Furious Combo

Chapter 49 - : Hidden tasks

“Captain Murphy, we are all hungry and hope to prepare 30 days of food for us. Of course, if we need to buy … we have no money.” Jiang Yan smiled and waited for Murphy’s answer.

Morpheus was just a short time, and then asked for three cans of nutrient solution. Jiang Yan flipped the metal tube of nutrient solution in his hand and found that the weight must be above 30 kg.

Moffis smiled and said: “These don’t need money, just the taste … it’s like shit.”

He is telling the truth. There is nothing decent on the spaceship. Only this nutrient solution can be stored for a long time. The slimy nutrient solution has no taste at all, barely like corn paste. He said it was like shit, it was purely disgusting.

Things that do not cost money will of course be worse.

It’s just that Anna has been trained for a long time. She has eaten anything terrible, even a living snake. Jiang Yan, as a doctor, saw something even more disgusting when dissecting the body. As for the evil wizard, it is not very good to mix on the earth, he can also eat **** in order to live.

Moffis saw that the three people did not respond to his jokes, and determined some of his guesses.

“I think, in this world, the value of **** is more than gold?” Jiang Yan said seriously. People in this world have long stopped pets. At the end of the war between humans and machines, most of the pets have been eaten, a small amount fled to nature, some died, and some mutated.

Stays with human beings and has not been eaten. It also ages because of the passage of time, and it has no power to pass on the lineage.

Metal cans have a built-in air pressure device, as long as the opening is unscrewed, the paste-like nutrient solution can be automatically discharged.

The three people each took out the tableware, filled a bowl, and hurried to eat it. Jiang Yan checked the space prompt. His hunger was reset to zero, and his upper limit of stamina was restored to 18.

The evil wizard hurriedly ate a bowl of nutrient solution and said: “I’ll find some work to do.”

Murphy watched the evil wizard leave, and the hatch was closed again, and then asked Jiang Yan: “Doctor, wizard, what would he do?”

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said, “I can’t guarantee that your people will be optimistic about him. If he does something you don’t allow, I will kill him.”

Jiang Yan’s idea is very simple. He needs the wizard to help him with his next things, but if he intends to destroy his plan, he would rather lose this powerful combat power immediately, and also remove the unrest. For now, it’s okay to use the evil wizard to contain Murphy.

“Captain Murphy, I need some weapon supplies, I don’t know what can be used to exchange?” Jiang Yan doesn’t want to talk too much about the evil wizard. This person knows that he can’t control it forever. When the task is almost completed, the evil wizard will Thinking of breaking away from myself and Anna.

“Oh? Do you need weapons?”

Jiang Yan hooked her finger to Anna. Anna took out the hydrogen particle cannon, opened the magazine, and took out the inlaid energy crystal. Originally a red energy crystal, it is now somewhat dim. The energy magazine of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon can be filled with 6 standard-size energy crystals. This is the last piece.

Murfis got Anna’s dark red energy crystal on the table, held it in his hand and looked at it, saying: “It is a very standard energy crystal, which is almost the fifth-grade fuel specification of the spaceship.”

“Five-grade fuel?”

“The fuel used for the main engine of the battleship is primary fuel. After use, the remaining energy is secondary fuel, which can be used for the secondary engine of the battleship. My spacecraft uses tertiary fuel. The residual after use can also be used. To provide power to the spaceship’s auxiliary engine, the energy that my spacecraft can’t use is the fifth-grade fuel. “Murphy explained patiently.

“Is the fifth grade fuel expensive?”

“Very expensive, above level 4 fuel, it is not tradable. This is the highest level of tradable energy crystal. If you want to get it, I have no right to give you, you have to pay some price.”

“What price?”

“There will also be mechanical squids near Zion. 100 mechanical squids can be replaced with a standard unit of fifth-grade fuel crystals, plus 500 bullets. In fact, the remaining human army has been relying on killing mechanical squids. Refined fuels. These fuels account for almost 20% of the fuel sources of human warships. “

Jiang Yan knew that this was a task. Not all tasks have space hints. It does n’t matter if you connect them or not. There is no penalty for not even completing them. Jiang Yan knows that Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon can use most energy crystals as an elixir supplement. But he said to Murphy: “If you can let me experiment, is this thing usable? I will be willing to kill some mechanical squid.”

“No problem, another day, the spacecraft will stop and supply at a hunting point. If you lack manpower …”

“I need two warriors, they don’t have to be too strong, but the speed must be fast, as long as they don’t become a drag on me, familiar with the mechanical battle.

Received this hidden task, Jiang Yan was not too excited. The little devil said that the number of hidden tasks is extremely large, which is the main way for contractors to obtain survival points. If you rely on those tasks given by infinite space, contractors can feed themselves.

