Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 49 - [Domesticated geeky male protagonist] [VIP]

Since my sister has screamed, it’s not appropriate not to help.

“You want to save him?” 101 asked in surprise: “If he is really possessed by the Demon Lord, isn’t it dangerous for you to save him?”

Save, he must be saved. Since he was possessed by a fox first, he did not choose to possess the body on Ms. Nie’s body. It must be possessed by Ms. Nie’s body. What restrictions does it impose on him? It had to be chosen before she had to possess her body on Miss Nie’s body.

Now he seems to be blind too, pretending to be pitiful to hold her for help.

Qiao Sha guessed that he must be temporarily restricted, unable to kill her directly to **** her blood, so he pretended to be Miss Nie Jia, wanting to find a chance to **** her blood and restore his ability?

Therefore, it is a pity not to bully, abuse, and tame him at this time.

Qiao Sha squatted down, grabbed his hand with a smile, and said in a soft and soft voice: “Oh my God, Miss Nie, you are still alive, it’s really great.”

With hands as cold as a dead person, Master Demon Lord wouldn’t think she was so good to deceive, right?

The hand held her tightly, and Ms. Nie said softly, “It’s terrible here…Can Sister save me out?”

Oh, isn’t the power of Demon Lord temporarily inseparable from this demon cave?

“Of course, I’m here for you.” Qiao Sha used some strength to help Miss Nie from the ground. He was as light as a bone, and his muddy body fell into Qiao Sha’s arms unsupported.

“I don’t have the strength, I can’t stand steady…” Miss Nie said weakly.

Qiao Sha picked him up, the weight was lighter than a little fox, he seemed to be startled, and subconsciously grabbed her neck in panic.

“I’ll take my sister out.” Qiao Sha said to him with her eyes down. The hand holding her neck froze in embarrassment, and slowly moved down and down, turning into a garment holding her. robe.

Miss Nie closed her eyes, lowered her face, and said in a flattering manner: “My sister is really a kind person.”

God, Qiao Sha has never heard such compliments.

She is a good person, holding the flirty Miss Nie and walking towards a bright place, but stopped after walking two steps. There is no way around the ghosts hitting the wall. In the original plot, the heroine was rescued by Xie Mingjun. She didn’t know where the exit was.

“Sister go straight ahead and try.” Miss Nie grabbed her arm, as if she was afraid that she would throw him out, and whispered to her: “When I was caught in, it seemed to be coming in from the front. The wall can be worn through. past.”

Mozun said that it was definitely correct.

Qiao Sha hugged him without hesitation, walked straight towards the wall, and really passed through the wall at once, “My sister is so amazing, I remember all this, my sister is ashamed.”

101: “…”

He seemed to feel uncomfortable, so he lowered his head to cooperate and said: “No, my sister is still good.”

101 also feels uncomfortable, as if watching a scene to see who can’t pretend first.

Qiao Sha hugged her, and under her guidance, she quickly found an exit.

It turned out that the exit was lowered in a pool. Qiao Sha dragged him out from the lower reaches of the pool. The moment he landed, he was shaken by the wind, the stars and moon all over the sky were drooping, and the little fireflies in the grass pounced and flew.

so beautiful.

It was the first time that Qiao Sha saw such a primitive sight, the stars were so low and bright, fireflies were flying in the night, surrounded by mountains, bushes and trees, and there was a wet thing jumping over, a frog.

The man next to him leaned on the bank and coughed.

She choked when she jumped into the water holding him just now.

“It’s cold…” His coughing voice became dumb, and he crouched wet on the bluestone, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

Who would have thought that Lord Mozun could not help being so weak.

Qiao Sha didn’t feel the slightest coldness, she seemed to gather breath in her chest, keeping her body at a constant temperature.

“That is the golden pill you produced.” 101 told her: “Your body is an immortal cultivator in the pill formation stage. You have long been fasting, and you are not afraid of ordinary hot and cold temperatures.”


Qiao Sha leaned over to the water pool and took a picture of her now. A bright moon was reflected in the sparkling water pool. Her face appeared under the moon, her black hair was like clouds, her skin was white like snow, and her eyes were like pearls. Generally Ambilight.

This face is more than beautiful, it is the fairy in the painting with its own fairy spirit.

The original owner, Meicheng, could still be scumbed like this.

She is now curious about what Xie Mingjun is like.

