Gentle Beast [Entertainment Circle]

Chapter 17 - like


Gu Fan didn’t know when he left.

In the huge room, the doors and windows were closed, and the light was blocked by the heavy blackout curtains, making it impossible to distinguish between day and night.

“I won’t go back for a while.”

“Ask me about Lou Yushu?”


The phone screen glowed brightly, and Shen Xingzhou’s slightly hoarse voice sounded.

His throat was itchy, and after sending the voice message, he couldn’t help but let out a light cough.

It’s like the little guy who keeps spinning in his mind, he can’t control it.

The time displayed on the phone screen is after 3:30 in the afternoon.

Ye Liuying should have returned with the hemp ball. With her courage and temperament, she really didn’t know how to get along with that little thing.

Shen Xingzhou stood up from the sofa, took his painter hat and walked out of the video room.

The house is quiet.

After Shen Xingzhou took care of his appearance and went downstairs, he only saw Gu Fan sitting alone on a soft chair reading a book.

He changed to a pair of vintage gold frames, and the white snow outside the window cast an icy light on the lenses, making him look thinner and colder.

“Where’s the person?” Shen Xingzhou glanced at him and frowned.

Don’t ask to know who he is talking about.

Gu Fan was too lazy to move his noble head, his slender fingers turned the pages of the book, his tone was light, “The legs are long on her, it’s useless to ask me for someone.”

Shen Xingzhou was not surprised by Gu Fan’s reaction.

He changed the subject and did not shy away from expressing his concern for Jiang Chi, “Jiang Chi also left with her?”

“Well…” Gu Fan responded casually.

Shen Xingzhou clearly knew that it was useless to argue with him, so he raised his foot and walked out.

But when he was about to go out, he turned around and came back, looking at Gu Fan’s face from a distance, “Is the heroine of “Battle Royale” confirmed?”

“Battle Royale” is Gu Fan’s new play, which was tentatively named in the previous version of the script.

Gu Fan’s selection was never disturbed by external factors, even Shen Xingzhou was no exception.

The reason why she is willing to pay attention to Ye Liuying is simply because of her.

“Look at her performance.” Gu Fan didn’t know what to think, lifted his eyelids and said, “If you set her up, can you accept that she has an intimate scene with Jiang Chi?”

“…” Don’t even think about it.

Shen Xingzhou sank his face, but did not respond, and left Gu’s house without looking back.

Ye Liuying really went out with Jiang Chi.

She has no experience in raising cats, and neither does Jiang Chi.

But Gu Fan, the hand-swinging shopkeeper, didn’t bring anything back except the cat and that bit of cat food, so they could only cross the river by feeling the stones.

Jiang Chi made a phone call to ask Brother E, his cat-raising agent.

Fat brother and his wife have three cats, and any one of them can be envied by cat lovers.

Brother E talked to Jiang Chi, and after realizing it, he heard the girl’s light voice.

He quickly reacted and exclaimed, “Jiang Chi, who do you want to raise a cat with? Don’t think you can mess around if you’re not an idol!”

“You’re thinking too much.” After all, in front of Ye Liuying, Jiang Chi’s movement of taking the cat litter was followed by a pause.

“It’s not that I don’t stop you from falling in love, but if you want to talk, you must keep your eyes open. Haven’t you forgotten the lessons learned from your mortal rival Li Xin? Don’t be deceived and help her count the money…”

Brother E seemed to have misunderstood something, and his loud voice was a pain in the ears.

Ye Liuying stood beside Jiang Chi, and vaguely heard words such as “fall in love”, “clean your eyes” and “be lied to”.

She didn’t have to think about it, she could guess what Brother E meant.

“It’s hard to take a vacation. Ancestor, don’t let me see your name on the hot search at night.”

Brother E said to himself very hi.

Jiang Chi looked at Ye Liuying subconsciously, gave her an apologetic look, and then said, “Do you want to change careers to be a screenwriter?”

“The cat belongs to the teacher and will be used in the new movie.” The information he revealed was enough for Brother E, and he didn’t mention Ye Liuying’s name properly.

“Then why didn’t you say it earlier?” Brother E suddenly realized.

“…” He had to have a chance to say it.

Brother E gave a few words after putting down his guard, and was perfunctoryly hung up by Jiang Chi.

“I made you laugh.” Jiang Chi put the cat litter into the shopping basket and turned to Ye Liuying.

Thick black-rimmed glasses covered his innocent drooping eyes, and the shy pear vortex on his right cheek was particularly eye-catching.

No matter what makes life irresistible.

Ye Liuying shook her head and changed the subject, “How long are you staying in Lingnan this time?”

“Under normal circumstances, the teacher will kick me out within three days.” Jiang Chi’s understanding of Gu Fan was very accurate.

Ye Liuying suddenly became worried about her situation.

Asking her to deal with Ma Qiu and Gu Fan alone makes her head big.

