Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 22 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

Pei Yue didn’t expect that the little beauty who rejected him would take the initiative to invite him and walk together.

Want to catch up? He likes cute tricks.

Pei Yue did not hesitate to leave the princess and mistress, and “walk around” with Qiao Sha.

“Where does Madam want to walk?” Pei Yue stretched out her hand to help her down the steps. She thought she would refuse, but she didn’t expect her to put her soft hand in his palm.

“It’s good everywhere. I’m a little drunk and want to breathe.” Her voice was as soft as her fingers.

How could there be people’s fingers like silk and satin, without blemishes, without cocoons, which would melt away when held in the palm of the hand.

It’s a pity that she pulled her hand out when she stepped down.

Pei Yue regretfully stroked the fingers that touched her, her body was really fragrant.

She seemed to be walking aimlessly in the night breeze, her black hair being scattered by the wind, she gently put her white fingers behind her ears, and asked him: “I heard that there is a special place for the Saint of Light near the Laurel Palace. The holy church built by the gods is white and very beautiful. Can Master Pei Yue take me to see it?”

“Madam wants to go, what else can’t you do?” Pei Yue smiled and accompanied her, “Madam, go here.”

Go to the holy church from the flowery path. Recently, it is the most secretive.

It is natural to walk in a secret place with the little beauty, but it is inevitable that there will be many mosquitoes on the flower path.

He drew the black folding fan from his sleeve, slammed it twice, fanned the flying insect in front of him, and led Qiao Sha into it.

“Master Pei Yue is so caring.” Qiao Sha smiled and followed him. The old man is always better at picking up women than straight men. This path suits her very well.

She looked at the coordinates given by 101, Surya did not leave the palace, why did she go to the holy church? Go there to confess? Does confession credulously believe in her despicable woman?

“Has anyone ever praised that Madam is extraordinarily beautiful under the moonlight?” Pei Yue admired her without shy, her walking posture, the blush on her cheeks after drinking, her swaying bow.

Qiao Sha looked at Surya’s coordinates, fearing that he would leave, trying to speed up his pace, while coping with Pei Yue absently, “Yes.”

“Which gentleman is it?” Pei Yue asked.

Qiao Sha walked forward: “Master Pei Yue.”

Pei Yue was stunned for a moment, she smiled and turned her head to look at him, without saying anything, and continued to walk forward.

Huayingyueying, the slender figure of a beautiful woman, Pei Yue couldn’t help smiling while covering her chest. He was provoked by a woman. No woman had ever dared or could provoked him.

He followed her with a smile, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed her wrist, without looking at her, grabbed her wrist and said softly: “It’s dark and the road is uneven, so it’s better for Madam to hold me a little bit.”

Is this to get started? It seems that this **** critic usually has no patience to make a girl.

Qiao Sha did not struggle to open his hand, letting him be affectionate, and walked towards her goal.

The dance music behind him gradually faded away, and nothing was heard in the distance, only the sound of birds and insects, Qiao Sha finally saw the white holy church.

It is really sacred. Only this white church is glowing in the dark night. The source of light is the countless candles lit in the church. The church of the God of Light, which consumes manpower and material resources, is like a palace in a dream.

“It’s so beautiful.” Qiao Sha looked at the church in the night and exclaimed. Is Surya in there?

“Can you go in and have a look?” Qiao Sha walked out of the flower path and walked towards the church.

Pei Yue, who was holding her wrist, suddenly used force and pulled her into her arms.

She couldn’t stand, staggered her toes and stepped on Pei Yue’s feet, and was held in her arms by him, “What are you doing? Please let me go.” He is still incense, which is very oriental. The incense is somewhat like the incense in the temple.

There was no one nearby. The holy church was patrolled by guards, but at this moment there was no patrolling.

“Do you want to go in?” Pei Yue lowered her eyes to look at the beauty in her arms. This perspective was very beautiful. He said in a low voice, “I can take Madam in, but…” He bent over and took Qiao Sha The princess hugged her, her black dress and red velvet bow on her waist fell down like a dangling tail.

“Pei Yue!” Qiao Sha hurriedly looked around, **** it, Surya is not here, the old man criticizes the hooligans for nothing, “put me down.”

