Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 2 - Valley of Resentment Haze

   Manda ran aimlessly in the dark night, sweat stuck to the wound on his thigh, and every step he ran was accompanied by severe pain in the heart.

   There was a barking sound from behind, it was Sardina’s hound. A chill from memory made the exhausted Manda wake up instantly.

   A scene of the original owner being bitten by several vicious dogs at the same time appeared in his mind. He heard the original owner’s helpless cry and Sardina’s excited laugh.

   Manda, the illegitimate son of Baron Rugon Crowdersey, a base species who does not deserve a surname.

The rules of this world are not the same as he imagined. In the ancient oriental country, although the illegitimate son of a nobleman could not have the same status as the protagonist, he could at least live a life of fine clothes and food, but he lived like an animal. Twelve years of career have gone through the ravages of my brother and sister.

   can’t be caught by them, otherwise there will be no chance of being a livestock.

   Passed through a long house in Linong, passed through a wheat field, passed the temple of wine that was about to be demolished, and Manda plunged into the forest.

   Just after a heavy rain, the ground was very muddy. After a long arduous trek, Manda tripped on the ground by a horizontal tree root.

This was a terrible fall, and his face was poked directly on the stone. The dizzy Manda almost passed out. Fortunately, his front teeth accidentally bit his tongue. The severe pain and the **** smell of his mouth made him awake. come over.

   The barking of the dog got closer and closer, and the light bulb appeared in the forest, and they caught up.

   Without delay, Manda struggled to get up and staggered to the end of the forest.

   Outside the forest is a canyon, the canyon is shrouded in mist, and you can’t see the situation inside.

   Manda wanted to go forward, but was a little scared. There was a voice in the memory of the original owner who kept reminding him: “You can’t go there, you can never enter the valley of grievances.”

   This voice comes from the mother of the original owner. His mother died two years ago. This should be the recurrence of a certain memory.

  Valley of grievances, the forbidden place of the Claudesai family, is also the place where the baron is executed.

  As the lord of a land, Baron Rugon Crowdersey instituted a lot of lynchings. According to the laws of the kingdom, the lord has the right to punish the people of the land, but cannot easily deprive them of their lives.

   But the Baron has executed many civilians privately, because his family has always retained a mysterious way of execution, which is to send people into the valley of grievances.

   Including the Baron himself, no one knows what exists in this valley, only that no one who enters the valley can come out alive.

  They drove the “death prisoners” into the valley, stayed there for a while and then left, without worrying that the prisoners would escape.

   A few days later, the prisoner’s bones will be placed at the mouth of the valley, as if they had been eaten, clean and without leaving any flesh.

   Manda was still hovering at the mouth of the valley. The baron and Jiading had already chased him, and Manda couldn’t open his eyes with a large torch, which reminded him of the fear that the soldering iron brought him.

   “You beast!” Standing behind the baron, Baroness Attia pointed at Manda and cursed, “I forgave you. I let you live to this day. What have you done to my children!”

   “You shameless mad woman, why don’t you ask what your child did to me?” Manda cursed back.

   Atiyah roared: “I’m going to skin you alive!”

   “You are here!” If there is a hostage, Manda can delay a little bit.

The Baron was still calm, he took two steps forward, stared at Manda for a while, and whispered softly: “Come back, my child, everything is over. I won’t punish you, I know it’s not yours. mistaken.”

   What kind of warm words, Manda was almost moved to cry.

   In his memory, although his father was somewhat indifferent, at least he did not use violence against the poor child.

   just followed his father home, as if nothing had happened, what a perfect ending for a twelve-year-old boy.

   It’s a pity that in front of the baron is not an ignorant boy. The twelve-year-old body contains a lunatic from the Jurassic.

   There was no violence, but there was also no asylum. For all Manda’s encounters, the Baron always ignored everything until the poor boy was tortured to death.

   Look at the large torch in front of him again. In order to hunt down a child, the Baron dispatched more than forty family members. He is not much different from the group of demons, except that there is no blood on his hands.

