Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 25 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Qiao Sha was carried on the horse, Pei Yue straddled behind her to hug her, she looked up at the night sky, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, it was really good weather.

It seems that her vicious stepmother is with the big villain, and God does not give her a tragic atmosphere.

Pei Yue lifted her face behind her and said with a smile: “Look at the windows that have extinguished the lantern festival. Behind them are a pair of lively eyes. As soon as your countess’s name passes tonight, it will spread throughout the empire. Are you afraid of it?”

Qiao Sha looked at the small houses on both sides of the road not far away. The residents living nearby are probably watching the excitement of the Earl’s Manor tonight.

Qiao Sha smiled in his palm and said softly, “I wish you would beat the gong and drum.”

She doesn’t care about the name of chastity. [Loyalty] is the moral shackle imposed by a man on a woman. As long as she has no morality, there will be no shackles.

Besides, she is just an innocent and weak, poor and beautiful woman. Is she the one who should be ashamed?

Of course not. Everyone will only accuse Fu Ya, a coward who can even hand over her own woman. She wants Pei Yue to beat the gongs and drums to let the whole empire know. She wants to see how Fu Ya can still live in the world of men. Go down.

Everyone betrayed their relatives and died imperially, she really wanted him to live longer.

Pei Yue embraced her, spurred the horse, and arrogantly led a group of soldiers, leaving the earl’s manor in a mighty manner and heading towards his mansion.

Getting closer, getting closer…

He stopped in front of a white hall comparable to a royal palace, jumped off his horse, and took Qiao Sha directly into his arms, “It’s not worse than the manor of your earl’s husband.”

He is humble, almost catching up with the palace here.

Qiao Sha looked at the extremely luxurious white palace in front of him, and could probably guess that this was the place where the old pope lived.

Really arrogant, this is even more arrogant than the ancient Nian Gengyao, it is almost “abolished” the emperor.

Pei Yue is in a good mood, holding her all the way into the palace, and heading towards his bedroom. This is probably the time he spent the most time and energy for a woman, like hunting a plump deer, he wants to taste the victory. fruit.

“Host, don’t you plan to fight and escape?” 101 looked at Qiao Sha being carried into the sleeping hall, into the dimly lit bathroom, and couldn’t help but speak.

“Escape? How to escape?” Qiao Sha was pressed by Pei Yue on the velvet beauty couch, and asked 101 lightly: “Will you hang up for me and send me to escape?”

101 was asked, “I’m sorry the host, the teleport function cannot be used in front of people.” This function is already on the verge of breaking the rules, how can it be used with fairness, if she disappears out of thin air now, the whole plot will be messed up.

“Then what are you asking…” Qiao Sha took a breath, and the bow tie on her waist was torn off by Pei Yue, “You can’t save me.”

Pei Yue almost put her face on her face with a chuckle and asked: “How come you have become so behaved?”

“Then what are you going to do?” 101 immediately asked again: “Are you really going to…have a relationship with Pei Yue?”

Qiao Sha lay in the soft velvet, tilted her head and looked at Pei Yue, whose eyes were full of eroticism. To be honest, he is really good, and he looks different from Surya. He is more oriental, with sword eyebrows and stars, and when he smiles, he is bad and bad. Aggressive.

For her, sleeping with one man and two men is nothing too important, as long as he looks good and has good physical strength.

Before the palace was unwilling, but now she is a little willing to cuckold Fu Ya, after all, Fu Ya has been abnormally maintaining the “chaste” of the original owner.

Destroy these and break all the shackles of “Qiao Sha”, will she be truly free?

His hand touched the lamb’s tail, he heard the lamb’s low breathing, and saw the little red face of this beautiful bad woman, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

“What’s this?” He pressed to her ear, and asked her dumbly and lowly, stroking the trembling, furry lamb’s tail.

It’s so cute and charming, no wonder Fu Ya loves it so much.

She didn’t answer, just grabbed his arm, and made a sweet grunt in her nose.

How could there be such a sweet hum, Pei Yue was almost about to be hummed by her.