But Pei Yue didn’t mean to let her go, she just hugged her tighter, and walked towards the holy church, while saying: “The holy church does not allow married women to enter casually. If you want to enter, I can only hold her. You go in, madam, this is the rule.”

“You just made the rules?” Qiao Sha was sore by his hand hoop, her leg was about to be broken, a dog man with a worm’s head.

101 suddenly went online: “Host, do you need to turn on protection mode for you?”

It was very positive this time.

Qiao Sha looked at Surya’s coordinates. He was still here, but didn’t know where he was. Maybe in the church, maybe near here, maybe… I couldn’t see her at all, and couldn’t hear her.

She hesitated, Pei Yue had already embraced her and stepped into the holy church.

The candles in the church dangled and there was no one.

Surya is not here.

Qiao Sha’s heart was half cold, and she was placed on the black bench that had just entered the door. This was a bench used to pray to the believers, and directly opposite was the laurel tree and the white dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit of Light.

“Is the madam also a devout Holy Spirit?” Pei Yue put her arm on her body twice, leaned down to look at her so close, almost sticking to her face, “Madam tried to be on the great light holy **** Kissing in front of you?”

Qiao Sha stretched out his hand to hold his face, and frowned indifferently, “It turns out that your interest is to find excitement in front of the Holy Spirit of Light, but I have no such interest, stay away from me.”

Pei Yue was amused by her sudden change of face, “Madam is the fastest woman I have ever seen. She invited me to talk and laugh with me just now. Now let me stay away again.”

She met his gaze and sneered mercilessly: “Master Pei Yue is also the most self-sufficient man I have ever seen. Please lead the way. If you smile at you, you think I’m interested in you? Then my groom. Do you think you are falling in love with me every day?”

Bad woman with sharp teeth.

It’s a pity that he was not interested in understanding her thoughts. He was patient enough with her. He grabbed her and pushed his hand away, and his toes propped her resisting toes. “It’s okay, Madam will soon fall into **** with me. The river is over.” He lowered his head to kiss her red lips. (Hello auditor, nothing happened here)

“Host, do you want…” 101 went online immediately, and Qiao Sha’s fingers had touched the small golden pistol hidden behind her waist.

101 hastily replaced the second half of the sentence “Enable protection for you” with, “You can’t kill him, he is the villain who sets off the male protagonist…”

Qiao Sha tilted her head, and he kissed her on the neck, and at the same time her gun pointed at the fatal point he was proud of.

Pei Yue suddenly paused. He lowered his head and saw that the lipstick of Qiao Sha in front of a delicate small pistol was rubbed a little by him. Devil, “Don’t worry, I can’t kill you… But you may not be able to fall into the river of **** in the future.”

She looked regretful.

At that moment, Pei Yue had a chill on her back, and she raised her hand to grab the gun in her hand—

There was no time to pull the trigger.

A voice appeared first, “Please let her go.”


That voice is Surya.

Qiao Sha immediately changed her mind, retracted the gun again, reached out and grabbed Pei Yue’s clothes, her eyes filled with tears and the switch, she looked sideways from Pei Yue’s arms to the direction of the sound, and she saw Suri. Ya stood outside the door of the confessional, staring at Pei Yue coldly.

“Suria…” Her tears were left at the moment she saw him, fragile like a poor lamb who was desperate.

101: “…”

Pei Yue: “…”

This woman… just now almost abolished him! What are you pretending to be pathetic now! Her tears are as false as she is!

But from Surya’s perspective, he could only see that Pei Yue was forcing her and insulting her.

Surya looked at her under the candlelight, her makeup was dazzled, her hair was a little messy, and her lipstick was rubbed on her cheeks.

Pei Yue kissed her, right?

Surya held her hot fingers and walked down the steps. He walked towards Qiao Sha and said to Pei Yue, “You shouldn’t force her.”

“Suria, you better ignore my business.” Pei Yue was already emotionally confused by this woman. He squinted at Surya who came by, reaching out and holding Qiao Sha who was about to get up and escape. “Not to irritate me.”

