Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 51 - [Domesticated geeky male protagonist] [VIP]

The lights in the meditation room flickered.

Mingyuan’s drooping eyelids opened slightly, and he looked at the green buddha beads on his wrists. He didn’t need to see what was happening in this ancient temple.

He has long been combined with this ancient temple, and every plant and tree are his eyes, mouth and nose.

He “saw” her tearing away the string of Buddhist beads.

I also “saw” those Buddha beads rolling down in the rain and being wrapped in mud.

The string of Buddhist beads was originally given to her on the day of her birth. It was an artifact that blocked the smell of lotus blood from her.

Only later, she gave it to Xie Mingjun.

It doesn’t matter, as long as Xie Mingjun protects her from bleeding, there is no need to use Buddhist beads to seal her lotus blood.

but now…

Her lotus blood still awakened the devil.

She wanted to return the string of Buddhist beads and then tore it off and discarded it. What did she mean?

Ming Yuan didn’t understand. He looked at his finger, that finger had already been washed, but her smell and touch were wrapped around his finger as if it could not be washed off.

The lotus lamp stand swayed automatically without wind, just like his thoughts at this moment, he closed his eyes again, twisted the prayer beads, and read his sutra over and over again.

Her voice came in like the wind: “Stay overnight tonight, and go down the mountain tomorrow.”

“Stay overnight?” Xie Mingjun asked her: “Why stay overnight? I can rush back to the martial arts tonight.”

“Because it’s raining, because it’s late at night, and because I want to stay overnight.” Her voice was soft and perfunctory, and she casually looked for reasons and said, “Or because of Saint Master Mingyuan.”

She chanted his name and laughed, and gently said to Xie Mingjun: “Husband, please choose any reason.”

Mingyuan frowned, and the Buddha beads on his fingertips turned faster.

But her voice was silky, passing through.

“I want to accompany my little disciple tonight. If your husband is in a hurry, go down the mountain.” She seemed to open the door and stood at the door and asked, “Wen Xue will stay with me.”

Xie Mingjun didn’t answer, and the door closed with a creak.

During the heavy rain, Xie Mingjun remained silent. He turned and stood under the corridor, looking at the full pool of red lotus in the heavy rain, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Wen Xue behind him lowered her eyebrows, not knowing what she was thinking.

The rain hit the lotus leaves, making a “da da” sound. The red lotus in the pool was burning and blooming unscrupulously in the night rain, and the water in the pool was also reflected red, as red as blood.

This lonely ancient temple has not been so lively for a long time.

Mingyuan’s smart ears and eyes have become particularly uncomfortable tonight. He can clearly hear every voice and see everyone’s expression.

Even in the bedroom where the lights were turned off, he could perceive clearly—

She took off her coat and put it on the back of the chair.

She flicked her fingers across the side of the couch and was gently grasped by a hand.

“Sister.” The person on the couch leaned toward her hand, slid her fingers along her hand, onto her wrist, and reached under her sleeve. “I’m so cold, my sister is holding me.”

“Call Master.” She lay sideways on the couch, hugged by one of the hands under the quilt covered with coarse cloth, wrapped in the quilt.

The person in the quilt showed a face with closed eyes. The pale and haggard Miss Nie put her face close to Qiao Sha’s arms and shoulders, and sniffed on her thin coat, “Master… it smells good.”

The rustling sound.

The hands under the quilt stirred Qiao Sha’s clothes to hug her, like a wrapped net, unable to break free, and the more he went in, the more restrained.

“Clothes… get in the way.” Miss Nie hugged her and said coquettishly: “Master, take it off, I’m cold… I want to sleep next to Master.” She rubbed her bare body into Qiao Sha’s arms. The hands in the sleeves gently rubbed Qiao Sha’s elbows, “We are all women, are the master still shy with me?” (The auditor is good, I didn’t take off my clothes, just said it)

Ming Yuan frowned slightly, Mrs. Xie… is too kind, still convinced that Miss Nie is Miss Nie, but now this one is assimilated by the devil, not Miss Nie…

-In the dark, Qiao Sha gently grabbed the thin neck of the little beauty in her arms, gently held her face, and said to her in a low voice, “Are you a woman, don’t I know?”

Mingyuan paused the prayer beads between her fingers, she knew? She knew… the Miss Nie in front of her was not a daughter? Isn’t it Miss Nie?

-Qiao Sha’s fingers gently stroked Miss Nie’s pale face, and she leaned close to her and said in a low voice, “Unfortunately, your body is too small.”

A strange expression appeared on Miss Nie’s face, and she suddenly lowered her eyes and said to her with another voice: “Where is it young?”