“Sister, I’m so cold…” Miss Nie, who was lying on the blue stone, leaned towards her shiveringly, leaned into her arms, and hugged her waist tightly as if to absorb her warmth. Moved toward her injured shoulder, “My sister is injured, is it serious?”

His stiff hand tore off the clothes on Qiao Sha’s shoulders, and the wet clothes fell off as soon as they were pulled off. Even the clothes inside Qiao Sha’s were also torn off, and his fingers paused. (Hello, auditor, here is just the coat is pulled off, there is no follow-up)

He encountered something soft and slippery.

Under the bright moonlight, her shiny skin was as white as mutton jade. He couldn’t see that her clothes were all pulled apart by him. The thin shoulders were so soft, and the blood was flowing from her shoulders. In front of her…

He doesn’t need to see, he only needs to smell the sandalwood-like smell, as if he is chained, his throat is itchy, and his heart is itchy.

“Sister does it hurt?” He leaned toward the wound, almost kissing it.

Suddenly she pulled up her clothes and said: “Someone is coming.”

Sure enough, the sound of the wind was mixed with the breath of a cultivator.

He suddenly became a little angry, her scent was mixed and dispersed by the scent of the immortal cultivator who came over, and that scent was so stinky that it made him want to vomit.

He heard her cry out in surprise: “Wen Xue?”

Who is that?

He sensed that breath that is getting closer and closer, seems to be in the Nascent Soul Stage?

The monk in the Yuan Ying period could easily smell his breath. He leaned into her arms hurriedly, buried him in her soft arms, and said softly, “Sister, I’m afraid.”

Qiao Sha raised her eyebrows, what a disgusting demon, acting more contrived than her.

“Master?” The person coming from the sword stopped beside her, leaped from the sword, and landed in front of her eyes. A white robe embroidered with dark patterns of gold thread hung on the blue stone, and he squatted down.

That face was radiant in the moonlight, with delicate eyebrows and jade carvings, and a faint sorrow was lightly frowned between the eyebrows.

Wen Xue, Qiao Sha remembered that he was the emperor’s son. He was sent to Xie Mingjun’s [仙门] practice since he was young and sick. He has excellent talents. Xie Mingjun’s most proud disciple was just that he was in turmoil after entering the Yuan Ying stage. He left the master gate and went back to the palace six months ago.

Unexpectedly, I ran into it here.

There were a lot of descriptions of him in the early stage of the original text, writing that he was a weak and cold boy, and also specifically wrote that he had just come to Xianmen and was not used to the illness. Qiao Sha, the teacher, took good care of him, and the cold boy felt warm for the first time.

Only at the back, it was all used to write about Xie Mingjun, and Wen Xue became the background board.

“Why is the master here? Where is the master?” He looked at her in amazement, his eyes fell on her drenched clothes, and after a pause, he saw the blood on her skin.

Such a good quality stock, it would be a pity not to develop.

Qiao Sha raised her hand and lightly grabbed the skirt of her chest. With the naked eye, Wen Xue’s eyes panicked. He turned his head hurriedly and stammered: “I, I just watched the teacher hurt…”

He has no other meaning.

Of course Qiao Sha knew that he had no other intentions, otherwise he would not stay so blatantly for so long, but she deliberately grabbed the collar to make him panic and misunderstand.

“I know, I’m just…” Qiao Sha also said in a weak, panicked voice: “I just feel that I’m too shameless.”

His ears were really red. He had never seen a mother like this. She was always clean and gentle, and he had never even seen her hair messed up.

But at this moment, the mother’s black hair was wet and loose on her shoulders, and her white shirt was soaked and pressed against her body, as if…tucked in a mess, her shoulders and chest were red with blood, and her thin white fingers were on the placket. At that time, there was a strange torturous beauty…

He hurriedly stopped his messy daydreaming, got up and took off his robe, turned his head to the side and said with red ears, “If you don’t mind, please put on my robe first.”

The robe was gently taken from his finger by his mother, and he heard the mother gently say: “I’m fine, give it to Miss Nie.”

He was a little lost inexplicably, his robe was meant to be worn by his mother.

He heard the voice of the thin woman in his mother’s arms.

“My sister is so kind to me.”

The wind blew, and many auras in the forest mixed together. It was very far away from the immortal gate. He thought about a place nearby where he could rest his feet and heal his mother, and remembered Master’s old friend Mingyuan Shengshi.

