Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 28 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Is it already dark outside?

Qiao Sha sat on the blanket on the bed and looked at the only slightly shiny iron door and small window in the big jail. She fell asleep and felt like a lamp was lit outside.

Is it night?

“Yes, host.” 101 replied to her: “It’s already past nine o’clock in the evening.” She slept for the whole day.

Now her bed has not only cushions, blankets, but also pillows.

The reason is that she said that she could not sleep well without a pillow.

So 101 can only add an extra pillow from the novice package.

Her lunch and dinner were placed under the iron gate, and the prison guards passed in directly through the small window on the iron gate, and regardless of whether she had eaten or not, they only delivered food as required.

Qiao Sha got out of bed and took a look. It was probably some milk, bread, beef, and some beans.

It seems that there is no appetite.

“It’s boring.” Qiao Sha sat back on the bed again, “I wish I had a cell phone.”

101: “…If you have a cell phone, you have no signal.”

“Is Surya accepted to be engaged to Beth?” Qiao Sha bored out the small mirror and asked 101 towards the mirror.

101 appeared in the mirror very cooperatively and replied: “Sorry for the host, I don’t have the authority to monitor the development of the plot of the hero and the hero. Only when the plot deviates from the original text, I will receive an information prompt.” It can only tell her: ” For the time being, I haven’t received any hints to deviate from the original plot.”

This does not mean that Surya has either agreed to the engagement or is still dealing with it.

Qiao Sha looked into the mirror and thought for a while. Pei Yue didn’t appear for a while, indicating that he couldn’t get out of his body and couldn’t release his hand to find her.

What would make him unable to get away?

Princess Beth announced that she had been engaged to Surya, she called the throne and power in Surya’s hands, and used him to balance Pei Yue.

Perhaps there is a bloodbath outside, fighting for power.

These are the climax plots of the hero and heroine, Surya’s counterattack, the growth of the princess, and the hero and heroine fighting side by side.

Qiao Sha himself made up the wonderful plot from the male and female perspectives of the original text, which was not too satisfying, and asked 101: “Can I look at the original male and female perspectives? Do you have it?”

Isn’t it a violation of the original text?

“Forget it.” 101 quickly said to her calmly in the mirror: “You only have permission to view the original text from the perspective of “Qiao Sha”.”

Qiao Sha buckled it on the bed with a “pop”, after thinking about it, she flicked it with her hand, and fell to the floor with a “bang”.

The old dirt and dust on the ground gave 101 a very disgusting visual impact. It was a bit funny, and her temper was getting worse and worse recently.

It just wanted to say something, when it heard the host yell in surprise: “Yves!”

The divine envoy appeared in the dim cell, and returned to a priest’s suit with long black hair that was held on her back.

“Why did you come here?” Qiao Sha liked him so much, she knelt down on the blanket and opened her arms towards him.

Yves couldn’t refuse her hug. He stepped forward and hugged her tenderly. She shrank in his arms like a bird and hugged him. This small cell was cramped and damp, full of stench. She was sitting clean. In my blanket, it doesn’t fit here.

She shouldn’t have suffered here.

Yves waved his sleeves gently, and a huge green blanket fell on the unsullied ground. The scent of grass and flowers appeared in his sleeves, making the dirty cell fresh and good. Smells.

Like in the garden.

Qiao Sha looked up at him, “I thought you would accompany your god, is he okay? Is he okay outside now? Where is Beth? How is she?”

Yves can’t even be jealous, how can he eat the jealousy of the Holy Spirit, it is a defilement to God, and God has no selfish desires.

God will redeem all those who pray to him.

Even if she has lusts for God, it will be fruitless after all.

“Are you okay?” Yves gently touched her face. She chose to commit the crime for Surya. Is she doing this for Surya because she loves him?

“I’m not good.” Qiao Sha said to him pitifully, “It’s very dirty and smelly here. I’m afraid that I can’t even eat food, but I don’t regret it.”

