Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 24 - Refugees

   Sand and stones were flying in front of my eyes, and his roots rubbed his cheeks. Manda rode on Worm’s back, crawling in the cave for most of the day, and finally got out of the ground.

   Sphinx ordered Manda and Worm to contact Old Yaman. The reason they were sent was because Manda was too smart but not honest enough. Worm was honest enough, but he went too far.

  Worm was injured and couldn’t fly, and he couldn’t climb fast enough. This way Manda suffered a lot.

  Cleaning the roots on the head, digging out the sand in the ears, and spitting out the earthworms in his mouth, Manda followed Worm out of the forest. There was a small river ahead, Manda wanted to wash her face, but Worm stopped it.

   “Keep the sludge and mix it in the pile of beggars so that no one will find it. This is the order of the Sphinx. Nars may have inserted eyeliner nearby.”

   Roma Road Country, one of the most powerful countries on the Oligino continent, has the most expansive land, the most army, the richest royal family and the most beggars.

   There was little rain this year and the harvest was not good. After paying the autumn tax, a large number of farmers became refugees and walked on the road of begging for food.

   Not long after walking along the path, Manda and Worm joined the ranks of the refugees. Manda, who had just emerged from the mound, was inconspicuous among them, and the smell on his body was better than them.

   No one knows where this group of refugees will go, not even them themselves, if not for the flesh and blood on their bodies, Manda even suspects that they are zombies walking on the road.

   Among these people, there is a little boy who looks very special, about five or six years old, with a rare and alive breath on his dirty face.

   He took a woman’s hand and walked forward forcefully. The woman should be his mother. Like others, there is no difference between numbness, dryness and dead body.

“I’m not hungry at all, I’m really not hungry, we will be here soon,” the boy clasped his mother’s hand tightly, “I heard that uncle said that after a while, I can find the village and there will be something there. ate.”

   The mother nodded stupidly, as a response to him.

   Seeing his mother nodding, the little boy gained some strength. After walking for a while, he turned his head back: “Mom, I’m thirsty, can I drink some water?”

   Mother shook her head, she didn’t even have a kettle on her body.

   “It’s okay!” The little boy licked his lips, “I’m not thirsty at all, really, I’m not thirsty at all.”

   There was a well at the end of the path. A group of refugees rushed up. A man held a bucket and poured it into his mouth desperately, not only to quench his thirst, but also to fill his empty stomach.

   The little boy squeezed into the crowd and tried his best to beg for a bowl of water. He happily took the wooden bowl and was about to run to his mother. A strong man knocked him to the ground with a slap.

“Get away, get away! You dirty bugs!” The strong man whipped the vagrant with a wooden stick and shouted loudly, “This is the well of Lord Solon. You have soiled the water. Get away!”

   The refugees hurriedly hid aside, and a few people who looked like family members laughed.

   “Look at him, it’s really scary.”

   “He was beaten by the housekeeper, just in time to find this group of bugs to vent their anger.”

   The little boy lay on the ground, Dodosuosuo wanted to retrieve his wooden bowl, the strong man saw this, stepped forward and smashed the wooden bowl.

   The boy held his mouth and cried out. The strong man shouted, “Shut your mouth immediately, believe it or not, I’ll peel you off!”

   After speaking, the strong man raised the stick.

   Manda looked at the scene in front of her with cold eyes. The boy’s mother was by her side. She wanted to save her son, but she cringed and did not dare to step forward.

   Even his mother didn’t have the courage to protect him. Who else would help this poor little guy?

   Manda sighed, and was about to lower her head on the way, only to find Worm was missing.

   The stick of the strong man never fell, which gave Manda a bad premonition. When he turned his face and looked again, Worm had already stood behind the strong man and grabbed the strong man’s wrist.

   This is unscientific, shouldn’t bugs be cold-blooded animals? Isn’t he always cold? Did Typhon’s anger make this bug mutate?

   Manda rubbed his eyes and saw the violent strong man slowly turning his head.

“Old stuff, do you want to be a hero?” Worm’s face was indeed older, and the brawny man spit on his face, “Take your dirty hands away, believe it or not, I twist your head… “

   With a scream, Worm twisted the brawny man’s wrist with a sour bone breaking sound.

   The refugees let out a cry of exclamation, and some of the people watching the excitement looked at Worm in amazement.

   They wanted to come up to help, but they were a little scared. The brawny man who broke his wrist shouted aloud: “You are finished, wait for death! Do you know who I am? Master Solens will take your meat piece by piece…”

  Worm kicked the strong man in the ribs, grabbed the strong man’s head, and hit the ground fiercely.

   “You, don’t leave, when the adult comes, he will treat you…”

  Worm made another foot to the strong man’s face. The strong man spit out two teeth, and there was no movement on the ground.

   This bug is too vicious, and Manda really wants to know how Lord Solens will punish Worm, but he just doesn’t let people finish the conversation.

   The family members dispersed in a rush, and the refugees also got their strength and rushed to escape. The mother took the opportunity to rush up and hugged the boy. Worm took off the water bag and sent it to the boy.

   The mother hugged the boy tightly, shivering, lowered her head, pretending not to see it.

   The boy quietly stretched out a hand from his embrace and took the water sac.

   Worm took out a loaf of brown bread from his arms and stuffed it into the boy’s The boy broke half of it and gave it to his mother. He took the remaining half and ate it.

   I don’t know if that guy is dead. Manda wanted to see the condition of the strong man, but found that the strong man was long gone.

   Manda stepped forward and patted her mother on the shoulder, scaring her mother to spit out the bread she had eaten in her mouth.

   “Take your kids and leave here, they may come back at any time.”

  Worm was still looking at the child, and Mandala pulled his tunic: “We should go too.”


   Under the sunset, Manda and Worm walked on another fork in the road. After a long silence, Worm finally spoke.

   “Sorry, I made you hungry, I only brought that little food.”

   “What does it matter,” Manda smiled, “Old Yaman will at least treat us to dinner.”

   “Aman is his real name, and his god’s name is Hydra.”

   “Hydra…” Manda recalled the content of the gods, “You mean Hydra?”

  Warm nodded and said, “He is very cunning, and he is good at using poison. He can’t eat any of his food, and can’t even drink a sip of water.”


   At nightfall, the two arrived at a village. The first long house at the entrance of the village was Old Yaman’s home.

   When he saw Worm, Old Yaman was really taken aback: “Old friend, why are you here? Where’s Sanjira?”

   Sangila is the earl’s messenger and a first-order believer of the Harpy. She is usually in contact with Old Yaman. She was seriously injured in the accident at the temple.

   “Sangila was injured, something happened in the valley.” Worm answered truthfully.

   “What happened?” Old Yaman said anxiously, “Come in quickly and speak slowly after drinking the hot soup.”

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