Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 32 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

God will not, but Surya will.

Oh, what a pitiful confession, he faded away from God’s identity in front of her, and fell in love with her helplessly.

But once he leaves the halo of God, what is the difference between him and the man who loves her?

Perhaps he is more beautiful, purer, and more precious in love.

But she still prefers [the **** of transformation Surya].

Qiao Sha slowly turned sideways in his arms, facing Surya, his silver hair wet with cold sweat, his soft eyelashes soaked in tears, made her heart throb, the wet moon, was The crying god.

His fragility and broken heart are so fascinating.

“Suria.” She gently stroked his eyebrows with her fingers, “You know, I am fragile, greedy and vain, and can’t bear the pain. If you give me all my power, I will not be able to bear this plague, those people…”

In the quiet night, there was a continuous cry of pain outside the room.

“…I can’t save those people.” Qiao Sha told him frankly, “I am not that great, and I am not as kind as you. You will kill them and make me more painful.”

Surya looked at her so close, he knew that Qiao Sha’s selfishness, vulnerability, vanity, lies… She couldn’t bear so much.

He also knows that Qiao Sha is more than that, her selfishness is a fragile heart, her vanity is a vented desire, she is full of lies but can’t deceive Belle.

She treats Beth, Shelley, Belle, and Luna so sincere and kind.

Because of this, he couldn’t help but fall in love with her, she is such a vivid person.

But because of this, he clearly saw that she couldn’t save Belle’s brother from the pain and collapse.

The greater the divine power, the more painful.

He knows better than anyone.

“Suria, I don’t want these.” She lay quietly in his arms, her body getting hotter and hotter, she was hot like a ripe cherry, she looked at him and said like a child: “Give me What I want, okay Surya?”

Surya couldn’t speak, his throat was filled with glue, sour and painful, he didn’t want to speak, because once he spoke, she was sentenced to death.

She seemed to swallow and retched uncomfortably.

Surya immediately hugged her and made her feel better with divine power. His fingers were cold and her body was hot and hot. He knew that this was one of the symptoms of the plague. She would burn her throat and hair immediately, and said Speechless.

“Suria.” She lay there with her head sideways, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, and her throat said slightly hoarse: “Can I still kiss you now? Will I infect you?”

Surya experienced heartbreak for the first time, and he realized that heartbreak is a verb—she broke his heart.

He hugged her in his arms, leaned down to kiss her, kissed her lips softly and softly, “No…” He wanted to say to her with a smile, but when he opened his mouth he realized that his throat was sour and wet, “I am God, God cannot be infected…”

She smiled at him with red eyes, her hot arms clasped his neck, guided him and taught him how long a kiss can be, how long a kiss can be, how emotional…

He tasted her, this time let go of all reason, and tasted her kiss, her sweetness only by instinctive desire.

He forgot to support her neck until he heard the sound of her strenuous breathing, he hurriedly let go of her, but she was hooked tightly again.

“Don’t go, don’t let go of my Surya.” She kissed his neck and cried softly, “I’m afraid of Surya… after a while, will I start to suffer and start to look ugly like them.” Your dark spots?”

She cried like a child, “I don’t want that…I don’t want to be ugly…”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of Qiaosha, I won’t let go, I will hold you.” Surya stroked her back, her neck, and her cheeks, “You won’t be ugly, you will always be so beautiful.”

He opened his clothes to show her, and said to her: “Look, I have it too, and I will be with you.”

Qiao Sha raised her head and looked at his chest in surprise. There were a few black spots like maple leaves on his white skin, but they were not like black spots infected by the plague, like hot maple leaves, “Why…what are you doing? Surya?”

Surya lowered her head and kissed her forehead, “This is my punishment, God’s punishment for banning me.”

“Guilty?” Qiao Sha lightly touched his dark spots, “is it because… fell in love with me?”

“Yes.” Surya lowered her head and looked at her, with long fine silver hair hanging down on his shoulders, making him look so submissive. He said softly, “God warns me that I should not lie or be angry. Should not have lusts, should not fall in love with my stepmother.”