The voice of a man.

Mingyuan heard a man’s voice clearly, dumb and muffled.

But Qiao Sha was not the slightest strange. Instead, she raised her hand to cover Ms. Nie’s mouth and hissed, “My husband can be standing outside.”

She didn’t seem to care about Miss Nie’s sudden change of voice. She glanced at Miss Nie from top to bottom, and said softly, “Let’s grow longer.”

Miss Nie opened her mouth and held her finger…

The lotus lantern beside Mingyuan went out with a “poof”, and it was messed up with his uneasy mind.

He opened his eyes in the dark room, no matter how difficult it is to settle, Mrs. Xie… Did he already know that Miss Nie was possessed by a demon?

Knowing that, why save him? Do you want to pretend to be ignorant and save him emotionally?

Mrs. Xie’s soft-hearted plea in Fangcai’s Zen room was pretending?

In that rainy night, she blocked the demon’s head, and she hugged him to remove the devil’s arm, also pretending?

She knew then that she was saving a demon?

At this moment, Mrs. Xie in the bedroom is so different from Mrs. Xie who just saved the life… as if she has changed her personality, her smile, her eyes, her words… as if deliberately seducing the demon in front of her.


Mingyuan couldn’t see this Mrs. Xie clearly. She was pretending to be compassionate? Are you pretending to be soft-hearted? Do you even pretend to be… dignified?

He lowered his eyes and looked at his fingers again, and what appeared before him was the appearance of her standing in a dim room half wrapped in a monk’s robe.

She seemed to be smiling then.

Which is the real her?

Someone outside the room knocked gently.

“Sage Master Mingyuan.” Xie Mingjun’s voice sounded like a thunder strike, causing his unwavering heart to suddenly miss twice.

The Buddhist beads in his hand fell into his robe with a missed “da”.

He looked outside the door and heard Xie Mingjun asking outside: “Can I disturb the saint master’s entry? I want to talk with the saint master.”

What to talk about?

He didn’t want to see Xie Mingjun for no reason. He was wrapped in a sin, and he was “thinking” about other people’s wives all night and night.

This guilt made him hurt like a fire on his eyebrows.

He said in a deep voice, “It’s inconvenient tonight, let’s talk about it another day.”

He got up and walked behind the screen.


Standing outside the door, Xie Mingjun heard the sound of water inside.

Holy Master Mingyuan, what is cleaning?

Xie Mingjun turned around and looked at Manchi Honglian again. Has the Demon Sovereign regained consciousness? In what way has he awakened? Will it appear again?

The scenes of the encirclement and suppression of the Demon Lord appeared before his eyes, and the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain dyed the whole mountain into blood red…

So many sects, so many innocent people died in that killing, he didn’t want to see history repeat itself.

Annoyed, he couldn’t lift his brows, and saw Wen Xue under the corridor, standing outside Qiao Sha’s bedroom with his sword in his arms, closing his eyes and calming down.

Wen Xue and Qiao Sha…

He raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, feeling that he was extremely absurd. How could he doubt his wife and disciples?

Wen Xue was a disciple he brought up with one hand. Since Wen Xue was born, he often raised him in the palace until he officially entered his sect at his age. Twenty years of upbringing is longer than any of his disciples. Disciple, more like his half son.

No one knows Wen Xue’s behavior better than him. He doubts his half son and his wife?

It’s ridiculous.

What’s more, Qiao Sha is the immortal couple he chose. No one in this world reassures him more than Qiao Sha. Her family background, education, and pure good temperament, there is no more gentle, virtuous, and loyal Akagi.

She herself would not allow herself to make mistakes.

It was this time that left her in the devil’s den, which made her feel frightened and sad, so she used these to **** him off and make a tantrum with him.

Perhaps, he should coax her.

He loosened his eyebrows and looked at the green crab beads in the rain. What did she like?

He never seemed to hear her mention anything she liked.


In the dim bedroom.

Qiao Sha was sweating, and she felt comfortable being hugged by the cold disciple Nie.

“Host.” 101 had to remind her, “Sage Master Mingyuan has already repaired and integrated with this Red Lotus Temple, do you know? Your every move, every word and deed, maybe he can see and hear everything.”


Isn’t that just right.

Qiao Sha didn’t mind exposing the identity of Nie’s disciple. Mingyuan knew his identity anyway.

She didn’t care, Ming Yuan knew she was deceiving him, her kindness was pretending, anyway, she just found a reason to save this Miss Nie.

The clearer he sees, the better.