“Don’t be afraid.” Jiang Chi saw Ye Liuying’s thoughts and said warmly, “Teacher is not that difficult to get along with.”

Ye Liuying was silent, not making a sound.

Even Jiang Chi will be driven away, can this be easy to get along with?

They buy a lot of things, and at first glance they are new to cat raising.

When checking out, the clerk gave Jiang Chi one more look. Ye Liuying was still nervous, but she heard her say, “Are you two brothers and sisters? You really look alike.”

Jiang Chi and Ye Liuying: “…”

Fortunately, there were no twists and turns along the way except for the clerk with a bad eye.

Jiang Chi promptly sent Ye Liuying back to the apartment.

He helped her bring up the hemp **** and pet supplies. According to the normal procedure, he did not intend to enter the door, unless he saw the dark shadow at the door.

The winter night came quickly, and the dark sky was lined with cold white snow.

There was no light on in the corridor of the apartment, and the dim light in the tall figure added a bit of loneliness.

Jiang Chi took out his hand and turned on the corridor lamp.

The lustrous light illuminated Shen Xingzhou’s face. He leaned against the wall, frowning uncomfortably because of the bright light. After seeing Ye Liuying and Jiang Chi standing together, this uncomfortable feeling was magnified.

Shen Xingzhou narrowed his eyes displeasedly and looked up and down Jiang Chi.

He didn’t show up at Gu Fan’s house just now. This was the second time he met Jiang Chi today.

It annoyed him more than ever.

“Why are you here?” Ye Liuying finally knew why she had been feeling uneasy all the time today, and it was because of this debt collector.

“Let’s talk.” Shen Xingzhou retracted his gaze and looked straight at Ye Liuying.

He hadn’t rested much in the past two days, and the bloodshot in his eyes was obvious. Even wearing a hat, it is inevitable that clues will be revealed when looking up.

Ye Liuying frowned, neither agreeing nor refusing.

This kind of atmosphere cannot tolerate a third person.

Jiang Chi had this self-knowledge, and after putting the things away, he said hello to Ye Liuying and prepared to leave, “Aying, then I’ll go first.”

“No.” Ye Liuying suddenly stopped Jiang Chi.

She pointed to the hemp ball that had fallen asleep in the outing bag, and winked at him playfully, “You have to take care of the hemp ball for me.”

Jiang Chi was stunned for a while, and quickly understood Ye Liuying’s eyes, “Then let me sort it out for you first, and give me the key.”

Ye Liuying did not object this time.

She took out the key from her bag and gave it to her, smiling like no one else, “please.”

“It should be.” Jiang Chi’s acting skills were outstanding, and he even touched her hair affectionately.

He took the key and left the battlefield in a different way.

As soon as Jiang Chi left, the atmosphere in the corridor condensed.

Shen Xingzhou saw Ye Liuying’s every move in his eyes, and his mentality was obviously different from when he came.

He always seemed to be like this, and he would scramble as soon as he touched her.

“What do you want to talk about?” Ye Liuying also didn’t have a good face, her displeased eyes were like saying “We have nothing to talk about”.

Can’t even handle it.

“You’re still mad at me.” Shen Xingzhou raised his feet and walked in front of Ye Liuying, lowered his head and looked at her, “So are you deliberately provoking me with Jiang Chi?”

“What?” Ye Liuying thought that Shen Xingzhou was going to repeat the old story, and looked at him hesitantly.

She saw the bloodshot in his eyes and the faint cyan under his eyes, but he looked at her with a strong gaze.

Ye Liuying suddenly froze in her heart.

The next second, she heard him say without warning, “I like you.”

Shen Xingzhou blinked, raised his hand and rubbed the place Jiang Chi had touched, his movements and voices were unprecedentedly gentle.

He had never been so sure that he liked her.

Just looking at the tips of her hair and eyebrows, his heart felt as impatient as there were thousands of bugs crawling.

Jiang Chi?

Don’t even think about it.

He won’t give her a chance.

Ye Liuying was scorched by Shen Xingzhou and turned her head to avoid his sight. She had a cold face, and her curved lips moved, “But I don’t like you.”

“Have you forgotten the reason why I was with you in the first place?”

“No, you must know.”

Ye Liuying asked and answered herself, and almost didn’t write sarcasm on her face, “Or do you know that Chen Mei has passed away? I don’t need you, you don’t need to pretend to be so affectionate, I watch bother.”

This is what Ye Liuying has said to him the most in the past few days.

However, Shen Xingzhou was stiff and almost thought he had auditory hallucinations.

Chen Mei is Ye Liuying’s nominal grandmother. After Ye Zhicheng and Meng Meiling ran away with Ye Chongguang, they left the old man behind.

Chen Mei, who lost her children and grandchildren, also collapsed and fell into a coma due to an acute attack of diabetes.

Although Ye Liuying is related to Chen Mei by blood, she will not abandon the elderly like Ye’s father and Ye’s mother.

