Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 9 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

Qiao Sha was awakened by the chaotic noise outside the window, the room was dimly lit, and the clock on the wall showed that it was only past eight o’clock, and she slept for less than six hours.

“Who is making noise outside?” Hill on the bed looked at her with black eyes. He had just fallen asleep for a while.

Qiao Sha knelt on the sofa angrily, and opened the heavy velvet curtain behind her. The sun squinted her eyes. Before she could see clearly, she heard the noise downstairs clearly.

—”Master Surya, how did you do it?!”

—”The Holy Spirit of Light is on top, Master Surya, you are like the Holy Spirit!”



After she got used to the light, she saw a wonderful sight in the huge courtyard downstairs. The dead old trees were suddenly covered with green new leaves, the failed rose blooms again and again, and all the flowers bloomed regardless of seasons. , Butterflies are flying in the courtyard in piles.

Even the water lilies just budding in the lake are full of flames.

Surya was bathed in the sun, surrounded by a crowd of servants and birds, holding a silver kettle for watering in one hand, and a gardener who trimmed the flowers and plants with the other hand.

—”Master Surya, you saved me!” The gardener thanked Surya excitedly, “If it weren’t for you, I would have been smashed to death by this dead tree… How did you bring the dead tree back to life?? This is incredible!”

As soon as I woke up, I saw that the hero was forced to hang on.

“It’s the **** Surya who is showing his magic ring.” Qiao Sha replied to Hill irritably. She didn’t receive such special treatment while wearing the ring. Withered trees and flowers bloomed in spring.

Hill called the maid outside the door and asked what was happening outside.

The maid lowered her head and said, “Surya is finishing the work assigned to him by his wife and taking care of the garden. Thunder broke the dead tree last night, and it almost hit the gardener, but Master Surya reached out and touched it. Touch the dead tree, and the dead tree will be resurrected…”

Yes, in order to bully Surya, Hill ordered the original owner to give all the rough chores to Surya to do, and he was not allowed to eat if he could not finish.

How could she bully Surya like this? How could she care about this bullying Surya.

“Host.” 101 called to her: “Last night the hero’s hatred value rose to 9%. When you fell asleep, it seemed that it was not because the envoy revealed the time when you deceived him and obtained the ring.”

“?” Qiao Sha was surprised, she rose so much when she fell asleep, why? She slept in Hill’s room at that time and did nothing to Surya.

Could it be… Surya learned that she was sleeping in Hill’s room and thought she was going to seduce Hill?

Do you think she is not only bad, but also slutty?

She thought, pushing the window open, the morning wind and fragrance of flowers came in, Surya in the courtyard seemed to sense that she was looking at him, raised her eyes in the sun, looked in her direction, and was hitting her to stare. Staring at his sight.

Did you see that she was wearing a beautiful nightdress and sleeping in the room of his half-brother, Hill.

He quickly withdrew his sight.

“The hatred value has not risen.” 101 reported to her.

It must be that she is not bad enough, not slutty enough. Qiao Sha thought.

For the first time, 101 felt that the host was humble.

Qiao Sha turned her head and said to the maid: “Go and invite Master Surya to have breakfast.” After speaking, she walked outside the door.

“Where are you going?” Hill on the bed suddenly leaned forward to look at her and asked her.

“Go wash and change into beautiful clothes, come and have breakfast with you.” Qiao Shatou said without replying, leaving Surya to accompany him.

Hill followed her back and left, and had breakfast with him.

On the one hand, he thought, this slave stepmother was getting bolder and bolder, and he had not allowed her to have breakfast with him.

On the one hand, he thought again, maybe he should also change his clothes. Now the clothes are full of medicine and blood, she must have smelled…


Qiao Sha returned to her room, before she changed her clothes, the courtyard became lively again.

The old housekeeper David sent a maid to report to her that the old dean of the Royal College and the religious father came to visit on their own. They wanted to specially invite Surya to study at the Royal College and invite her to come and receive guests.

The plot of the Royal Academy suddenly appeared in Qiao Sha’s mind. In the original text, the Royal Academy was a gilded seminary, and only the royal blood and a handful of outstanding noble children could enter school.

It is the hall that everyone dreams of.

Even Fu Ya, an earl, had not been able to enter the Royal Academy at the beginning. Hill wanted to be admitted to the Royal Academy all his life, making his father proud.

But only Surya was admitted to the Royal Academy after participating in the ball.

However, the face-slapping plot entered by the Royal Academy was after the dance party.

“Because you stole…borrowing the ring, the chief guard and the royal people saw the supernatural power of the male protagonist Surya ahead of time, so the plot was advanced.” 101 rarely corrected her wording and told her euphemistically, the chief guard in the original text I didn’t find the princess, and I didn’t see Surya’s “superior power”, but now the chief guard saw Surya’s supernatural power, and after returning to the palace, he recommended Surya to his majesty, and Surya was admitted to the Royal Academy by exception.

But the plot itself is there, and there is no problem in advance.

However, if Surya leaves the manor and enters the Royal Academy now, then Qiao Sha’s task will not be easy to do.

Because the Royal Academy included food and housing, and only went home for one semester, Qiao Sha couldn’t go to the academy with him.

This is not good news.

Qiao Sha stopped the clothes that Luna had chosen for her: “Don’t need a skirt.” Such a heavy tutu skirt can crush her to death.

