Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 4 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

A pot of blood came out of Hill’s bedroom, the elderly doctor was sweating profusely in the bedroom to rescue Hill, the middle-aged maid Julie took a group of servants outside the room, praying for the Holy Spirit of Light Master Hill who sheltered them.

This posture is like giving birth to a child.

Poor Hill was in a coma, and gritted his teeth and called Qiao Sha’s name. If the male partner also has a hatred value, Hill’s hatred value must be full at this moment.

Qiao Sha listened to the doctor saying that Hill had broken her legs, and left the room contentedly. When she left the room, the maid who was praying with tears outside the door, Julie, gave her a fierce look, like Bihill. Also hate her.

She indifferently looked at Luna, who was pale in the corner, and asked Luna to go back to her bedroom with her.

Entering the bedroom, she searched for the ointment for the treatment of trauma, and handed it to the scarred Luna: “It should have some effect.”

Luna looked flatly at the ointment in her hand. The ointment was contained in a beautiful enamel bottle. It looked very expensive, more expensive than the life of her inferior servant, and she did not dare to accept it.

Qiao Sha stuffed it into her palm, only to find that her palm was ripped open and fleshy, and the blood stained Qiao Sha’s nails.

Luna hurriedly apologized to her, as if her blood was the dirtiest filth, and it was a great sin to stain the owner’s white and flawless fingers.

Just like in 101 mouths, the male protagonist who is the incarnation of a **** cannot be tainted by a vicious supporting role like Qiao Sha. That is a sin.

She is no different from Luna, in the eyes of these “superior people”, they are the most inferior slaves.

But what does it matter? At this moment, the holy object of the Holy Spirit of Light was placed on her finger, and the noble holy object was stained with Luna’s blood.

There is nothing that cannot be defiled.

Qiao Sha watched the thorny ring on her fingertips glow dimly under the blood stains, reached out and held up Luna’s bruised hand, lowered her head and kissed the back of her hand.

Luna opened her eyes in shock and stayed there, almost biting her tongue. Madam’s lips were soft and warm, so lightly, the noble lady kissed the back of her humble slave’s hand…

She was dizzy and dizzy, forgetting everything, until she saw the pure white light pouring out of the lady’s ring, surrounding her hand, and the wound in the holy light miraculously healed.

“You once again used the hero’s divine power in private.” 101 was helpless: “Raiding a passerby servant npc will have no effect on you. Please return the ring to the hero as soon as possible.”

Qiao Sha seemed to have not heard, let go of Luna’s hand, and said to her: “It would be fine if I were the Holy Spirit of Light, and that would cure all your pains.”

In the original text, after the male protagonist wears the lighted thorn ring, he also possesses a lot of strange powers, such as: kissing the wound can heal all pains and illnesses, and even bring back to life in the later stage.

But even if she wears a ring, she can only heal a small part of the wound.

“No, madam you, you…” Luna hadn’t recovered from the shock. She watched Qiao Sha sink into a huge excitement. No one had ever pityed her like this, not even the Holy Spirit of Light, only Madam, Only her.

Luna’s eyes were red, and she didn’t know how to be grateful. She wanted to tell Madam that in her heart Madam Qiaosha was more benevolent and noble than the Holy Spirit of Light, although such thoughts were disrespectful.

But that’s what she thinks.

“Okay, you can only apply the medicine for the remaining injuries.” Qiao Sha put the ointment into her hand, turned around and went to the closet to pick out the clothes. She wanted to change the clothes. There were a row of buttons on her skirt. Let her keep her chest and abdomen up and tired all the time.

“You run away!” Luna suddenly grabbed her finger.

She turned her head in astonishment and saw Luna flushing, her arms tight, and she mustered up the courage to say to her: “Master Earl is back in a week. I will help you escape while Master Hill is unconscious. The farther you escape, the better, otherwise Master Hill will definitely kill you! Lord Earl…and will not care about your life and death… You are too painful here!”

Luna’s red eyes were full of courage, “I will pack your luggage for you, bring your valuables, and run away!”

Her fingers trembled, whether it was fear or nervousness.