Under the moonlight, his sacred beauty was highlighted to the extreme.

At this moment, Qiao Sha really moved her heart. She raised her head and kissed his dark spots, rubbed her tears on his chest, looked at him with tears full of eyes, and asked him: “Suria, I will take me The only purity is for you, do you want it?”

Surya was stunned. She held his hand and guided him to every corner of her body, as if stroking a flower.

“No one has ever gotten me, Surya.” Her blushing face, mellow and beautiful, “I offer my purity to God, before I wither, do you want…”

Before she finished speaking, Surya kissed her lips.

His restraint has long been crushed with his heart, he does not want to regret it again, the only time he indulges his desire to surpass reason.

Yes, she who is pure, she who is depraved, the good and the bad, everything fascinates him.

Since she read that poem in the bathroom…

Maybe it was from earlier that she was rescued from the lake, when she leaned in his palm and gasped…

Or, earlier, earlier…

She held his face, breathed gently, and guided him…

The moon outside the window was so quiet, and the voice outside the door was so clear.

She muffled all the voices into his shoulders…

He wet her too.

101 was not online. It was supposed to be online to remind her that it shouldn’t be so, but in the end it still didn’t say anything, if it could ease her pain and make her feel happy.

so be it.

It saw the display on the system: the male protagonist’s hatred value increased to 90%.

Is Surya hating herself? Hate yourself for repeatedly breaking the ban? Still hate yourself for not being able to protect Qiao Sha?


Qiao Sha didn’t remember when she fell asleep. The high fever made her groggy, like a spring dream that had never been gentle and satisfied.

Afterwards, she felt groggy and only felt Surya’s tears. This was the first time she saw a man cry at such a moment.

Is it because Surya finds the joy of indulgence and depravity so uncontrollable?

Or is Surya crying to get her and about to lose her again?

She didn’t know, all she knew was that she had tamed Surya.

In the groggy state, she could feel Surya taking her away from Pearl County, and she vaguely heard Surya bid farewell to the godfather.

She was wrapped in a cloak by Surya and hugged tightly to her chest.

The wind made her sober, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Surya’s face in the daylight.

He hugged her and rode on the white horse, and the white light shrouded the horse with them, flying through the mountains and forests and under the sky like the wind.

It’s almost dawn.

She was a little confused about what time it was.

She heard the voice of 101: “Host, it’s a little over five in the morning. You haven’t slept for long. It’s about to dawn.”

More than five o’clock in the morning.

She remembered that she went to Pei Yue’s place at about one o’clock in the morning, and was then taken by Surya to the holy church…

“Suria just took you out of Pearl County.” 101 told her.

She lifted her hand and pulled down the cloak in front of her, and saw the mountains and forests passing by under the horse’s hoof, and she also saw the puss on the back of her hand that did not know when…

Is she starting to fester?

“Don’t blow it.” Surya pulled the cloak up for her again, lowered her eyes and looked at her, her throat dumb and softly said: “Sleep for a while, and soon you can see your friend Beth. “

He is going to take her back.

Qiao Sha looked at him under the cloak, and she knew she could hand in the task soon.

Once the compromise begins, Surya will compromise step by step.

Bring her back to the capital city, and then promised her to marry the princess. He has lost the right to refuse and lost his bottom line.

On his shirt stood her blooming blood stains.

There is no bottom line for depravity.

Surya used magic power to complete the journey of a few days in a few hours.

The horse stopped directly in the palace, under the princess’s bedroom, he didn’t want to waste a second, her body was getting hotter and hotter, and the abscess became more and more serious.

Every second is extremely precious to her.

Surya didn’t want to waste time saying hello to the guard, holding her directly on the window lattice of the princess’s bedroom.

He knocked outside the window lattice, and a white light pushed open the window—

“Who?” A man’s voice was like a sword out of its sheath, first showing through the window.

Surya was stunned for a moment.

The moment the window opened, a sharp sword stabbed out.

The sword was blocked by his white light, and Shelley’s face appeared in the window.

He and Surya froze in and out of the window just like that.

