Furious Combo

Chapter 45 - : Future changes

Agent headquarters, in a gray building, Smith brought the three islands and one city into a fully enclosed room. On all four sides of the room are silver-white metal walls and no windows. The white light came down from the roof, and the whole room was bright and spacious, but it felt almost suffocating.

One city of Mishima was thrown on a metal chair, and Smith sat across the table across the table.

He took off his sunglasses and looked at the angular faces of the three islands and one city. The silver symbols in his eyes circulated, analyzing the body structure of the three islands and one city. In his eyes, the body of the three islands and one city is turned into countless red data, and its complexity is far more than his own program.

Smith was shocked that even a matrix could not make such a precise thing.

He grinded his teeth lightly, the silver symbol in his eyes suddenly fixed, and in the brain of Mishima, he saw a red bead.

Soul blood beads.

The body of Mishima and One Castle is transparent to him, but this bead cannot be seen through anyway. Smith held his breath and analyzed the red data stream on the surface of the soul’s blood beads.

In just a few seconds, the red data stream caused great trouble to Smith, and even his core program automatically stopped running. The time in the room seemed to be stuck, and it didn’t know how long it stopped before Smith recovered.

No wonder, no wonder Jones wanted to devour the woman’s body and almost destroyed the core program by the other party. This bead seems to be the reason.

It turns out that there is still a higher than matrix in the world, and Smith smiled. That being the case, it is not a big deal if you leave the matrix yourself. The outside world is definitely better than this cold matrix. Or, more dangerous.

One city of Mishima felt that his body had been completely seen through. It felt like there were countless metal wires that penetrated his body and carried electrical current, paralyzing and killing his cells a little.

Smith didn’t catch up. Jiang Yan drove the car and casually asked, “The wizard, is the Japanese dead?”

“Don’t know.” The evil wizard did not tell the truth, he could feel the life and death of the three islands and one city at any time. The Japanese are still alive, although not very good. For everyone, he is a trouble if he does not die. For myself, mastering the secrets of Japanese life and death is the guarantee of temporary peaceful coexistence with doctors.

“I don’t know what it means?” Anna was in the back seat of the car, just behind the evil wizard, and she took this opportunity to fill bullets into the hydrogen particle cannon. The sound of the metal shell pressing into the magazine appeared extremely clear and heavy at this time.

“Why, do you want to do it to me?” The evil wizard smiled, his smile inexplicably cold. In his heart, he also regretted that the doctor was a relatively calm person, but Anna was too crazy. Even the flaming rose in the **** Spartan team did not have Anna’s strength.

“You think too much.” Jiang Yan turned the car to a busy street and the speed dropped. “It’s not good for me to kill you. I just want to know the life and death of the Japanese. Even if you have enmity with me, I don’t want to desperately want it now. I need your witchcraft to do many things until you leave this mission world. If you are willing to stay and help me, that’s fine. Next, we will do the task normally. I will find a way to kill 10 SWATs for you. If you don’t want to help me … “

Jiangyan gently depresses the brake and says: “You can get off.”

The car was parked on the side of the road, and there was a crowd of people on the sidewalk. The evil wizard’s mind was active, and he wanted to open the car door, away from the doctor and Anna.

With his own power, should he be able to escape the three pursuits of the agent? As for killing 10 SWATs, it was the easiest for him. It’s too dangerous to get along with Anna. Maybe the doctor couldn’t control her, even if she controlled the doctor.

Such examples often appear in the contractor’s team. The captain is not the leader of the team. Even in some teams, the battle flag is not in the hands of the captain. In this way, if the captain is killed, the team will not disintegrate, but will put the captain’s authority on the contractor who has the battle flag.

The nose of the evil wizard was out, he spurted two black gas heavily, and snorted. He just wanted to say something, but Jiang Yan said: “I plan to go to Murphys to hide outside the matrix world for 30 days. Matrix agents have not been able to leave the matrix world. Wizards, agents have noticed us.”

“Let’s drive.” The evil wizard’s hand was retracted from the door. Smith could make hundreds of copies, and he could not escape his pursuit anyway.

The car started slowly and drove in the direction of Chinatown.

In the headquarters of the agent, Smith slowly withdrew his eyes and put on his sunglasses again.

“What should I call you? Outsider.” Smith asked slowly.

“Just before … you read my passport.” Mishimaichiichi’s head tilted to one side, and he replied weakly. There was a smile on his face, a careless look. He has not been caught before, as long as the other party has weaknesses, he can be sure to escape.