   You can’t have any illusions about demons, only lunatics can deal with demons. But now there are too many demons, the lunatic can only take a step back.

   Manda looked back at the canyon and moved quietly backwards, Lu Geang said loudly: “Don’t do stupid things, you have no way out. Entering the canyon is equivalent to entering hell!”

   “You are very smart! Back up is hell!” Manda smiled suddenly.

   Baron looked at Manda in surprise, how could this cowardly stupid boy dare to talk to himself like this? He never even faced his courage.

   “Hurry back, and while I still have the last patience, you still have a chance to live!” The baron gritted his teeth, “If you don’t believe me, you can take a step back and try!”

   “I won’t go back, I won’t take a single step!” Manda also gritted his teeth, keeping his eyes on the Baron.

Baron    was taken aback and pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword. He had fought a battle. This was a manifestation of the fight between the trapped beasts. Manda might rush over at any time.

  The Jiading next to him raised sticks, hoes and various weapons.

   Manda smiled contemptuously when he saw this: “It’s impossible to retreat. I decided to stand up and walk in!”

   Manda suddenly turned around and rushed all the way into the canyon. The Baron was stunned on the spot, and the people around looked at each other, after all, he did not have the courage to catch up.

   “He is crazy, he must be crazy.” The baron shook his head helplessly.

   “Just like his mother, he is a shameless bastard! When I see his body, I will break every bone of him!” The lady yelled, but did not dare to take a step forward.

   Walking into the valley, as if walking into another world, the baroness’s cursing stopped abruptly, replaced by the howling wind and weird birdsong.

   Manda trudged through the sand and gravel for a long time, but no one was really chasing him. He sat on the ground, leaning against a bluestone, and began to gasp for breath.

   He found a stone on the ground and wrote four lines of characters on the ground in Chinese.

   Favorable factor: still alive.

   Disadvantages: I don’t know how long it will last.

   Long-term goal: to survive.

   Current goal: leave this valley.

   It is his habit to write down important things, even in the Jurassic, so that he knows what he should do.

   Dense fog shrouded in all directions, and the surrounding visibility was no more than three meters. In the middle of the gorge, Manda still knew nothing about the gorge.

   Is there a cannibal beast here? Are there still ghosts who drink blood? Or perhaps the Yin Veins of the Claudesai family live here and do some dirty work for them?

   Maybe there is nothing here, but because this place is too easy to get lost, people are trapped inside and cannot get out, and eventually died of hunger.

   Thinking of hunger, Manda was tortured in a warehouse all day without eating a bite.

   Thirst is worse than hunger. My throat is already on fire, and my mouth feels like bitter salt swallowed. It is salty and sticky, and my saliva is thicker than blood.

   Manda stretched out a finger, pointed at a stone, and muttered silently; “It becomes a bowl of water, it becomes a bowl of water…”

   I read a whole Jiazi (sixty times), and the stone is still that stone.

  The omnipotent golden finger can cut the rope before, why is it not working now? Did you use the wrong method?

   “It becomes gold.”

   “Become a roast chicken.”

   “It becomes a bowl of rice.”

   “It’s good to become anything, as long as it’s not a stone…”

   He tried dozens of times against the stone. He also ate two bites in the middle. He ate a mouthful of mud and accidentally broke a tooth. Nothing else was gained.

   “If you break it, it’s broken. Anyway, it’s also loosened.”

   Lost the stone, Manda broke a weed casually. After trying dozens of times, Manda was sure that his golden fingers did not have the ability to change.

   Didn’t Gui Chai promise to give him all the gold fingers? Why can’t even the most basic functions be realized? Could it be that there is any misunderstanding here?

  Thinking about the rope that was broken before, Manda decided to do an experiment. He put the weeds between the index and middle fingers, learning the shape of scissors, concentrated, and clamped hard, and the weeds immediately broke in two.

  Misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding.

