Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 19 - Bookworm

  Through astrology, the earl set the day of sacrifice three days later.

   After completing the final ritual, Pluto will complete the final ritual, become a demigod, and gain immortality.

  Excited Bruto was the first to leave the earl’s room. He wanted to make some preparations for the sacrifice, and the lion woman and the three-headed dog also left one after another, leaving only Quinta in the room.

   Earl still plays the harp, he really likes Quinta’s anxious but helpless look.

After playing six songs in a row, the earl squatted in front of Quinta, patted Quinta’s head and said, “Tell me, why did you want to save him? He almost killed you when he saw you for the first time! “

   “I, I didn’t want to save him,” Quinta shrank her neck and smiled cautiously, “I just think he still has some use for you.”

   Quinta lied, but the earl did not intend to punish him, and did not even reveal him.

“You are right, he is indeed useful. I will give you a chance to save him.” The count picked up the statue of Poseidon and handed it to Quinta. “Within three days, I want to hear the answer. If You can’t do it, you can imagine his fate.”

   Quinta took the stone statue of Poseidon, ran back to her room quickly, took out all the books related to the ancient sayings, and compared the words on the stone statue one by one.

   “Why Poseidon? Why not Zeus? At least I can recognize most of the words of the statue of Zeus.”

   Kunta turned the book faster and faster, from anxious to annoyed, his thinking became more and more chaotic.

   “Can’t I do this?” Quinta suddenly dropped the book on the ground, “Two days, only two days…I will die!”

   Two days later, Quinta took the stone statue of Poseidon and slowly walked to the third floor of the castle, towards the earl’s room.

  The lion girl standing in the corridor suddenly grabbed Quinta. With her eyes facing each other, she heard the voice of the lion girl.

   Sound transmission, the first-order spell of Sphinx, she is conveying her heart’s voice to Quinta with her eyes.

   “No matter what you find, don’t tell the count, he is testing you.”

   The earl knew very well that two days were not enough to discover the mystery of the stone statue. If Quinta gave the answer, it would prove that he had started studying the stone statue long ago and that he had concealed something from the earl.

   Quinta did not make a sound, and took the stone statue into the earl’s room. When he opened the door, he found that the earl was already standing in the doorway.

   “It seems that you have prepared the answer.” The earl looked at Quinta, and then at the Sphinx, who was not far away. The Sphinx subconsciously avoided the earl’s gaze.

   Quinta was not afraid. He hadn’t slept for two days, and he was in a trance.

   “My lord, I can’t do it.” He held the stone statue in both hands and held it up in front of the earl.

   Confirming that Quinta had not lied, a smile appeared on the count’s face.

   “So, you gave up?”

   “I beg you to let that boy survive,” Quinta said with her head down, “he can do it for you, please trust me!”

   The Lioness held her breath, and Quinta bit her teeth. They are waiting for the earl’s verdict.

   “I believe in you,” the verdict came sooner than expected. The earl put away the stone statue, walked out of the door, and touched Quinta’s head, “Let’s see if that little guy is still alive.”

   came to the underground study, Worm was sitting at the door in a daze.

   He is very tired, like a surgeon who has just completed a major operation.

   He didn’t sweat, but several cracks appeared on his face, and part of his skin had fallen off, revealing new translucent skin.

   “Is he still alive?” the count asked.

   “Alive,” Worm nodded, “but it won’t last long.”

   “Is he really illiterate?”

   “I don’t recognize it, I don’t even recognize the letters, but now it’s different. He has learned all the vocabulary, memorized the entire volume of “The Book of Gods” and “Ode”, and memorized the forty volumes of “The Chronicles of War”.”

   “You are really vicious.” The count sighed.

   Worm raised his head difficultly: “I just follow your instructions.”

   Earl opened the door and walked into the study, and saw Manda sitting at the desk, still maintaining a reading posture.

   His eyelids were forcibly torn apart by the silk thread, and the prominent eyeballs were bright red, and neither the pupils nor the whites of the eyes were visible. The blood slid down the corners of his eyes, dropping drop by drop onto the book.

  Earl told Worm to tear off the thread on Manda, and Manda fell to the ground and fainted instantly.

   “Pour him some water, let him sleep for a few days, and pray to Typhon, expecting him to wake up.” The earl turned and left the study.


   Manda was lying on the bed, with blood oozing out of his closed eyes. He has been lying down for a day and night. If he is lucky, he will wake up after lying down for a few days. If he is unfortunate, he may lie down like this for a lifetime.

   Quinta took the kettle and poured water into Manda’s mouth little by little.

   It is true that everyone has gone to the temple, and Kunta finally has the courage to say a few words to Manda.

