Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 19 - [It takes a few steps to black my father] [VIP]

At the end of the practical class, Shelley took Qiao Sha and Bess out of the playground first, lest Qiao Sha be surrounded by those boys and girls.

Qiao Sha and Beth went to the dressing room to change back their clothes. After Qiao Sha changed his clothes, Beth found that her pair of radiant green pearl earrings was missing.

“Did you leave it in the playground?” Beth asked her hurriedly, “Do you want to go back and look for it?”

“Forget it.” Qiao Sha took the other pearl earring and put it in her pocket. “It’s just a pair of earrings. If you lose it, you lose it.”

That pair of earrings looks expensive.

Beth was afraid of going back to the earl to blame her, so she said, “I will give you a couple after I return to the palace. Maybe I can find the exact same one.”

Qiao Sha smiled and grabbed her. In fact, she knew exactly where the other eardrop was lost. It was just right, “Let’s go and see my lovely stepson.”

Beth froze and asked worriedly: “Will he refuse the invitation to the first dance? I mean… After all, he didn’t personally agree to invite him to dance if he won.”

“He acquiesced.” Qiao Sha said confidently: “Now he has no right to refuse.”

Beth looked at her, pursed her lips and smiled, “Qiao Sha, is there no one in the world who can dislike you? Sometimes you are more like a princess than me, I’m too ordinary.”

God, why is the princess so inferior?


The wind bell of “Ding Ding Dong” came in from the open window.

Surya was sitting in the meeting room, looking down at the dark green pearl earrings in her hand, the light of the pearl shattered on his fingertips, and there seemed to be her scent on it.

The door was pushed open.

He lifted his eyes from the pearl and fixed his gaze on the pearl-like person.

Green skirt.

She wore a dark green skirt and came in with the wind, like white pearls wrapped in silk and satin.

He had never seen her wearing brightly colored clothes, and this deep green, so like his mother’s favorite dress.

Did she just choose green by accident?

His thoughts followed Qiao Sha unconsciously. When he came back to his senses, the godfather had already got up and bowed to Princess Beth and Qiao Sha, and he subconsciously followed and stood up.

“I didn’t even recognize it as the countess.” The godfather recognized Qiao Sha. He had seen Qiao Sha at the Earls Manor before, but today Qiao Sha is very different, as if even his appearance has changed a bit, where did he change him? I can’t tell, it’s even more amazing.

The godfather was surprised that Qiao Sha’s riding and shooting was not worthy of amazement. What made her amazed was that two of his students had self-protection [divine power], which can avoid all attacks. , Such as arrows.

But Qiao Sha was still able to shoot them, and their [superior power] didn’t work for Qiao Sha.

Surya is also waiting for her answer. How can she be successful in just a few days?

“It’s nothing.” Qiao Sha smiled modestly, reached out and took a quill pen on the table, and looked at Surya, “You try to avoid it with your supernatural power.”

She raised her hand and threw at Surya casually.

Surya reflexively opened the white light curtain in front of him, but the quill didn’t stop in the slightest, and directly passed through his barrier and shot at his chest.

His white clothes were stained with ink, and the quill fell into his hand. He looked down at the black stain on his chest in surprise, which was the precise heart position.

“Oh my god.” The godfather looked at Qiao Sha in amazement, “Do you also have [divine power]?” Surya’s supernatural power can still be broken.

Oh my god, the godfather’s [Bai Fa Bai Zhong] can actually break Surya’s supernatural power.

Qiao Sha was amazed by herself. She originally just wanted to try, but she didn’t expect that she could really break Surya’s supernatural power. She loved her godfather too much.

101: “It’s just a temporary host. Surya has not fully awakened now. He has only awakened a part of his divine power, so this little trick of yours will work for him.” Whether it is the supernatural power of a hundred shots, or she seduced Surya Tricks, all.

Once Surya is fully awakened, he will get rid of the defects of [humanity] and become a true **** of light.

Qiao Sha didn’t care, as long as he had enough hatred before he became a god, it was enough.

“It’s a pity that Godfather, I am not the one who is favored by the Holy Spirit of Light.” Qiao Sha still looks at Surya. In this world, everyone thinks that people with [divine power] are the divine messengers chosen by the Holy God of Light.” The Holy Spirit of Light probably won’t love mediocre ants like me. Such a little trick is bestowed on me by my patron saint.”

A look of longing and admiration appeared on her face, “He gave me a little ability to protect myself, my godfather.”

The godfather of the gods, her patron saint.

Surya knew who she was talking about, the envoy, and he turned his eyes away. It turned out that she enshrined the envoy as the patron saint.

The envoy actually forgave her for her lies.

The godfather was a little regretful, “No, the lady is too modest, this is not a trick, your divine power can even restrain Surya’s divine power.” Unfortunately, Qiao Sha is already a countess, and only unmarried can enter the seminary.

He regretfully said to Qiao Sha: “It would be nice if I found out Madam earlier.”

