Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 8 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

The big clock rang twelve times, and the night was dull with clouds weighing down on the silent manor. Only candles were lit in Surya’s room. Three candles leaped on the silver candlesticks. He stood under the window and turned gently. The ring on the hand.

A quiet white light fell from the cloudy night sky, passed through his window and fell at his feet. In the white light, a messenger in a long-haired priest’s robe appeared, and her eloquent eyes saw him. , Slightly stunned for a few seconds.

“You… are the owner of the ring?” The long-haired priest sensed God’s consciousness from him, and quickly understood that he was deceived.

Surya looked at him and realized that the lady who seemed innocent and sweet was deceiving even the gods.


A boring thunder slammed on the manor, and white light drew on the half-open windows.

Qiao Sha, who had just fallen asleep, opened her eyes suddenly, turned over and sat up, and stared out the window with the slippery silk quilt.

She sweated a lot, and she had many fragmentary dreams, all of which were about the original “Qiao Sha”—she dreamed that she was stripped in the slave base and displayed to the nobles who came to buy slaves. She turned to reveal her tail…

— She dreamed that Earl Fu Ya brought her back to the manor. He was gentle and generous to her, gave her many new jewels and new clothes, and taught her noble manners. She thought that she had met her benefactor and was finally saved…until Fu Ya let her kneel on him Under her knees, gently flicking her tail with his toes…

Until Fu Ya asked her to lie on her lap, tied her with a dangling knot in a playful manner, and ordered her not to untie it…

Until Fu Yaming knew that Hill always used her to vent her anger and flogged her again and again, he ignored her…

“Qiao Sha” cried and prayed, hoping that the Holy Spirit of Light would have mercy on her, redeem her, save her…

God did not hear.

God is too busy to hear the ant’s prayer.

Qiao Sha touched the sweat on her forehead, still staring out the window. Is the white light lightning?

“Host, you can choose to turn off the dream when you sleep.” 101 took the initiative to introduce her additional features.

No, she was not awakened by the dream, she was awakened by the white light.

“101.” She looked at the faint white light in the gloomy night outside the window, “Is that the holy light? Did Surya summon his godfather?” The white light was too familiar.

“It seems to be.” 101 was not sure, the white light was like lightning, and unlike it, it fell on a far away window.

“It should be Surya who met with his godfather.” Qiao Sha knows that the hero will meet with the godfather sooner or later, and her lies will definitely be exposed. It doesn’t matter if exposed, but now…

Twelve o’clock in the morning.

She didn’t want to receive the godfather who came to question her at this time.

Qiao Sha got off the bed, put on a white silk dressing gown, and walked out.

“Where are you going?” 101 asked in surprise.

“Change a place to sleep.” Qiao Sha opened the bedrooms. She needed someone to “watch the night” for her. The godfather cannot appear in front of other people at will. Find someone who doesn’t sleep all night beside her, the godfather. There is no way to show up.

The gods can’t bother her to sleep well.

In the corridor, the candles were already extinguished, only the light brought by the lightning outside the window.

She stepped on the soft carpet and walked to the end and turned a corner and saw the candlelight. The maid stood outside the door of the flash room holding the candle, embarrassed and afraid to enter.

This is it. The only person who can’t sleep tonight is Hill except Surya.

“What’s the matter?” she walked over and asked.

The maid hurriedly reported to her: “Master Hill…seems to be crying in the room, but he doesn’t allow anyone to go in.”

“I’ll go see him.” Qiao Sha took the candle and asked them to guard outside the door.

Although the maids felt that it was not good for the stepmother to enter the stepson’s bedroom in the middle of the night, they thought that now Master Hill was disabled, and she didn’t even know if she could survive this spring. The Lord Earl was not there, and only the wife came to comfort the poor master.

They opened the door for Qiao Sha, and after she walked in, they closed the door and guarded outside.

Qiao Sha walked into the bedroom holding a candle.

The curtains in the bedroom were not tightened tightly. The dim room was illuminated with a flash of lightning. Amidst the muffled thunder was the cry of suppressed in the quilt, low and dumb, sounding like a whimpering animal.

“Are you crying?” Qiao Sha asked softly.

Hill in the quilt was startled, and the cry ceased. He lifted the quilt covering his head and saw Qiao Sha holding a candle. She was wearing a nightdress that reached her calf, and she was wrapped in a white lace nightgown. The slightly curly black hair is not the same as usual.

She used to be meticulously dressed up, like a well-dressed puppet doll, his father’s doll, but now this she, lazy and careless, made Hill stunned for a few seconds, “Why are you here? Who allowed you to come in? …” He wanted to get angry, but his throat was dumb, and his words were soft and weak.