“Can you still go, Madam?” He asked softly, “I will help Madam to find a place to treat the wound.” He stretched out his hand.

A soft and cool hand was placed in his palm, holding his finger, the scent of Master’s mother leaned towards him, and the soft hand in the palm ran across his palm and held his wrist. , He subconsciously held the wrist back, entrusting the thin wrist in his palm.

It turned out that Master’s wrist was so thin.

“Wen Xue.” His mother called him suddenly.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw his mother standing in front of him with his wrist supported, his white clothes swaying by the night wind.

She smiled at him: “You don’t need to hold me.” Her soft finger nodded his wrist.

Only then did he realize that he had been holding his mother’s wrist and hadn’t released it. He hurriedly released it and responded, “Okay.”

The slippery palms made his ears warm again.

“Wen Xue, can you carry Miss Nie?” Qiao Sha asked him.

Ms. Nie in her arms hugged her, closed her eyes and said in a panic: “I’m afraid of my sister.” She almost said as long as she held it.

Wen Xue had no choice but to say: “Miss Nie don’t have to be afraid, otherwise you sit on my sword?”

Miss Nie raised her little cyan face and asked Qiao Sha, “Is my sister with me?” Her hands were tightly around her waist.

Don’t say it, the acting was pretty real.

Qiao Sha still took Wen Xue’s saber with him, and Wen Xue took their swords towards the mountains not far away.

“Aren’t you waiting for Xie Mingjun to rescue you?” 101 asked hurriedly, Xie Mingjun will come to rescue her in the plot.

Qiao Sha asked it back, do I have to follow the main line of the story in this world? Can’t change the plot?

101 hesitated and replied: “There is no such rule in this world, and the original plot collapsed, but…”

Then don’t wait, why wait for him to come, she is very busy.

Qiao Sha stretched out his hand and gently supported Wen Xue’s arm in front of him. He froze and did not dare to move, as if he was afraid of falling her.

101 looked at Wen Xue’s favorability degree, from 30% of her own at the beginning, to 40%.

It’s in a kind of confusion, isn’t the host really trying to fill everyone’s favorability? Not even Xie Mingjun’s disciples let go?

It looked at that Miss Nie again, the favorability level was still 0, is this a demon venerable?


The sword stopped in front of a temple on the top of the mountain. The temple seemed to be built in flowing clouds. It looked like an ancient temple, but it was not big. It said-Honglian Temple.

“I don’t know if Sage Master Mingyuan will let us take a break.” Wen Xue helped Qiao Sha fall to the door, and he raised his hand and knocked on the moss-growing door.

Master Mingyuan, Honglian Temple?

Qiao Sha searched for relevant plots in his memory and found a description of the Mingyuan Saint Master-no one knows his origins, and no one knows the depth of his cultivation. Only Xie Mingjun knows, Mingyuan’s cultivation. No longer under him, even Demon Venerable and Demon Venerable did not dare to disturb him easily, but he seemed not interested in everything in the Three Realms.

Whenever the mountain was there, he was there since.

There is also a paragraph. The first description of the master Mingyuan and the heroine is that when the heroine was born, the Holy Master Mingyuan left the Red Lotus Temple and came to her home and gave a string of Buddhist beads to her just born.

But after Qiao Sha married Xie Mingjun, that string of prayer beads was given to Xie Mingjun, and because of this string of prayer beads, Master Mingyuan and Xie Mingjun became friends, and he became the only old friend of Master Mingyuan.

The knock on the door echoed in the empty mountain.

“Who?” A voice came from behind the door.

Is it the voice of Saint Master Mingyuan?

“Holy Master, under Wen Xue, it is Xie Mingjun’s disciple. My sister is injured. Can I stay here with the Holy Master for a night?” Wen Xue replied respectfully.

There was no response behind the door, like a silent rejection.

Qiao Sha vaguely remembered that in the book, this sage master was very “autistic” and didn’t like to contact anyone. The only one who knew him well was Xie Mingjun.

She still remembers this saint master is very beautiful? As beautiful as his former lay name.

His lay name seems to be…

“Squeak” the closed door slowly opened before her eyes, and a dark red monk’s robe and a face appeared in the mountains at night, before her eyes.

His lay name flashed clearly in Qiao Sha’s mind: Bu Liansheng.

How suitable his name is, no one in this world is more suitable for this name than him, beautiful name, beautiful…sage master.

