Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 26 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Qiao Sha was rescued from the pope’s white palace without any difficulty. She didn’t even see how to leave. She was covered in a **** cloak, her face and eyes were only close to Yves’s breasts.

She was held firmly in her arms by Yves and could see nothing. She could only hear Yves’s heartbeat and Hill’s wheelchair, without a trace of human voices, and no obstruction.

This is the reason why Hill was able to enter the White Palace smoothly. Yves still used supernatural powers? Otherwise, how could it be unimpeded, without anyone blocking it.

Will he be punished?

Qiao Sha curled up on his chest, feeling that she was wrapped in a powerful gentleness. She raised her head and saw Yves’s chin and black hair through the gap in the cloak.

In a sense, Yves truly became her godfather.

He forgave her, pampered her, taught her, tried to redeem her.

But she is destined to be a vicious stepmother who cannot be redeemed, and she is not even a female partner.

She wrapped Yves’ arms and put her face on his chest. He lowered his eyes to look at her, and whispered to her: “Don’t be afraid, you will be free soon.”

No, he doesn’t understand. Freedom is not about escaping from this white palace, nor is it about sending her to a carriage and fleeing the city.

Freedom is not that simple.

Yves stopped and she was put in a carriage.


She heard Luna’s voice, and the cloak opened and she saw Luna with tears on her face. She was sitting in the carriage and cried when she saw her.

Luna packed a box of money and jewelry for her, and there were a lot of dry food and clothes in the carriage.

Hill and Yves drove a carriage outside and ran wildly through the night.

In the carriage, Luna quickly told her the ins and outs. It turned out that not long after she was taken away, Hill told Fu Ya that the Pope wanted Surya’s heart and encouraged Fu Ya to use this. Deal with the Pope and save her.

Fu Ya quickly went to the old pope, and Yves appeared at this time. He said he could help Hill save Qiao Sha.

Hill and Yves took advantage of Fu Ya and the old pope to enter the palace, came to rescue her, and let Luna pack her bags, planning to let Qiao Sha take her bags to escape to a farther village to take shelter.

There is already a chaos in the palace, Pei Yue can’t take care of her for the time being.

Qiao Sha listened to Luna’s words, and immediately pushed open the window of the carriage behind her. In the dark night, she saw it at a glance. The flames of half of the sky were reflected in the east, and the street was full of panic people.

That was the direction of the palace, and the fire seemed to engulf the entire palace.

This was Beth’s dream, the fire, the old pope forced the palace, the empire fell…the god-like youth saved her and the empire.

The sound of people and horses panicking all around, intertwined under the firelight cave sky.

Qiao Sha looked at the palace fallen into the fire, and the flames reflected the dark night with a magnificent magnificence, and she gave birth to a sense of [destiny].

Entrapped in fate, no one can be free.

But maybe she is different, as long as she is not willing to stay here for anyone, this is just a task for her.

She closed the car window.

The carriage quickly drove out of the capital, and the surroundings gradually became quiet.

Qiao Sha didn’t know where they were going until the carriage stopped and the door was opened.

She heard the bell outside.

“Get out of the carriage first.” Yves reached out and hugged her out of the carriage.

The surroundings seem to be sparsely grassed, and the rugged stone path leads to a seemingly small and old holy church.

The carriage stopped at the door of the church, and the air smelled of dampness.

“This is the closest to the pier.” Hill said to her, “The ship has one hour to arrive ashore. Please wait here and wait until the ship has landed before sending you over. You take the boat and let Luna follow you. She Will take care of everything on your journey.”

Hill’s eyes were always red and the wind was blowing.

Qiao Sha knew that he had done everything he could to help her escape, and he seemed to have matured a lot this night.

The door of the chapel opened, and there was a lady with gray hair standing inside. She saw Yves, and her cloudy eyes suddenly glowed: “Oh Yves! It’s really you! The Holy Spirit of Light is here. On, it turns out that those are not dreams…”

Yves stepped forward and hugged her, “No, Ivan, I did entrust a dream to you, saying that I would take a friend of mine to hide here for a while.” He looked back at Qiao Sha, extended his hand to her, and introduced Said: “This is my former playmate. We used to grow up here together. Later I became an envoy. She has stayed in this holy church. Now she is the only one here. You can hide here temporarily.”

