Furious Combo

Chapter 810 - : Meet

The cooperation between the two people is almost between the seamless gods and the immortals. It may also be the first time that the battle is coordinated. Jiang Yan found that this kind of cooperation, the fighting power exerted, is almost double the effect

The core of the two people is elite, and the number is not intended to be huge. At least for the army of millions, the number is rare but the cooperation of the two sides has never been so hearty.

Like the Suzaku Hell Legion, the Knights of the Temple are warriors who are not afraid of death

These people are not too stupid, but they really believe in their combat and are very skillful. In the face of enemies whose magic is ineffective, they will immediately give the fighting space to the Suzaku Hell Legion.

And when the Suzaku Hell Army faced the hard bones, they could also switch formations and kill them up again.

Jiang Yan and Jeanne d’Arc, only shot once each time they attacked the city. To be precise, Jiang Yan was shot by Yu Nan from the Chinese net. The power was no different from that of Jeanne d’Arc.

The two sides shot alternately. After an Earth Day passed, the ten cities of Lianke

These ten s-level cities are relatively powerful in defense facilities, but in the face of the full blow of the median god, the periphery is destined to collapse instantly. Whether it is Joan of Arc or Jiang Yan, you can find the defense loopholes of this city.

Space controllers did n’t even want to cultivate turtle shells. Space cities are unguarded cash dispensers for space controllers, and they wo n’t allow them to develop too abnormally.

There is a lesson in front of the free city. The golden city of ancient gods and miracles is an example. Because the development is too powerful, I began to consider leaving the space control. Although it was eventually wiped out, but the space control person who lost it did not lose Less vitality

Therefore, Joan of Arc and Jiang Yan are in such a situation that even if they break through the Ten Cities, the shadow angel Nini can’t stand her to find the other’s offensive line and even intercept, but before that she considered her own power alone , The original cemetery is not to block the other party ’s attack, just to destroy behind

But she didn’t expect that she reached a plane, and the people in this plane only made symbolic resistance, and then fled, leaving a broken booth for her

She jumps between the various spaces, and it is not necessary to pay for it so that the pursuit of these people will be worthless.

At least hundreds of thousands of opponents release power at the same time, collectively send, although the consumption is much larger than her, but they all share and use the Divine Array, the consumption on each person is smaller

This kind of shuttle space is not based on her head. Her power is too strong, so every time you cross, the loss must be greater than the other party.

After several chases, killing less than 10,000 people, the shadow angel Nini couldn’t hold her breath and was attacked in ten consecutive s-level cities. She understood that the other party had discovered her presence and forced her to stop

While hesitating, the shadow angel’s eyes saw a goblin’s shadow in the trajectory of fate, which was the head of the guard’s guard under his master.

But this time it is available

Nini waved her scepter, pierced the space directly, and came to the goblin without warning, sneeringly: “Isn’t this the captain?”

“Who are you?” The goblin raised his small round shield nervously, creating an obstacle between himself and Nini

Nini is now wearing a snow-white robe, bare feet, a scepter in her hand, and the blue crystal flashes, which is the feeling of a certain median **** coming.

The goblin does n’t have Nini ’s strength, and the hair on her body has exploded.

“Do you need to know who I am? The master asked you to solve the doctor. Not only did you not do it, you also hid, is it because you want to betray the master”

“You … is the shadow angel” The teeth of the goblin gnawed loudly. He was too scared. No matter what his status, the shadow angel might kill him directly. If you clean the portal, even if you kill it wrong, look back and control I will never punish Shadow Angel

“Yes, I am the first shadow angel. Now, I want you to kill the doctor with me. If you do n’t go, I will kill you here first.”

Nini’s words are unquestionable, her scepter, facing the goblin across the air, the green face of the goblin is full of sweat

“I’m definitely going back, but I just want to die. It means the strength of the other party is already above me. My men can’t mobilize and they are broken up by them.”

Nini smiled, and out of her fingers, a **** skin goblin flew out and picked it up by hand, but the **** skin would automatically wrap on his body, shrinking inward, but it was an ugly spirit.