Surya stopped in front of him, looked down at his hand holding Qiao Sha, and looked at him again, “She said let her go, you should not continue to force her, no matter whether she was with her before or not. You walk with you, joking with you, she said to stop, you should stop.”

Turns out he heard it all.

Qiao Sha looked at him. He had been in the confession room. Did he hear her and Pei Yue’s words? So he hadn’t planned and didn’t want to show up, right?

But he still showed up.

“Let her go.” Surya repeated again.

That cold tone and commanding tone caused Pei Yue’s anger to surge up all at once. Surya is only just showing her head and being favored by His Majesty, dare to talk to him like this?

Who gave him the courage!

“Get out of Surya.” Pei Yue raised her hand and waved the folding fan in his hand towards him. The folding fan ignited a green fire at his fingertips and moved towards Surya’s eyes.

“Be careful of Surya!” Qiao Sha yelled anxiously. Now, she is struggling to open Pei Yue’s hand and rush to hug Surya’s waist.

Surya seemed to be taken aback, her palm subconsciously landed on her back, and suddenly she stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

She couldn’t see anything, only heard a “bang” explosion in her ears, followed by a loud “bang, bang, bang,” bang, and the entire church shook with that sound.

The sound of broken glass hit her not far away. She wanted to squat down and hug her head in a frightened reflex, and was to be held tighter by Surya’s hand.

She heard the low voice of Pei Yue, and heard Surya still say calmly and indifferently amidst the turmoil: “Please, don’t annoy me.”

Will Surya get angry too?

Qiao Sha couldn’t help but pull the fingers from her eyes, and looked up at him—

The whole church was plunged into darkness, with extinguished candles and broken glass pouring down all over the floor.

As if God was angry.

As for Surya, there was no expression on her calm face, Jing was terrifying, and Jing had never been cold before.

Pei Yue sank down on the bench, his folding fan and hands were blown black, and he looked at his hand and Surya in front of him with anger and surprise.

How could he have such supernatural power? Far more than him.

Surya looked down at her and asked her, “Can you go by yourself?”

Qiao Sha hugged his waist and shook her head gently, shaking with tears, “My legs are shaking so much…”

She seemed terrified, only 101 knew: a liar.

But it has to admire the host again, so that she can only light others, not herself…

Surya bent over and hugged her, holding her skirt with her arm, hugging her tightly, and exited the extinguished church.

His hand was hurting, and the pain was getting worse, but he couldn’t do it, let her leave it alone.

He walked out of the holy church and walked into the moonlight. She said in his arms: “Thank you Surya, I didn’t expect you to save me…”

There was crying in her voice, and it sounded fragile.

He didn’t lower his eyes to look at her, he just told her: “Whoever was bullied in the Holy Church tonight, I will save her.”

“I know.” She didn’t talk back. She lowered her head in a mellow and lonely voice, and said in a dumb voice, “Then I should thank you too. You saved me and saved me again… Obviously I treated you so badly, you Still saved me, and didn’t blame me for walking with Pei Yue, why I was not careful…”

She spoke with a strong alcoholic spirit.

He lowered his eyes to look at her, her tears hung on her chin, and she fell docilely on her beautiful dress.

“It’s not your fault.” He didn’t want to listen to her confession like this, he would rather her refute unreasonably.

Qiao Sha was stunned for a moment. She raised her eyes to look at Surya under the stars and moon. She suddenly felt that Surya was really good.

No one noticed that after they walked away, a divine envoy in white also quietly left. He rescued her a step later than Surya.

Under the whirling moon shadow, Surya stood in front of two intersections, one leading to the Laurel Palace and the other leaving the palace.

“Should I take you back to the prom?” Surya asked her.

She shook her head in a hurry, grabbed Surya’s arm tightly, and begged him: “Don’t send me back, Pei Yue will definitely not let me go…”

Shouldn’t she be left in the palace again, she will be criticized if she goes to the dance party again with her makeup now.

“I’ll take you out of the palace.” Surya took another road. “The carriage of the Earl’s Manor is outside the palace.”

“No.” She shook her head again, and simply pressed her cheek to the back of his hand this time. “Suria don’t let me go back to the manor. It’s cold there, only your father’s curse and Hill’s blame. I offend Pei. Month, ruined Hill’s plan to please him.”

