Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 29 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Good, really good.

Pei Yue sat on the sentencing platform and kept staring at Qiao Sha. This woman is really amazing. All the men who are close to her will be domesticated into obedient dogs.

Hill shouted desperately for her, Beth worked hard for her, Surya lied for her…

The crowd in the audience really regarded her as the Chosen…

The crime of murdering her husband failed to put her to death, but instead allowed Surya to turn her into a superior choice.

After today, no one will dare to offend her humble slave again.

Pei Yue was reluctant to really strangle her, he wanted to see what amazing things this woman could do.

He also wanted to ask, were all dreams that happened that night?

Sweet milk, hot skin, soft and feminine cry… so true, he didn’t believe it was a dream.

He winked at the minister who had pronounced the sentence, and he didn’t have to hold on to it anymore, the overall situation was settled.


Qiao Sha was probably the first person in this world to leave the gallows alive, and even gained divine power and became the chosen one.

She looked at the ring of thorns on her finger, very satisfied, who would have thought that this ring was still wearing her hand, and the Holy Spirit of Light personally put it on her.

She has become a genuinely chosen one.

She moved her fingers, and the sun shattered the thorny ring.

No one noticed, Yves in the corner of the crowd frowned, and God sheltered her.

Qiao Sha was released in public and acquitted. She was surrounded by the crowd and walked to Beth’s side.

Beth hugged her, ignoring other people’s gazes, hugging Qiao Sha tightly, her eyes were red and hot, “Are you okay? Did they bully you in prison?”

“No.” Qiao Sha also hugged Beth and gently stroked her tight back, sighing generally: “Thanks for your hard work, Beth, everything will be okay. You did a good job Beth.”

The sun will rise as usual, and the road will go smoothly.

Beth buried her on her shoulder and cried softly. Her back that had collapsed for so long shuddered and softened under Qiao Sha’s touch. Is she doing well? She feels that she is walking on the tip of the knife every step of the way, she is working hard…

No one thinks she has worked hard. This is what she should do. As a princess, she should bear this while enjoying the glory.

But… Qiao Sha knew that she would also work hard.

She hugged Qiao Sha tightly, as if hugging her only pillow, she could cry only in her own pillow.

The princess shouldn’t be so fragile.

“Cry, Beth.” Qiao Sha patted her back softly.

She couldn’t cry at that moment.

Pei Yue stood aside, he didn’t have a chance to come close, because Surya’s eyes looked at him really unpleasant, he just wanted to ask Mrs. Qiao Sha about what happened that night.


Without returning to the manor, Qiao Sha directly followed Beth back to the palace, and of course, Surya and Hill who were with them.

Pei Yue originally followed them and left in a hurry on the way back.

His plan failed, and the pope has not yet taken the seat, presumably he can’t spare any time to find her recently.

Qiao Sha has already begun to fantasize that she has stayed in this world for the few days-her husband is dead, a stepson is the fiance of the prince, a stepson will inherit the title of earl and the manor, and she is the chosen one with divine power , She will be the most arrogant and glamorous little widow in this empire.

On such a day, just thinking about it is great.

Bei Tien returned to the palace, first let her take a bath and change into clean clothes.

When she packs it out, a sumptuous meal has been prepared in the hall.

Shelley was also there, he smiled at Qiao Sha, and the gentleman opened the chair for her.

Sitting on the side were haggard Hill and silent Surya.

Beth pulled her to sit with herself, “Qiao Sha, I really hope you can stay in the palace forever.” She begged: “Otherwise, you don’t want to go back to the manor and stay in the palace for a while. Okay?”

What Hill wanted to say, but finally did not speak. Maybe she is safer to stay in the palace than in the manor. Pei Yue is still staring at her. There is Surya in the palace, at least she can protect her…

“She will go to Pearl County with me.” Surya suddenly spoke, and her eyes fell on her, “I will leave tonight.”