Qiao Sha pulled down his cloak, and she saw Shelley holding a sword standing in Beth’s bedroom. He was only wearing a pair of white underwear and his upper body was naked.

And behind him was Beth, who was half sitting on the bed and wearing a dressing gown, who had just been awakened.

This situation stunned all four of them.

When the fiance returned, he ran into the guard sleeping in the room of the princess of the fiancee.

101’s heart was cold. Seeing that the world was about to complete the mission and left smoothly, there was a bug like this. In the original text, Shelley and the princess had never had a relationship, but now this world, because the host has some small plots Disruption affects the key plot of the entire world.

The butterfly fluttered its wings, and the world was totally different in essence.

Beth is no longer a pure princess who is obsessed with Surya, the holy **** of light, and willingly dedicates her life to Surya.

Shelley is no longer a loyal dog male partner who dare not confess his feelings.

And Surya, the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light, how could he continue the marriage contract and tolerate infidelity.

“Host.” 101 called her, “Suria’s hatred value is only 20% left, but if the story of the marriage of the male and female masters is not completed, we will stay in the system space forever, accept Punishment.”

Qiao Sha’s eyelids twitched twice. She was not surprised what would happen to Beth and Shelley. In fact, she thought what would happen to Beth and Shelley sooner or later.

However, this is just right.

“Surya, listen to me explain…” Beth got up hurriedly and walked over.

Surya interrupted her: “Don’t come over, just stand there.” He isolated Qiao Sha in his arms from them with white light, “Qiao Sha is infected. She wants to see you.”

Beth’s face turned pale all of a sudden. If Surya hit her in a panic, she would be completely bloodless at the moment.

“What are you talking about? What did you get infected?” She ran over quickly, she saw Qiao Sha in Surya’s arms, and tears burst out, “Why did she become like this… Surya, you Didn’t you promise to protect her…”

She reached out to hold Qiao Sha’s hand without thinking about it.

But it was cut off by Surya’s white light.

Surya looked at Shelley without much emotion, just said: “I think the princess and I should break the marriage contract.”

This sentence was spoken to Shelley and Beth, and even to Qiao Sha in his arms.

Beth immediately raised her head, “No, Surya can’t do it now, not yet…”

“Pei Yue is also infected with the plague.” Surya interrupted her, “Now that the marriage contract is terminated, he will not be able to threaten you.”

Beth froze again, and then grabbed the window lattice and said, “Suria, I beg you to wait a little longer and give me a little more time. At least wait for the plague to be brought under control, at least for me to take those of Pei Yue’s Get rid of the minions.”

Qiao Sha looked at Beth. She saw Beth’s change. She didn’t seem to be the crying little princess anymore. Her eyes were firm, and she said to Surya clearly: “I have controlled Minister Zuo, and I still need another one. Just a little bit, Surya, after Pei Yue’s death, I will control all his people, and I will definitely dissolve the marriage contract.”

She explained to Surya again, “I’m sorry to let you see that I am with Shelley, but I swear that no one else knows.” She raised her hand and swore.

Surya looked at her and Shelley and still said, “No, princess, you don’t have to apologize for this. If you and Shelley really love each other, you should be together. It’s just that I can’t continue this engagement.”

He still wants to dissolve the marriage contract, which was originally to save Qiao Sha and get rid of Pei Yue.

Now, he can’t fulfill Qiao Sha’s wish of marrying the princess after seeing Beth and Shelley have long been in love.

This is his bottom line.

“Suria.” Qiao Sha grabbed his fingers and said weakly and weakly: “I want to talk to you alone…”

Surya lowered her eyes to look at her and held her finger back. He politely said to Beth and Shelley: “Sorry, please borrow the room next door.”


He took Qiao Sha into the next room.

This is a study room,

Surya put Qiao Shaan on the sofa, stretched out her hand to gently arrange her hair, and said to her: “Qiao Sha, I can’t marry Beth.”

“Why?” Qiao Sha asked him suddenly.

He was taken aback by Qiao Sha, why? Why would she ask why?

