Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 18 - Earl\\\'s reward

“The iron man of Ares, the puppet of Hera, the twelve-line chess of Athena, see how many priceless treasures our Manda brings back.” The earl sat on the chair, admiring Manda one by one. Baby coming back.

   Manda asked excitedly: “Are these all artifacts?”

   A golden apple can be worth six hundred gold coins. How much is this many artifact worth?

   Count looked at Manda with his eyes slanted. His eyes could see through lies, but Manda in front of him did not lie.

   “These are just mortal things that have been illuminated by the Holy Light. They are also called divine things. They have a certain amount of mana, but they cannot be compared with divine artifacts. Of course, they are of great value.”

   Manda rubbed his hands and said, “All in all are good things. You should give me some rewards, right?”

   There were two more eyes on the count’s face, and the flames in the fireplace dimmed a lot. Everyone withdrew their smiles, including Manda, it seemed that the count was angry.

   “Do you really want to be rewarded or are you joking?”

   “I really want to be rewarded.” Manda said with a serious face.

   “Very good,” the count nodded, “First tell me, how did you find these things in the market?”

   Quinta shuddered, and the real test came. No matter what answer he gave, he must not lie in front of the earl.

   In fact, he doesn’t need to worry, Manda has already prepared the answer, because the earl can see through the lies, so he decided to tell the truth, of course only part of the truth.

   “When I saw these things, I seemed to see a pile of gold coins.”

   He did not give a hint from the destiny, but he did not lie.

   Two more eyes appeared on Earl’s face, and he asked, “Don’t you know the origin of these things?”

   Manda shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I just felt the breath of gold.”

   Count picked up a stone statue: “This is the statue of Ares, one of the twelve gods, do you recognize it?”

   “I don’t recognize it.”

   “There are ancient words engraved on it, do you recognize it?”

   “I can’t read.”

   Twelve eyes appeared on Earl’s face, but he still couldn’t see any trace of lies from Manda’s body.

   The room is getting colder and colder, and Quinta’s blood is about to freeze.

  Unexpectedly, the eyes on the count’s face became less, and the air in the room gradually warmed up.

   Quinta was surprised and delighted. I didn’t expect Manda to really fool the earl. This is the power of wisdom, and it can defeat the earl’s third-order divine power.

   “Lucky little guy, if you want a reward, I will give you a reward,” the earl smiled, “money, weapons, merits, you can choose one.”

   “What are the merits for?”

“It seems that you still don’t understand the rules here,” the earl smiled. “Achievement is the most precious reward. According to your contribution in this mission, I can reward you with ten points of merit. When the merits accumulate to 100 points, I I can arrange a second sacrifice for you, which is to give you the opportunity to upgrade. When you reach your level, and your merits accumulate to 500 points, I will help you find the artifact, just like I helped Pluto find the golden apple. “

  Manda’s heart rolled over, and meritorious service is indeed a precious reward, but it is of no use to him. He is not a believer of Ladon at all, and participating in a sacrifice is tantamount to another death.

   “Where are the weapons?”

  Earl was startled. Manda was a little surprised by not choosing meritorious service. He picked up the knife Manda bought back: “I can give this to you.”

   Manda felt resentful in his heart: What a stingy person, I obviously bought these things. He only gave me a knife and said it was a reward.

   Besides, something like a knife is useless to him, and no sharp knife can compare to his golden fingers.

   “I choose gold coins.”

   “Really?” The count gave a weird smile.

  Manda made a serious mistake. Judging from the situation of this trip, Lioness, Pluto and Leonde are not very wealthy, which proves that the earl is not very generous in money.

  Earl rewarded Manda with three gold coins. How should this be measured?

  Converted to the currency of later generations, three gold coins are almost 60,000 yuan, which sounds very imposing.

   is even more vigorous in this era. A farmer who has been busy for several years may not be able to earn a gold coin.