Pearl County?

Before Qiao Sha could react to the place name, the faces of the other people sitting on the long table changed. The faces of Hill and Beth were the most obvious.

“You want to take her to Pearl County?” Beth said immediately: “I disagree with Surya, this is too dangerous, it has nothing to do with her, what are you taking her to?”

Hill also followed closely: “Surya are you crazy? Are you going to take her to the dead city? You will kill her!”

City of the Dead?

“Where is it?” Qiao Sha asked them in confusion.

Neither Beth nor Hill answered her. It was Surya who answered her: “The place where the plague is concentrated.”

Qiao Sha was stunned. She heard 101 tell her: “This is the male protagonist’s career line, his big story. In the original text, he also went to the plague outbreak center after he was engaged to the princess. The patients who burned in the moonlight calmed the plague and saved the empire in a real sense, so they became the **** of the empire, the true god.” 101 added: “After that, he married the princess.”

Qiao Sha is speechless, this is God’s duty and mission, why should she be involved? In the original text, Li Surya did not take the original owner Qiao Sha.

“You have become the Chosen of God.” Surya calmly said to her: “You have a responsibility to help those in need. I will go there, calm the plague and come back again, and you will go with me.”

“I don’t agree with Surya!” Beth stood up, she was a little angry, Surya did not discuss this matter with her, “It is my duty to save the people, I will go with you, but this is with Joe Sha It doesn’t matter.”

Surya looked at Beth, “Your Majesty, you know you can’t leave the palace, you still need you here.” Originally, his plan with Beth was that she would sit in the capital city, and he would go to the plague land with Pei Yue. Before Pei Yue, rescue the group of people in suffering.

However, he didn’t tell Beth that he was going to take Qiao Sha away.

“It’s dangerous there.” Shelley couldn’t help reminding Surya that there was an outbreak of a deadly plague, and countless people had already died. He took Qiao Sha there to send her to death.

Surya still said without any emotion: “I will do my best to protect her…”

Before he finished speaking, Hill grabbed him by the skirt of his shirt, and the haggard Hill almost pressed him to the long table.

The wine glass on the table was touched on the ground, dyeing the blanket on the ground red.

Hill said angrily: “What are you doing! Surya why did you drag her into the fire pit? Why! She was just rescued from hell…”

Surya did not move, letting him hold on to the skirt, and said as if sighing: “She is the chosen one. If she sits on the sidelines at this time, she will definitely be blamed by the people and be held by Pei Yue. Hill, do you think Can her murder be completely eliminated so easily? She needs atonement.”

He looked at Qiao Sha again. Only by becoming a “redeemer” can she truly escape the danger, and he will do his best to protect her.

Qiao Sha looked directly at Surya’s eyes, and she suddenly understood that it was Surya who was forcing her to atone for his sins and also forcing him to atone for his sins.

He used this decision to rush to the plague to punish himself and her.

He was telling her that there was a price to wear the ring of thorns.

After she dreamed of being beautiful, she was broken by Surya in this way, and she did not refuse.

This is so good that Surya regrets the chance for a lifetime.


Of course Surya did not give her a chance to refuse, he had already ordered someone to pack her few luggage.

Keep everything simple, he only brought the necessities, and he didn’t even allow Luna to go with him.

Because he knew very well that the place was too dangerous, and one more person would be more dangerous.

He only took Qiaosha, and rushed to Pearl County with the other four theologians and godfathers in the seminary.

Departing at the twilight quadrangle, I just ran into Pei Yue and his party who were about to rush to Pearl County.

Originally, Pei Yue didn’t plan to venture to the plague land, as long as his father burned those infected with the plague as long as his father did before, he could control the plague again.

But Surya, the Holy Father, is going to save the group of mortal people, conquer the people, and establish prestige.