Yves looked at her and listened to her saying: “Yves, Surya killed his father for me and ended my hell. He saved me and I am willing to die for him.”

“Are you willing to die for him?” Eve was heartbroken in her eyes, her love was always so passionate, so full and hot.

“Yes, I’m willing.” Qiao Sha said without hesitation, she hugged Yves tightly and pressed her face to his heart, and said tenderly: “I’m sorry, I think I fell in love with him, even if I know him. It’s my stepson, and my love may not be tolerable to him… I only tell you these words, Yves, I fell in love with him uncontrollably, and no one broke my shackles like him. I am completely redeemed.”

She was intoxicated by weaving the lie that she fell in love with Surya, and she wanted the whole world to think that she fell in love with Surya and was willing to die for him.

These words will eventually reach Surya’s ears.

Yves gently stroked her hair and the back of her neck, as if stroking his “little daughter”. He thanked her for being so honest with him and treating him as the closest person.

Even if it is not a lover.

Even if he is heartbroken for her at the moment.

He also had to admit that it was not her fault to fall in love with Surya. When Surya shot and killed his father, Yves knew that maybe he had lost.

What he did for her was only a little protection, and Surya did indeed save her.

However, did she know that Surya is the transforming **** of the Holy Spirit of Light, and she will never be able to get a god?

She is doomed to be injured.

“Qiao Sha.” He held up her face and told her in a low voice after all: “Do you know who Surya is? He is… the **** of light.”

He knew that he could not reveal the identity of God, but let him violate the Holy God once for his beloved girl.

“God can’t have it alone by love.” Yves was afraid to see her heartbroken expression, and gently stroked her cheek with his fingers, his voice was so gentle: “Perhaps you think Surya will fall in love with you now. , That’s because he has not fully recovered his sanity…His sanity is gradually recovering, and soon, he will become a **** without selfish desires, and he will not give you any response by then, Qiao Sha.”

Qiao Sha stared at him blankly. She was frightened and asked him dumbly, “Really?”

His heart is sour for her.

He nodded slightly to her, “I never lied to you, did I?”

She seemed convinced, tears slid down her eyes.

“No, Qiao Sha…” He panicked over her tears, “Don’t cry…”

She was so sad that she broke free of his hand, and leaned under the blanket and started crying, her words still choked with her crying: “But I love Yves… Even if I know that there is no result, I can’t help it. Love him…”

Why didn’t Yves understand that, just as his love for her could not be taken back, she was heartbroken for Surya, and at this moment he was heartbroken for her.

Yves leaned down and hugged her from behind, “I understand, I understand Qiao Sha… How can I make you feel better?”

“Hold me.” Qiao Sha’s muffled voice came from the blanket, wrapped in wet tears: “Let me cry in your arms for a while, okay Yves?”

How could he reject her.

Yves lay sideways next to her, circled her into his arms, stroked her back one after another, she cried and buried him in his chest, tears soaking his clothes.

If he can, if he can’t become her lover in the next life, he hopes to be her father, protect her, and give her enough love.

“Yves…” She raised her red eyes to look at him, “Why did God come to the world? Become Surya?”

Does she still believe it?

Yves told her softly that because of the plague that raged across the empire decades ago, that plague killed almost half of the people in the empire. The corpses were everywhere, and the newborn baby was also infected with the plague of rotting skin.

And the old majesty listened to the old pope at that time, thinking that this was the punishment of the Holy Spirit of Light, and all the infected people were burned in the holy church.

The old pope controlled the plague by burning all the infected and became the supreme pope in the hearts of the people of the empire.

But the plague has not been completely eliminated, it may break out again at any time.

So the Holy Spirit separates his transforming gods and comes to the world to save those innocent people.

He told Qiao Sha that the plague had recovered again in the past few years. Many people had died in the remote villages outside the imperial capital. It was just that the Pope’s old tricks immediately burned the infected people and blocked news of the plague.

