Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 259: Miracle for A Good Person

"Milord, today is the big day," the maid who would take care of him every day woke him up. Aster woke up groggily. The maid busily prepared everything, including his bath.

Aster looked around and it was still grey or black. He chuckled self-deprecating, 'I really thought a miracle would happen and my eyesight will be restored the day of my marriage. But I almost forgot, miracle is only for a good person, it doesn't happen in this dirty royal life. Everything should be preplanned or it will be ruined, just like me.'

The maid glanced at Milord Aster and saw the sadness in his eyes. She sighed and then said, "Milord, may I say something?"

"Hm?" Aster immediately resumed his dignified expression and nodded, "Speak."

"Milord, I don't know whether you love our Great King or not, but I know that you treasure life a lot. I heard from others that you did this in order to protect your duchy and to prevent our Great King to wage a war with Golden Camellia, you are very wise, Milord," the maid smiled, "You may not know about us, the peasants of Great Arctyr. But we have known about you since our childhood. We are taught about Saintess Celine of Great Arctyr, she died a martyr, wishing that Great Arctyr would save her. Lady Camille painted her dream to live in Great Arctyr when she was only a kid, and that painting is still in our possession up until now."

"We are taught that Saintess Celine and Lady Camille are true Arctyrians, because we, Arctyrians, carry the willpower and wisdom that would never be extinguished. At first, when I saw you, I thought the Great King must've been seduced by your beauty, but I respect you because you are the only child of Lady Camille. All Saintess Celine's descendants are all noble Arctyrian by birth."

"But after I served you for a few months, I finally realized why Emperor Audric V and our Great King fell in love with you. Milord, you have such extraordinary beauty, but what makes you shine like a gemstone is your wisdom. I am just a regular maid, but I will support you when you become the Great Queen. In fact, I think the majority of the people will support you once you become our Great Queen. Because you are that well-loved in this country."

Aster listened to everything that this maid said to him. He was stunned, indeed, this maid was just serving him daily and he didn't care much to even ask her name. But this maid already has such a high opinion on him, "What is your name?" Aster asked.

The maid blushed, "Um… this maid's name is Celine."

Aster smiled and said, "You have the same name as my grandmother, I believe that you are also as kind hearted as she is. When I become your ruler, I will make sure that I will rule justly. I will make Great Arctyr's economy thrive."

"Thank you, Milord," the maid giggled happily, "Milord, you should take a bath first, the marriage will be held soon."

"Alright," Aster nodded, he took his walking stick and head to the bathroom, before he entered the bathroom, he said, "For my flower bouquet, open the drawer near my bed, there is a Gardenia there, place it on the middle of the bouquet, arrange it and make the gardenia as the center of the bouquet."

"Yes, Milord."


"Aster, you look stunning!" Mariette entered the room after Aster had been fully dressed up. Mariette strode to Aster and then said, "I will help Aster styling his hair, you go prepare his shoes," she said to the maid.

Mariette helped Aster to style his hair, Aster's hair was bright golden and wavy, Mariette put on some gel and then styled his hair and parted it to the side, it made him look sleek. Aster smiled, "Thank you for helping me, Mariette."

"Today is my cute little brother's wedding, how can I not help you!" Mariette seemed excited, she helped Aster tidied his white suit and when the maid returned with the shoes, Mariette personally helped Aster to put on the shoes.

"I think you should help Tuskan, he must've been very nervous now, right?" Aster said.

Mariette laughed heartily and then smiled ambiguously, "He already prepared himself for the whole two days, he is our wise Great King, still inexperienced, but a good hearted one nonetheless."

Aster zipped his mouth and stood from the chair. Mariette guided Aster to the church by holding his arm tightly. It took a while until Aster could see that Mariette had led him to a building with few more people inside. Mariette whispered, 'We are here, don't worry, there are not a lot of people, only the priest, Tuskan, me and a few important ministers to record your marriage. Oh, there is also a very important guest waiting for you here.'

Aster smiled stiffly and walked on the aisle. Everyone was stunned at how gorgeous Aster was. Aster was really pale, so pale that everyone could see the vein underneath his skin, he wore a white suit and he held a flower bouquet that was arranged with a stunning flower in the middle.

The flower was a gardenia, pink and white on the edges. The flower looked fresh and lustrous, as if it had only been plucked this morning. The gardenia had a golden pistil and four golden anthers. Most of the people in this church knew that Aster had the legendary Gardenia of Blooming Desire.

Aster was guided until he stood in front, facing someone in front of him. But he frowned slightly, 'Why is Tuskan's figure so big? He is a tall man and a bit slender, but Tuskan has a very wide shoulder today…'

The priest started reciting the Oath of the Marriage in Great Arctyr, it was completely different than in Golden Camellia. But Aster couldn't focus at all, his eyes casted down to the bouquet in his hand.