Qiao Sha stepped forward and saluteed politely. Before she could speak, suddenly a thunderous sound came from the distant sky—a “rumbling” shaking the ground.

Everyone was startled, countless white pigeons suddenly flew up from every corner and headed in a certain direction.

The bell rang suddenly, not a holy church bell rang, but all the holy church bells near and far rang together at this moment.

“Om -” shook the entire city.

“Om–” Even the bell of the holy church where no one rings the bell in front of them rang.

Aiwen hurriedly turned his head back in fright, and saw that under the pointed roof, no one struck the old clock, and shook himself.

“Om—-” The bell sounded, the flying dove, the holy light suddenly cut through the night sky, completely suppressing the flames on the horizon.

Suddenly the clouds were overcast, and the heavy rain fell without warning.

“What’s going on?” Hill was soaked.

Aiwen looked at the holy light, knelt down with his dress, and muttered devoutly: “The Holy God of Light, the Holy God of Light has come again to save the suffering…”

Of course Qiao Sha knew that this was Surya’s miracle, and his miracle resounded through the sky, and he saved his princess.

She looked at Yves, who tightened her brows and looked at the holy light in the sky, and pulled her under the eaves of the door in the heavy rain.

“I have to leave.” Yves said to her: “The Holy Spirit of Light appears, and I must appear next to him.” He lowered his head and kissed the back of Qiao Sha’s hand, “Please forgive me for not being able to continue to accompany you.”

She knew that this was his mission.

“You go.” Qiao Sha looked at him tenderly, and he was also looking at her, his sight gave birth to countless love in the heavy rain.

Qiao Sha suddenly reached out and hugged his neck, and kissed his lips on her tiptoes. She was caught in the heavy rain.

But so what, the kiss moved Yves and hugged her tightly, accepted and deepened the kiss with her face.

The fragrance of green grass on his lips.

The kiss in the heavy rain was hot and uncontrollable, and Yves was left alone, almost forgetting everything.

He hugged her, finally put her in the porch, let go of her, he looked at the small face in his palm with uneven breathing, and infinite tenderness poured into his heart, “I will be back soon… you can always Call me, whenever and wherever I will be by your side.” In his heart, she was the only person who allowed him to follow willingly besides the Holy Spirit of Light.

“Thank you Yves.” Qiao Sha let go. She didn’t see Hill who was soaking in the rain. He looked at her with such a broken expression, like an abandoned wet puppy.

He has now lost all the sharpness and violence. He stared at Qiao Sha, only expecting her to come over to him occasionally, hug him, and look at him.

He missed the days when his father was still sober, and she was still in the manor, only him.

But now, she is loved and hated by too many people, and he is just one of the men who cannot protect her.

He no longer wanted to show a slight temper to Qiao Sha, even if he was really heartbroken for her again and again, but in the end he was not qualified to own her.

If he is like Pei Yue, like a divine envoy, like Surya has enough ability to possess her to protect her, then he can be jealous for her and go crazy.

He sat quietly, waiting for Yves to leave, holding an umbrella for her, and taking her into the church for shelter.

This small holy church is only a little bigger than the prayer hall, with rows of old wooden chairs. In the center is a huge statue of a bright holy god. The statue has long been mottled, but it is still solemn.

A few of them stayed in the prayer hall.

She was getting wet, and he couldn’t take care of himself, so he arranged hot water to drive her away from the cold, and let Luna change her clothes out.

He was still sitting wet in the wheelchair, watching her change her skirt and come out. She changed to the dress of an ordinary village woman. It was Luna’s skirt. The smoggy gray cotton and linen dress was decorated with a circle of white pieces on the neckline. Flower, she can’t wear such a high profile if she wants to escape.

But this ordinary dress was still so beautiful that she wore, she walked over with her loose black hair, like an angel in the forest.

As long as he looked at her, he was willing to offer everything to her.

His nose stretched out his hand to her: “Hug me again.”

Qiao Sha did not hold his hand. She looked at the doorway beyond the rain curtain. The door of the prayer hall was still open, and the door outside was closed, but because it was old, there was a big gap in the middle, which could be faint. Saw the movement outside the door.