   The things brought back by Ko Manda can add up to a thousand gold coins, and the reward of three gold coins is really disappointing.

   “Hurry up and thank you Earl!” The Lioness kicked Manda, “Don’t forget that you owe me a gold coin!”

   Seeing Manda’s face depressed, the earl smiled and said, “Is it too small? I have another reward. I will find someone to teach you how to read.”

   Manda sighed and said: “I can read, okay, very good, thank you Earl for his generosity.”

   Quinta thought that the opportunity had come, and quickly raised her hand and said, “Master Earl, I would like to teach Manda to read.”

   The fire trembled, the room became cold again, and an eye appeared on the earl’s forehead.

   “Kinta, an erudite, it’s rare for you to be so kind, but I don’t want to waste your time. I guess you will be very busy these days.”

  Sorry, the count seems to know that he copied the ancient text on the stone statue, and Quinta hid behind the Sphinx, bowed his head and said nothing.

   The earl pointed to an attendant and said, “Call Worm over.”

   Everyone changed their faces when they heard Worm’s name, and the Sphinx raised his head and said, “My lord, you don’t need to do this, this kid didn’t deceive you…”

Count    squinted at the Sphinx: “Worm is the best teacher. Does anyone want to question my decision?”

   Sphinx dared not make a sound, the attendant soon brought a thin middle-aged man and stood in front of the earl.

   “I will give you three days to teach this kid to read.”

  The middle-aged man gave a polite way: “Follow your instructions.”

   Is this man Worm? Manda stared at him twice. He was tall, with white skin, many wrinkles, large eyes and large pupils. The whites of the eyes were barely visible. The nose was very round, and there was a pair of scarcely visible blood under the nose. Lips.

  Where is he sacred? Why make everyone so nervous?

   “Let’s go, little guy, our time is precious.” Worm took Manda’s arm and left the earl’s room.

   will start studying tonight? For seven days, Manda planned to eat and sleep well.

   Manda was taken away by Worm, and Quinta’s heart was cut. He knew Worm’s methods. If Manda could read, Worm would quickly find out that if Manda could read, Manda would die.

   If Manda is really illiterate, he will definitely not survive for three days under Worm.

   He also knew that the earl was cruel, but he didn’t expect him to leave Manda at all. Manda didn’t show any flaws in front of him, let alone he did nothing wrong.

   Bruto also wanted to say something for Manda. Without Manda’s help, he would not be able to buy a golden apple.

“I think that kid is just playing mystery. Hearing what Sphinx said, it was the old man who came to him and bought him a bunch of treasures by mistake. I guess he doesn’t know these things at all. He is just a He loves to talk big and pretends to be a clever stupid boy.”

   Count did not make a sound, he sat back by the fireplace and played the harp.

   Pluto realized that he was talking too much, and took a small step back subconsciously.

After    played, the count turned to look at Pluto and asked, “Are you questioning him or me?”

   “Of course I won’t question you, I just think…”

   “Why did that old man find him, but didn’t find the sphinx who already has the name of god?”

   “Maybe because he has a special smell, like you said…”

   Bruto’s face was cold and sweaty, and his tongue had begun to knot.

   “He found the boy selling the knife before. Is this also a mistake?” The earl continued to play the harp.

   “That knife… doesn’t seem to be anything special.”

   “Really?” The count stopped playing and walked up to Bruto. “Give me your sword.”

   Bruto’s hands are shaking, he is about to gain the name of God, he is about to gain immortality, he has suffered for more than 20 years, and now it is very likely that he will die by his own sword because of a lot of talk.

  He handed the long sword to the earl. The earl touched the blade and exclaimed, “The top grade of the Golden City, but unfortunately it has been used for too long. It is a bit old.”

   Bruto swallowed his saliva and stepped back several steps.

   Count smiled slightly, and brought the long sword to the table, picked up the dagger bought by Manda, and slashed against Bruto’s long sword.