“She loves Shelley.” He still patiently said to Qiao Sha: “And I love you.”

“But your marriage contract was originally not because of love.” Qiao Sha lay there weakly and grabbed his hand: “It’s for rights, for the empire, she needs to marry you, Surya, you still do the same You can love me, and she can also love other men.”

Surya frowned a little bit. He couldn’t agree with Qiao Sha’s words, but he couldn’t bear to argue with her. He just said to her: “Even if there is no marriage, I will continue to help her and help the people of the empire, Qiao yarn…”

“No!” Qiao Sha was generally annoyed, breathing harder and harder. There were already many pustules on her hands and arms, and her eyes did not dare to sweep over. She felt sick: “You must get married… get married. It is the simplest and most effective way. You are the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light. Becoming your wife is the fastest way to be admired by all people.”

Qiao Sha didn’t have any strength, she leaned on the sofa to breathe.

Surya hurriedly held her shoulders. He couldn’t bear to look at her like this, but he was hurt by her words. In her mouth, he seemed to be just a useful product to help Beth ascend to the throne.

“Qiao Sha, God can’t tolerate infidelity, and I can’t go against my heart and get married in this situation.” He gently said to Qiao Sha, “Don’t force me, please? Qiao Sha.”

“Infidelity?” Qiao Sha pressed her throat that she wanted to cough, and looked at Surya and said, “If you want to say that you are unfaithful, you also had a relationship with me first… God can tolerate his own infidelity, but he can’t tolerate others. Are people unfaithful?”

Surya’s fingers squatted on her shoulders, his brows frowned so tightly, he looked at Qiao Sha, she used such a fragile tone to say such… mercilessly hurting people.

Does she treat him like this?

Does his loyalty, morality, and bottom line seem to her to be gone for a long time?

At this moment, his throat was extremely sour, and he said in a dumb voice: “Qiao Sha, my loyalty is given to you.”

It’s never for Beth, for others.

“In that case, what are you thinking about?” Qiao Sha breathed a breath and said, “Your marriage is just a drama, why…”

Before she finished speaking, she couldn’t help but cough violently, coughing fierce pain in her throat and chest, and she couldn’t help coughing.

She leaned on the sofa, her cough was about to dissipate, and a hot, astringent liquid vomited on the sofa.

A piece of red.

is blood.

She’s already vomiting blood…

She is running out of time.

A cool divine power poured into her body from behind her, which eased her pain and cough.

She turned to look at Surya, his extremely pale face and reddish eyes showed his pain at the moment.

Qiao Sha gently approached his arms and said lowly: “I won’t force you to Surya, there are always regrets in life… I hope that after I die, you and Beth can get what they want. .”

Surya hugged her hot body like a fire.

He had known for a long time that she would ignite him, torment him, burn him, what is he struggling with?

What he didn’t want before, now has it, but he wants to lose it.

He lowered his head and kissed her black hair, and said in a mute voice, “I have compromised, Qiao Sha, I and Beth will get married tonight, and I will always compromise for you.”

There is nothing to struggle with.

He hated himself, repeatedly violated the prohibition, and fell again and again, neither keeping his godhead, nor letting go of his arms, and loving the person he wanted to love as soon as possible.

Qiao Sha heard the system tone-“Congratulations to the host, the male lead’s hatred is ninety-nine percent.”

Qiao Sha gently hugged him, “Thank you, Surya.”


101 looked at the hatred value, only a little too close, can the host really be able to fill it up and leave smoothly?


The wedding was held in the holy church in the palace.

Everything is in a hurry, the holy church has just been restored, and the princess’s wedding gown is also the queen’s former.

Only held a banquet in the palace and invited ministers and nobles.

The godfather was not in the capital, so the queen personally presided over the wedding for them.

These are not important, for Surya and Beth, this is just a scene, as long as it is done.

Surya stood on the ceremonial table, listening to the queen’s announcement, and looked up in the corridor on the second floor—Qiao Sha stood there, wrapped in a thick cloak, with candlelight surrounding her, behind her with an open window. , Outside the window is the emerald cold lake, and the wind shook her cloak.