Qiao Sha was resting on her black hair, looking at somewhere in the night, he should take a good look at her, and he couldn’t forget her when he looked at him.

She lay sideways on the bed, with her smooth arms resting on the side of the bed, and her fingers gently stroked the wood pattern on the side of the bed. Has this bed also been lying on by Master Mingyuan? After she left, he saw this bed, would he think of her?

101 heard a soft beep in its system. It checked its backstage and found that the interface in its backstage actually showed that everyone in the world who checked the favorability level—Wen Xue, Ms. Nie, Xie Mingjun, and Mingyuan.

And this “di” sound is that Mingyuan’s favorability has changed from 1 to 2.

It was surprised to take a closer look, why does this world have more background interfaces? Isn’t it… As the host said, every favorability level can be used up, and every man may be the hero?

It was surprised, this…is it fair?

It doesn’t even know Qiao Sha. In the Buddhist room next door, after she stroked the grain of wood, Mingyuan turned off his hearing and vision, allowing himself to enter concentration completely.

Don’t listen, don’t watch.


The rain didn’t know when it stopped.

When Qiao Sha and the others left the Red Lotus Temple, it was already sunny. She took her newly-acquired disciple Xiao Nie, followed Xie Mingjun and Wen Xue out of the monastery.

Mingyuan didn’t come to send it.

Xie Mingjun has long been accustomed to Mingyuan’s style. Mingyuan always doesn’t like to have too much contact with people. This time it is not easy to stay with Qiao Sha.

He only left one sentence: come back to visit another day.

They took Qiao Sha and left.

The temple gate closed with a “buzz” behind them.

Qiao Sha turned her head and glanced at the closed temple door, remembering Ming Yuan’s closed eyes, she didn’t dare to look, she didn’t dare to come and give it away, she was obviously moved, afraid that she would sink deeper and deeper.

Don’t worry, according to the development of the original text, after half a month, the Demon Sovereign will appear. The demon slaughter conferences of the various schools, Mingyuan also came in the original text.

See you soon.

As long as the Demon Lord is by her side and in her hands, Ming Yuan will remember that he will come thousands of miles… to eliminate demons.

Her hand was held.

Xiao Nie with a pale face took her hand and cuddled beside her, and said pitifully, “Master is the only relative in this world. I am homeless. Master, don’t leave me and drive me away. I am willing to be a slave to my master.”

Qiao Sha lowered his eyes to look at him. He closed his blind eyes and looked as though I felt pity. This must have been told to Xie Mingjun, telling Xie Mingjun that he is homeless and he is going to rely on him. Get on her.

Sure enough, Xie Mingjun looked over and glanced over Xiao Nie’s intimacy with Qiao Sha’s hands, which hooked Qiao Sha’s waist, “Wen Xue, help Miss Nie go down the mountain.”

Before Wen Xue should respond, Xiao Nie first said: “If you can’t give or accept a man or a woman, I only trust the master.” He snuggled into Qiao Sha’s arms even more tightly.

A man and a woman can’t accept a kiss. Does this demon think he can’t see his identity?

Pian Qiaosha still regarded him as Miss Nie, gently patted her on the back, took her hand and said, “Master is holding you.”

Xie Mingjun is not easy to have a seizure, he put it down for the time being, he left this demon head, only because he may be a trace of the soul of the demon venerable, if the demon venerable really wakes up to this world, he will definitely come to find this trace of the soul.

He wants to keep him, draw out the Demon Venerable, and get rid of the Demon Venerable as soon as possible to avoid attracting killing again.

This is also what he wanted to talk to Mingyuan Saint Master last night.

“Master is so kind to me.” He approached Qiao Sha’s arms again, and said diligently: “If I were a man, I must marry the master in this life. If the master marries and become a wife, I will also find a way.”

Xie Mingjun clenched the sword in his hand, didn’t he deliberately?

Qiao Sha raised her eyebrows, which was very annoying.

Not only annoying, but also squeamish. He doesn’t know how to use swords, and he falls as soon as the wind blows.

Originally Yujian could rush back to the martial art in less than a day, but it took two days to return to Xianmen Mountain.

It was because Xiao Nie, who was there as soon as the wind blew, was exposed to heat from the sun while Yu Jian, and leaned on Qiao Sha crookedly and hugged him.

In the second half of the journey, Xie Mingjun took the initiative to hire a carriage for him and changed it to a carriage back to Xianmen Mountain.

Before reaching the mountain gate, Xie Mingjun said to Qiao Sha: “Did you know that Ning Yu’s roots were destroyed?”

Who is Ning Yu?