She was not looking at him, but her tears flowed on the back of his hand.

The back of his aching hand seemed to be relieved by tears, and he couldn’t tell why, but the burning pain was no longer so.

“Where do you want to go?” Surya asked her, where can she be sent? She has nowhere to go except the manor.

“I can go anywhere.” She said: “At least let me wash my face, comb my hair, and when my feet can go… Then drive me back to the manor, okay Surya?”

She always said so poorly, at this moment, she was red eyes and weeping with drunkenness.

101 can’t figure it out, is she pretending, or is she really a little drunk?

101 asked her: “Have you not achieved your goal tonight? Are you planning to continue…following Surya?” It originally wanted to use the word [fishing], but it felt bad, so it changed to [follow].

Qiao Sha didn’t answer it. She leaned against Surya’s arm and looked at the full moon in the night sky. After a while, she said to 101: Did you see it? Surya is so powerful, he can easily destroy the church, easily destroy Pei Yue, and destroy everyone.

101: “So?”

Qiao Sha stuck to the back of Surya’s hand and said to it: Why not let Surya do this for me.

So she didn’t want to work hard, leaning against the big tree to enjoy the cool.

At least tonight, she doesn’t want to go back. The frustrated Pei Yue will definitely go to the manor to make trouble. She wants to stay in Surya’s arms and let Pei Yue blow up the manor. It’s best to blow up her husband and stepson together. .

101 suddenly became vigilant, and immediately said: “Host, what do you want to do? Do you remember the two hard and fast rules, 1: You cannot change the plot and ending of the male and female protagonist. 2: You cannot fall in love with the male protagonist. You are His stepmother, how can you…”

God loves the world, and he should love her, even if she is his stepmother, right?

101: “…”

Qiao Sha’s head fell into his arm, she shrank her shoulders, and shuddered in his arms.

Surya looked down at her. She had two bare arms, her cheeks were flushed after drinking. At this moment, her face was exhausted and stunned after being frightened.

She seems to have drunk a lot of wine tonight.

He acquiesced to her request after all.

After thinking about it, he took her back to his dormitory in the seminary, wanting her to wash her face, clean up herself, and then leave.

He thought about opening a room for her to clean up himself, but a woman is not allowed to open a room here unless she is a prostitute.

If he opens a room for her, everyone will acquiesce that she is his mistress, or a prostitute.

The seminary is not far from the palace, and their dormitory is a separate dormitory, be careful that no one will find it.

In order to avoid trouble, he deliberately turned on his supernatural power on the way into the dormitory, hiding his and Qiao Sha’s bodies in the dark night.

Fortunately, the seminary is on holiday tonight, and there are no people in the whole academy.


He carried Qiao Sha into the dormitory smoothly, she seemed to fall asleep in his arms, quietly crooked in his arms, holding her smooth arms.

He walked into the dormitory where the lights were not turned on, and wanted to put her on the bed, but felt wrong, and instead wanted to put her on the chair in front of the desk.

She grabbed his hem in a daze, and muttered dreamily: “I’m cold…”


Surya glanced at the slick chair, and finally compromised and put her on the bed.

She didn’t let go, he could only bend over her body and wake her up low: “You should wake up, wash your face.”

She frowned and opened her eyes in a daze. Those eyes were full of drunkenness. She looked at Surya in front of her with those drunk eyes, tears slipped from the end of her eyes, “Surya, you hate me.” ?”

Surya looked at her so close, as if looking at a stranger, not his stepmother, not his father’s wife, but a strange woman who was crying quietly.

Her throat was also drunk, “I’m bullying you, coaxing you… let you dance with the princess, in your heart…” Her fingers were also drunk, and she slid down his shirt and clicked on his heart, “Yes. Don’t you hate me?”

Surya’s body also felt a slight pain under her fingers. It hurts wherever she touched, but the pain was wrapped in electric current.

Hate her?

He knew that she was full of lies, unscrupulous, vanity, bad…but he felt that she was so pitiful.