Qiao Sha also regretfully said: “If the Holy Spirit of Light loves me like Surya, and gives me a little bit of equality and supernatural power, maybe my destiny is completely different, maybe… I can also wear pants like Surya. Ride on the horse and choose what you really love.”

Her words are embarrassing and sad.

The godfather and Shelley both understood that she had a humble background and had no choice from the moment she was born. It was her destiny to become a sacrifice and become a countess.

Surya looked at her again. She really loved her. He had never thought that a woman who lied and scammed things badly also had someone she really loved.


David waited under the carriage, and his wife smoothly invited the godfather over, and Master Surya was allowed a few days off to return to the manor together.

Qiao Sha said goodbye to Beth and Shelley at the gate of the college.

Beth refused to give up on Qiao Sha, but was fortunate that Surya did not have a separate opportunity to refuse her. She had an appointment with Qiao Sha, and see you in the palace on the day of the dance.

Only a few days away from the prom.

Qiao Sha put Beth in the carriage and left. She got into the earl’s carriage alone. Surya and the godfather could not ride in the same carriage with her, and followed behind on horseback.

When I returned to the manor again, it was already twilight, the lamp was lit in the manor, and the kerosene lamp was dim yellow in the night.

As soon as she got off the carriage, she heard a smashing sound, a window not far away was smashed by something, and glass shards fell on the lawn.

“That’s…” The godfather looked at the window in surprise.

“It’s Master Earl’s bedroom.” As soon as Qiao Sha finished answering, a maid rushed over in a hurry.

“Madam, you are finally back. The Lord Earl has to see you when he wakes up…” The maid lowered her head and said, “The Chief Maid and Master Hill can’t comfort the Lord Earl, the Lord only needs to see you…”

“The maid?” Surya thought of Julie who was locked in the cemetery.

“The current head maid is Luna.” Qiaosha answered Surya while holding her skirt, while inviting the godfather to see the earl.

On the way, David had already explained the status of the count to the godfather and Surya.

But when he walked into the bedroom and saw the earl, the godfather was still taken aback and muttered: “The benevolent Father…”

He was completely unable to connect the haggard and thin, neurotic patient on the bed with the handsome and elegant soldier count.

In a few days, Earl Fu Ya became ill in this way, with deep sunken eye sockets, and even the smiling eyes were full of red blood.

He was struggling on the bed, holding the water glass and smashing towards Hill under the window, cursing incessantly: “Damn wild! Where did you hide Qiao Sha? Where did you hide! Don’t think I don’t know you. A dirty heart is thinking about your stepmother!”

Under Hill’s wheelchair was a pile of broken glass, and his forehead was smashed and bleeding.

Luna was stopping the earl to hit it a second time, and when she saw a group of people coming in, she called out, “Madam!”

“Oh my God, how could you…” Qiao Sha looked at Hill with blood on her forehead, and she was surprised and distressed on her face, covering her mouth exaggeratedly. She was always bullying and bullying, making it hard not to laugh.

Hill moved his gaze coldly from her to Surya.

The Earl Fu Ya on the bed also stared at Qiao Sha. He stared at Qiao Sha’s green dress, and suddenly his face changed greatly, “Ava…Ava…”

He covered his forehead in a frightened manner, and went to find something in a panic with his other hand: “My gun, gun…kill her, kill Ava, she won’t be able to avenge me…”


Surya heard his mother’s name, why did his father think that his mother wanted him to avenge him?

Wow, the effect of training is very good. Now Fu Ya is in a state of stress when he sees green.

Qiao Sha wanted to applaud her perfect masterpiece, but she could only show helplessness and said to the godfather: “I’m sorry, Lord Earl somehow saw Green and thought it was Mrs. Ava who came to take revenge on him, and I should change it. Come here again with the clothes.” She said to Surya: “Surya, you accompany the godfather first.” Then she left the bedroom to change clothes.

As soon as she left, Fu Ya reacted more intensely.

Now he doesn’t trust anyone, everyone thinks he is crazy, he doesn’t allow anyone to approach, he only trusts Qiao Sha who guards him day and night, and dare not disobey him.

Qiao Sha slowly changed her clothes.

Not surprisingly, when she returned, the godfather was helpless, so Qiao Sha gave Fu Ya the medicine, and after he fell into a drowsy sleep, he calmed down.

The godfather took advantage of his drowsiness and tried his best to check and treat him. The wound on his leg healed very well. He could heal his physical wounds quickly with his divine power, but he could not heal his mental problems.

“Heart disease” can’t even be cured by God.

All he can do is pray for him, hoping that the Holy Spirit of Light can comfort his soul.

The devout believer prayed for the patient. Qiao Sha looked at the sky outside the window, and it thundered again. Did Surya find out that every time he met with her, it was in the night of lightning and thunder.

She knew that Surya was looking at her. He must have many questions to ask her. After a few days away, the manor was turned upside down. Poor Surya must not know that his father might be the murderer of his biological mother.

She looked at Surya pityingly.