Qiao Sha had gone through the plot in his mind before thinking of this Ning Yu. Ning Yu was the closed disciple of Xie Mingjun. The last disciple he received was a direct disciple, a female disciple with excellent roots, and the most favored among the fairy gates. Little sister of love.

-Ning Yu was brought back by Xie Mingjun at the age of nine. The thin and small girl had black eyes. Since then, Xie Mingjun has a small tail. Ning Yu will follow him whenever and wherever she is.

Ning Yu enshrines him as a god, with a secret love hidden behind her. This love keeps growing and becomes her demon. She hates why she was not born earlier. She met her first before she met Qiao Sha. …

This is written in the original text. If there is no heroine Qiao Sha, then Ning Yu and Xie Mingjun are a period of immortal chivalry forbidding mentor-disciple sadomasochism.

Unfortunately, Qiao Sha is the heroine, so Ning Yu becomes the second woman who hates the original owner Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha recalled the plot of the Demon Cave. The reason why the original owner Qiao Sha personally took a few disciples to the Demon Cave to rescue Miss Nie was because of Ning Yu.

Originally, Qiao Sha had already sensed the wisp of Demon Sovereign Soul in the Demon Cavern, and knew that the Demon Cavern was very dangerous and could not act rashly, so she ordered others to wait with her and waited for Xie Mingjun to enter the Demon Cave to save people.

However, in order to get Xie Mingjun’s approval, Ning Yu has always been top-notch and must be the first in everything, so she didn’t listen to Qiao Sha’s instructions and broke into the devil’s cave by herself.

The second senior brother Xiao Bichen, who had been secretly in love with her, rushed in and rescued her regardless of Qiao Sha’s obstruction.

As a result, they all got in, still screaming inside.

The original owner, Qiao Sha, had no choice but to rush in with his disciples to save people.

After Xie Mingjun rushed over, Ning Yu was seriously injured and dying, and the other disciples were trapped in almost the same place. Only the original master Qiao Sha fell into the miasma pool. Xie Mingjun couldn’t find her for a while, so he was dying first. Ning Yu and the other disciples rescued them, but only left a message through the sound transmission: You wait for me.

The key is the follow-up plot.

The original owner, Qiao Sha, was rescued by Xie Mingjun. After healed and saved his life, Xie Mingjun began to hold him accountable.

Because Ning Yu’s spiritual roots were destroyed, and his cultivation was completely abolished.

The Demon Lord’s primordial spirit was released from the demon cave again, and other sects were all gathered in the fairy gate. Xie Mingjun thought he should give an explanation.

So Xie Mingjun asked Qiao Sha reproachfully in front of several big sects and disciples: “Why don’t you wait for me? You know that the Devil’s Cave is extremely dangerous, why don’t you listen to my instructions?”

The original owner, Qiao Sha, wanted to explain, but Ning Yu who was the first to rush in was already that way.

The second disciple Xiao Bichen knelt down again to commit the crime for Ning Yu, saying that it was his fault. He rushed in on impulsiveness and let the master punish him.

Seeing Xie Mingjun want to punish Xiao Bichen, the original owner Qiao Sha couldn’t bear it, stood up and carried all the faults, confessed to Xie Mingjun, and said that everything was wrong with her being a teacher, because she had not fulfilled her duty as a teacher. .

Xie Mingjun, a dog thing, knew that his wife was not at fault. It was all Ning Yu and his disciples who were impulsive and refused to obey discipline. They actually punished the original owner Qiao Sha and punished her to think behind closed doors for half a month.

That night, I went to Qiao Sha, who was like a dad to “show favor”, and gave her healing plasters, and said to her: “Today I punish you because you are my wife and the teacher of the fairy door, even if you There is nothing wrong, and you should also take on the responsibility of your mother, do you understand?”

Being his wife is really bad for eight hundred lives.

Qiao Sha originally thought that she hadn’t been sucked up by the Demon Venerable in the Demon Cave, and the Primordial Spirit of the Demon Venerable hadn’t ran out to make a mess. The plot might change.

But Xie Mingjun’s sentence made her feel that even if the plot changes, Xie Mingjun’s dog thing will not change.

She took Xiao Nie out of the carriage and walked into the fairy gate. She saw several heads of people gathered in the fairy gate compound and greeted them. , I want Xie Mingjun to take the overall situation as the most important master of the family.

Jianzong’s Baifeng, Luo Yiqiu of Shangyangmen, and two are too old, she doesn’t even bother to remember their names.

She had the impression of Jianzong’s Bai Feng, this handsome head teacher, the old master of the original master Qiao Sha, who had admired the original master since she was a child.