Although Chen Mei has been scolding her for so many years, she has not given up treatment for her.

Later, he took the initiative to accept Chen Mei’s treatment fee, solved the most difficult problems for her, and communicated with her in one way or another.

Now Ye Liuying has laid out the facts in front of him.

This is no longer a matter of face, she is throwing his heart on the ground and stepping on it again.

“Enough?” Shen Xingzhou pinched Ye Liuying’s chin fiercely, wishing to plug her small mouth.

“Not enough.” Ye Liuying raised her lips and met Shen Xingzhou’s gaze calmly, “Isn’t this what you want?”

He wants a ghost.

Shen Xingzhou stared intently at Ye Liuying’s face, and unconsciously tightened his hands.

As if he was going to give back everything she said, he said word by word, “Don’t you know what I want?”

Ye Liuying looked back at him calmly.

Her pretty little face was expressionless, just like when he first met her.

The colder you are, the more fascinated you are.

Shen Xingzhou felt strangely familiar.

He immediately recalled the conversation with Gu Fan, lowered his head against her forehead and said, “It won’t do you any good to anger me.”

“Don’t provoke me with Zhang Chi and Li Chi, it only shows that you care about me.”


He spoke more slowly than usual, and when he called her affectionately, he was even more eloquent.

Ye Liuying felt the familiar aura on Shen Xingzhou, and pushed him away in disgust, “Are you sick, Shen Xingzhou?”

Shen Xingzhou cooperated and took a half step back, the smile on his face still did not dissipate, and he said with certainty, “Then you are my medicine.”

“Then you will die of illness.” Ye Liuying vomited.

She was too lazy to deal with Shen Xingzhou, so she turned her head and entered the apartment, leaving a loud slamming of the door.

Another unhappy breakup.

Seeing this, Shen Xingzhou hooked his lips instead, and the amorous peach blossom eyes gleamed with inevitable light.

Too bad his smile didn’t last long.

Ye Liuying reappeared in front of Shen Xingzhou not long after.

She threw the small box containing the tourbillon cuff, and didn’t want to look at him again, “Go away with your things.”

Ye Liuying didn’t wait for him to respond, she turned and shut the door.

Hemp Ball was playing with Jiang Chi in the living room. It was attracted by the movement at the door and ran over quickly.

Ye Liuying’s emotions were complicated, and she changed her slippers mechanically.

She was shaking her head when she felt something added to her ankle.

Ye Liuying could feel the wetness through the thin pantyhose.

She froze for a moment, and subconsciously put her hand on the wall of the entrance, “Ma… Ma ball…”

“Small unconscionable.” Jiang Chi followed.

He was not in a hurry to enlighten Ye Liuying, but instead squatted down and observed the hemp ball, “I’ve been playing with you for a long time and I haven’t seen you show affection to me.”

Ma Qiu didn’t want to pay any attention to him, so he found a place to lie down at Ye Liuying’s feet.

It shrank into a ball and rubbed its head on her feet.

“Looks like it likes you.”

The contrast between the nervous Ye Liuying and the comfortable is clear, Jiang Chi can’t help but laugh at it.

Ye Liuying supported the wall, not daring to move.

She has always been out of touch with small animals, and is only willing to take a breath in the second dimension. It was not easy for her to let her live with Ma Qiu suddenly.

“Don’t worry, it won’t bite you.” It was the first time Jiang Chi saw someone so afraid of cats, so he smiled and raised his eyebrows unconsciously, “The hemp ball feels good, you can touch it.”

Ye Liuying actually wanted to shake her head.

But she pursed her lips, mustering up the courage to bend down, trembling and touching the beautiful back of the hemp ball.

She didn’t dare to touch its head, so she had to choose a part that was relatively acceptable to her.

Such a picture made Jiang Chi soften for a while.

Thinking of how abnormal she was when facing Shen Xingzhou, he rarely let go of his so-called sense of restraint, “Ex-boyfriend?”

Jiang Chi knew Shen Xingzhou.

He had met him at the airport. At that time, he could never have imagined that her purpose in coming to Lingnan was her.

It was a coincidence that he had some inappropriate idea.

“…Hmm.” Ye Liuying nodded, trying to touch the numb ball and quickly released it.

Round and fluffy.

She didn’t hate it in her heart, she was just afraid that it would suddenly show its minions to her.

“Thank you just now.” Ye Liuying added.

“It’s an honor.” Jiang Chi raised his eyebrows indifferently, “It’s like getting used to the identity in the play ahead of time.”

Ye Liuying looked at Jiang Chi’s clean and gentle face, and inexplicably the figure of Shen Xingzhou appeared in her mind.

Not to mention similar.

It’s just that Shen Xingzhou’s gentleness is probably the same.

Most of the time, he was narcissistic and self-righteous, and he looked even more disgusting than when he gave her the room key.


Does he like her?

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