Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 7 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

The hatred value has not risen, it is still a lonely [1001].

It seemed useless to coerce him with the identity of a stepmother.

It’s useless to hold a horse at this level of touch.

Qiao Sha sat on the dangling white horse and analyzed, does it have to be the level of “kiss from stepmother” to make the tolerant and indifferent holy father produce a lot of hatred and hatred?

She looked down at the horse, and Surya, who was slowly leading the horse forward for her, refused to ride a horse with her, but tolerated her request that he lead the horse for her himself.

The horse walked across the rugged path, and when the bumpy her toes dangling on his arm, soiling his white shirt, he was not unhappy.

It’s bearable.

Qiao Sha retracted his gaze and looked forward, the shade of greenery was covered, and huge purple lilies of the valley drove beside the road. Squirrels, butterflies, and various animals followed Surya from time to time on the road, which aroused the amazement of the guards. , Looked at her and Surya frequently, not sure if this “spectacle” was because of Surya or her.

The treatment of walking with God.

Surya didn’t speak all the way until he arrived at the manor. He reached out and held Qiao Sha’s fingers to help her get off the horse. He suddenly asked her in a low voice: “Mrs. Qiao Sha, have you ever entered the stone house before Miss Beth?”

His hands holding her fingers were cold, his palms pressed against the palms.

Qiao Sha’s first reaction was: He still suspected that she had entered the stone house and stole his ring.

The second reaction is: Isn’t he going to use mind reading technique on her? She remembered that after wearing the ring back, as long as Surya touched someone, she would be able to read the truth.

Sure enough, she saw Surya frowned and her eyes were puzzled. He should have heard what was in her heart and wondered why she knew he could “mind-read”.

Qiao Sha simply took advantage of his “mind reading” and replied decisively: “No.”

But I thought in my heart: I stole the ring, so what can I do, stupid stepson.

Under Surya’s uncertain expression, she withdrew her hand, walked towards Beth, and bid her farewell.

Surya looked at her back, her brows became tighter, she lied to him openly, and even after knowing that he had used a mind reading, she was still full of lies.

He even suspected that there was no truth in her heart.

At this moment, he had an uncontrollable sense of disgust, not because she was full of lies, but because he knew she was a despicable person full of lies, but still suspected—carrying him back to the stone house in a dream and bringing him a bell Orchid-scented water, a warm embrace, maybe she.

The more she lied, the more he wanted to know the truth, to prove that the person was not her, so as to thoroughly determine that she was a despicable person without a trace of kindness.

He was disgusted by this idea, and he shouldn’t have illusions about a wicked man who is full of lies.


“Host, the hatred value has increased.” 101 said in surprise: “Now the male lead hate value is [1002].”

Qiao Sha wasn’t surprised, it was right to be honest and bad, to be a bad villain that the Holy Father could not tolerate.

Beth can’t stay here, she wants to go back to the palace as soon as possible. She regretfully took Qiao Sha’s hand and whispered, “I hope I can see you again when I have a chance.”

“Yes.” Qiao Sha smiled at her. When the prom, the male and female protagonist met for the first time, her vicious stepmother would also be there, as one of the refreshing points of being brutally slapped in the face by the protagonist Surya.

After sending away Beth and a group of distinguished guests, the butler David hurriedly greeted Surya and said happily: “It’s great that you are fine. The person I sent to find you has never been your whereabouts, I Very worried about you.”

David is a loyal butler, and he is the only person who is good to Young Master Ash in the early stage.

“I’m fine, David.” Surya smiled at him.

David glanced at Mrs. Qiao Sha, saluted her, and when she walked into the hall, he whispered back to Surya about Hill’s broken leg.

Surya listened to him replied that “the holy light appeared and suddenly flew off the hill who offended Qiao Sha.” Her eyes once again fell on Qiao Sha’s back, so she could actually use the power of the ring? Then it’s not just stealing the ring, what else did she do?

With her slender and beautiful back swinging gently, she walked across the corridor and walked into the hall where the light and shadow were interlaced, a row of pearl buttons gleaming with warm light.

The maid Luna greeted her and said anxiously: “Master Hill is awake, and he has ordered people to look for you everywhere. Hurry up and hide…”

She smiled and said, “Really? Then I have to go and see my poor stepson.” She turned her head, looked at him outside the door under the light and shadow, and called him, “Suria, let’s go and see together.” Your brother.”

She has changed. She used to be afraid of Hill and everyone in the manor, but now, she seems…no one is afraid.


What are you afraid of, Hill is now a crippled person who can’t get out of the bed, and the proud maid Julie is also locked in the cemetery. The drama of “Blessed by the Holy Light” made the servants in the manor dare not offend her again.

Qiao Sha stepped on her lambskin high heels and stepped into Hill’s bedroom, covered her nose with the pungent smell of potion and blood, and looked at Hill who was lying on the bed, “Oh, poor Hill, You look so bad now.”

Hearing her voice, Hill struggled to lift his head from the pillow, with a pale face, staring at her viciously, and scolded her hard: “Bane… slave…”

“Lie down quickly.” Qiao Sha walked over, hurriedly held him down, and said softly: “The doctor said you must lie down quietly to recuperate, or you won’t be able to save your life.”

