From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 437: Dead people

She glanced at the caller ID and a smile made its way to her lips as she answered the call, "Hello, love.''

Her husky tone made the man pause, "You tired?"

"Or I am just being romantic?"

''Or a little of both," Mo Yuhan chuckled, "Lili, are you done with your work?"

"Yes. You said that you will pick me up. Where are you?" 

"On Lane 3. So I am almost there. Stay in the office okay? We have something to discuss.''

''Other than my anniversary gift?" 

"Yes, it is something unrelated to that.''

Tang Li straightened up, ''What is it?"

''I am driving. I will tell you when I-" 


Tang Li could hear him hissing. Her heart dropped to the pits of her stomach as she shot up from the chair with a sudden movement, "What is it? Yuhan? Respond to me...? What's going on...?" She could hear some screams in the background but his response...the one she was waiting for never came. "Yuhan...Yuhan..." She called out again but there was no response from him. She slammed the phone on the desk before inhaling a deep breath. 

"I'm coming to find you...Please stay safe..'' She blinked away her tears while trying to chase all the negative thoughts out of her mind. She grabbed the car keys from the desk before dashing out of her office. 

"Kara...what's wrong?" Lin Shi frowned looking at her distraught expressions while she did not even bother to respond to her.

Did she fight with President Mo? Or is it something else?

Whatever it was, it bothered her as she has never once seen such expressions on her friend's face. After contemplating over it for a few seconds, she quickly took out her phone and dialed a number, "Brother, there is something wrong with Kara...I don't know what happened...Oh, you are on your way? But she has already left...Alright..'' She hung up with a conflicted expression on her face. 

Even Tang Yichen was on his way here.

Lin Shi hoped that it is not that serious despite her instincts telling her the opposite. 


"Lane 3..." Tang Li mumbled, trying to control her trembling fingers. Lane 3. She repeated in her mind. That's where he said he was. Just a few meters away from her.

It should be fine. Nothing will go wrong with him. She repeated in her mind. 

Suddenly, blinding lights from the front blocked her vision. She squinted. Wiping away the tears from her eyes, she glanced at the approaching truck in front of her. 

It was on the wrong route. She took her car to the right and stepped on the accelerator, speeding it up but all of a sudden, the truck changed its direction as it swerved right, coming straight towards her. "Dammit,'' It was too late for her to respond. 

Left with no choice, she took the car backward in one breath as it collided against a tree. Her body jerked forwards towards the steering wheel. 

She rubbed her chest but before she could recover from it, she realized the truck was once again coming in her direction. Her gaze darkened. She pushed opened the door and jumped out of the car, which blasted to smithereens a few seconds later and the truck's front was heavily damaged. 

''Cough Cough...'' She shook off the dried leaves from her body as she tried to stand up but her body felt unusually weak, causing her to stagger back to the ground once again. It was being a struggle to keep her eyes open. "Argh..." She gritted her teeth feeling a sudden tremor of pain shooting through her stomach. She pressed her palm on it while trying to stand up but this time she was kicked to the ground, her back colliding against the tree.

She sucked in a cold breath of air. 

"See what you got. This is what you deserve, just like that bitch of a mother of yours..."

Tang Li slowly opened her eyes hearing the whisper beside her ear. A layer of sweat covered her forehead at the pain in her body, her face turned pale while her breathing turned uneven. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the woman leaning closer to her, ''Y-You...'' It was Mo Yi, Mo Yuhan's uncle's wife. 

''Isn't she dead yet?" Mo Liang, Mo Yuhan's uncle walked from behind. 

Mo Yi shook her head as she stood straight. 

"No wonder. This woman is such a big obstacle. According to my investigation, some directors compromised their shares to the CEO of Ash Corporations but it was difficult to get even a glimpse of her until she revealed herself in the public today,'' He glanced at her in disdain, "What a wrong move on your part!"

''Once she is dead, we can get her shares but only if Mo Yuhan is gone from the picture. But he is still the largest shareholder and eliminating him is not going to be easy."

Tang Li could hear everything but it took every ounce of her strength to keep her eyes open. Everything was going dark before her as she hugged herself with the last shred of her consciousness. 

Mo Liang aimed the gun towards her forehead, "Mo Yuhan can be controlled when I use his father as a pawn against him. It has been years since he knows about everything I do but he has not been able to do anything to me because his father is under my control. My dear elder brother, Mo Chen trusts me blindly. Moreover, Mo Yuhan must be surrounded by the assassins now. If he falls into my trap this time, then I don't have to spare many efforts as he will die today. She has given us plenty of trouble so let's deal with her first. WITHOUT. ANY. DELAY," His index finger rested on the trigger as he pressed on it. 



The bullet that should have pierced through Tang Li's head never came as Mo Liang's wrist was shot. 

Mo Yi and Mo Liang were surrounded by countless men in black uniforms. They turned around to look at Mo Yuhan who was walking towards them. Under the streetlights, they could spot the trail of blood near the corner of his lips which combined with his dark expressions made him look like his patience was hanging on a thread.

Once the thread snapped, everyone will face his wrath. His gaze grazed past them and ruthlessness in those azure eyes made them feel like they were dead people to him. 

Mo Liang did not dare to say anything as he glanced at his wife questioningly. 

She shook her head. She made all the necessary arrangements to block him so that even if the assassination failed on him, he will be delayed and would not be able to reach here before his wife's death. She even hired a child assassin so that a man like him won't be able to grasp the truth fast.

Mo Liang's eyes darkened. Underestimating Mo Yuhan was the biggest mistake they made in the day. He straightened up. So what? There was nothing Mo Yuhan could do to them. He was still the Second Young Master of the Mo Family.

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