Just because he knows that there are so many hidden tasks, Jiang Yan also treats them as usual. Hidden mission failed without penalty, it is only for space. The risk in this task will not be reduced at all, nor will it be changed by the level of the contractor.

Jiang Yan took over this task to exchange Anna with a batch of energy crystals as ammunition reserves.

Hydrogen particle cannon will be Anna’s main weapon for a long time. The first form of the magazine is troublesome to load, and its attack power is not as good as the second form. The storage of energy crystals is the key to replenishing the firepower of the hydrogen particle gun.

If you buy directly in the space, the price is not what Jiang Yan is willing to bear. In the Matrix Empire mission world, a large number of energy crystals can be harvested, and Jiang Yan will never let go. According to normal judgment, there will be survival points for killing mechanical squid. He and Anna can’t make up 50,000 survival points together now, the cost before and after is too huge.

But Jiang Yan knew that these were all worth it. At least he had a lot of gold attributes, and even Anna had benefited a lot.

The difficulty of this task is how to avoid encountering a large number of mechanical squids. Fortunately, the price of the bullets he asked for was not high. Murphy was willing to take credit. After he and Anna rested on the spaceship for two days, the Nebuchadnezzar landed at a supply point. Jiang Yan and Anna were already fully armed. Even the evil wizard put on a biochemical combat suit and followed Jiang Yan to leave the spaceship.

The standard weapon of three people is replaced by the MX40 assault rifle, which is more common in the world. This is an infantry weapon designed for robots. It has stable performance, uses a lot of non-metallic materials, and weighs only 3㎏. The weapon has a range of 500 meters, uses high-energy ammunition, and has 50 rounds of ammunition.

The world is completely polluted. Although foreigners like Jiang Yan are tough, they may not be very comfortable, so they prepared biochemical combat suits, helmets on their heads, and intercoms with a distance of not less than 2000 meters. Auxiliary devices such as night vision ability, gun aiming auxiliary system, mutant biological detection system and so on are all perfectly embedded in the ceramic helmet.

These equipments are all found in the remains of human beings, and Zion cannot manufacture them in large quantities. In fact, as long as the number of free humans does not expand, among the large number of relics, the weapons dug out are enough for humans to use for thousands of years. Before the defeat of mankind, all the people were soldiers, and all factories were producing items related to combat.

After the establishment of the mechanical city, it was just destroying human cities one by one, followed by large settlements, fortresses. The main fighting method of the machine is to kill the living targets, but the equipment stored in the warehouse is not touched.

Remaining humans want to continue fighting, or produce their own weapons, or go to excavate the remains. There are too many settlers in Zion, and the energy supply needs to be deployed in the long run, so it will not produce weapons at all. In this way, most of the remains on the earth have become places frequented by humans.

The robots of Mechanical City are around these cities and fortresses, and they are laid out a little bit to erode human resistance.

For the humans of the Matrix world, this is a situation that has no solution. For the three contractors of Jiang Yan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the time to take advantage.

100 mechanical squids can be exchanged for 500 rounds of ammunition and 1 standard unit of energy crystal. It doesn’t sound like much, but with the firepower of Anna, killing the mechanical squid, you can’t use 5 bullets. And the bullets exchanged for the mechanical squid wreckage are powerful, and each has attributes.

Jiang Yan’s universal bullet box can only add attributes to the universal bullet, and the attributes are not fixed and come out randomly. The bullets exchanged here are all fixed attributes, which are very important for controlling the battle situation.

Firepower, once there is a firepower in the team, when faced with a large-scale battle, the combat power will rise linearly, much faster than training a magician. For example, Anna has a black weapon, so in the next few mission worlds, you do n’t even need to learn too many skills to survive.

The two warriors that Murphy assigned to Jiang Yan were all female, one named Sophie and the other named Diana. The name and Anna were only slightly different in pronunciation. Murphy did not have many staff, so it was impossible to send elite to Jiang Yan.

Fortunately, from the supply point, Sophie rented an infantry fighting vehicle in the name of Nebuchadnezzar. Two of them are responsible for driving, and one is responsible for the machine gun on the chariot.

The evil wizard Ken and Jiang Yan came to do the hidden mission, also because he had little left in his survival point and wanted to come out and try his luck. Killing mechanical squid will get a reward for every 100. Even if he does n’t fight and stays with the doctor, he will get team rewards. It ’s better than nothing.

Besides, he is also directly helpful to the battle. Once he makes an important attack, he will immediately receive a lot of rewards.

The evil wizard is a senior contractor, and of course he knows how to reap the benefits.

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