   Manda tried several times, and it was able to cut into pieces, slices, and slices. The weeds were cut all over the ground, which fully verified the function of the golden finger.

   can turn into sharp metal fingers, this is Gui Chai’s understanding of gold fingers.

   What do all the golden fingers mean?

   Manda found another weed and tried it. Every finger has the same function, and both left and right hands are extremely sharp.

what is this? Wolverine or Scissorhands?

   Ten fingers have not let go, can you still wash your face in the future? Can it still tickle? How to solve important things like ear picking and nose picking? Is Wuzhi girl so close too? Is there happiness in life?

   shouldn’t be so greedy, shouldn’t be nonsense with ghosts, just make it clear, there are countless golden fingers in the novel, which one is not better than this!

   was annoyed, when the sound of water suddenly reached his ears.

have water! Yes, it is indeed water!

   Manda got up excitedly, instantly forgot the gold finger behind his head, followed the sound of the water and ran all the way.

   Manda’s ears are very good, and he found the source of water before he ran far. It was a small stream flowing down from the mountain, and it gathered into a pool in the low-lying part of the valley.

   Manda didn’t even think about it, and plunged one head into the pool. During the sucking, the sweet clear stream poured from the toe to the hair.

   is resurrected, this time it’s completely resurrected, as long as you can find something to eat…

   Manda was startled, and there seemed to be a sound behind him, the sound of his limbs passing through the weeds.

   is not big, but very flexible. It should be a beast like a leopard.

   took advantage of the prey to sneak out while drinking water, this trick has been the favorite of carnivores since the Jurassic.

   Manda calmly continued drinking.

   took the opportunity of drinking water to lure small carnivorous dinosaurs into the bait. This trick, Manda also tried countless times.

   The opponent saw the timing, jumped up, and pounced on Manda.

   Manda flashed to the left, watching the opponent plunge into the water, and then made up a kick, and the opponent fell firmly into the pool.

   is not a leopard, but smaller than expected, like a hairless monkey.

   Manda didn’t think much. He went up and kicked a few feet. The opponent tried to resist, but he couldn’t stand still in the slippery pool. After receiving heavy blows, he lay on his back in the sand and lost the ability to resist.

   Manda stomped on the opponent’s chest, and saw the opponent clearly by the moonlight.

Except for a few sparse hairs on the head, almost hairless, a small head, a thin neck, a pair of eyes about the size of an egg, gray skin, a thin body, UU reading’s slender limbs, this I seem to have seen it before.

   “Sméggot? Gollum?” I remembered that in a classic movie in the previous life, there was a character very similar to him, except that he was wearing a fairly clean short robe.

   “I’m not Smeggo! My name is Quinta!”

   This monster can actually talk!

   Manda smiled and said hello: “Hello, Quinta.”

“Let go of me, you **** bug!” Quinta’s temper is not very good. He raised his head vigorously, trying to bite Manda’s leg, but because of the angle, his two rows of jagged teeth are enough. Less than.

   “Hurry up and let me go! You stupid scum! I swear in the name of Typhon that I will eat your flesh and blood and your soul!”

Who is   Tifeng? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

   This question is not important, Manda leaned down and looked at Quinta with a smile: “Do you have anything to eat?”

   Quinta was taken aback, blinking his egg-sized eyes and said, “Wh, what did you eat?”

   “Everything is good, food, I need food.”

“I, I have, of course I have, but it’s not on me, there is a lot of food in my house,” Quinta continued blinking, “Let go of me, I will give you food, I will never lie to you! Me! Swear in the name of Typhon!”

   He should have not lied, at least the first half is true. His clothes are very close to the body and there is no place to hide food.

   “You embarrass me.” Manda sighed.

   “There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” Quinta grinned. “Let me go, I will give you food, and I can take you out of the canyon.”

   “This is not the point,” Manda shook his head, then picked up a big rock from his feet, “The point is that you don’t have much meat on your body.”

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