He was standing there with long narrow eyes, thin lips, and a cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows on his pale skin, which looked like a small red lotus, and his wrist was covered with a string of cyan Buddhist beads.

Obviously he was wearing a monk’s robe with his black hair cut off, but his cinnabar mole and his phoenix eyes were uncontrollable and gorgeous, like a demon monk.

His gaze fell on Qiao Sha, and it ran into Qiao Sha’s unshitting eyes, and she slowly smiled at him.

Her heart is full of worthlessness for the original owner. She was coaxed by Xie Mingjun at the age of 16. There are so many wonderful men in this world, and the author obviously left her with countless hints in the early stage.

If that string of Buddhist beads were not given to Xie Mingjun, it would be another story.

But it’s okay, it’s okay without prayer beads.

“Sage Master Mingyuan.” Wen Xue bowed her head and saluted, “This is my mother, and the other is Miss Nie saved by her.”

His eyes moved from Qiao Sha to the girl Nie in her arm.

Girl Nie hurriedly buried her face in Qiao Sha’s arms, shivering like a little quail, and called her softly, “Sister…”

Qiao Sha raised her hand to cover his head, and touched him in a soothing manner. He didn’t expect the Demon Venerable to be so weak and pitiful.

“My sister is injured, can she take a break from the ancient temple of the holy master?” Wen Xue asked respectfully.

Mingyuan’s gaze fell on the wound on Qiao Sha’s shoulder again, as if he could smell something.

“Does the sage still recognize me?” Qiao Sha suddenly said to him.

Her voice is always soft, but the ending sound is like a little hook, drifting towards you with her faint fragrance.

Miss Nie was a little irritable in her arms, why does this woman seem to have something to do with everyone?

Wen Xue was also a little surprised. He hadn’t heard of the relationship between his master and Mingyuan Saint Master. He only knew that Master was an old friend of the Saint Master.

So the holy master actually knows his mother? Didn’t he open the door because of Master’s affection?

Ming Yuan did not answer, but just nodded to Qiao Sha, turned sideways and said, “Please come in.”

His voice was not indifferent, but more polite to keep his duty.

Wen Xue thanked her, helped her mother to support Miss Nie, entered this ancient temple, and followed the Mingyuan Saint Master.

He had never been here before. He only heard that it was more difficult to enter than the magic cave or forbidden land. Now he came in and found that the trees and plants in this ancient temple were… growing wild.

It seems that no one has ever trimmed these trees and flowers. They recklessly overgrown the entire ancient temple, like a deserted place uninhabited for a century, and the bluestone slab under the foot is also covered with moss.

Damp and silent.

Turning a path and going up a corridor, a lotus pond appeared in front of me. It is August, the season of lotus blooming, but the pond is full of lotus leaves, but there is no lotus.

With so many rooms, only one Buddhist room not far away was lit, and that should be the Buddhist room where Sheng Master Mingyuan lived.

Saint Master Mingyuan asked them to stop by the lotus pond, outside a Buddhist room with no lights, he went straight to his Buddhist room, took a lotus lampstand, and walked towards them with one hand protecting the swaying candlelight. .

The light of the candle shone on his face, like illuminating a flower.

“This room.” He pushed open the door and went in with the lampstand. “Some of you are staying in this room tonight. I just cleaned it.”

The lights slowly filled the room.

Qiao Sha looked around the room, a very simple Zen room, with a large bed covered with crab blue bedding, which looked very clean and tidy.

“Should we live in the same room for men and women?” Miss Nie, who was in Qiao Sha’s arms, asked in a low voice.

Wen Xue said hurriedly, “Master and Miss Nie are staying here. After you are settled, I will go down the mountain to find Master.” He looked at Qiao Sha, “Master hasn’t seen her for so long. Master must be very worried. .”

Qiao Sha stroked the edge of the table and sneered: “Really?”

Isn’t it?

Wen Xue looked at her in surprise, the candlelight shining on her face, and her smile was cold and disappointed. Is there any conflict between her and the master?

But how could it be, Master has never had a quarrel with Master.

“Holy Master.” She raised her head and looked at Saint Master Mingyuan in the candlelight, and said to him: “Can you lend me a set of clothes? I’m too dirty and dishonest.”

Mingyuan nodded lightly, “Please wait a moment.”

He left the room and came back again, holding two sets of monk clothes in his hands and placing them on the table: “These are my old clothes. If you two don’t dislike them, please change them.”