The destruction of the empire is more than just the pope seeking power.

Qiao Sha was shocked when he heard this. Is this the Black Death of ancient Europe? ? ?

As long as the infection is dead, and not to mention the medical conditions at this time, the sanitary conditions are very poor.

“Don’t be afraid.” Yves lowered his head and kissed her forehead, trying to comfort her: “God will be with you.”

“I’m afraid of Yves.” Qiao Sha wrapped his neck and kissed his lips as if seeking comfort.

This time, he didn’t hesitate to hold up her face and kiss her.

He was already very comfortable, tasting her soft lips and sweet tongue, her fine breathing sounded like a hallucinatory tingling…

He wants her…

She pulled his priest’s robes away warmly… (Good auditor, there is no follow-up)

He hugged her tighter, but suddenly heard a “bell ringing”, passed into his ears from a distant place, and suddenly dispelled all his dreams in his mind.

He grabbed Qiao Sha’s hand and straightened up abruptly, it was God who was calling him.

Qiao Sha looked at him in his arms, and her interest suddenly disappeared, “Are you going to leave? Is your **** calling you?”

Yves lowered his eyes to look at her, and stretched out his hand to gently comb her messy hair neatly. There was an urgent thought in his heart: stay for her.

But the bell tormented him.

“Go.” Qiao Sha stroked his face: “I said I didn’t want you to suffer.”

She got up from his arms, did not hold him, and did not look at him again.

Yves finally left.

“Since you don’t like him, why do you want to…” 101 sighed helplessly, “You don’t like divine envoys, do you?”

Qiao Sha sorted out her clothes, picked up the mirror from the ground, took a look at herself in the mirror, and admitted unabashedly: “I like that everyone is fascinated by me. Is there any problem with this?”

101 was blocked by her, “No.”

Qiao Sha slept again, half-dreaming and half-waking, she vaguely knew that Yves was back again, but she did not open her eyes and went on to sleep.

He sat beside her bed, quietly guarding her to sleep, without waking her up.

Yves no longer had the indifference and alienation he had when he first saw him, the sense of distance from God, he poured all his tenderness on her.

But he didn’t know that for Qiao Sha, gentleness was everywhere, and he was not ready to betray his god.


When she woke up again, Qiao Sha was awakened by the sound of the “bang” opening the door outside.

The door of her cell was pushed open, and a female prison guard walked in, holding the shackles in her hands.

“It’s time to wake up.” The prison guard came over with the shackles and put her feet and gloves on her, while muttering: “Poor woman, the whole empire knows about your murder of your husband. Everyone is on the gallows. Waiting for you next.”


Qiao Sha didn’t know what was going on outside, and she didn’t struggle, she obediently put on the shackles, and followed the prison guard out of the cell.

The air and noise from outside hit her face, and she was blindfolded.

She was supported by prison guards along the way, and when her blindfold was taken off, she was already standing on the gallows.

The sky was gloomy and the sun was dim.

Under the clouds, she saw the dense crowds of people under the gallows, people from all directions gathered here, pushing and shouting, to watch her being strangled.

She heard all kinds of voices, some were marveling at her beauty, some were cursing her as a beautiful viper who even dared to murder her husband…

Some women who recognized her were sighing and praying for her, but whoever knew her, who knew Fu Ya’s evil deeds? Who didn’t know that Qiao Sha was just a poor slave woman.

But no matter how many women pity her, it is useless, they have no right to speak.

The prison guard sighed to her in a low voice: “May the Holy Spirit of Light bless you.”

The Holy Spirit of Light.

Qiao Sha raised her head and looked at the sentencing table, which was directly opposite the gallows. It was like a VIP table where high-ranking officials would pronounce the sentence before strangling the criminal.

Now, Beth and Pei Yue are all sitting there.

Beth was wearing a platinum queen dress, her father’s crown on her head, her childish face no longer had a smile on her face, she looked straight at Qiao Sha.