Luna put down her skirt in embarrassment and only took the fishbone girdle on her waist: “You must wear this. Today is the first time you have received royal guests as the hostess of the manor. You can’t be rude.”

Luna valued the reception of distinguished guests more than she did. After all, Master Hill and the maid chief Julie never let Qiao Sha appear on important occasions. This is the first time that the mistress, Master Surya’s stepmother, absolutely Don’t be rude.

Qiao Sha didn’t refuse the girdle, but only ordered Luna to hold her **** bigger, so that she looked more slutty.

When she changed her clothes and went to the living room, seeing Hill was there, he changed into a clean suit and sat in a wheelchair, pale and delicate, gloomy and lonely, listening to the old dean of the Royal Academy inviting Surya.

Poor male partner.

Qiao Sha walked over with Luna, and several people in the living room looked at her together.

Among them, Hill’s gaze was the most obvious. From her face, he could directly see a piece of snow white she had held out. The waist seal was tightly around her waist. The neckline of the white dress was huge, and she wore it on her thin neck. A string of pearl necklace, as she walked, dangling on her snow white.

On one side of Hill’s eyes, the fingers holding the wheelchair tightened. He was a little angry, but he didn’t know what he was angry with.

She showed herself generously, saluted the two distinguished guests decently, and ordered them to serve tea, without making any mistakes.

It was completely different from the cowardly little lamb slave who could not get on the table.

“It’s nice to meet Mrs. Qiao Sha.” The old dean said with a smile: “I heard Chief Shelley mentioned you. You are the first friend Miss Beth has made.”

“Really?” Qiao Sha also smiled: “That is my honour, Miss Beth is a lovely girl.”

Hill couldn’t help but looked at her again. She smiled and accepted the college entry letter handed over by the old dean, and looked at Surya with red cheeks.

“I’m really happy for you Surya.” She blushed and said to Surya: “However, you still need to wait until your father comes back before you can answer the old dean and Lord Godfather.”

Surya’s gaze stayed on her for a while, she was particularly radiant today, and even her cheeks were flushed, as if she was sincerely happy for him.

Damn it.

Qiao Sha’s cheeks were more than hot, her whole body was hot, and her **** girdle made her breathless, and she felt like she was panting.

Fortunately, the old dean and godfather did not stay much. They relayed that His Majesty hoped that he could report to the college as soon as possible, and then left.

Qiao Sha blushed and sent them to the courtyard. Who would have thought that the godfather would start talking to Surya again. Just now, he heard from his servant that Surya revives the dead tree. Is it true?

The gardener and servant began to actively amuse their two noble guests Surya Master.

Qiao Sha was really bored, standing by the lake not far away, supporting the dense tree to enjoy the cool air, only to hear the godfather and the old dean curiously invite Surya to show her supernatural power again.

Surya refused.

Please, how could an arrogant **** perform his supernatural power casually?

“Is it this tree?” The old dean walked towards the big tree that Qiao Sha was taking in the shade, and looked up at Lu Yin Rugai in surprise: “Can’t see that this is a dead tree?” He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The roots are small, tender branches. I want to break them to see if they are really alive.

“Don’t fold it…”

Qiao Sha only heard Surya’s words. The tree she was supporting shook suddenly like a pain. The big green tree branch hit Qiao Sha’s waist and swept her directly into the lake—

She fell into the lake and heard the second half of Surya: “It will hurt if it has life…”

Damn girdle, the old dean who owes his hand, and Surya who hangs up casually!

Qiao Sha was swallowed by the lake, and her suffocated body made her suffocate worse. She was choked and didn’t even flop, and fell directly to the bottom of the lake…

A white light suddenly passed through the lake full of water lilies, scattered into thousands of silk threads, breaking the water and rushing towards her.

She was shrouded in light, a hand appeared in front of her eyes and grabbed her abruptly. That face was exposed in front of her from the faint blue lake, covered with layers of white light, like a moon at the bottom of the lake.

“Grab me.” Surya hugged her waist and shrouded her under his light.

He supported her and swam out of the water like a fish.

The people around the lake saw Surya hug the wet Qiao Sha from the lake water covered with white light. There was no water on his body, and his immaculate dust was in sharp contrast with the soaked Qiao Sha in his arms.

The old dean and godfather were surprised.

“Madam!” Luna cried anxiously and rushed forward.

Surya didn’t stop, and hugged the dying Qiao Sha quickly to the hall. He didn’t notice Hill’s panicked face, and the person in his arms was almost out of breath.

He rushed into the hall, almost ran to take Qiao Sha into her bedroom, put it on the bed and said to Luna who was following, “Untie her clothes.”

Luna was full of tears, and hurriedly stepped forward in fright, hurriedly to untie the belt, but the more messy she got, the more she couldn’t untie it. (Hello auditor, it was the heroine who fell into the water in order to save people.)

too slow.

Surya stepped forward and pushed Luna away, turned the wet Qiaosha over and pressed it on the soft bed, reached out and grabbed the skirt behind her, and the girdle snapped open.

Her breath and the white back were exhaled under his fingers. She was trembling and breathing vigorously. With his fingers, her girdle was completely torn apart. She lay on his arm and coughed, slender. His back and wet white tail trembled.

Surya’s eyes couldn’t look away, she curled up in his arms like a poor lamb, warm and soft, exuding the fragrance of water lilies.

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