She can’t be with other people, she can only be there.

For some reason, Qiao Sha was looking at him condescendingly in the holy candlelight at this moment, making him feel so far away and unable to chase…

She seemed to smile at him.

He couldn’t move his eyes, and heard the queen ask him again: “Surya, are you willing?”

He recovered and looked at the person in front of him, Beth in costume, the elegant queen, and she asked him if he was willing to marry Beth and inherit and protect the empire with her.

There is nothing to struggle with.

He raised his hand and placed it on the Bright Bible, looked up again at Qiao Sha on the second floor, and said, “Yes.”

He is willing to do anything for Qiao Sha, against God’s personality, against morality, against his original heart…everything.

“Host.” 101 rang in Qiao Sha’s ears, “It’s time for you to leave, but the male protagonist’s hatred value is just a little bit short.”

Ninety-nine percent.

“Yves is behind you.” 101 reminded her, “Would you like to…take advantage of Yves?” It was only a little bit short of it.

Qiao Sha looked at Surya, who looked so outstanding in his full costume.

She always knew that Yves was behind her, but at this moment, she didn’t want to use Yves anymore.

She clasped her hands on her chest, and rarely prayed sincerely and sincerely: “The Holy Spirit of Light, my Surya…”

Surya downstairs looked at her again.

He heard her prayer.

She closed her eyes and prayed softly—”Please forgive my sins. I deceived God and Surya. I love him. This is the biggest lie I have ever told in my life…”

Surya’s face changed little by little. He looked at her and could hear nothing except her voice.

She said: “…Now I am going back to my world, I hope Surya can forget me.”

She suddenly turned around on the second floor.

Where is she going? Is she going with Yves?

No, she bypassed Yves and jumped down the window—

“Qiao Sha!” Surya’s heart was completely empty, and she walked towards her in an instant.

All the divine power and white light rushed to Qiao Sha.

She heard a system tone that she had never heard before-[The male lead hate value is 100%. Congratulations on completing the task, please choose the way to leave. ]

She was floating in the wind, and she was about to fall into the lake, but was stopped by a cloud of white light.

The system tone says—[1: The body is dead, and the soul is drawn away. 2: All disappeared and sent to the system space. ]

“2.” Qiao Sha did not hesitate.

She had to go clean and cut off all of Surya’s thoughts, he could not save her, even if he was a god, she would disappear completely.

With a “ding”, the system said: “The second method has been implemented for you. In order to avoid unnecessary panic, I will send you to the bottom of the lake before disappearing.”

Qiao Sha passed through the white light and fell into the lake. The moment she fell, her whole body was pushed into a black hole—

She only heard Surya’s last call: “Qiao Sha!”


All the sounds were quiet for a moment, isolated in another world.

She was sent into a blue Yingying room by a ball of blue light. Before she could see the environment in front of her, she heard a series of system sounds—

“Congratulations, you have completed the S-level task, and you will be promoted to the A-level tasker, and your rewards will be issued later.”

“Your system 101 will receive S-level mission rewards and be upgraded to an S-level system.”

“Congratulations to the A-level tasker [Qiao Sha] for binding the S-level task-[Vicious Stepmother]. Please continue to complete this task. You will have a chance to lead 99% of the taskers and upgrade to an S-level tasker.”

“Congratulations, you have captured [Suria], one of the clones of [God], and you will get extra rewards.”

Qiao Sha stood there, waiting for the system sound to finish before opening her eyes.

There was an ordinary system space in front of her, but there was an unusual person standing not far away, and she recognized that face.

The extremely perfect modeling face is 101.

At this moment, it turned into a complete body, dressed in a decent suit, and stood there, seeming to be immersed in the astonishment that it had just been upgraded to an S-class system. After a few seconds, it came forward and bowed slightly to her and said, “Good host. , I am your system, 101.”

Qiao Sha stood there, looked at it from top to bottom, and said “Oh” in his heart. This attitude, this kind of politeness, this kind of etiquette should be the norms of the host, right?