“Why can’t you see the carriage outside?” Qiao Sha looked left and right. The carriage was originally at the front door and could be seen through the gap. “Did the horse run?”

“How come?” Hill looked back and saw.

“I’ll take a look.” Luna didn’t take the umbrella, and ran quickly into the heavy rain to open the gate.

“That horse is the best horse my father has trained, and I will never run away without authorization.” Hill said again.

Qiao Sha frowned, “Is the horse from the Earl’s Manor?”

Hill was taken aback when she was asked, and quickly explained: “It’s too rush to find the horse. You can rest assured that his father is in the palace and he won’t find any more horses.”

Is this what I should worry about? The horse is gone, isn’t that…

The dilapidated door was suddenly knocked open with a “clam”, Luna was knocked to the ground, and a person appeared outside the door in the heavy rain. The rain covered his hair and shirt, and he was holding it in his hand. A horse followed by a carriage.

That carriage is their carriage.

And who else could this person be?

“Father?!!!” Hill stared at the door in shock, “Isn’t he supposed to be…” In the palace?

Stupid as a pig! How can you use the opponent’s horse to escape! This is simply leaving a clear escape route for the other party!

Qiao Sha looked at Luna who had fallen in the heavy rain.

Luna struggled to stop Fu Ya who came in, Qiao Sha hurriedly called out: “No.” She motioned for Luna to leave and left immediately.

Today’s Fu Ya is a mad dog who is driven into a hurry. He will definitely be merciless, don’t stop him, run, run fast.

Luna stopped abruptly, but she failed to get up, and was rushed in by several entourages behind Fu Ya and held her to the ground.

Fu Ya didn’t look at other people from the beginning to the end. He stared at Qiao Sha straightly, walked into the heavy rain, walked in from the door, covered in rain, and pulled out the gun at the door of the prayer hall, “click “He was loaded with a sound.

“Father…” Hill tried to stop him.

He raised his hand with a shot—a “bang”.

Hill screamed and fell into the wheelchair. The blood rushed into his left shoulder. The shot directly pierced his shoulder, almost hitting his heart.

Fu Ya didn’t even stop, he still stared at Qiao Sha, and walked closer to her, holding a dark gun in his hand.

Qiao Sha’s face was pale, as if shocked by the shot, she stood there and dared not move.

“Are you afraid?” Fu Ya asked her in a low voice, “Why are you afraid?”

He stepped on the old floor uncomfortably, and made a dull “boom, boom” sound, “Is it because of your infidelity or infidelity?”

Dedicated to the unchaste woman born in Pei Yue.

The unfaithful woman who seduced his son, betrayed him with his son, and tried to run away from him.

Such a woman should be tied to the gallows to be strangled, or tied to the fire and burned to death.

Qiao Sha slowly backed, backed back, and quickly slammed into the statue of the Holy Spirit of Light, unable to retreat.

The **** Hill suddenly fought hard, fell to the ground and hugged Fu Ya’s feet: “Run! Run Qiao Sha!”

His pale face was mixed with sweat, blood and tears.

Fu Ya finally stopped. He looked down at the biological son who had betrayed him and abducted his wife and eloped. He raised the gun again-with a “bang”, it penetrated his other arm.

Hill’s blood spurted on his feet, and he raised his head to look at his wife again, his once pure little lamb, with a bloodless face at this moment, covered his ears in amazement and pressed tightly. Standing at the feet of the Holy Spirit of Light.

“Let me guess why you are afraid.” Fu Ya raised his hand and stroked his damp hair up, and smiled at her, “Besides being unfaithful, are you still afraid? Join my son and give it to me. Under the crow? Or, you are afraid to entice my son to shoot me.”

He knew everything, and under the guidance of the old pope, he remembered everything.

Qiao Sha watched him walk in and put a gun against her chin.

Liang Bingbing’s muzzle was carrying rain, and he stared at her angrily and cursed those two words: “Sluts!”

These two words made him heartache, and the anger in his eyes was also moist. He looked at this once his favorite little lamb, she was pure and flawless, she was obedient and meek, and she accompanied him during the days and nights of sickness and took care of him… …

He fell in love with her. He almost thought this woman was his last woman, a woman who accompanies her for life, but this woman is so vicious that she deceived him, betrayed him, seduced his son, and gave purity to others without resistance. man!