   With just one click, without much effort, the long sword broke at the sound, and the fracture was very neat.

   And there is not even a trace on the blade of the dagger.

   Everyone was shocked and speechless, and the earl sighed lightly: “This is the skill possessed by the followers of Hephaestus, and this believer has reached the first level.”

   Sphinx took a deep breath and said, “I missed it. I should buy more weapons…”

   “You should bring back the boy who sells weapons!” The earl threw the dagger aside, and returned the broken long sword to Pluto.

   “Old things give birth to love, I know how to feel, but you are about to get the name of God, and it’s time for a new saber.”

   Bruto took a sigh of relief. He just walked back from the door of hell, and only the joy of the rest of his life was left in his mind, but Manda was completely forgotten.

   Manda was taken to the basement of the castle by Worm. Why does the castle hanging on the cliff have a basement? Manda couldn’t understand the reason. The structure of the castle was completely beyond his ability to understand.

   The dark and narrow corridor still continues the magnificent architectural style. The walls and floors are paved with marble, and the smooth cyan stone surface makes the humid air more gloomy and cold.

  Worm walked ahead holding the torch. Since leaving the earl’s room, he hadn’t said a word.

   The two people walked in the corridor for a long time. The corridor seemed to have no end. A strange cold wind blew from the darkness, Manda shivered, and Worm stopped.

   He took out a bunch of keys from his waist and opened a door.

   Behind the door is a dark room, the smell of dust in the room is a bit heavy. Manda slapped his nose and said, “Can’t you find a better place to teach me to read?”

   Learning this kind of thing is a test of the environment. It is impossible to have high learning efficiency in such a place.

   Worm didn’t speak, he climbed the ladder and lit the chandelier. Under the cover of the lights, the whole room appeared in front of Manda.

   The pale yellow tapestries, the wood-colored floor, and the dark brown bookshelves are arranged in two rows, and there is no end in sight like the corridor.

   A bronze-colored desk was in front of me, on which was placed a stack of parchment, a bundle of quill pens, and two ink bottles.

   Is this a library? If the university library has such an atmosphere, Manda firmly believes that he will be able to get a PhD in his previous life.

   “This is the earl’s study, and it belongs to you tonight.” After entering the study, Worm’s words changed a lot, and there was an imperceptible smile on his stiff face.

   Manda took a deep breath, as if smelling a faint scent of books from the smell of dust. UU Reading

   Learning is a matter of great significance. The life with knowledge is the life in the true sense. Even if a person without knowledge obtains eternal life, it is just an empty expelling shell.

   A stream of heat rushed to Manda’s chest, and he sat down at the desk with a serious face, “I’m ready, let’s start.”

   Worm took out a book from the shelf and sat opposite Manda: “Let’s start with the letters.”

   The lingua franca of Oligino is simplified from Guyiqin, with a total of 41 letters.

   The confident Mandajian believed that he could recite all the letters in one night, but Worm thought it was unnecessary, so he took out a copper hourglass.

   “We don’t have so much time, a two-hundred-cent hourglass is enough.”

   The hourglass is the most commonly used timing tool in Origino. The two-percent hourglass is two percent of a day’s time, which is only more than seven minutes.

   I wrote down forty-one letters in more than seven minutes, isn’t this a joke?

   But Worm was not in the mood for joking. He looked at Manda and slowly said, “I will only say it once. You have to remember their pronunciation, their writing, and the rules of spelling.”

   “How can I remember…”

   “You must remember!” Worm opened his mouth, with two long teeth like pliers sticking out of it.

   The blood-red long teeth tapped twice, and a group of fine silk thread spurted out of Worm’s mouth.

   The ball of silk thread tied Manda’s hand, covered Manda’s head, opened Manda’s eyelids, and pulled him onto the table, making his eyes fixed on the book on the table.

   Two strands of silk thread went into the nostril, and they went up until they got into Manda’s brain.

   Worm shouted Silk thread: “I’m starting.”

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