Furious Combo

Chapter 43 - : Saif and 3 islands 1 city

Jiang Yan’s own clothing was made by the way when he repaired his body. He was treated as an injustice by unlimited space. He had no attributes, but he could quickly repair himself.

After merging the equipment in the same position, it only hides the equipment attributes and appearance, and does not allow the equipment to have the ability to automatically repair.

However, the police uniform worn by Anna must not be able to wander around, and the evil wizard is also wearing a bulletproof vest. After entering the city, this pair may be called immediately.

The contractor’s semi-data body is also flesh and blood, and will also be hungry. When hunger reaches a certain level, it may even cause a serious decline in physical and mental strength. Jiang Yan didn’t say anything. The sorcerer’s words were obviously excuses. He didn’t want to tell himself and Anna directly the location of the three islands and one city.

He took out two bottles of water and threw them to Anna and the evil wizard in the back seat. As the sky clears, on the edge of the city, Jiang Yan abandons the car and breaks into a thrift store.

Anna chose a gray short coat, and the evil wizard chose a dark coat. Anna ’s boots were badly damaged. She changed to a pair of exquisite calf leather boots. The evil wizard ’s shoes looked like equipment, although some were damaged, they were not seen. The evil wizard has a new pair.

Jiang Yan is also hungry. He also has nutritious drinks and pearl milk tea, but it is just how precious this thing is. It cannot be regarded as normal food.

Fortunately, the three had good luck. After leaving the thrift store, they stopped a car. The car carried three people and followed Jiang Yan’s instructions and came to Chinatown.

Although Jiang Yan is Chinese, he did not grow up in Chinatown. Although Los Angeles has a big Chinatown, when he was a kid, he could n’t even live in Chinatown. As a teenager, Jiang Yan thought Chinatown was heaven. Every time during the Chinese New Year, the mother will take their siblings to Chinatown for a meal.

This was Jiang Yan’s only luxury before he became an adult.

The high-end teahouse hasn’t opened at this time, and some are just snacks early. The three of them were not in the mood to sit down and asked for twelve cages. In addition to Anna, Jiang Yan and the evil wizard brought food from the infinite space, but I did not expect that in this world, those foods were suggested to be inedible.

Foods with attributes can not be wasted, and three people had to purchase them at the 24-hour store.

Jiang Yan already had a little plan to leave the matrix world and escape to the real world outside for a while. However, he still purchased enough food and mineral water for one month.

In the mission world, you never know what kind of changes will happen. If your semi-data body cannot leave the matrix world, it will be chased by the agents, and you may not even have time to get food. Unless you are willing to eat people.

After Jiang Yan and others left, opposite the shop, on the second floor, two black youths reported Jiang Yan’s purchases to the people sitting at the table.

“Pay all in cash?” Behind the table was a young man wearing a white silk Tang suit. This young man has a pure Asian face and speaks fluent Chinese.

“Yes, the banknotes are all serial numbers, and I bought a lot of food.” The two black youths answered respectfully.

“Is these two people?” The young man turned to the laptop in front of him, and there were photos of Jiang Yan and Anna on the screen.

“There is another, like a Mexican. Or … shall we tune the surveillance video?”

“No need, send someone to stare at them. If it’s an ordinary criminal, don’t pay attention. If you find an agent hunting, just help them.” The young man turned the computer back and waved to the two black youths to let them Go out.

“Yes, Master Saif.” Two black young men bowed and bowed out of the room, which seemed a little empty.

This young man in white Tang suit is the Prophet’s guard Saif. The prophecy’s prediction is the focus of the plot of the Matrix world. Because of the prophet’s words, Murphy was convinced of the existence of the savior. In other words, it was the prophet who made his faith stronger.

The photo on the computer was a wanted order, which was taken from the passports of Anna and Jiang Yan.

In Saif’s eyes, golden symbols flowed, and the image in the computer was broken down into more symbols, which flowed under his eyes. These two people are not like awakened humans at all, but more like … more like flesh-and-blood life.

Not a awakened human? However, the entire police station was killed, and there were more than one hundred policemen and dozens of special policemen rushing to the rescue. Even if it is a murderer, does it have such a great ability?

But in the mouth of the prophet, he had never heard the prophecy about these two people. Perhaps, he should walk in person to be safe. These two individuals are so special that they are too attractive to the agents. Sairov thought of this, took out a pair of sunglasses, put it on, and blocked the golden symbol that appeared in his eyes.