But Pei Yue was still wearing the first-class service than the Pope, sitting next to Beth, looking at Qiao Sha on the gallows, turning the ring on his thumb with a gloomy expression.

Pei Yue hasn’t waited to inherit the pope? That means Beth successfully used Surya to counter him.

But what about Surya?

Qiao Sha didn’t see Surya, didn’t Surya be engaged to Beth?

What is the situation now?


What’s happening?

Pei Yue stared at Qiao Sha on the strangulation stage, her slightly squinted eyes, delicate face, and no trace of fear, did she know that she was about to be strangled?

He didn’t want to push her to the strangulation platform, but unfortunately she was the weakness of Beth and Surya. Beth dared to use Surya’s engagement to join him, and insisted that the old majesty did not make him the pope.

He could have taken control of Beth, made her a puppet on the throne, obediently listened to him, made him the pope, and he could let her continue to enjoy everything in the palace.

But she actually used Surya to counter him!

When he rushed to the palace, she was in front of all the ministers and announced that she had a marriage contract with Surya after the ball, and the old majesty also handed the scepter to Surya.

He couldn’t move Surya, and had a stalemate with the ministers who supported Beth and Surya for two full days, and still hadn’t waited for the pope.

He can only use strangulation of Qiao Sha to force Beth and Surya to retreat. He only needs to be the pope.

To make him the pope, he released Qiao Sha.

But he did not expect that Surya did not favor her, and Surya asked the ministers to try her fairly and fairly.

What does Surya mean? Isn’t he coveting this charming stepmother? Does it matter to Surya to strangle her?

Pei Yue glanced at Bess sideways. Her pretended calm face had no flaws, but her fingers holding onto the handrails turned white. “You must be very reluctant to strangle your only friend.” He whispered to Bei. Si said, “Where’s your fiancé Surya? He can’t bear to see his stepmother being strangled and hiding?”

Beth shuddered and said nothing.

Very good.

Pei Yue gritted her teeth and looked at the gallows again, then strang her!

The minister in charge of the trial of Qiao Sha appeared in front of Beth, and after saluting her, began to read her crimes-shot her husband, Earl Fuya, by gun in the Holy Church, and was hanged in accordance with the law.

He had just finished reading, and the crowd at the strangulation stage suddenly became agitated.

Someone asked aloud: “If the husband is shot and hanged, how about the murder of two wives!”

Qiao Sha on the gallows looked at the crowd in surprise. Among the crowd, Luna and David pushed the shouting people in the wheelchair, crowded out the crowd, and squeezed directly under the gallows.

It’s Hill.

His face was still pale, but his eyes were shining while looking at her, it was anger, courage, and unconditional love for her.

Soon many people recognized him, Earl Fuya’s youngest son, Viscount Hill.

Hill faced the minister who had pronounced the sentence and said loudly, “My lord, please answer me. My father, Earl Fu Ya, murdered two wives-Ava, daughter of his first wife, Duke, and second wife, my mother. Sisyph! What crime should be committed?”

The minister on the sentencing stage looked at Princess Beth in shock and hurriedly. A soldier walked towards Hill, trying to stop him.

Beth immediately stood up, walked to the side of the stage and said to the soldiers under the stage: “Let him make it clear.” Then he said to Hill, “You must be sentenced to slander the earl. You have to make it clear, Viscount Hill.”

“I swear in the name of the Holy Spirit of Light, I have not said a lie!” Hill raised his hand to swear, and said: “I will sort out the evidence of Fu Ya’s murder of two wives. The butler of the Earls Court David and Luna can testify.”

He vented all his anger: “Earl Fu Ya not only murdered two wives, he also tried to torture his third wife, Qiao Sha, and dedicated her to Master Pei Yue who is sitting on it! Many people present. Can testify!”

Some of the onlookers began to respond to Hill, and they did see Mrs. Qiaosha being taken away from the Earl’s Manor.