“I heard your cry, come and see you.” Qiao Sha walked to his bedside, put the candle on the bedside table, and the candlelight illuminated Hill’s face. The pale boy, with red eyes, was gone. The usual arrogance and violence, like a wounded puppy, “Is it crying because of leg pain?”

“Don’t pretend here, you wish I would die.” Hill buried his head in the quilt, and muttered, “I don’t need your kindness.”

Hill heard the sound of pouring water, and heard Qiao Sha say softly: “I really want you to die. But not now, I hope you deal with Surya and die again.”

Why? She hates Surya too? Surya never bullied her…

Hill’s quilt was lifted, and he saw Qiao Sha standing in front of him under the dim candlelight, passing him a glass of water and a few pills in his hand.

“The pain medicine left by the doctor, take it.” Qiao Sha handed it to his mouth.

“Why?” Hill stared at her, she should hate him, not Surya.

“Because I want Surya’s ring.” Qiao Sha said: “With the ring, no one can bully me, so Hill, I want to join hands with you, we will grab the ring together, and you will heal your legs. Then the ring belongs to me.”

It turned out that she had this idea.

Hill sneered at her: “Why do you think I would give the ring to you as a slave?”

She sighed and said, “Because I can only join hands with you. In this manor, everyone admires Surya, and only you hate him. Also, at this moment, you can only choose me to steal it for you. Surya’s ring.”

She looked pathetic and sincere in the candlelight at the moment.

Hill knew very well that she was right. Everyone in the manor admired Surya, and only her slave stepmother was willing to listen to him and deal with Surya.

“Do you want me to help you?” Qiao Sha sat down on the bed, put the water on the bedside table, reached out to support Hill’s neck, and let him lean on her arm.

Across the cool silk and satin, Hill could feel her warm skin, and under her slightly opened nightgown was a lace-rimmed nightdress. He smelled the peculiar scent again, which was sweet and irritating.

He also smelled this scent in her bedroom. It turned out not to be incense, but to her body.

She fed the medicine to his mouth, and Hill opened her mouth and swallowed it with her hand. It was bitter medicine, and soft hand.

His throat was dry, and he was still thirsty after taking sips of water.

The more you look at her, the more thirsty you get.

Her black hair swept across his neck, “Okay.” She put him back on the pillow and walked away from him.

The scent was also far away. He swallowed his Adam’s apple and saw her resting on the velvet couch opposite the bed with a blanket. She propped her head and said to him, “I will stay here to accompany you tonight.”

She wants to stay with him?

Hill looked at her in surprise. She lay on her side on the sofa and smiled at him under the blanket. She put her hand under her face and said to him: “Close your eyes Hill, you see what I see too long time.”

Hill’s heart jumped in a panic, and he turned his head hurriedly, his ears and face became unconsciously hot, damn…Why could he not help but keep looking at this woman?

He irritably buried his head in the quilt.

Qiao Sha smiled and closed her eyes, gave a little bait, and the puppy was hooked.

The thunder kept ringing. How could Hill be upset and sleepy? His heart couldn’t help thinking: Is she afraid of thunder?

This thought made him more irritable. He shouldn’t care about the slave stepmother, he should let her get out of the room.

But when he opened the quilt again, he saw Qiao Sha who was asleep on the sofa, she was trapped in the green blanket with her hands, and under the lightning, she was surprisingly quiet and charming.

He has a dry throat and is thirsty again.

It’s strange that he looked at her quietly so that he forgot the pain in his leg…


The white light of lightning flashed across the earl’s bedroom.

The fairy godfather appeared in that bedroom, but did not find the person he was looking for. He looked for her smell and came to another door, but there was someone in the room who was awake all the time. It was Surya’s half-father. Brother, he can’t appear in front of mortals.

He finally left the door.

Until he left, Surya slowly walked out. The maid slept outside the bedrooms. Surya walked to the door. With a little bit of magic, she spied the people inside through the door-she was sleeping in him. On his sofa, he watched her sleeping a few steps away on the bed, from her cheeks to her wrists to her neck… her thin white ankles exposed outside the blanket…

Is she deliberately seducing Hill?

Surya closed her eyes outside the door. Hill shouldn’t watch his stepmother like this, nor should he watch her every move like this.

He can’t see through her, he can easily read other people’s hearts and see through this person’s purpose, but even if he reads her heart, he can’t see through her.

She lied, stole, and deceived the gods, but the more she couldn’t see through, the more he wanted to see what she was going to do.

It shouldn’t be this way.

The sore on the back of his hand became more and more painful.


“Ding”, 101 was surprised to see that the hatred value suddenly increased-[male host hatred value 1009. ]

Nine percent? ? How could it suddenly rise so much? The hero…what happened to him?

It endured forbearance and did not disturb the sleeping host. It could imagine how unhappy she would be after waking up the host.

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