The evil wizard is a little sick, Jiang Yan is determined at this time, if he is against him, the wizard must have a counterattack. Anna’s safety must be guaranteed. The skills on her Suzaku coat of arms are almost restored. As soon as you enter the near-death state, it will automatically restore 20% of the attributes and drive away all negative states.

In other words, although his level is very low, he cannot be killed by the enemy.

Anna is different, she is more likely to die than herself, and the consequences of leaving her sight are serious.

The two followed the evil wizard to a dilapidated residential area. These are old-style red brick houses with variegated appearance. After entering this residential area, Jiang Yan felt even more uncomfortable, as if returning to the environment in which she was a child.

The evil wizard stopped at a corner, took out a piece of chalk, and drew a simple map on the wall.

“This location is where the Japanese hide, and it should be the basement. The main entrance of the basement is very narrow, and the windows only show the vents. I remember Anna took the tear gas and threw it in, waiting for him to come out and shoot it.”

The evil wizard’s advice is very reasonable. The other party is a newcomer. It is not easy to hide, and I will definitely not find any helpers. Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon attack is powerful. As long as the exit is blocked, the Japanese are basically dead.

Jiang Yan and Anna didn’t feel wrong either. Anna took out the tear gas. This thing can be thrown with a firearm, or it can be used directly as a grenade. The evil wizard followed Anna, and Jiang Yan walked at the end, turned the corner, and went straight to the basement where the three islands and one city were hiding.

There was a dark window in the basement, and no light came out. Anna thrust the tear gas into the evil wizard and pointed to the window. Outside the dilapidated window, there is an iron railing, which makes it impossible for an adult to enter or leave. Anna made a gesture and came to the exit of the basement and took out the hydrogen particle cannon, which signaled the evil wizard to start.

Smith will follow me sooner or later. If you start later, you may not have the opportunity to kill Mishima and One City. Jiang Yan also took out the A2 combat shotgun and was ready to face the counterattack of the three islands and one city at any time. From Anna’s description, the three islands and one city are very cunning people, and at the same time, the marksmanship is also very accurate.

Jiang Yan thought maliciously that if the evil wizard is seriously injured, he only needs to be treated, and he may be killed. For people with insufficient survival points, the price of life skill is simply a killer skill. Anna was also formally teamed up with him, so she was forcibly terminated when the survival point was 1.

The treatment cannot be terminated, and the end is to be wiped out by space.

Jiang Yan knows that this is because his skill level is insufficient, life is valuable, at least it should be able to control the difference between improving the life value and repairing the body. Now combined together, it is a major flaw for a therapeutic skill.

But if this skill can control the two attributes separately, it will be more than the priest’s healing skill. The priest may deprive the target’s attribute points when he repairs the target’s body. Attribute points are always higher in value than survival points.

The evil wizard pulled off the tab on the tear gas, bent over, plunged into the window, and then quickly retreated. Adults cannot be drilled out of this window, but bullets can be easily fired.

Cough … cough!

A strong coughing sound came from the basement. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Anna reached out and pushed Jiang Yan’s shoulder and whispered, “Not him!”

Her push was a little late. From a window over 20 meters away, a bullet was shot, which just hit Jiang Yan’s back. The huge impact force Jiang Yan threw to the ground. The body armor he equipped has a very high level of defense, but he has no cushioning properties.

He tumbled on the spot, A2’s muzzle fired, and the window shattered with a single shot.

Anna turned around and rushed forward, and the hydrogen particle gun in her hand also opened fire. She had to suppress the firepower in the window. The shots in the three islands and one city were excellent. The first shot was missed because of the bulletproof vest and the second shot was about to start.


A bullet flew over Anna’s shoulder, and blood burst. On the top of the fourth floor, three islands and one city appeared. It was not him in the window.

The evil wizard saw the enemy appearing on both sides, and in this position, there was no shelter at all. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he called out the puppet creator from the summoning space. Somehow, his fingers were dripping with blood, and he pointed at the puppet’s forehead. The figure absorbed the blood of the evil wizard and quickly grew up to the height of an adult, blocking him behind.

Jiang Yan turned over very calmly. A2 first fired continuously towards the roof, and gave Anna a treatment to stop the blood on Anna’s shoulder.

Anna knelt down suddenly, shot another bullet in the window, but missed the target. Anna instantly understood that there was only a machine in the room that could adjust the angle slightly and shoot remotely. This is a killer’s trick. Three islands and one city can’t find a helper, so they have to use this method.

This guy, really afraid of death, only entered the world one day, and set a trap, waiting for someone to come to him.

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