Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 26 - Everything is valuable

   The Lion Girl was right. Old Yaman was unreliable, but she didn’t expect that he would directly act on Manda and Worm.

   Seeing old Yaman revealing the snake head, he fell to the ground and Worm immediately spit out the insect silk. Old Yaman jumped to avoid the insect silk and kicked Worm in the face.

   The two snake heads pounced on Worm. As long as they bite, the poison will kill Worm in the blink of an eye.

   Worm grabbed the snake’s head with both hands, and spit out the insect silk into Old Yaman’s face. Old Yaman’s waist was very soft, and he avoided the insect silk on his back, and gave Worm a kick.

   Worm drew his short knife, instead of pounced on Old Yaman, he pounced on Manda.

   If you don’t take the living, you can only leave the dead body. Manda knows so many secrets that he can’t be captured alive by any means.

  Old Yaman naturally wouldn’t give him such a chance. He threw the snake’s tail and tripped Worm to the ground, twisted his body, and entangled Worm’s body.

   Even with the sound of chewing crunchy bones, there was a harsh cracking sound from Worm’s bones, which made Manda goose bumps straight.

   This bug has really mutated, how can the bug have bones?

   Worm made the last resistance. He bit Old Yaman’s body with his fangs. He tried his best to bite, but Old Yaman didn’t even leave a tooth mark on his body.

   The power of Hydra lies not only in its venom, but its scales are harder than steel.

If Sphinx were to see this scene, she would definitely regret her rashness. Even if Worm was not injured, he would not be the opponent of Old Yaman. Tier 2 vs. Tier 1, and Old Yaman also got God. In the name, when he was fully prepared, his advantage over Worm was completely crushing.

   The poisonous snake’s letter had already licked Worm’s face, and all he had to do was to take a bite, and this bookworm that was favored by the gods would end his life.

  Worm was still struggling. Old Yaman knew that Worm’s skin was also very hard. He raised his neck and built up his strength to give Worm the final blow. He didn’t want to slip, and suddenly fell to the ground.

   Was slipped by something? There seems to be porridge under the hay, very thick porridge.

   No, it’s not porridge, it’s broth, broth mixed with bread, he poured it on the place where Manda had just drank the soup.

   Why is there soup on the ground? Hasn’t all the soup been drunk by Manda? Could it be that……

   Old Yaman looked at Manda who was sleeping, and found that Manda was no longer there.

   When he turned his face and looked again, Manda had already pounced on him, with a hand in his chest.

   “I heard that you have nine heads. I don’t know how many hearts you have.”

   After groping for a long time between the hot and humid flesh and blood, Manda found Old Yaman’s heart and pulled it hard, pulling out the beating heart.

Old Yaman took a deep breath and his whole body limp. He covered his chest and gasped hard, “I never thought of hurting you. If I used poison, you would have died long ago. I just wanted to let him You stay alive.”

   “Really?” Manda squeezed his heart.

   “Keep him for his life,” Worm yelled, lying on the ground, “He is a demigod and should be left to Typhon.”

   Manda hesitated for a moment. He suddenly wanted to do an interesting experiment. He stretched out his right index finger and turned himself into cross-eyed eyes, and said to Old Yaman: “Repeat your last sentence again.”

   Old Yaman’s face turned gray, he took a few breaths, and said with difficulty: “I just want you to live.”

   Manda saw four copper coins falling in front of her eyes. The value of this sentence is only so much. This is a reward for acting skills, slightly better than street artists.

   “Unexpectedly, there is such a function!” Manda laughed excitedly, and threw Old Yaman’s heart into the fire. The smell of roasted meat immediately came from the long house.

   Looking at the smoking heart in the fire, Old Yaman rolled his eyes and froze to the ground.

   Manda turned to Warm and said, “Can you still go? If you can’t go, I will leave you here.”

   Worm struggled to stand up, looking at Manda’s blood-filled hands, he said nothing, followed Manda and left the longhouse.

   Before leaving, Manda burned old Yaman’s house.

   “He should at least have a decent funeral.” Worm sighed.

   “Is his funeral not decent enough? His house, his horse, and everything he lived with was buried with him.”

   “Just burn him like that? Is this a funeral?”

“Why not? How many heroes chose cremation in ancient times?” Watching the flames engulf the long house, Manda patted the dust on his hands. “The benefits of cremation are too many. The most important thing is to prevent corpses. He There are nine heads, and beheading it may not be effective.”

   The fire became stronger and stronger, and before they were discovered, the two left the village.

   Worm dragged his footsteps with difficulty, whispering: “You are really vicious.”

   Manda sneered and said: “Who just wanted to kill me? What qualifications do you have to say that I am vicious?”

   “How do you know that the soup is poisonous? How do you know that poison will make you fall asleep?”

   Manda made a fist with his right hand, wrapped his right hand with his left hand, placed it on his chest, and said with a pious expression: “That is a revelation from the gods.”

   “Are you talking about your natal god?”

   Manda hurriedly put away the prayer gestures to avoid misunderstandings of the natal god: “I have forgotten my natal god, we are all believers of Typhon, what is your natal god?”

Manda asked casually, but he didn’t expect Worm to really answer: “I don’t have a natal maybe I don’t know, Lord Earl made sacrifices for me, but Tifeng only gave me supernatural powers. , But didn’t give me the way.”

   “When you reach Tier 2, how do you get the artifact?”

   “I don’t know,” Worm’s voice became even lower, “maybe there is no such artifact at all.”

   “You have read, so what, have eaten so many books, there must be one that will give you the answer, and you will definitely find…”

   Manda turned around, and the flames of the long house were faintly visible.

   “I seem to have forgotten something…” Manda patted his forehead, and suddenly heard the fate of God in his ear: “Everything is valuable.”


   In the long house that was about to collapse, a crab about the size of a washbasin got out of the soil, holding a certain black crown in his hand, and came to the corpse of Old Yaman.

Old Yaman’s body has been scorched more than half, bones have been seen in many places, and the snake heads on his neck are all scorched, but his own head is very intact, even the few hairs are not damaged. .

   Crab used two crab claws to lift up the golden crown and put it on Old Yaman’s head. Old Yaman seemed to get the induction. His human head took off a layer of skin and turned into a snake head.

   The snake’s head spit out the letter, and he woke up in the flames. He looked at the fire.

   The crab understood what he meant and picked his heart from the fire.

   The heart was burned into coke long ago, and only the size of an egg was left. The crab carefully held the heart and sent it to Old Yaman’s mouth.

   Old Yaman bit his heart in one bite, and injected the venom from the dental tube into the charred heart.

   After waiting for a long time, when the crab shell was about to burn red, the heart jumped on the crab claws, and the crab immediately stuffed the heart into old Yaman’s chest…


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