he is still a child, Manda is going to give him a chance to be a new man.

   Yes, start over and be a new person.


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