Hill made an angrily to wave her away, but she gently grabbed his hand, smiled and lowered her face and said to him: “It’s so pitiful, so it seems that Surya is much luckier than you, he Come back intact.”

Hill’s eyes widened, staring at her incredulously, “Suria he…”

“Yes, he’s back.” Qiao Sha shook his hand and said in a low voice: “Don’t stare at me like that. You watched him fall off his horse and fall to the ground dying. I did what you ordered, but **** it. The Holy Spirit of Light blessed him.”

Hill stared at Qiao Sha. He did watch Surya fall off his horse and fainted after being trampled on by the horse. How could he come back intact?

“I said you might not believe it.” Qiao Sha said with regret: “I saw him put on the ring left to him by his deceased mother, and the holy light appeared to surround him, so he was so weird.”

Holy light?

Hill remembered, protecting the holy light that Qiao Sha bounced him out.

“I know what you are thinking.” Qiao Sha put his hand in the silk quilt, like a gentle mother, but said in a low voice: “Yes, the holy light that protects me is Su Riya’s ring, I stole his ring. I thought it was a valuable thing, but I didn’t expect it to be such a powerful holy thing, and I didn’t expect it would almost kill you.”

She thought it would kill him directly.

101 listening to her half-truth, still can’t figure out what she is doing in this step.

Hill grabbed her hand and went to look for the ring. He did remember that before being bounced off, Qiao Sha had an extra ring on her finger.

Qiao Sha regretfully said: “Suria has already snatched the ring back, otherwise I can use the ring to heal your leg.”

Before she landed the second half of the sentence, Surya walked in from the door, and he heard Qiao Sha’s words.

He walked in and saw Qiao Sha snuggling by the bed and Hill was grabbing her wrist. She did not struggle. After seeing him coming in, she still let Hill grab her wrist, and Hill’s fingers were sunken in her pale soft skin. , Scratched red marks.

He stopped by the bed, and Hill’s angry eyes fell on his ring.

“Why are you still alive…” Hill’s eyes were red, and Surya was more than intact, he was more dazzling and better than before.

Surya stared at him calmly, showing no resentment towards him, nothing at all.

Surya is always like this. He is always good, always easy to attract people’s attention, and always ignores everyone. He seems to never care that others love him or hate him.

He went crazy with jealousy, but Surya didn’t take him seriously!

At this moment, he hates Surya so much, but Surya raised her hand, stroked the ring between her fingers and said to him: “Hill, if you want, I can try to help you heal your legs and let go Mrs. Qiao Sha, let her go out first.”

Oh, this loving and selfless Father.

Qiao Sha thought that Surya might forgive Hill. It is written in the book that Surya forgive Hill and stepmother Qiao Sha three times and again, but how could she let Surya cure Hill’s legs? It was not easy to mutilate him.

Surya has the protection of the male protagonist’s halo, but she doesn’t.

“Suria is so kind.” Qiao Sha looked at Surya and said, “Hill, you should thank Surya for his mercy.”

“I don’t need his mercy!” Hill was hit by the pain point all at once. He threw Qiao Sha’s hand away, and angered Surya with red eyes, “Who does he think he is? Does the Holy Spirit of Light? Don’t look at me with such high eyes, even if I die, I don’t need your mercy! Get out!”

Qiao Sha rubbed her wrist and said lovingly: “Don’t be like this Hill, Surya is really amazing…”

“Get out!” As expected, Hill couldn’t hear a word, angrily like a crumbled lion, throwing all the pillows on the ground.

The doctor came in in a panic and told the others to leave the bedroom.

Qiao Sha left the bedroom satisfied, and just about to go back to her room, she was called by Surya behind him.

“Why are you doing this?” Surya asked her.

She turned her head, Surya was standing under the window in the corridor, the wind blew his hair away, covering his eyelids, and the rosy sunlight shone on his feet.

There are only three or four steps between them.

“You told Hill about the existence of the ring, but you made him refuse my help.” Surya looked at her in confusion.

Qiao Sha walked towards him, just four steps away, she stood under his eyes, close to him so that he could clearly see the tiny hairs on her ears under the rose sunshine.

“You said, will the Holy Spirit of Light really protect everyone?” She didn’t answer his question, but instead asked a nonsense, “Is it included?”

Surya looked down at her, her beautiful eyes were radiated by the sun, and she had an unspeakable smell, a sweet smell, “As long as he hears your prayer, he will bless you.”

“Really?” She smiled, clasped her hands on her chest, praying like a believer, and said to him: “Then I pray to him sincerely and ask him to punish those who bully me, Hill, Julie, And my husband Fu Ya…please God let them all go to hell.”

The wind blew in, blowing away the hair of the two people, and also blowing away the silence in Surya’s eyes. With such sweet and beautiful lips, she said such vicious words.

Surya understood it, she deliberately said that, originally she didn’t want to cure Hill, she wanted Hill to go to hell.

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