This godskin had an upper body, and the goblin had no resistance. He was controlled by the shadow angel. His heart was horrified, and it was not enough to drive this godskin. So every minute of wearing, it was to burn his own life. cost

“This is the tears of the gods” The shadow angel threw a crystal clear liquid into the goblin’s mouth and said: “You are wearing this donkey skin, the tears of the gods can provide you with a hundred days of life After these hundred days, you can live up to three days, so you still expect, we can kill the doctor, otherwise, I will wait for this skin to peel off myself

Wrapped in the god’s skin, the goblin can’t even sweat. If this is the way of death, the soul will be imprisoned in this god’s skin, and all the pains suffered by this god’s skin in the future

The godskin itself is a very evil existence, trapped souls, feeling the despair of the gods falling every moment.

“Go, you only have 103 days,” Nini said, tearing the space, jumping in, and the goblin followed Nini’s footsteps helplessly

A goblin covered with a god’s skin has a huge head. This head is brown, with a long mouth, front teeth, and long ears. Maybe a donkey has become a god.

But among the many planes, have you not heard of a religious donkey who believes in donkeys? How can someone believe in this name

However, with this **** skin, the goblin also felt in the body, all the places sealed by the space rules were opened the same, and the power continued to circulate in the body, and would not leak out of the **** skin.

And the power that affects this cycle is the tears of the gods that he swallowed

The so-called tears of the gods are the use of cruel means to extract the special items made by the vitality of the gods. The vitality contained in the tears of the gods is enough to extend the life of a contractor by tens of millions of years as long as the contractor does not pass the s class

But this magnificent vitality can only provide a hundred days of power to this **** skin

The goblin did n’t dare to resist. This **** skin could not be taken off if he wanted to take it off. It must be the shadow angel Nini. If the angel turned around and left, he would die in 103 days.

So now the movie angel Nini let him die, he will not hesitate, after death, if Nini is in a good mood, she will also open the godskin, let his soul come out, and will be resurrected in the infinite castle. If Nini is in the mood No, his soul is always imprisoned in the godskin

The goblin’s hand waved vigorously, throwing a wooden stick out of his body, which seemed to be the weapon of the godskin master. This wooden stick was inlaid with dozens of iron nails and became an ordinary nail stick

This weapon seems to be somewhat rudimentary, but it is quite satisfied. When he is very weak, this weapon is very fond of use. It hits people, and the broken bones and tendons can also cause many tears. Wounds, causing inevitable infections

The shadow angel Nini shuttled patiently in the space and occasionally stopped to rest. It must be the plane captured by Joan of Arc. She also tried to stay in the plane captured by Jiang Yan before, but the plane captured by Jiang Yan, what? None, everything is destroyed, taken away, seems worthless

So she chose the plane of Jeanne d’ Arc, so as to avoid these planes being merged in the kingdom of Joan of Arc, the strength of Joan of Arc will gradually rise and fall. Nemesis, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he will win

There is also a fairy beside the other party, which is the most annoying. Otherwise, how could she give the goblin to the goblin to wear the goblin, and after this godskin, she will not use it again.

In the world, the only creature disgusting than gnomes might be slugs?

Nini ’s thoughts were irresistible and did not affect her fierceness. She crossed five planes in a row, and she beheaded tens of thousands of temple knights. The goal was getting closer and closer.

Those dog legs of the other party don’t need to mind. With the rules of the two godskins, her opponents are only Joan of Arc and Doctor. Under this level of power, they will naturally be divided into another space and want to participate in the battle. It’s impossible, don’t mention it affects the fight

Nini and Goblin ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ a beautiful and elegant, an ugly and disgusting, the same true appearance under the skin of the two gods When the ninth jump, the two came to a high mountain

This plane city, built on a high mountain, is like the expanded version of Jiang Yan ’s Alpha Town not far from them. A space door opened without warning, and the shadow angel Nini smiled and said: “It ’s really coming Ah “

She knows that the other party can also feel her existence, such a crazy attack on s-class cities, it is obvious to lure her to hook, but not all fishermen can catch fish, some will be eaten by fish

Thinking of this, the scepter in Nini’s hand paused. The large blue crystal on the scepter released a pure and transparent blue light, like the seawater without weight, spreading outward

In an instant, the whole city was covered with this blue light

This is an s-class city, and the portal is opened in the city this time because there are only high mountain cliffs outside the city wall. If you want to attack, it is the easiest way to enter the city directly.

This s-class city presents a bizarre double ring. The portal opened by Jiang Yan is located in the center of the city in all directions. It is still a circle of more than 100 meters high.

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