Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 31 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

“Host, are you okay?” 101 detected her such intense emotions for the first time.

She stood there blankly, but her emotions set off a storm.

When she heard the voice of 101, she trembled in shock.

At this moment, she actually made 101 feel her fragility. Was she also fragile?

“Mrs. Qiao Sha, what’s the matter with you?” Belle looked at her face, a little nervous: “You look like you are sick, are you too tired? I’m sorry… you are so tired, but I still bother you. But I haven’t seen my mother and brother for a long time…”

Qiao Sha stood there, as if it had been in a heavy rain, she was cold, she was very broken, she opened her mouth, her throat was tight and she wanted to vomit…

She is so good at lying, but she can’t lie to Belle at this moment.

She said that she hadn’t seen her mother for a long, long time…

Qiao Sha tightly grasped the hem of her chest. She had a terrible headache for some reason, and she had clearly got rid of her previous body… It was the same, activated along with her pain, and she wanted to vomit when it was in pain.

She could not escape, she was forced to face the pain, just as she could not get rid of the pain before.


101 realized that she had “imagined” the pain in her mind that the body didn’t have, and it became more and more intense. It was busy calling up her information, and she saw-Qiao Sha died of illness, cancer.

It suddenly understood that the pain was her previous illness.

It wanted to enable her to eliminate the pain, but the pain did not come from the body, but from the memory.

“Host.” It called her again, trying to stop her from imagining the pain.

But she didn’t seem to hear. In the dark night, her dry voice trembled: “Sorry Belle… I can’t lie to you. They are fine… I…”

Someone behind her gently held her arm.

“Qiao Sha.” It was Surya’s voice.

Qiao Sha’s body was shaking.

She was like a bird with a bow and snake shadow, which made Surya feel so scared. He didn’t expect her to be so scared. He moved closer to her and held her tight arms.

He replied to Belle, “I’m sorry Belle, your mother and brother were infected with the plague. When we arrived, they had already missed the best time for treatment. They passed away today.”

Qiao Sha was shaking more severely, and God was probably like Surya.

Gentle, Father, and so ruthless.

He could say such things very calmly, even if Belle cried in front of him, even if he watched Belle collapse.

It just stopped Belle who wanted to rush into the holy church, and gently said to her: “Bell, I’m sorry, but you can’t visit them, it will also infect you, and your mother is still begging before her death. I will protect you, she definitely doesn’t want to see you like this.”

Belle’s cry made Qiao Sha completely collapse. She pushed Surya abruptly and walked quickly in the dark. She didn’t know where she wanted to go, she just wanted to leave, she wanted to go.

She was afraid to hear Belle’s cry, and she was afraid to hear Surya’s gentle and cruel words, just like the words that everyone comforted her back then.

——”Be happy, your parents certainly don’t want to see you like this…”

——”Cheer up, now that medicine is so advanced, you might be able to heal one day…”

——”Rebirth, this is the best treatment…”

She heard Surya calling her, which made her speed up and run in the dark. Life is painful, and life is painful. She never wanted to live again, never wanted to.

She just wanted to escape.

“Host.” 101 called her again, rarely saying in a low voice, “You have got rid of the pain, stop, stop, don’t recall the pain.”

Qiao Sha was still chased by Surya, he handed Belle to the godfather, and ran on the empty street to catch Qiao Sha.

Her palm was cold and frightening, Surya tightly wrapped her in her palm and stopped her with her arms, “Where do you want to go? Joe Sha, can you tell me where you want to go?”

Qiao Sha pushed him away.

She was so strong that she did not cry, but her expression was more heartbreaking than crying, pale, fragile, and angry.

At this moment Surya’s guilt and regret came to her heart. Perhaps he shouldn’t have brought her into the holy church, perhaps shouldn’t be so direct, he should let her take her time.

But he was too impatient.

“I’m sorry Qiao Sha.” He didn’t get close to her anymore, only wishing her to calm down: “I’m too impatient, I want you to get rid of Pei Yue, get rid of your destiny. The moment I give you the ring, I want Let you become the true Chosen, become…”

“Suria.” Qiao Sha interrupted him, and she said to him: “Not everyone wants to be the Chosen by God. My destiny is arranged by God, and now I have to be changed by you. Don’t I have the right to choose to do it.” A hypocritical, cowardly, despicable person?”

She doesn’t want to be a great good person, a **** that is admired by others.

“Do you think you are saving me?” Qiao Sha vented and said, “No, you are just afraid that you will fall for me, a despicable person, so you wishful thinking to change me and make me a noble enough person. , In this way, if you fall in love with me, you will be less sinful. If you get rid of me, you can feel at ease, because you have redeemed me, so great that you have redeemed me, and of course you can get rid of me with peace of mind.”