“I have long heard that Fu Ya chose a lamb slave to be his wife because of his unique hobby…” His throat was itchy, “He can really enjoy…”

He couldn’t help being jealous of Fu Ya, such a charming stunner, he enjoyed it first.

“Don’t…” Qiao Sha pushed him softly, and said to him in a sweet and greasy voice: “I haven’t, I’m afraid of pain…”

Pei Yue was stunned, and those hot eyes looked at her, instantly lit up, “Fu Ya hasn’t touched you?” (Hello auditor, there is no follow-up)

She was under his palm, exuding a charming fragrance and shyness. She shyly did not dare to look at him, turned her head and nodded gently in the red velvet.

Yes, yes, he has long heard people say that Fu Ya has a hidden illness, and the person who spread the news was Fu Ya’s second wife.

This turned out to be true!

Pei Yue was rushed to her head by this unexpected surprise, as if she had obtained a piece of flawless beautiful jade, her pure, unenjoyed, she completely belonged to him.

Qiao Sha looked at the crystal glass and half a bottle of wine beside the beauty couch, she reached out a hand and poured a full glass of wine, “Let me have some wine.” She half-sit up, picked up the glass and took two sips of wine.

Pei Yue’s patience and tolerance towards her reached a point where he would be pampered. He waited for her to drink, he looked at her red lips and blush face, watched her lie back in the red velvet, and put her beautiful fingers Soaked in red wine.

“Do you want to drink Master Pei Yue?” She lifted her finger soaked in the deep red wine liquid and handed it to his mouth.

She is so beautiful, every posture is beautiful and moving.

He opened his mouth and held her fingers, the wine had a bit of bitterness. Before he could taste it, she took it back, took the remaining half glass of wine, and fed it into his mouth.

The sweet wine flowed into his mouth and neck.

He took her hand and finished the drink and threw it on the ground. He couldn’t wait to turn her over with the sound of the broken glass. He wanted to taste this wonderful “trophy”…

Jiujin was unexpectedly big, and it rushed to his mind. He was a little drunk, and two Qiaosha appeared dizzyly…

He shook his head…

101 reacted immediately, the host gave him crow crow grass? The host secretly dipped the crow crow juice in his arms with his fingers just now! Before leaving the manor, Luna said goodbye to her host and secretly gave it to her!

101 immediately said: “I can help you, host.”

It said: “If you don’t want to have a relationship, you can take out the mirror in your arms and face the mirror to Pei Yue.”

Qiao Sha reached out and touched the small mirror in her arms, exactly the same as the hand mirror that the system appeared in the mirror when she first came.

She glanced at the front of the spectacles-she appeared in the mirror, but she was… completely stripped of herself.

“This is a virtual scene constructed by the system to protect the host who does not want to have a relationship.” 101 explained: “You can point the front of the mirror at Pei Yue, and he will temporarily fall into the virtual space scene in the mirror, like a dream The same fainted, but he will think that he really has a relationship with you.”

Oh, Qiao Sha understands, just weaving an immersive dream, making the other party think it really happened.

She turned around and turned the mirror to Pei Yue, who was shaking her head.

Pei Yue’s fascinated eyes stared at the “picture” in the mirror, and fell on her little by little.

Dead again.

Qiao Sha pushed him to the ground hard, heard the sound of broken glass, sat up and saw that he fell on the broken cup and scratched his back.

But before he wakes up, his face is still “drunk and dreaming”.

Qiao Sha looked down in the mirror again. At this moment, her figure was no longer in the mirror. Only a handsome man’s face appeared like a modeling model. It was very Chinese and had a sense of ancient times.

The man in the mirror spoke to her, “Host, the time limit for the dream is only 12 hours, and he will wake up after 12 hours.”

It’s the voice of 101.

“Is this you?” Qiao Sha blinked at the man in the mirror, “So you look like this.” It was a man, “Is this your real look?” Or it was made up.

The face of 101 in the mirror was still indifferent, and said to her: “It doesn’t matter.”

He showed her face on purpose to show her, but pretended not to be important.

101: “…”

“Is this considered illegal?” Qiao Sha gently touched the mirror with her finger, “Virtually…”

101 in the mirror frowned, and she finished saying: “The scene of…”

101 reluctantly said: “No, this is a mechanism to protect the host, but you can only use it when necessary.”