Of course he can’t let Surya succeed. Once Surya subdues the people, it will be even more difficult for him to get rid of Surya, so he decided to go personally and do a good job, by the way, find an opportunity to get rid of Surya in the Plaguelands. Ya.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Surya would bring Qiao Sha.

Then a charming stunner followed a group of big men, which looked extremely inappropriate.

She was the only woman, and even Miss Lilith was forced to stay at home by the Duke’s father in the name of being infected.

How can Surya bear to let her go to such a place to suffer? After all, he tried his best to save her.

Too far apart, before Pei Yue had time to talk to Qiao Sha, the group drove out of the capital. Qiao Sha riding a red horse and wearing a black cloak was surrounded by him.

It doesn’t seem to be very happy.


More than unhappy.

To be honest, Qiao Sha has never experienced such suffering. She was riding a horse for two consecutive days and one night. She did not rest at night. She only occasionally stopped to drink some water and eat some dry food. She was no longer able to do it the next morning. I couldn’t sit still because my legs were rubbed by horses.

Even if 101 made an exception for her “pain elimination” mode, she was still exhausted to the point of collapse.

Finally, she broke out completely after almost falling from a horse.

She was held in danger by Surya, and most of her cloak fell into the mud. She was exhausted and covered with dust and sweat. She exploded and pushed Surya away, letting herself fall into the mud.

“Mrs. Qiao Sha!” The godfather and others hurriedly dismounted to pull her.

Surya had already picked her up from the mud.

Qiao Sha struggled in his arms and lost her temper: “Are you satisfied with Surya? Are you happy to punish me and torture me like this?”

She took off the ring of thorns from her finger, and threw it on his face, the ring fell into the mud, “Take your ring! You forced me to be the chosen one, and you are on your own terms to save me! Now you come again punish me!”

She wanted Surya to know her pain, she didn’t believe how well he felt at the moment.

She asked Surya to let her go, but he kept holding her silently, and she angrily took a bite on his shoulder, bleeding from the bite.

Everyone was silent. In fact, several men in their party, including the godfather, felt that it was too cruel to take Qiao Sha to the Plaguelands.

This kind of distance and such conditions made them exhausted, not to mention Qiao Sha, who doesn’t often ride horses.

They rushed to the place of death with the belief that there is no return, but Qiao Sha is only a girl of seventeen or eighteen. She hasn’t even enjoyed the privilege and glory brought to her by the divine power for a few days. She has no responsibility to come. here.

Surya didn’t even wrinkle her eyebrows. She hugged her on his horse, turned on her horse and hugged her full of mud tightly, and said, “Hurry up, it’s almost there.”

Everyone continued to walk in silence.

Qiao Sha cried in his arms for a while, and gradually calmed down.

He looked down at the person in his arms, she fell asleep, the mud on her pale face had dried a little, and she was exhausted, which was too tormenting for her.

But he must take her there. Only by making her the **** who eliminates the plague and saves the people of the empire can he let her go and leave her with peace of mind.

He knew very well that he was already in the mud and couldn’t leave her alone. Only by letting all the glory go to her and letting her become the “hero” of the empire who would not be bullied by anyone could he redeem himself, leave her, and accept him. His punishment, to pay for his sins.

He gently wiped off the mud on her face, wrapped her under his cloak, and drove her pain away with divine power, and ran to the land of death.

It was very comfortable, the cool and soft feeling filled Qiao Sha’s exhausted body, driving away all her discomforts.

She slept very peacefully, and even vaguely felt that someone was playing with her, and she did not wake up.


When she woke up again, she found herself lying in a simple but clean house, all the pain and exhaustion on her body disappeared, and she even changed her clothes.

She sat up in surprise and saw that she was wearing a clean skirt and the mud on her face was washed away.

Someone seemed to shower her, change her clothes, and apply medicine.

There was a cold ointment sensation on her thigh.

On the finger, the ring of thorns that she had lost was put on her finger again, like a bound object.

Where is this place? Who gave her a bath? Where is Surya?