Surya was stunned. He looked at her incredible and listened to her. Her absurd words pierced in like a knife. He had always thought that he just wanted to save her and let her become the unshakable Chosen and the possessor. The redeemer loved by millions…

But he couldn’t even refute her.

He knew so clearly that she was full of lies, unscrupulous, playing with all men… But he forgave her again and again, condoned her, and protected her again and again irresistibly.

He hated himself for committing such a knowingly, this sin has been torturing him, so he wanted to change her, redeem her, and try to make her a great Chosen.

It seemed that this would make him feel better when he left.

As if this way he could get rid of his guilt of loving her.

He has indeed been thinking about sending her to the altar, and he can leave with peace of mind…

He could not refute.

“Don’t change me.” Qiao Sha said to him: “Don’t save me.”

She bypassed him and continued to walk on the long street in the dark, where the shoes made a “da da” sound.

She calmed down a little bit in that voice, don’t remember the pain, go forward, go forward, and have fun in time.

She turned the corner and returned to where she lived.


She knew that Surya had been following her silently behind her, she never looked back, she went straight into the yard, took off her robe and gloves and threw it on the ground.

She washed her hands and face, as if nothing had happened, and returned to her room.

Surya has been standing in the courtyard looking at her window.

Qiao Sha wiped her body clean in the room where the lights were not turned on, and changed into a clean dress. She became clean and fresh again, without sweat, tears, and no smell of disinfectant.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and just about to lie down, she heard the messy footsteps outside.

Someone hurriedly called Surya, ran in and said pantingly, “Is Belle back?”

She stood up again.

The people who rushed back from outside said straightforwardly: “Belle said she is fine and wants to come back by herself, but…she seems to have slipped into the altar and took away her brother’s body…”

Damn it.

How could they believe that a little girl who suddenly lost all her relatives would be fine? Yes, they are also so busy, how can they put their energy on a little girl?

Qiao Sha squeezed her fingers and didn’t go out. She heard Surya tell them to look for them immediately, and quarantined them into the holy church when she found them.

Then Surya knocked on her door and asked her, “Did you hear that? Would you like to go find Belle with us?”

“You go find it first.” Qiao Sha said: “I’ll change my clothes and find you to meet.”

She waited for Surya to leave, then said to 101: “Teleport me to Belle.”

101 hardly hesitated, opened teleportation for her, had made an exception once or twice, and didn’t care about this time.

Qiao Sha’s eyes went dark, and when she lit up again, she was standing in front of a tree house.

Here is a forest, wild flowers and wild fruits all over the mountains, and not far from her is a simple tree house built on a pile of big trees, only half the height of her body, it looks like a dwarf’s home.

In the dark night, there is no light inside.

Qiao Sha approached and bent down and looked inside.

She saw Belle.

Belle shrank in the corner, holding a child wrapped in a white cloth strip in her arms. She just unwrapped the white cloth strip on the child’s neck, heard the sound, stared at the door vigilantly, and hugged the child in her arms. Tighter.

Qiao Sha bent her eyes and smiled at her. She didn’t approach, but squatted down and said to the vigilant Belle: “Is this a secret base for you and your brother?”

Belle looked at her, her eyes were a little bit red, and she nodded to Qiao Sha, tears falling down.

“Can I come in?” Qiao Sha asked her again.

Belle held her younger brother in her arms, shaking her voice and whispering: “You will be infected…”

Qiao Sha’s eyes were sore, she bent her body into the tree house and said softly to Belle: “You know he is dead, right?”

Belle looked at her and burst into tears, she knew, of course she knew, but she didn’t want to… she didn’t want to believe it would…

Qiao Sha held her face with gentle fingers and asked her: “Do you want to die with your brother and mother?”

Belle stared at her blankly, and didn’t know how to answer. Does she want to die?

“Death is not terrible.” Qiao Sha stroked her soft curly hair, “but it was terrible before she died of illness, it will be uncomfortable, it will fester, it will be very painful…really painful.”

Belle was frightened, she didn’t want to hurt, and she didn’t want to fester…

Qiao Sha hugged her, “Don’t die Belle, you will be happy after you live, you are too young, and you will encounter many happy things in the future, beautiful dresses, beautiful gems, and make you happy. Boys and girls…maybe you will have children of your own. Now that you die, you can only stay in pain.”