Such as when being coerced.

Qiao Sha lifted the mirror in her hand and shone her neck with the corners of the mirror.

Her clothes were untidy, and 101 immediately disappeared from the mirror.

Qiao Sha smiled at the mirror, “You have brought a thousand hosts. Why are you embarrassed if you haven’t seen any big winds and waves?”

“I respect you.” 101 said helplessly.

Pei Yue on the ground made unbearable dreams.

Qiao Sha had some red spots on her neck again. This body was to force her to stop drinking. She got up and went to the clean tub, rinsed herself, turned Pei Yue’s wardrobe upside down, and found one. Brand new robe, white silk robe, long-sleeved round neck, from hood to ankle.

It seems to be the robe in the uniform of the pope.

“What are you going to do next?” 101 asked her, did it keep Pei Yue in a coma? She could use Crow Crow Grass to keep Pei Yue in a coma, but the old pope would discover the abnormality sooner or later.

It depends on Surya’s speed.

Qiao Sha opened the window and glanced at the night outside and the soldiers guarding outside the palace downstairs. She would not escape when she escaped. She wanted Surya to rescue her personally.

I hope Surya can help Beth stabilize the situation in the palace as soon as possible, and she will try to hold Pei Yue.

She remembered that after the death of the old emperor in the original text, the old pope died not long after. His son Pei Yue became the new pope and became the biggest villain on the male main road in Surya.

Now that the plot is ahead of schedule, the old emperor suddenly died suddenly, is the old pope coming soon too?

How did the old pope die in the original text?

Qiao Sha asked 101.

101 thought about it, and answered her: “In the original text, the old pope ran out of oil a few years ago, and relied on drinking human blood to sustain his life. At the ball, he learned of Surya’s supernatural power, the original owner Qiao Sha He colluded with Hill and Pei Yue and made Surya the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light, and told the old Pope that his blood and heart can make people immortal. The old Pope used the count’s family and wanted Surya’s blood and heart. .”

It retelled the original text to Qiao Sha: “Surya’s life experience has also been learned by Your Majesty, so your Majesty must engage Surya with the princess before he dies. After the engagement, the old Majesty passed away. The night the old Majesty died. , The old pope rushed into the palace with someone, set fire to try to take Surya and imprison the princess, but was seriously injured by Surya and killed by the princess.”

In order to protect Surya, the princess killed the seriously injured old pope with a sword, and Pei Yue was blackened. He inherited the position of the pope and vowed to avenge the old pope and gouged the heart of Surya.

Because the old pope is his biological father, he is the illegitimate son of the old pope.

After Qiao Sha finished listening, she suddenly thought that Pei Yue was in the earl’s manor and asked for Surya’s heart.

Did the old Pope and Pei Yue already know that Surya was the incarnation of the Holy Spirit of Light, and they said they wanted Surya’s heart?

Is it Bae Yue that Hill told me? Hill had been in contact with Pei Yue before the ball.

“I think so.” 101 said.

“Then your Majesty died prematurely, and the old pope should be forced to die in the palace tonight, right?” Qiao Sha asked 101 again.

“The original plot is like this.” 101 can’t be sure, “but because the plot is advanced, I don’t know if the plot will be changed.”

Qiao Sha suddenly felt bad. She was not afraid to change the plot to violate the rules, but she didn’t want to change Beth’s plot because she disrupted the plot.

If the old pope does not die, Beth’s enemy will be more than Pei Yue.

He deserves to die tonight, is Surya in the palace now?

The old pope should bring a fire to push Surya to his fate, be engaged to the princess, eradicate Pei Yue for her, and stabilize the fate of the empire.

Where is the old pope now?

In the darkness, she saw several people riding under the palace, seeming to be dressed as guards.

The few people got off their horses and ran into the palace quickly.

Was it from the palace to report the letter?


Qiao Sha listened to the movement outside, and soon came the sound of rapid footsteps outside the corridor, stopping outside the hall door.

Someone knelt outside the door, panting and said, “Master Pei Yue, there is urgent news in the palace!”