Qiao Sha smiled lightly. The timid little girl mustered the courage to save her. Although she didn’t need to escape anymore, she was still very happy. She reached out and touched Luna’s face and said jokingly: “Maybe It’s someone else who wants to escape now.” For example, her stepson Hill.

Luna didn’t understand, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the window, and it seemed that a carriage was parked in the yard.

Who is here?

Before Luna went to look under the window, footsteps and the voice of the maid Julie came from the corridor outside the door.

“Stop, where are you going?” Julie asked.

An immature maid said nervously: “A distinguished guest is visiting, Lord Earl is not here, Master Hill… I will ask Mrs. to welcome the guest first.”

“What kind of lady is she.” Julie didn’t lower her voice at all, just to make Qiao Sha in the room hear it, and said arrogantly: “The real lady is dead. She is just a slave plaything brought back by Lord Earl. It’s a big joke for a slave to go out to welcome guests as a master.”

“But Mr. David…” the little maid wanted to say.

Julie interrupted her: “I will take the place of Master Hill to welcome the guests. As for the slave plaything, she should stay in the room and think about repentance, and wait for the Lord Earl to come back and severely punish her for her viciousness.”

The footsteps outside the door walked away.

Luna hurriedly comforted Qiao Sha: “Don’t be sad for what she said. She came to the manor with the second wife, and took care of Young Master Hill since she was a child. She has long regarded herself as the hostess of the manor, and she doesn’t just look down upon herself. You, she usually dares to order even Mr. David.”

Oh, Qiao Sha understands the emotion of Julie taking a glance at her outside Hill’s bedroom.

She walked to the window and saw through the window an extremely luxurious carriage parked in the huge courtyard downstairs, four horses drawn by horses, and a silver crown emblem engraved on the car.

Crown badge? This is…

“Oh my God, this is the royal badge!” Luna who followed over first let out a low exclamation.

Is the carriage a royal carriage? The distinguished guest is a royal person?

But Qiao Sha remembered the intersection between the hero and the royal was after attending the royal ball and meeting the princess.

Why is there a royal “guest” coming at this point in time?

“Don’t worry, maybe it’s just passing by. You won’t stay for too long. You can run away when the guests leave.” Luna was even more anxious than her, and said courageously: “I’ll find out for you.”


Soon, Luna inquired back, she overheard, what kind of chief the people who came, and the chief of the bodyguard.

They visited suddenly because one of Princess Beth’s maid escaped from the palace and got here. They came to look for that maid.

This lie is so bad that it is difficult for Qiao Sha not to guess that it was Princess Beth herself who had escaped from the palace.

If it’s just a maid, can you alarm the chief and send the Royal Guard to find it in person?

But why did the princess come here at this time?

Qiao Sha stood by the window and looked at the butler and servants who were welcoming guests downstairs. Luna was also called, and she looked at this window frequently downstairs uneasy.

101 suddenly appeared: “The heroine is online ahead of schedule. You should return the hero’s ring right now, otherwise it will destroy the story of the hero and the hero, and it will be considered a violation.”


The sun was shining brightly by the window, and Qiao Sha opened the window a little bit to let the morning wind blow in. She gently took off her ring: “But I’m tired and can’t walk.”

The cemetery was so far away, she didn’t want to walk again for the plot of the hero and heroine.

101 was taken aback, saw her slender fingers hooked on the ring, stretched out the window leisurely, and said to it: “Since it is the male protagonist’s holy relic, no matter where you drop it, the male protagonist’s halo will always find it. It’s, isn’t it?”

“…!” 101 was shocked. Did she plan to just lose the ring and let the hero find it by herself? ? It’s ridiculous!

It immediately said: “You can’t do this! You must return the original! Because the power of the ring is now attached to you, you must personally wear it for the male protagonist. Kiss the back of his hand to return the power, otherwise the ring will be lost. Supernatural power!”

It turned out to be so.

“You are a predator, of course you have to return it yourself!” 101 increased his tone, “If you don’t return it, you will receive…”

“I failed the illegal mission and was sent back to the original world to be reborn.” Qiao Sha interrupted it, “I know the consequences, you don’t have to threaten me.”