Belle reached out and hugged her, tears almost wet her skirt, “But…but I will be infected, I will be infected sooner or later… Lord Surya, they can’t cure the plague…”

“No Belle.” Qiao Sha lifted her face and wiped her tears, “I said they will cure the plague sooner or later. You may not believe it, but I can guarantee that you will not be infected.”

Belle looked at her whirling tearfully, really? Will she not be infected?

Qiao Sha wiped her tears away and raised her hand to show her, “Do you know this ring? It was given to me by God, and it protects me so that I won’t be infected or hurt.”

She gently took off the ring of thorns on her finger, holding Belle’s hand, “Now I will give it to you and let it protect you.” She pushed the ring into Belle’s index finger.

“Host! You will be infected!” 101 immediately reminded her: “Belle entered the altar and touched the infected corpse. She must have been infected. Now you give her the ring, you…” will definitely be infected. .

But she had put the ring firmly on Belle’s finger, she even lowered her head and kissed the back of Belle’s hand, “Don’t tell Surya, this is the secret between us.”

101 is shocked and terrified, what does the host want to do? Isn’t she… dying by herself? This plague is very fast and very contagious. It is almost exposed to the source of infection, and it will become sick and die after one or two days…


A fire burned in the night, in the tree house under the big tree.

Qiao Sha took Belle and watched the fire burn the tree house and the children in the tree house together. It burned for a long, long time, until Qiao Sha thought it was about to light up before turning to leave.

In the vast night, she took Belle to walk in the mountains. She wanted to hear Belle sing again, the ballad that coaxed her to sleep.

Belle wiped away her tears, and choked her throat again to sing to her: “Gold, silver and emeralds will not grow in the hearts of people in love. I want a bunch of moonflowers and your soft kiss tonight… oh Beloved, please don’t leave, I will lead you to chase the waterfall and look for the ugly rainbow…”

She looked at the moon in the sky, her hair combed by the wind, gold, silver and emeralds, she wanted. Moonlight and soft kisses, she wants too.

She doesn’t want to chase the waterfall, she wants all things in the world to come towards her.

She took Belle out of the mountain, asked her to find a place to hide, and waited until dawn to find Surya and the godfather.

Surya would understand when she saw the ring on Belle’s hand.

“Where are you going?” Belle hurriedly held her, “Will you be infected by me?”

Qiao Sha touched her face: “I’m going to enjoy a soft kiss.”

“Where are you going?” 101 also asked her, because she did not return to where she lived, nor did she go to Surya.

Instead, he went straight to the mansion of the county chief in the town.

Pei Yue lives here temporarily.

When she arrived, it was almost dawn.

Pei Yue had already fallen asleep, and the soldiers came to report that Qiao Sha came to him.

Pei Yue turned over and sat up. He glanced at his pocket watch. It was very difficult for him to refuse a visit from a beauty at such a late night, especially Qiao Sha.

He asked the soldiers to bring in Qiao Sha.

He sat on the sofa in his pajamas and waited until she walked in. She was wearing an emerald green skirt, lined as white as snow, wearing gloves and a face towel.

After the door was closed, she took off the mask and gloves and put them on the robe on Pei Yue’s hanger.

“What? Surya is busy being his savior, no time to accompany you?” Pei Yue leaned on the sofa and reached out to pick up the wine on the table. He was not in a hurry, he wanted to see what she was doing.

“I regret it.” Qiao Sha walked over and said annoyedly: “I regret coming to this place. I can’t bear such suffering. I regret falling in love with Surya. I hate him now.”

She seemed to lose her temper, and she seemed to be complaining from the bottom of her heart.

“You can’t take a bath here, there is no toothpaste, there is not even what I want to eat here.” Qiao Sha looked at the wine in his hand, leaned over and pressed her palm on his knee, approached him, frowning pitifully. Said: “It’s too bitter here, I can’t even drink a sip of wine.”

Is she lying to him?

Pei Yue looked at her, but what can she lie to him now? She came here like a sheep into a tiger’s mouth, what kind of bargain can she get?

He didn’t understand, he just stared at her delicate face. She seemed to be more beautiful. Her blushing cheeks and cherry-like rosy and delicate lips reminded him of how comfortable her mouth was that night…

He poured the wine glass in her hand towards her, she lowered her head and took a few sips of the wine, like a thirsty person.

“Don’t worry, I have a lot of wine here.” Pei Yue raised her hand to wipe off the wine stains on her lips, took the place where she had drunk, drank all the wine in the glass, and asked her: “You come here Don’t you just want to ask for a drink?”

“Of course.” Qiao Sha still propped on his knees and said: “I want to take a bath, sleep in a silk quilt, and sleep comfortably. Can you take me in? I am willing to promise you. Any request.”