Is it the eyeliner in the old papal palace?

Why not report directly to the old pope?

“Because the old Pope is seriously ill, he usually reports to Pei Yue first, and then Pei Yue personally spread the word.” 101 said: “What should you do now? This plot may be changed because of you…”

Absolutely not, Beth should take care of her enemies. If this opportunity is missed, will Surya help her kill the Pope again?

Qiao Sha walked a few steps towards the entrance of the hall, and said loudly: “Master Pei Yue has fallen asleep, what urgent news will I say tomorrow.”

The people outside the hall were taken aback, and then loudly said: “Master Pei Yue is in a hurry…”

Qiao Sha grabbed the wine glass and smashed it towards the hall door.

It broke with a “pop”.

The voice outside the hall stopped. After a while, she heard the hurried footsteps. The news of your majesty’s sudden death was so urgent that the messenger would definitely find a way to meet the old pope.

“You are like this, what if the old pope comes to find Pei Yue?” 101 can’t help but worry. The guards who send the letter will definitely find a way to report to the old pope, but the old pope learned that Pei Yue is still obsessed with female **** at this time. Come and have a look?

It only saw Qiao Sha hurried back to the bathroom. She bent down and dragged Pei Yue, who was trapped in her dreams, from the ground, dragged it onto the beauty couch, and kicked the broken glass on the ground into the corner. The robes on Yue’s body tucked away–

A mess of footsteps came from the outer door of the hall, and someone directly knocked open the door.

“Host, the old pope is here!” 101’s heart was about to jump out for her.

She got on the beauty couch neatly, pulled the blanket to cover her and Pei Yue’s body, especially covering his bleeding quilt.

“Where is the person?” An old voice came from outside.

Qiao Sha hugged Pei Yue, tilted her head and stood on his shoulders and closed her eyes.


The bathroom door was kicked open.

The old pope took many people into the bathroom, the messy clothes on the floor, the bathroom was freshly showered with wet air, the fragrance of wine and the fragrance of women.

People are on the beauty couch.

The old pope walked over angrily and saw Pei Yue, who was blushing on the couch, and the beautiful woman sleeping in his arms. This is the woman he snatched back from the earl’s manor tonight?

The crutches in his furious hand lifted the blanket on Pei Yue, “Get up right away!” When is this, his son is still addicted to the gentle country of women!

Qiao Sha panicked and hugged Pei Yue’s blanket tightly, as if a frightened deer was awakened. She raised her head in a panic, covered her chest with the blanket and looked at the old pope.

At this look, I was very surprised.

Not only for the old pope’s wrinkled and ugly face like chrysanthemum, but also for the person behind him-Fu Ya.

Oh my god, this is so exciting, her husband actually came so fast, so just right.

Fu Ya changed her clothes, wore a suit, followed the old pope with a gentleman’s cane, staring straight at her right now, her face was ashamed, and she almost died on the spot.

He might not have thought that he hurried over to rescue her so quickly, but her wife was still lying in someone else’s arms…

He might scold her in his heart: Why did you give in so quickly! Why not keep your chastity better than death!

Qiao Sha didn’t pay attention to him, she only looked at the old face of the old pope, the expression on her face became even more alarmed, her eyes flushed, and she said helplessly: “The Pope, the Pope… Pei Yue, I mean Master Pei Yue. ,he’s drunk…”

Pei Yue in her arms let out a dreamlike gasp, and murmured: “Madam…Madam Qiaosha…no wine…the juice is sweet…”

Lucky, it’s really fun in my dreams.

Qiao Sha couldn’t help but not look at Fu Ya’s face. He even turned white, and his meticulous hair slipped down to pieces, showing his heartbreak at the moment.

It was wonderful.

The old pope reached out and grabbed Pei Yue’s shoulder to wake him up, but he was drunk and still awake, the woman was still crying beside him, making him upset.

Not a good thing!

He didn’t have time to delay here. Now is the best time for him to get the imperial power and Surya’s heart. He glanced at the woman, left the drunk Pei Yue, turned and led the people away, and ordered: “Keep this woman locked up.” , Wait until I come back to clean up him and this woman!”