She was trapped on his white quilt, her black hair was draped over her shoulders, she was crying, but she did not cry, she quietly stared at him.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Her sweet smell mixed with the smell of wine on his clothes, and the smell of wine was also brought by her.

Four seconds, five seconds…

Some atmosphere between them melted together and heated up a little bit.

He saw her pursing her red lips lightly, his eyes glued to her lips…

No, he shouldn’t be like this.

Surya straightened up abruptly, he could no longer stare at her so close, his heartbeat was all chaotic.

He turned and went into the bathroom.

Qiao Sha was lying on the bed full of his smell. He heard the sound of running water in a dimly lit room. He never turned on the light, as if he was in a guilty conscience and did not dare to turn on the light, so that she could see his eyes, his look, his thought.

101: “You are…” 101 just wanted to question her.

Qiao Sha tilted her head and buried her face in the quilt. She was very bored and said: 101 I am very hot.

101 was stunned and was busy testing for her. She was surprised to find that the temperature of her body was much higher, “Host, do you have a fever?” It also found that there were patches of red patches on the host’s neck and chest. “You are…”

Qiao Sha knew in her heart that it was not a fever, but a reaction from this body’s drunkenness. Did the original owner never drink alcohol before?

“Yes, the host…” 101 reacted. The original host had never drunk alcohol at all. The first time he drank alcohol, he blew the wind. The host looked like this, as if he was allergic to alcohol.

It suddenly felt guilty, “I’m sorry the host, this is my mistake, I can provide you with allergy medicine.”

Qiao Sha touched her hot neck. Before she answered, Surya came out of the bathroom.

Holding a basin of clean water in his hand, he placed it next to the bed, twisted a towel, and handed it to her: “Wash your face and go back.”

Qiao Sha didn’t pick it up.

He added: “It’s new, I haven’t used it.”

Qiao Sha still didn’t answer. She looked at Surya in the dim, her voice was dumb and dull and said: “Suria, I’m a little uncomfortable.”

“Really?” He asked coldly, put the towel in her palm, and said to her, “Perhaps you should go back to the manor to see a doctor.”

Qiao Sha leaned on the bed, sat up dizzy, holding a towel, covering her face, trying to let the heat off, but her neck and chest got itchy again.

She was stuffed in the towel and said again in a muted voice: “Surya, I’m not well.”

This time, Surya turned her head to look at her, and he saw patches of red on her lowered neck and exposed back.

He hurriedly reached out and turned on the light.

She lifted her head from the towel, and there were red spots on her face.

Surya reached out and held down her hand that was going to wipe the erythema with a towel, “Don’t wipe it.”

He stretched out his hand to hold up his chin and twisted her head to see that there were erythema on her neck, chest…

She seemed uncomfortable and rubbed her neck against his fingers.

Hot skin.

Surya withdrew her hand from the heat, and heard her muffledly say: “Itching.”

She raised her hand to scratch herself.

Surya grabbed her hand: “Don’t scratch.” He leaned down subconsciously and blew on her cheek.

The cool wind blew on her face with magical power, making her less itchy.

Is it the supernatural power of Surya?

She touched the erythema on her neck, then touched the erythema under her neck, and stood up to Surya: “And here and here.”

Surya’s ears became hot. This time it was not painful, but hot. He inexplicably remembered the vulgar poem she read in the bathroom on a rainy night-I brought honeysuckle, and even my su breast also smelled …What spring did to the cherry tree…(Auditor, here is just a poem that the male protagonist thought of, nothing happened to them, not even touch.)


In the night, as soon as Pei Yue left the palace, he led people to Earl Fu Ya’s manor non-stop, with Hill still tied to his horse.

He came to the door of the manor angrily, banged open the door, and people carried Hill into the manor.

“Call your noble countess, come out and receive me.” Pei Yue walked into the hall on her own.

David and the maid hurried to greet him and looked at Hill who was being carried. They didn’t understand what was going on. They just said, “Madam, she hasn’t come back yet.”

Both Pei Yue and Hill were taken aback.

Pei Yue then smiled and looked at Hill and said, “Your stepmother seems to have run away with your brother Surya.”

“Please don’t talk nonsense!” Hill retorted him angrily.

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