“Let me call you, the prophet who has been suffering, please look here, great creator and guardian, please allow me to recite your name, Prometheus, please pass your endless fire to This poor young man…”

Wiping off the blood bead from the corner of Manda’s eyes, Quinta sighed and said: “Have you heard, I am praying for you, praying to my most admired god, praying for you to wake up, praying for you to live,” Live like a normal person.

   will not become a deaf and blind person, will not become a savages who drink blood, will not become a living dead who only eats and sleeps. “

   Quinta sighed again, and then said:

“Actually, you don’t have to suffer so much. I can end all this earlier. I will soon find the answer. It is only a small step away. But I dare not do that. The earl will kill me. I can neither lie to him nor deceive him. I can’t tell him the result, I can only look forward to his kindness to you,

   I have always regarded you as a friend, and I can’t tell the reason. You almost killed me and wanted to eat my meat, but I still regarded you as a friend.

   I cherish you very much, but I cherish my life even more. Is this shameless? Am I still your friend. “

   While talking, Quinta shed tears. Before the tears fell on Manda’s face, Manda opened her mouth suddenly and sprayed all the water she had just drunk on her face.

   Quinta was taken aback for a moment, immediately lost the kettle, and got out of the bed rolling.

   Manda opened his bloodshot eyes and said blankly: “You are shameless, but you are not doing anything wrong. You are still my friend!”

   “You, how could you, you, you are just like that, it doesn’t make sense…”

   “Don’t talk nonsense!” Manda struggled to sit up, “Tell me, who is that guy named Worm?”

   Kunta calmed down for a while, and said tremblingly; “He is not a human being.”

   “I know he is not human, he is the devil!” Manda gritted his teeth.

   “He is not a devil, he is a bug,” Quinta wiped his face. “He is a bookworm.”

Worm is a bookworm who lives in the study. Forty years ago, the earl built this castle on the cliff. He became the earliest resident in the basement because he ate a book by Athena’s Light. The ancient books that have been illuminated have gained wisdom and supernatural power.

   When the earl found him, he already had a human form. The earl didn’t kill him, but made him a believer of Typhon and gained first-order supernatural power.

“He is different from us. He has the power of God, but he still retains the habit of insects. He has eaten many books. Every time he eats a book, he will remember the contents of the book. He can also use its insects. Silk, transfer his knowledge to other people’s minds.”

   Manda cuts his teeth at the end, carefully recalling the process:

   “Did you know? He stuffed my nostrils with what he vomited from his mouth, and drilled upwards along the nostrils. You know how disgusting it is…”

   “This is where the Earl likes him the most, and it is also a very effective means of torture.” Quinta poured a glass of water for Manda. “His insect silk cannot transmit known knowledge, only unknown knowledge.”

   Manda drank the water in one gulp, shook his head and said, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Take you as an example. If you are literate, he will not be able to pass on the basic knowledge of literacy to you, otherwise your head will immediately explode, which also proves that you lied to the earl. If you are really illiterate, he can overnight. Pour all the words into your brain in time, and make you bear unimaginable pain, which is more terrible than cutting with a knife.”

   “Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong?” Manda gritted his teeth, and his head hurt again.

   Quinta stepped forward and asked, “Are you really illiterate?”

   “Of course I…” Manda looked around vigilantly, not to be killed by an inadvertent act of pretending to be.

   Quinta saw Manda’s concerns: “Don’t worry, everyone has gone to the temple, no one can hear us.”

   Manda blinked. He did not answer Quinta’s question, but suddenly asked, “Why are you praying to Prometheus?”

“I, I, of course I am for you,” Quinta defended, “Prometheus is a great prophet, the creator and guardian of ancestors, he, he is in charge of medicine, I pray to him, UU read www hopes that he can heal your wounds!”

“Nonsense! Apollo who is in charge of medicine! Prometheus is Titan. It is recorded in the “Ode”. Not everyone is qualified to recite the name of Titan, unless he is a believer and tell me the truth. , Is Prometheus your natal god?”

“When, of course not,” Quinta gave up resistance and sighed. “My natal **** is Grouch, the **** of prophecy in the sea, because I have some talents in divination and prophecy that make me mistaken for my natal god. It was Prometheus, and in the end… you know, I became a lost person, forced to come to this valley, and become a believer in Typhon.”

   It turned out to have worshiped the wrong god, but I didn’t expect Quinta to fall into this field, but still guarding the original belief.

   Quinta flushed, lowered her head, and whispered: “I firmly believe that Prometheus will hear my prayer one day.”

   “There will be one day,” Manda squeezed Quinta’s face, “Did you crack the words on the stone statue?”

   “It’s almost, it’s almost. It’s a combination of Ancient Alantis, Yiqin and Cretan, and there are many changes in the word order. Just give me two more days…”

   Boom! There was a loud noise, and the whole valley was trembling.

   The castle was shaking violently, Manda fell off the bed and accidentally pressed Quinta under her.

   The chandelier on the roof fell and cracked the floor. It was less than a step away from Manda.

   A few seconds later, the two struggled to stand up in the dust.

   Looking at the chandeliers on the ground and the cracked floor, Quinta shivered and said: “You, did you save me?”

   “Ah…you’re welcome,” Manda muttered to himself as he looked at a messy room and then at the dense fog outside the window, “What happened?”

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