But Fu Ya had been standing in place, staring at Qiao Sha with a broken heart. He seemed to hear nothing, stuck in place. He wanted to step forward and grab her by the neck and ask her if she was committed to it. Bae Yue? She is an infidelity woman!

“My Lord Earl.” The old Pope looked back at him, “Didn’t he say that he would follow me into the palace and give me the heart of your son Surya? Why didn’t he leave?”

Fu Ya responded blankly. He didn’t remember what he had to do. He only felt that his eyes were hot and hot. He raised his hand and combed the strand of hair up. Finally, he glanced at Qiao Sha before turning to leave.

Qiao Sha leaned on the beauty couch, so surprised, Fu Ya was in tears?

Oh my God, Fu Ya had a heart, and she would cry?

Everyone left, and the temple door closed again.

101 is hard not to be frightened, “Host…you are walking on the edge of the capsize, are you not afraid at all?”

There is no such thing as her licking blood.

It was wrong, she was afraid that she would not capsize, and let them mistakenly think that she loves them sincerely.

There seemed to be a strong wind outside. I don’t know if it was the sound of carriages or horses, or the sound of the wind, which made the quiet night chaotic.

Qiao Sha leaned on the beauty couch and gently moved her fingers around Pei Yue’s black hair. There was only so much she could do. I hope everything goes well for Beth.

If the Holy Spirit of Light can really hear, I hope the good will repay the evil and the evil will be rewarded. Beth is such a kind girl, and the Holy Spirit of Light should protect her.

101 sighed: “You still worry about yourself. She is the heroine. As long as the plot is not disrupted, there will be nothing wrong with you. But you are only a vicious female partner. Do you know how many Shura games you have provoked now?”

They will not let her go.

“You should find a way to escape.” It suggested to the host to escape for the first time, before Pei Yue woke up and before Fu Ya returned.

Before Qiao Sha answered, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open outside.

Who is back again? Fu Ya came back so soon?

Then she heard the sound of a wheelchair.

Then a pale boy appeared at the bathroom door.

“Hill?” Qiao Sha was surprised, how could he go in and out of the pope’s palace casually?

Hill was sitting in a wheelchair and saw her and Pei Yue on the beauty couch. His eyes were broken and heartbroken. He couldn’t take care of anything. He asked her in a trembling voice and whispered, “You… Pei Yue is already…” I can’t even say it.

“Oh Hill.” Qiao Sha said silently to him: “Don’t hate me like your father. Is chastity more important than my life?”

Hill’s heartbroken tears fell on the back of his hand, “Of course not, of course not… I love you the same, love you forever… I’ll save you…”

“How can you save me?” Qiao Sha was surprised.

Before Hill could answer, someone walked in behind him, “Don’t say these useless words at this time.”

Qiao Sha saw him, her surprised eyes lit up, “Yves? God, is it really you?”

It turned out to be the godfather of the gods!

How could he come like this?

Qiao Sha watched him put on the most common men’s shirt and trousers in the world, with long black hair tied behind his head, like an ordinary person without supernatural power.

He walked towards her, picked up the blanket on the beauty couch and wrapped her thin body.

“Yves.” Qiao Sha rushed into his arms, hung on his body, looked at his face and said incredulously: “Are you here to save me? Why are you acting like this…”

Yves looked at her, held her body firmly, and said with a sigh: “Yes, I’m here to save you, I can’t interfere with your affairs as a godfather, so I’m here to save you. “

What’s the meaning? Does it mean that divine envoys cannot interfere with human affairs?

So he pretended to be a mortal to save her? Or is he… he has no magic power?

No, no, at least she didn’t want to hurt Yves, he was so sweet and lovely.

Qiao Sha hugged him tightly and asked him anxiously: “Do you mean that saving me will make you lose your power? No, no Yves, if so, please don’t save me.” She leaned against his shoulder. Shang whispered: “I’ll be fine, this is the truth, don’t worry about me.”

Yves gently stroked her back, like a little girl he loved, “Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit of Light is a benevolent God, and he won’t take away my divine power because of this.”

It’s just that he can’t save her openly, at least, don’t be found out.

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