'I cannot see anything, but Ramuja, I wish that I could see you for the last time here. I'm sorry that I still cannot let go of my heart, so I bring your Gardenia of Blooming Desire in my marriage.'

Aster put the bouquet closer to his chest, 'You are always in my heart, forever. But… I wished you are here, I wish you are the one that marries me here, but what is a miracle anyway. This is my life, I have never been free in my life.'

'I am bound by duty, I hope you understand, my love.'

"Aster Di Arlingdon, Grand Duke of Stormhill, Honored Great Prince of Great Arctyr, will you accept him as your only spouse in your life?" the priest asked.

Aster was dazed, he wanted to say 'I accept' but he was tongue tied. His body trembled as he tried his best to accept his fate.

The man in front of Aster smiled and said, "Milord, why are you nervous?"

Aster jolted immediately, he almost lost his balance as his leg trembled, 'Did I hear Ramuja's voice? No, Ramuja is not here! I—I must stay strong, this is what I choose, I cannot be haunted by him forever!'

Ramuja looked funnily at his master, and he said again, "Milord, I can't wait to marry you. But you seem nervous, you hurt me, you know," Ramuja teased Aster who looked like he had been struck by a thunder.

Aster shook his head twice, but it was clear that it was Ramuja's voice, he asked doubtfully, "Ramuja?"

"Yes, Milord, I am standing in front of you. Today is our marriage, don't you remember?"

"No, I must have been dreaming. I've dreamed about you every day, I guess it takes a toll on me."

Ramuja shook his head, "No, Milord. This is not a dream, I am standing in front of you. We are marrying the Great Arctyr. You even bring the Gardenia of Blooming Desire that I picked for you."

Ramuja took one step forward and then held Aster's back with one hand and then caressed his cheek, "I cannot kiss you right now, because everyone is watching and we are not yet a husband and wife, but you see, this is not a dream."

"R—Ramuja? Ramuja? Ramuja! It's really you?!" Aster was unsure, but this familiar warmth, this familiar hand, this familiar embrace.

"It is me, please continue with the ceremony, I can't wait to make you my spouse," Ramuja said.

The priest coughed and recited the same thing, Aster still couldn't understand what happened, but when the priest asked him the same thing, he just wanted to say yes. He didn't care about anything anymore, whether this was a dream or reality, he just wanted to be with Ramuja.

"Aster Di Arlingdon, Grand Duke of Stormhill, Honored Great Prince of Great Arctyr, will you accept him as your only spouse in your life?"

"I accept!"

"And you, Crown Prince Rama of Sun Kingdom, will you accept him as your only spouse in your life and death?"

"I accept," Ramuja nodded, "Through life and death, I accept Aster Di Arlingdon as my only love, I will never marry anybody else, and may my soul be burned by the Sun God if I broke my vows."

Ramuja added the line with marriage vows from Sun Kingdom. He practiced in front of the mirror for the whole day, he was relieved that he could deliver it successfully today.

The priest recited some more vows and then said, "You may kiss the bride."

Ramuja gently held the back of Aster's head, and then kissed Aster's lips passionately, he whispered to Aster, 'Milord, you may not be able to see right now. But you are truly my love, my savior, my sun. Trust me, you are the only one in my heart.'

Aster heard everything that Ramuja said, he had this doubt in his heart whether Ramuja truly loved him or not, or he cheated because he felt bored with him. But Ramuja's words just now had so much sincerity and power, that the doppelganger that was lingering in his head for so long finally dissipated slowly.

The doppelganger said something in his head before he vanished forever, 'Aster, you are truly… well loved.'

Suddenly, everyone in the church was taken aback with the golden shine in Aster's eyes. It was bright that everyone stood still, gasped in awe.

Ramuja hugged Aster tight, fearing that something would happen to his Milord. Aster didn't know what happened, but he felt a soothing sensation in his eyes. After the shine dissipated, he blinked several times.

Everything was blurry for a minute, until he saw the first thing in front of his eyes. A strong, handsome man with chocolate skin, short dark hair, deep dark eyes, and straight nose. He stared at Aster with awe and said, "Milord, your eyes… you pupils are now pure golden."

Aster couldn't hold back his tears, he took the initiative and kissed Ramuja, he draped his hand around Ramuja's neck and deepened the kiss. He opened his eyes again and said, "Ramuja, a miracle, a miracle happened to me!"

Ramuja almost teared up too, but he was a bit embarrassed, so he wiped the tears on his eyes and then said, "Of course there is a miracle, because you are a good person, Milord."

Aster glanced to the side, he saw Tuskan and Mariette standing side by side, both were smiling at him, "Thank you."

Tuskan bit his lips, but Mariette clenched his arm and they nodded, Mariette giggled, "What did I tell you, there is an important guest, right?"

Aster focused his gaze at Ramuja again and then said, "I love you, husband."

Ramuja had a tinge of blush on his cheek, "I—I love you too, wife."

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