She didn’t intend to do this task! 101 thought that she was going to take away the male lead’s ring and restore her speaking ability, she was planning to do the task well!

“Don’t you think I’m going to do this task?” She said weirdly: “I just want to punish Hill.”

She put on an attitude of “She’s cool, don’t do it”, making 101 angry. If she violates the rules and the mission fails, then it will be deducted as a system, and it can be upgraded to S-level immediately! As long as she completes the task well, it can get extra rewards and upgrade smoothly.

She shook her finger and knocked the ring on the window lattice, shaking…

Suddenly there was a “ding” in my ear, and the picture in front of my eyes went black—


The next second, she appeared out of thin air in front of the tomb full of white roses.

101 Sen Leng’s voice came over: “The system opens a novice package for you, which contains the [Shen Xing Qianli] skill experience voucher, which can only be used once.”

Qiao Sha stood in front of the tomb and smiled. She remembered that she had already received the Novice Gift Pack in the last world. How could the Novice Gift Pack be repeated?

Didn’t you say that you would never hang up for her?

Also, how can it be considered to be open when an additional gift pack is given to the beginner.

101 said word by word: “Please complete the task as soon as possible.”

Qiao Sha didn’t move her feet, and asked it again: “Do you want me to help you complete the task?”

101 did not speak.

Someone spoke in the stone room.

“Who is outside?”

It’s a man’s voice, somewhere between a teenager and an adult man. It sounds nice, but it’s not exaggerated to…

Qiao Sha looked at the birds and all kinds of small animals outside the stone house. After the sound rang, she poked her head and looked at the stone house.

The birds stopped crying, and the cicadas stopped singing. Wan Lai listened to the sound silently, not daring to disturb.

Qiao Sha rolled her eyes.

“The male protagonist is awake?” 101 was obviously panicked, and it was still a step too late. Now that she went in and gave the ring again, wouldn’t it be to make the male protagonist feel good about the vicious stepmother?

—Do you still want me to do this task for you?

Qiao Sha asked it in his heart.

The hero is already awake, how else can she do this task?

101 looked at the figure shaking in the stone house, holding the last ray of hope and said: “If you can, please complete this task.” It paused, gritted his teeth and added: “Help, me, finish, finish.”

Qiao Sha nodded in satisfaction, and said to it-teleport me into the woods, I think Princess Beth must be on the way here.

In the woods, it is the only way to the cemetery.

101 didn’t know what she wanted to do, but immediately sent her into the woods.

When she settled down in the woods, 101 heard her say with satisfaction: “Although you were malicious and arrogant and prejudiced to me before, now, I will still try to help you complete this task.”

101 feels subtle, will she really help it complete this task? It was a little skeptical, but she did think so in her heart at this moment, and her heart was the same at this moment.

Perhaps, when it took over her, it did have some prejudice against this new host.

There were footsteps in the woods not far away, and the girl’s low voice: “Princess, be careful, those thorns will scratch your skirt.”

“Ka’Sa, I’m a little scared, this may be the worst decision I have ever made…I have never left the palace alone, if my father knew…I dare not think about it.” Another voice came over.

The sound is clear like a stream, and beautiful like a nightingale.

“Don’t be afraid of the princess, this is the guidance of the Holy Spirit of Light. The Holy Spirit will guide you to find him. If your Majesty knows about it, he will forgive you.” The maid named Kai’Sa comforted the running princess.

A group of chirping birds flew out first, then circled back, and walked out of the forest path around the two girls, as if kindly guiding them.

Qiao Sha thought: In this world, there are many bird plays. You don’t need to look at people, but you can accurately distinguish between male and female lords by looking at birds.

She looked in the direction of the bird and was stunned for a moment. She was a pretty blond little beauty, with snow-like skin, golden hair like the sun, and her eyes were blue like jewels. She was wearing a thin white cloak. , The cape is worn on the blonde hair, like an elf passing by in the forest.

Such a little beauty wants to serve the Holy Spirit of Light all his life, and he is violent if he can’t get him.

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