He is the only one here, he has no new clothes.

Qiao Sha lifted the monk’s robe lightly, comparing it to her body, and smiling unintentionally: “It turns out that Saint Master Mingyuan is so much taller than me.”

The eyes of Mingyuan and Wen Xue focused on her, her wrists holding her clothes were tender, and her broad monk robe fell on her feet and hung on the ground.

Mingyuan and Wen Xue both unconsciously remembered that she was so thinner and so much lower than Mingyuan.

In the room, only Miss Nie, who was sitting on the bed, had no heart on Qiao Sha. He frowned and thought: He shouldn’t change the monk’s clothes, it smells bad.

Wen Xue and Mingyuan exited the room.

Qiao Sha took off her soaked clothes. She did not shy away from Miss Nie, who was blind. She simply cleaned her wounds and hair under the west window of the room with the window closed. The black hair falls generally on her. On smooth skin.

She heard the soft footsteps, and slowly walked towards her from behind, she saw a pair of bare feet, which were no longer blue and purple, but turned into a white and tender “living person” color.

Has the Demon Lord actually restored Miss Nie’s body to normal? Can I walk? What about his eyes?

“Sister.” A pair of ice-cold hands fell on her smooth back, gently came from behind, reached in front of her and grabbed the kerchief she was wiping the wound on her shoulder, “I’ll help my sister. Scrub the wound.”

The veil was pulled over, he held Qiao Sha’s waist and walked in front of her, between his arms, with a small face up and sniffed, “Sister’s smell is really good.”

He still closed his eyes, but that face was already very different. The face that used to be bruised like a zombie is now white, tender and ruddy, and it has been rejuvenated. Only the eyelids are still red and swollen.

Qiao Sha looked at that face carefully, and vaguely felt that something was different from Miss Nie before, but she couldn’t tell the difference.

After the devil possesses the body, will that body be changed and assimilated by him?

“Perhaps.” 101 is not sure. “He may be able to modify the body he uses, just like Miss Nie can’t walk just now, but he is walking like flying. Maybe he needs time to modify the body he uses, but his eyes should not recover. You The sword is a magic weapon given to her by the heroine’s father. It should be difficult to recover if he hurts his eyes.”

He should not see the host, he is bare.

But he felt it.

He was almost in contact with her skin, and he could smell her scent drifting away unobstructed. She was so scented, like a lotus under burning sandalwood.

The kerchief in his hand was stained with her blood, and her wound was very close in front of his face. His heart was itchy and his throat became dumb.

“Does it hurt?” He leaned close to her wound, blew gently, and said dumbly: “Sister must be very painful, I will blow for my sister…”

“It won’t hurt if you blow…” He was so close, so close, that the tip of his nose almost touched the wound. He was so thirsty, he grabbed her arm and pressed his lips and tongue to her wound. The scent poured into his limbs, and he hugged her tightly.

He wants her, so much…

Qiao Sha frowned slightly in pain, but didn’t struggle and didn’t move. He just said, “Miss Nie, you are…”

“The host is sucking your blood.” 101 reminded her hurriedly.

She knows, of course she knows, but she is going to pretend not to know now.

Because she guessed that Master Ming Yuan had already sensed who Miss Nie was.

She guessed, he was watching.


In another meditation room with lights on, the red mole on the eyebrows of the meditating Mingyuan seemed to be even more red. His fingers twisting the beads slightly moved, after all, he opened his eyes, and the fragrance of lotus wafted in the ancient temple. He can’t ignore it.

He heard the lady say softly: “Miss Nie, don’t be like this…”

Is she unaware of that demon? Doesn’t she know that her blood is nourishing the demon?

It rained suddenly in the silent ancient temple, rain without warning.

With a wave of his finger, a drop of rain pierced the broken window into the room—

With a “poof”, the lotus lamp in the room was extinguished by raindrops.

In the darkness, the window was pushed open, and the night wind was scented with sandalwood.

Qiao Sha turned her head and looked over and saw that in the dark room, Ming Yuan stood under the window with her eyes closed, and suddenly waved her sleeves and stretched out her hand towards Miss Nie in her arms. She grabbed the table with her other hand. His monk’s robe covered Qiao Sha’s naked body.

Qiao Sha pursed her lips and smiled, what six empty saint masters, if she had broken the hue long ago, what would she dare not see in her body?

It’s just a red face with bones, just a body.

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