In the past, she couldn’t even count as the most b-level tasker, this advanced A-level system even saved etiquette.

Now she has upgraded, with the system also upgraded, and the noble 101 lowered his head to her.

101 naturally heard what she was thinking, her face was slightly hot, and she said with a face: “Sorry host, I haven’t thought about it like this.”

It even blushes.

Qiao Sha looked at its face in surprise, it turned out that the system would also have human expressions.

101 was more difficult to control the heat of the face when she was staring at, and coughed lightly: “Host, you directly jumped to become an A-level tasker.”

“Is it difficult?” Qiao Sha asked it.

Its face became even hotter, and he answered truthfully: “I did a hundred tasks to become an A-level system, and I did a thousand tasks and failed to upgrade to S-level. It is difficult to directly upgrade to A-level.

“So difficult?” Qiao Sha just remembered. She just said that she had completed the S-level mission. Isn’t the cannon fodder stepmother mission she did the lowest level mission?

And why did she suddenly bind her a vicious stepmother mission?

101 called out the data to show her: “Originally [Stepmother Qiaosha] was the lowest-level mission, but those who hesitated too much failed and the mission was left for too long, so it was upgraded to an S-level mission.”

It was also surprised: “Not only did you complete it, you also spawned additional rewards. As for the [Vicious Stepmother] system task, it is a hidden task you spawned. The hidden task is a task that cannot be claimed and can only be spawned randomly. , Almost no tasker has ever come out, including S-level taskers.”

It sounds like a very powerful thing, but it’s like an honor.

But is it not working for the system and doing tasks?

101 doesn’t know how to explain it, because it is clear that the host doesn’t like any task rewards, so she may not be rare to see how attractive the rewards of hidden tasks are.

“You can look at the extra rewards you got in the last world.” 101 said.

“What extra reward?” Qiao Sha was curious, “Call it out and show me.” She ordered.

101 obeyed her instructions and called up her system interface, and opened the [extra reward] she had obtained in the previous world—[the male lead’s painful and happy moments].

“What kind of reward is this?” Qiao Sha asked 101.

101 had to read the explanation to her, “It means that you can get the permission to enter the next world [the painful or pleasant moment of the male lead].”

Qiao Sha rolled her eyes. What’s the difference between Pinduoduo’s rewarding you ten thousand and letting you slash your friends?

Not all to seduce her, continue to do the task.

101 felt helpless and asked her: “Do you want to take a look first?” This hidden mission cannot be untied, and there will be punishment if you don’t do it.

But it knew that this threat was useless to Qiao Sha.

So it changed to another way: “You can look at the extra rewards first, and then decide.”

Qiao Sha looked at it, yes, it looked more and more like her first system.

101: “…”

“Let’s take a look.” Qiao Sha clicked on the extra reward, and another option appeared—please choose which moment of “pain” and “pleasure”?

Qiao Sha thought for a while, everyone is the same at the happy moments, just look at the painful moments, grasping the most painful memory in a person’s heart is equivalent to holding his weakness.

She clicked the painful moment.

The virtual screen in front of you is spread out, and the screen movie is played on the virtual screen.

Qiao Sha and 101 were stunned at the same time.

The picture that appeared on the screen was two men and women with mosaics, a night of forgetfulness in the mosaics…

But Qiao Sha heard a familiar voice, with a choking sound, the man said: “Don’t leave me, I just got you…”

Isn’t this Surya’s voice?

She vaguely seemed to remember that Surya cried and said this to her that night in the holy church?

Have it?

She was not so sure, she was groggy at the time.

“Isn’t it the hero of the next world?” Qiao Sha turned her head and asked 101, “Why is this so like the last world?”

101 is also not sure, “Maybe the hero of the next world is a bit similar to the previous world?”

101. Look carefully, “Looking at the coding environment, it doesn’t seem to be in the holy church, it seems…like a dungeon?”


Is it just a coincidence? Is it a different world, a different male lead?

Qiao Sha can’t see clearly, this mosaic is awesome.

“It seems that you can only see clearly when you enter this moment.” 101 said, “Do you want to enter?”

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