Any request.

Pei Yue stretched out her hand and squeezed her chin, “What on earth do you want to do? Will you be so behaved and come to the door automatically?”

Qiao Sha looked at him docilely, “Am I not good enough that night?”

She mentioned that that night, the fire in Pei Yue’s heart rose. He grabbed her waist and slammed her into the sofa, and asked her coldly: “What happened that night? You and I , Did it happen in a dream or in reality?”

Qiao Sha knowingly asked: “What do you think?”

Would he ask her if he knew it?

Pei Yue was extremely annoyed. He was awakened by many people that night. She was no longer there. The pictures in his mind that lingered with her were so real that even the smell and touch were still on him.

But other people said that Qiao Sha had been rescued long ago.

He didn’t believe it, that night was his happiest night. He had never experienced the joy of drunken life and death. She cried and begged him several times…

How could it be all dreams.

“Then let me verify.” Pei Yue picked her up abruptly and walked towards his soft big bed. If it really happened, he would know by personal inspection.

Qiao Sha smiled and hugged his neck, and fell into the silk quilt with him. Her body was hot. She didn’t know if she drank alcohol or fell ill.

“Host, your body temperature is rising.” 101 said hurriedly, “Do you know that you have been infected?”

It’s really fast.

Qiao Sha kissed Pei Yue, holding his face and asked him coquettishly: “If I contract the plague, will you die with me?”

As if a basin of cold water was pouring down suddenly, Pei Yue was numb all over at that moment, the boiling blood suddenly cooled, and the back was cold.

“What are you talking about?” Pei Yue pressed her arm: “You said…you are infected with the plague? How is it possible, how can Surya let you be infected?” Surya is known as the Holy God of Light Incarnation, how could he not protect Qiao Sha?

Qiao Sha smiled sweetly at him while lying in the silk and satin. She raised her hand and said pitifully, “Who knows, I was holding a dead body infected with the disease. I was terribly scared. Do you think I will be infected?”

Pei Yue was completely cold, he threw away her hand, hurriedly left from her, and quickly entered the bathroom.

Qiao Sha heard the sound of splashing water, and he couldn’t even get angry.

Look, how cowardly and panic people are when facing death, all their love, desire, and anger are all gone.

She lay in the soft silk and moved comfortably. She liked the soft quilt and bed. She really couldn’t bear the pain.

The window of the room was knocked open with a “bang”, and the glass almost shattered.

Qiao Sha was startled, raised her head and looked over, “Suria.”

In the white light, Surya appeared in the room, but his face was not so good at the moment, and his untidy hair seemed to be messed up by the wind at this moment.

He walked towards her quickly.

Qiao Sha hurriedly blindfolded herself, “Don’t come here, I came to Pei Yue by myself…”

Surya didn’t stop at all, rushed directly to her, reached out and lifted her quilt away, and grabbed her right hand with the other hand.

Is gone.

The ring of thorns he gave her is gone.

“Who did you give the ring to?” Surya squeezed her struggling wrist and asked her, her hand is so hot, “Belle?” Does she know that if the ring is given to someone else, it won’t come back automatically Does she have it?

She can throw it or throw it at will. The ring will automatically retrieve her, but once she gives it to someone else, the ring will not follow her.

She earned her wrists, and said angrily: “Didn’t you eavesdrop all of it? Lord Surya.”

He was suddenly inexplicably annoyed. He didn’t give her any time to find her. He could only hear the voice of prayer. If Belle was not secretly praying for Qiao Sha not to be infected by her, if not Pei Yue was praying that she was not infected with the plague…

He couldn’t find her at all, he couldn’t hear her voice!

He wanted to ask her another question, Pei Yue walked out of the bathroom in angrily wet, he pulled the silk quilt around her, hugged her, and instantly disappeared into the room.

“Where are you taking me?” Qiao Sha struggled to make a face in the silk and satin. She saw Surya’s extremely cold expression, “Don’t take me away, I am infected with the plague.”

She actually saw the irritation in Surya’s gray eyes.

“Go to Belle.” Surya said, “Get your ring back.”

“No.” Qiao Sha rejected him, struggling to say: “She has been infected. If she takes the ring back, she will die.”

“So you gave her the ring?” Surya’s emotions were about to swallow him, “Do you know the consequences of the infection?” They haven’t developed a medicine to completely cure the plague.

“Didn’t you let me see it with your own eyes?” Qiao Sha asked him lightly.

Surya has her throat blocked, is she taking revenge on him?