“Have you ever thought of resisting?” Fu Ya almost collapsed and reached out and grabbed her thin neck, and asked her angrily: “Have you ever resisted under Pei Yue? Answer me!”

Qiao Sha was hurt by his gun.

“Host, you can turn on the protection settings.” 101 reminded her aloud.

Qiao Sha didn’t, just asking it: Do you say that the Holy Spirit of Light can hear every prayer and every voice in his holy church after he regained his sanity?

“Are you still waiting for Surya?” 101 asked her in surprise: “Maybe you can hear it, but…Host, I want to remind you that Surya is with the hostess at this moment, what he has to bear is Saving the empire and the heroine, whichever is the same, may be more important than saving you.”

No, it doesn’t understand, Surya has missed her once for the empire.

Qiao Sha raised his eyes to look at the statue of the Holy Spirit on the sky, and answered Fu Ya gently, “Perhaps you should ask me, what was your first experience, Master Pei Yue is not that good.”

He was instantly irritated, raised his hand and shot it out-with a “bang” to the ceiling above his head.

“Did you let him enjoy you?” Fu Ya went crazy, grabbing her, and using a gun from her chin to her abdomen, and then down, “answer me Qiao Sha, answer me…”

Did God hear it?

Qiao Sha held on to the ankle of the Holy Spirit of Light…


He heard it.

In the ruins of the palace’s extinguished fire, Surya suddenly opened her eyes, and Beth sat on the ground not far away. She was holding a **** sword in her hand. The sword was Shelley’s, and Shelley fell. By her side, protect her with your body…

Opposite her was the old pope who had stopped his breath in a pool of blood.

Surya stood up abruptly, all the rainwater avoided his body, his hair was not even wet, he turned his head to the void: “Come out.”

The figure of the divine envoy in the void emerged. He bowed his head to Surya and knelt down sincerely, “Congratulations, you have recovered [Sanity], Holy God.”

“He said… Qiao Sha was dedicated to Pei Yue.” Surya pointed to the old pope on the ground. Before he died, he was dying to anger him and said that his father put his heart and his stepmother, Dedicated to the Pope…

He said that Pei Yue had already taken Qiao Sha away.

Said his stepmother, tactfully Chenghuan…

“Is it true?” Surya asked Yves.

Yves lowered his head and replied: “Yes, your adoptive father dedicated Mrs. Qiao Sha to Pei Yue. When you came to the palace, she was on the way to the Pope’s White House…”

Before he could finish speaking, Surya suddenly disappeared.

Yves looked up in surprise. Did he… go to Pei Yue’s White House?

In the heavy rain, the princess was holding a **** sword, and the Holy Spirit disappeared out of thin air, in order to save Qiao Sha?

Qiao Sha is in his heart…is it so important?

In Pei Yue’s bedroom, a white light entered, he suddenly appeared in the bathroom, and walked quickly to the beauty’s couch.

There was only one person on the beauty couch, Pei Yue, who was naked, and there was a mess on the floor.

He bent down and picked up the black dress on the ground. This is her dress…

Pei Yuemeng on the beauty couch said: “Hold it…”

An indescribable anger ignited in his heart, towards Pei Yue, Fu Ya, but also towards himself, he left her behind.

He knew that she had been found back to the manor, but he did not look for her.

He thought… she wouldn’t suffer anything. He thought at least Hill, at least his “father” would shelter her like a man. It was his wife how he would humiliate her and his own face…

——”Your adoptive father dedicated Mrs. Qiao Sha to Pei Yue. When you came to the palace, she was on the way to the Pope’s White House…”

Yves’ words rang in his ears over and over.

Intertwined with the words she was crying drunk in the dormitory that night.

——”Surya, because I’m humble, liar, bad-hearted… Doesn’t God give me a little love? But I just want to live, is it my fault? It’s God’s fault, if he is Give me a little equality, how can I be so bad-hearted.”

Dawn outside the window is about to break.

Surya looked at the blood on the broken glass on the ground and felt breathless. What did she experience this night?