“You have arrived at Pearl County.” Before 101 could answer her, the door was pushed open.

A thin girl with freckles walked in, looking like a fourteenth five-year-old, with a basket in her hand and curly yellow hair. Seeing her smile brilliantly, “You woke up madam.”

who is she?

“The person who will take a shower and change clothes for you.” 101 said, “It’s called Belle.”

Belle smiled and put down the basket in her hand, and took out the bread, berries, potatoes and milk from it. “You must be starving. These are all fresh. You can eat some.”

“Thank you.” Qiao Sha sat on the bed and asked her politely: “Where are the people who came with me?”

“Are you talking about Lord Surya and other theologians?” Belle’s eyes were bright, “They went to visit someone who was sick.” She looked forward to: “Madam, they are the handsomest I have ever seen. , The greatest person, we are very grateful to you and those adults for coming here and saving us.”

Qiao Sha was embarrassed, she didn’t come to rescue them, she was dragged in.

Belle is a talkative girl. She talked a lot with her vigorously. She said that Lord Surya brought Qiao Sha here, fetched and boiled water, and asked her to bathe and get on Qiao Sha. Medicine, change clothes.

Lord Surya is the most gentle and considerate person she has ever met. You must know that water is very, very precious here. They usually bathe in the river, but Lord Surya said that Mrs. Qiaosha is not used to bathing in river water. She would get sick, personally ran a long, long way, fetched water in the mountains, and heated up troublesomely, before giving her a bath.

This is simply too extravagant, they only boil the water when they cook.

While spreading bread for Qiao Sha, she said, “Originally, Master Surya was here to guard you, but another master named Moon came to the town to gather the sick people in the holy church and burn them to death… …” She frowned, “Master Surya rushed over to save them. I hope the Holy Spirit can help them to survive…”

She handed the bread to Qiao Sha and said enviously: “Siriya is your husband, right? He is so gentle and so good to you.”

Qiao Sha took the bread and smiled. Surya didn’t tell the people here, is she the stepmother of Surya? They thought she was Surya’s wife?

“No, I’m not his wife.” Qiao Sha took a bite of the bread, it was so hard, she chewed hard, and said to Belle: “I am his stepmother.”

She saw Belle’s shocked and embarrassed face. After all, in Belle’s young heart, how could her stepson be so gentle and considerate to her stepmother and even fetch her a bath? And she’s such a young and beautiful stepmother…

“I’m sorry…” Belle hurriedly apologized to her.

“Don’t be sorry.” Qiao Sha chewed her cheeks sour, and reached out to touch Belle’s head and said: “I am his stepmother in name, but he thinks of me as his wife in his heart.”

Belle’s mouth grew in surprise, the Holy Spirit of Light… Is this okay?

101 Helpless: “Host, you are corrupting the reputation of the Holy Spirit of Light.”

She wants it, doesn’t he think so in his heart?

The bread was so hard, she only ate two bites, barely used potatoes to cushion her belly, and stopped eating.

Belle carefully collected the bread and said that she could continue to eat it next time.

Qiao Sha looked at her greedy little expression and handed her the bread to eat.

Belle waved her hand hurriedly and said, “The bread is for the adults who come to save us. I just eat potatoes.”

Qiao Sha realized that this hard bread, which was unpalatable to her, was the best food for Belle and the others.

Qiao Sha broke a piece and handed it to her, “Just as I gave it to you, let’s eat it together.”

After all, Belle took it greedy, thanked her, and thanked Surya, and talked a lot about Pearl County with Qiao Sha.

Under the plague, Pearl County was completely sealed off, and it was not allowed to go out. Only the infected patients who kept coming in and the replacement mails were sent in regularly.

Re-mailing is very precious because it is always not timely.

This is like a closed place of death. The empire had already abandoned the people here, waiting for them to become infected and die, or burned to death.

Belle is an aboriginal resident here, and there is no safe person who has been infected.