“Your Majesty.” Hill called Beth as His Majesty. He pointed to his injured arm and said: “My father, after I learned of his crimes of killing my mother, shot twice in the holy church. Killing me, it was my stepmother Qiao Sha who shot and killed him, and I survived! These Luna who were present, and the nun Ms. Irwin of the Holy Church can all testify!”

The crowd onlookers sounded shocked and hissed. They were shocked. Did the earl even kill his own son?

Compared to killing two wives, killing a son shocked and angered them even more. They couldn’t believe that there would be a father cruel enough to kill their own son.

“Your Majesty! Honest Lord!” Hill looked at the minister who had pronounced the sentence. “A woman shoots a sinner who has murdered two wives in order to save her stepson. What’s the guilty of murdering her son! If she should also be hanged , Are there any innocent people in this world!”

What a passionate question, many people in the crowd were shocked by him and responded to him.

Qiao Sha listened and felt all her eyes on the gallows. In their eyes, her image was repeatedly reversed—a beautiful poisonous woman, a tortured wife, a stepmother who gave up her life to save her stepson…

She lifted her pretty face gently, listening to Luna and David testifying for her, listening to Hill clean up her charges and make all her father’s crimes public.

Yes, he is dead and uneasy, his son will nail him to the sinner’s frame and let people curse him over and over again.

And she, waiting for Surya, waiting for God to do something for her.

“She is also a chosen one with divine power!” Hill said again: “If it weren’t for divine power, she wouldn’t have saved me from my father’s gun! God gave her the power to fight sin, and she shot a sinner. Wrong?”

Oh, this is all coming out. The Chosen in this world is more effective than any evidence. This empire obsessively believes in the Holy Spirit of Light, and even the plague believes that it is the punishment of the Holy Spirit. Who dares to say that the Holy Spirit of Light selected Is the attendant, the one who bestows her supernatural power, a wicked person?

No one dared to doubt so.

So some people screamed and questioned, “Is she really the chosen one? What about her supernatural power? Why didn’t she resist in the past? Don’t resist now?”

Outside the crowd, the godfather of the seminary who originally prayed for Qiao Sha, immediately wanted to prove for Qiao Sha that she did possess divine power, and he could prove it.

But before he shouted, someone pushed aside the crowd.

No, it was the Holy Light that pushed aside the crowd. The white light followed a person into the crowd, and the crowd automatically retreated to the sides in the white light, giving way to the crowd.

All the clamors were quiet in the white light, and everyone saw the handsome boy in the white light, Surya, who was the most powerful pick, Princess Beth’s fiance Surya!

Surya walked towards the gallows. He came to Qiao Sha and told his first lie: “I can prove it for her.”

He looked at Qiao Sha, slowly took off the thorny ring on his finger, gently put it on Qiao Sha’s finger, and told his second lie: “She gave this ring back to me. After returning it to me, I have supernatural power.”

The ring gleamed slightly on Qiao Sha’s hand, her shackles peeled off automatically in the white light, and “dingdang” fell to the ground.

Qiao Sha looked at Surya, he seemed to be even more charming, his hair was almost white in the sun, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

He lied a third lie: “My supernatural power comes from her.”

Qiao Sha raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes to look at Surya.

There was a tidal sound from the audience, and many people knelt down to meet the holy light.

Qiao Sha gently stroked the thorny ring on her finger, and the full breath encircled her.

—My supernatural power comes from her.

What a touching confession, what an intoxicating, God’s favor and protection.

She heard a beautiful system tone—[male host hatred value 10080].

Oh, poor Surya, lied to his followers for her, his sin tormented him.


Beth on the sentencing stage, clutching the handrails, heaved a sigh of relief: Surya’s plan was successful! It is better to convict Qiao Sha and purge her, than to rescue her from the prison secretly and let her be charged with murder for the rest of her life.

She didn’t expect that Surya could ask Hill to help Qiao Sha!

That’s great, great! Just let Qiao Sha’s crime be pardoned on the day of sentencing!

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