Dedicated to another man by her husband and brought back here, how desperate and heartbroken would she be?

Is the blood on the ground hers?

Surya never had a moment, regretting this, she could have not suffered this, as long as he pays more attention to her…

——”The Holy Spirit of Light has never shown mercy to me…”

Her words hung in his head over and over again.

Surya quickly walked out of the bathroom and looked at the silent bedroom. Where is she? Where is she now?

Suddenly, a sound appeared in his ears.

After he turned on [Shenzhi], he could hear countless prayers at any time, in the holy church, in the corner, on the street… the voices of men and women.

He can block these voices, but at this moment he heard familiar voices in these voices, he immediately closed his eyes and listened carefully to all the prayers——

“The Holy Spirit of Light, bless our whole family…”

“Holy God bless me to get rich…”

“Save my God, the Holy Spirit of Light, give me some food…”

“If the Holy Spirit of Light can hear, please ask him to come and kill me.”

The voice was cold and decisive.

It’s her, it’s Qiao Sha.

In the holy church.

Surya opened her eyes and walked away in her direction.


In the heavy rain, Luna cried and screamed: “Let her go! You can’t treat her like this! You can’t insult her like this with the Holy Spirit of Light!”

Qiao Sha was pushed down on the old bench. Fu Ya pinched her neck and used a gun to hook her skirt away. He wanted to personally test whether she was still chaste.

“Host! Don’t you really want to turn on the protection? Even if you call Yves!” 101 asked her again, don’t wait for Surya!

Qiao Sha looked sideways at the mottled light statue of the Holy Spirit, what she was afraid of, if she wanted to destroy him, she had to capture him first.

She opened the net and waited for him to jump in–

The white light suddenly appeared in front of her, and a face appeared in the white light, falling towards her.

One hand suddenly grabbed Fu Ya’s gun-holding hand, instantly snatched the gun from his hand, and shook it off.

The other hand hugged Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha slammed into Surya’s arms, his body smelled of fire and rain, and she was held up tightly by him.

A heart in his chest was beating like a muffled thunder.

Qiao Sha looked up and saw his long silver hair scattered on his cheeks, and that holy face was full of emotions at the moment-anger, panic, regret, and lost.

She captured him.

Now she wants God to fall for her.

Qiao Sha reached out and grabbed Surya’s gun-holding hand, clutching her hands tightly, and pointed at her chest abruptly.

“Qiao Sha!” Surya panicked, he hurriedly took her hand: “What are you doing?”

There were no tears on Qiao Sha’s face, but she was extremely pale.

She squeezed Surya’s hand and the gun, “Either kill me or kill him.”

Qiao Sha pointed the gun at Fu Ya, who was imprisoned by the Holy Light, and she felt Surya’s fingers trembling slightly.

“Suria! I’m your father!” Fu Ya tore and shouted on the ground: “Don’t be fooled by this bitch! Kill her!”

She stared directly at Surya until her eyes were sour and red, and she desperately said to him: “He won’t let me go… Surya, either I die or he dies. Only death can really redeem me… …”

She once again put the muzzle on her chest, she closed her eyes, and the tears quietly fell down her cheeks, “Kill me Surya, let me get rid of…”

He can’t kill with divine power, but he can kill with a gun.

She tried hard to pull the trigger.

Surya’s entire arm was trembling, he couldn’t see her tears, desperate eyes, he slammed his arm away——

“Bang” shot.

“Bang Bang Bang” he exhausted all the bullets at this moment.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the bell of the holy church suddenly rang, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was sinking, shaking the whole church.

Qiao Sha was shaking and her ears were covered by a cold hand.

She opened her eyes and saw Surya’s eyes full of tears. He looked at her in pain, and Fu Ya fell in a pool of blood under his muzzle.

His body was burning and painful and shaky.

God was wet by her heavy rain.

He finally killed his father for her.

Qiao Sha heard a beautiful system tone in the violent bell sound-[male host hatred value 70%].

Father-killing, what a mistake he shouldn’t make, but this is what he should make up for her, who made him leave her, all this is a mistake made by God.

101 can’t make any sound at this moment.

The holy bell sounds like a death knell.

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