Her father was infected and died, and her mother and three-year-old brother had just been infected and were isolated in the holy church.

She prayed every day that the Holy Spirit of Light could come to save her mother and brother.

Then Surya and the theologian came.

Belle’s eyes glowed and said: “You and Lord Surya must have been sent by the Holy Spirit to save us, and I will take good care of you and Lord Surya.”

Qiao Sha touched her face and said honestly: “The Holy Spirit of Light has come to save you, and he will definitely be able to save you.”

The sky was dark outside.

Qiao Sha asked Belle if she could take her to Surya, and Belle immediately agreed.

“Master Surya ordered. If you wake up, if you don’t feel unwell, go to them.” Belle took out a few things from the closet and put them on hand. “This is what Master Surya left. You must wear it when you go out.”

It was a white robe, white gloves, and a simple mask—a piece of white cloth.

Belle also has a set, which was just sent by Surya. Belle said that Surya had sent a set of this to everyone and told everyone to wear it when going out.

It seems that Surya has already understood the plague and is trying to protect it.

Before Qiao Sha put on all the equipment, he heard footsteps outside.

She vaguely saw someone outside the window.

Belle rushed over and opened the door, and said joyfully: “It’s Lord Surya! They are back!”

Qiao Sha went through the open door and saw Surya outside. He was wearing a white robe and was taking off his white gloves and putting them in the basket at the door.

He heard the voice, raised his head and looked at her, his face covered with white cloth, the gray eyes were very beautiful.

He did not come in directly, but took off the equipment and his robe outside the door, washed his hands and walked in.

The others also returned to their rooms one by one.

Belle hurriedly asked him whether her mother and brother didn’t need to be burned to death?

Surya had a rare smile, lowered her head and said to her: “No, we will heal them.”

Belle’s eyes turned red immediately, thanked him hurriedly, and hurriedly said: “I will prepare dinner for you and other adults!” She ran out quickly, like a small deer.

Surya watched her leave and slowly closed the door.

It was getting late and the room was dim.

Surya lit the kerosene lamp to illuminate the dim room and Qiao Sha’s face. She was sitting on the bed, wearing a coarse cloth dress, her face looked better.

“Is it better?” Surya poured a glass of water and asked her.

She sat there watching him without speaking.

Surya handed her the water and said, “This is clean spring water. I have boiled it.”

She didn’t answer, but slightly lowered her head to hold Surya’s hand, sipping the water from the bowl in small sips.

Like a lamb.

Surya looked down at her, she raised her head again and licked the water on her lips, and answered his first question: “It’s not good, it’s not good at all.”

She put her arms on both sides, leaned back slightly, raised her legs and put them on the stool next to Surya, and said to him: “The place where the medicine is applied is very painful. You blow for me.”

She bends her legs and the skirt slips off her knees.

Under the faint yellow light, her skin showed warm light, thin and delicate, and Surya’s drooping eyes could see the mark of her riding a horse-red legs.

“Can’t you cure my pain with divine power?” Qiao Sha deliberately seduced and made things difficult for him and said: “Suria, you promised Beth to protect me as much as possible. Are you torturing me like this now? “

Torture her.

Surya looked down at her, bent down to recover her skirt, held her knees through the rough fabric, and said helplessly: “You also have the ability to heal yourself now.” (Gai went back to the auditor. .)

He gave her the ring, and as long as she turned the ring, the pain could be eliminated.

Qiao Sha casually threw the ring on the bed again, “It’s gone now. I need God to blow for me, and Surya kisses my wound.”

The lights were dazzling.

Surya stared at her, she blatantly seduced, so why is she torturing him?

“Qiao Sha.” He pressed the knee that she was about to lift, and said in a soft and gentle voice, “No.”

Qiao Sha’s heart shook with the light, and Surya at this moment was really heartwarming. The more he said no, the more she was heartbroken.

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