Smith’s body suddenly leaned forward, his fists slammed against the metal desktop in front of him, and suddenly two deep fist-shaped pits appeared on the metal desktop. He growled: “Tell me, your name!”

The sound exploded in the minds of the three cities and one city, shaking the thinking of the three islands and one city into chaos. A greater sense of oppression was generated out of thin air, like many steel needles, penetrating his skull and slowly piercing into the brain. In the buzzing tinnitus, the sound of Mishima and One Castle became hoarse, and he replied subconsciously: “Three Islands and one castle, my name is Mishima and one castle.”

The heads of Mishima and Ijo are still hanging on one side, and their necks seem to be broken and soft.

Smith leaned back on the back of the chair again, tightened his tie, and continued to ask expressionlessly: “Who are you, how did you get in?”

“I …” The three islands and one city only said one word, and his voice was frozen. The blood of his soul exudes a strange energy flow. He choked his throat with both hands, grabbing desperately. Smith thought he was pretending to be pretending, but the three islands and one city had already scratched his neck, and blood spewed out screaming.

“Okay, I don’t ask about this.” Smith raised his hand and made a stop gesture. He pressed the force on the head of Mishima City to disperse, and the hand of Mishima City fell down, releasing his neck .

The rule of infinite space is supreme. He just wanted to confess and could not reveal the secret of the space. Whether it is expressed in words or written in words.

Three islands and one city laughed again. Is Smith afraid of dying himself? His smile was very evil and sinister in Smith’s eyes. Three islands and one city didn’t want to hide his thoughts. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at Smith’s expressionless face.

“You want my body, right?”

Smith nodded gently, he is a program, not a real human. He can be cunning, but he will not avoid it. What if the other party admits this under his control?

“Come and get it.” Three islands and one city laughed. He smiled with blood flowing out of his facial features, and his face was grim. In any world, talented enough people can survive. This is the creed of three islands and one city. In his laughter, a tiny drop of blood sprayed on Smith’s face.

Smith pulled a handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wiped it vigorously on his face. His eyes were blocked by sunglasses, and he looked fiercely at the three islands and one city. There was no trace of fear on the faces of three islands and one city.

This kind of courage generally exists only in upright people. Smith didn’t quite understand that three islands and one city was a naked villain, so why not fear death?

This made Smith feel a little frustrated. Having dealt with humans for so long, he thought he had seen through human feelings. This time, he failed.

Smith took a deep breath, put away the handkerchief, and said eerily: “Maybe, you think I have no way to deal with you. But I can slowly experiment, dissect your body again and again, and treat you. I promise you not Will die, and I, one day sooner or later, will find out the secrets in your body. “

Three islands and one city’s neck straightened hard. He looked at Smith and said slowly: “Before that, Maycus will wipe you out. You are just a freak made by a computer. You think you have no Can’t? Want my body, come! “

Three islands and one city is really crazy, and what he does is difficult for his companions to understand. Now he growled at Smith in a low voice ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ still very malicious mocking. There are only two kinds of behaviors such as mental retardation and neuropathy. Three islands and one city is very smart, he is not mentally retarded.

“Maybe, my emotions are a bit too much.” Smith suddenly raised his hand, hundreds of silver symbols flew out of his palm, and as soon as they left his body, they quickly burned and turned into nothingness. .

“Three islands and one city, we can make a deal.” After Smith burned some programs, the expression on his face was cold again, and he would never be excited again.

“What do you want to use for my body?” Mishimaichi did not continue to stimulate Smith, because Smith abandoned some emotional procedures, and stimulation would be meaningless.

“What do you want, what do I give you.”

“You are not omnipotent.” The heads of Mishima and One City slowly crooked to the side, his strength was basically exhausted, and his body was in a serious state of weakness.

“Three islands and one city, I can do my best.” Smith did not have extra emotional programs, and his speech was concise. He did not intend to intimidate the three islands and one city, but instead took a different approach and seduced him.

The hands of three islands and one city hung on both sides of his body, and he wondered what the price would be.

“I want the identity of an agent, and … keep my soul.” Mishima and One City tentatively said.

Hearing Mishima and One City, Smith sorted out his clothes and stood up. He looked down at Mishima and One City’s face and said, “I’ll think of a way to answer you within three days. If I can’t do it … “

He didn’t go on, turned and walked out of the room. The metal door closed heavily, and Mishima and Igi smiled and closed their eyes. This matter is expected, if you can change your identity, you may escape the control of space.

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