“Suria.” Qiao Sha felt a divine power pouring into her body little by little, and she grabbed Surya’s hand. “Your divine power can’t cure the plague, right?”

Yes, his divine power can only resist and prevent the plague, but once infected, his divine power can only make her feel better.

But the ring of thorns is different, it is God’s crown of thorns, a part of God, it can extend her life indefinitely.

Does she know this?

“So Surya.” Qiao Sha asked him softly, “I and Belle must die. Will God’s balance be biased towards me?”

Surya looked at her, flogged by every word of her, God should not have lusts, favoritism, and all beings are equal.

But he had no way to watch her withering and rotting in his arms.

He can’t help it.

“Don’t save me Surya, you should save others, save those who are suffering now.” Qiao Sha said to him: “If God can hear my prayer, I should allow me to choose my own destiny.”

He didn’t want to hear, he didn’t want to hear.

Surya took her into the isolated holy church. In a separate room, he held her with one hand and put her on the hospital bed. With the other hand, he opened the disinfectant injection “dangling” and “lay down.” Go on, maybe this injection is useful for your initial infection.”

Qiao Sha looked at Surya, and there was cold sweat on the forehead of this god.

She lay on the bed docilely and let Surya give her an injection. The painful sensation of the injection made her frown, “Can I make a wish to God before I die?”

“Don’t talk, Qiao Sha.” Surya saw the injection pierced into her delicate body, his palms were full of cold sweat, and his heart trembled with her. He didn’t want to hear her talk about death or listen.

“But I don’t talk about it now, maybe I won’t be able to talk about it after dawn.” Qiao Sha said calmly, “I know that the disease was infected very quickly, and he died very quickly. The child was not delirious with the high fever that day after the infection. The black spots on the body festered the next day, and he died at dusk…”

“Qiao Sha.” Surya interrupted her, he pulled out the needle, breathing was stuck in his throat, her blood beads were slowly leaking out, and he was hurting her by pressing, “Don’t say anymore… …”

“Suria.” Qiao Sha turned her head to look at him, “Are you afraid? Afraid of me dying? But, maybe I will die tomorrow.”

The look in her eyes, her words…

Surya collapsed and hugged her. He hugged her tightly from behind. His cold sweat almost made the clothes on her back soaked. Yes, he admitted that he was afraid, he was afraid of her suffering. , Afraid of her death, afraid that she would just rot and disappear before his eyes, and he could do nothing.

He didn’t speak, the room was so quiet.

Qiao Sha looked at Yue outside the window and smiled softly. Finally, God also realized the pain of helplessness.

“Let me tell Surya.” Her voice is so well-behaved, she has never been so well-behaved. “I have only one wish. I hope I can attend your and Beth’s wedding before I die, or I will die too. I won’t be at ease…”

101 is more silent than that moonlight. It can no longer tell when the host is true and when it is false. Is her previous collapse true? Or is it for the present paragraph, for the final task, to deliberately magnify your emotions?

“Beth is my best friend, and you are my most beloved person.” Qiao Sha quietly said: “Pei Yue should have been infected by me. He is my wedding gift to you, the last gift… …”

“I will save you.” Surya gently kissed her back, her slender and beautiful butterfly bones, and her white and flawless back neck, he kissed her once and again.

This was the first time he kissed her proactively.

His reason and restraint were melted by her little by little this night.

He couldn’t lose her, he brought her here, and he forced her to come to the holy church. If he didn’t bring her here, he didn’t let her watch Belle’s brother leave…

If she died here, he would never be able to forgive himself, he said so arrogantly: he would do his best to protect her.

“Become a god, Qiaosha.” He put his sweaty forehead against her back and said dumbly: “I will dedicate all of my own to you, instead of me, and become the incarnation of the Holy God of Light.”

Qiao Sha froze there, trembling in her heart.

She never knew, it turned out… So she could also become the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light?

101 had to tell her: “Suria is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light, but God is far more than just his incarnation. God can have countless incarnations. Of course, Surya can devote all his divine power and life to you. As long as you have all his divine power, you will become the incarnation of the “Holy God of Light”, but I want to remind you that he is the male protagonist, and the setting of this world can only be that he is the incarnation of the Holy God of Light. Give you all your divine power, and if he dies, this world will collapse.”

101 said: “You and I will fail the mission and be severely punished at the highest level.”

Qiao Sha listened, looked at the moon outside the window, and asked him: “Suria, are you in love with me? God will also love one person, only one person?”

Surya’s eyelashes trembled on her back, she felt the dampness of the tide, is it his cold sweat? Or is he crying?

Does God cry too?

She heard him say: “God won’t, but Surya will.”

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