It is a pity that the original owner had no intention of him. After the original owner married Xie Mingjun and the school merged into the immortal gate, Bai Feng left the school and founded Jianzong.

He is the only person who defended the original owner in the original text. Unfortunately, the original owner was willing to resist the guilt in the end and admitted his mistake.

Several heads led their proud disciples and greeted them aggressively.

Qiao Sha understood that the plot hadn’t changed at all, and these few people came to Xie Mingjun to deal with the matter after learning that the primordial spirit in the magic cave had been released.

What has changed is that she was not injured this time, she did not become a victim, and perhaps she didn’t even have any sympathy in Xie Mingjun’s heart.

“This is the fate of the heroine.” 101 said to her with what she once said: “Maybe the heroine is destined to take responsibility to become a true heroine.”


Do you have to be kind and great to be a heroine? She chooses a vicious script.

“Junior sister.” Bai Feng was the first to walk towards her and blurt out her junior sister. Then he glanced at Xie Mingjun, then changed his words and asked, “Mrs. Xie, are you okay?”

Qiao Sha looked at him, in white clothes and black hair, and the saber in her hand was white and flawless. She looked very clear and could be brushed.

She looked at him, her eyes were red, like being blown by the wind, and as if she had seen the only family member she was backing, she nodded to him and called him: “Brother, I’m okay.”

Bai Feng was stunned. He hadn’t heard her call him senior for a long time. Since she married Xie Mingjun, she deliberately kept a distance from him, even told him that he would call her Mrs. Xie as much as possible in the future.

But today, she stood there with red eyes and called him brother.

He suddenly remembered the days when he was in Xuanmen. The little junior sister loves to cry, laugh, and is self-willed. She will lose her temper at him, frustrate him with red eyes, and act like a baby to Master and Master. She is the treasure of Master and Master. The dear little sister is not today’s virtuous, decent, old-fashioned Mrs. Xie.

She was not happy, and she always changed for him after she married Xie Mingjun.

He is so sad for some reason.

“Xie Shengjun, the breath of the demon in the devil’s cave has disappeared.” The other head couldn’t wait to ask clearly: “What happened?”

“Go in and talk about it.” Xie Mingjun glanced at Qiao Sha and led her into the hall. He should give you an explanation.

It was his responsibility to take care of the devil’s cave.

Xiao Nie pulled La Qiaosha’s hand, as if afraid, he hid behind her.

Qiao Sha touched his face and said softly: “Don’t be afraid, you are already my disciple, no one dares to behave like you.”

He paused and rubbed her palm. This silly woman, he was worried about her. Those stinky old men would make trouble for her. Does she think her holy gentleman will protect her?

Qiao Sha pulled him into the hall, just standing still, the group of arch-fire leaders spoke the lines in the original text and began to question her, what happened that day? Why did she take her disciples into the forbidden cave?

This time there is a new line: “Mrs. Xie, I’m very curious, why you can escape unscathed in the devil’s cave? Can you tell us what happened in the devil’s cave? Thanks for that ray of soul Did you see the madam?”

Naturally, I saw it, and accepted it as a disciple, and brought it over.

Qiao Sha stroked Xiao Nie Liang Bingbing’s little hands, a group of useless old things, the demon venerable breath couldn’t be sensed, and they would only bully the kind people.

“This matter is all my Xianmen’s fault.” Xie Mingjun uttered awe-inspiringly. He looked at Qiao Sha, and the expression in his eyes made him almost say the sentence-“You are a teacher, you are right and wrong.” .

“I should give you an explanation about the devil cave.” Qiao Sha raised his eyes and looked at Xie Mingjun, and said to him: “Where is Ning Yu? Bring her here. This matter is because of her, and she should do it. explain.”

Xie Mingjun’s eyes stopped on her, as if she did not expect that she would say such a thing.

Qiao Sha stared at him and said to him, “Ning Yu broke the order and broke into the devil’s cave privately, don’t you know?”

He knows, of course he knows, but…

“Ning Yu was ruined in her spiritual root and cultivation base in the devil’s cave. Now she has just saved her life.” Xie Mingjun looked at her, “I’m afraid she can no longer practice Taoism in this life.”

Qiao Sha retracted her gaze and said coldly: “I knew why she was not a three-year-old child, and she should be responsible for what she did wrong.”

Even if she is a heroine, she wants to be kind to be kind, cold-blooded if she wants to be cold-blooded, and dream of kidnapping her.

Don’t look at her, he will gradually realize her viciousness in the future.

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