Soon it rained, and the godfather stayed in the manor, planning to see the earl again at night when he became ill.

David and Surya go to install the godfather.

Hill blocked her into the dark room. He reached the door of the house with a wheelchair. He grabbed her by the wrist before he could even go inside and pulled her to the front. “Where are your eardrops?”

He stared at her empty earlobe.

“Be angry about this?” Qiao Sha took out the remaining eardrop from her pocket, and said insignificantly: “I accidentally lost one.” She loosened her hand and threw the earring into Hill’s arms. .

Hill looked at the earrings that she discarded, and became more and more annoyed. She didn’t know the value of these earrings at all. It took him how much effort to buy them and give them to her.

He wasn’t angry for accidentally losing, it was nothing if she threw all the jewels away.


He dragged her into his arms angrily, “It’s just not here.” He spread his hands.

She staggered to support his knee and saw another green pearl earring in his palm, “Why are you here?”

There was no panic on her face.

“Because it was picked up by Surya.” Hill stared at her eyes. “Suria just handed it to Luna, asked her to return it to you, and asked her to tell you, the agreement between you and him is not counted. Mine. Can stepmother tell me why this earring is in Surya’s hand?”

Surya, the cunning, thought that this would be able to reject her?

“I did it on purpose.” Qiao Sha only picked up those who wanted to answer: “I deliberately let him pick up my earrings. I originally planned to wait a while to find him and help you frame him.”

“Help me frame him?” Hill frowned and looked at her.

“Yeah, you don’t want him to be ruined, to be expelled from the seminary, and his future is ruined?” Qiao Sha said frankly to him: “Take advantage of the godfather tonight, let the godfather see Surya and his own If the stepmother is unruly, won’t he be over?”

Hill looked at her incredulously, unable to believe that these words came from her mouth, “Are you going to seduce your stepson?” His angry voice was trembling: “Are you helping me? Or… you are just… Love Surya!”

“You hurt me, Hill.” Qiao Sha frowned and looked at him holding her hand.

Hill subconsciously loosened her, she ran away from his palm like a fish, and said to him condescendingly and indifferently: “He is not the first stepson I seduce, please Hill, he has reached this point, you Do you want to talk about noble love with me? Or do you think I am out of love for you?”

She put on a “failing” helpless expression, “Which way are you eating?”

Hill was stunned in the wheelchair, he was shaking all over, for her for himself, of course he knew that she was a vain woman, but… he thought she was a little special to him, at least a little bit of admiration Here I am.

But at this moment, he found that he was wrong.

What kind of jealous does he eat? What qualifications does he have to be jealous? For her, he and Surya are both stepsons who can be used by her.

“Of course, you are different.” She lowered her eyes and reached out to hold up his face. “We are embarrassed and dependent on each other, and Surya is just an enemy. I will definitely help you get the ring.”

He looked at her increasingly delicate face, and suddenly smiled, for his sad self, because he found that even if she said that, he would be happy, at least she regarded him as a person who depended on each other for life.

He snuggled in her palm, looking at her and couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to hug her. The warm embrace made him want to cry, “Don’t…”

He held her tightly, raised his head and looked at her with red eyes: “Don’t seduce Surya, okay?”

He looked like a poor boy, begging her: “I will find another servant, anyone can seduce Surya, but please don’t go…”

Qiao Sha gently stroked his slightly curly hair, admiring his pleading, it turned out that the wicked would have a sincere heart.

“Well, Hill, I’m always soft to you.” She reluctantly agreed to him, while thinking in her heart: How can it work, she has to go in person.

101 sigh gently, the wicked have their own wicked grind.

The rain was not heavy, but the silent lightning rushed.


Hill quickly arranged everything. Knowing that Surya was not so fooled, he put the juice of crowweed in all his tea, and even the juice of crowweed was dripped in his bathtub. .

He arranged for the maid to take off and hide in Surya’s bathroom. When Surya touched the juice of the crowweed, he came out and hugged him when he was dizzy.

There is no need for Surya to do anything to her, as long as the two are naked in the bathroom.

At that time he arranged for someone to lead the godfather to Surya.

A man and a woman were in the bathroom naked, and the maid just cried and insisted that Surya had defiled her forcibly, and that was enough.

This was enough for Surya to be expelled from the seminary, and even enough for the godfather to take away his divine power, how could the messenger of the Holy Spirit of Light be a sinner who robbed women.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Surya.

Surya didn’t drink any tea. Before he walked into the bathroom, he sensed that there was someone in the bathroom. He sat outside the bathroom and said to the people inside: “I hope you put on your clothes and leave by yourself. I don’t want to call David to embarrass you. .”

The woman inside cried. She cried and said: She was also forced to be helpless. If she didn’t do this, Master Hill would kill her.

Surya sighed softly, “Let’s go, tomorrow I will let David arrange your work elsewhere, and Hill won’t find you.”

The woman got dressed thankfully and escaped from his room.

Surya sat for a while in a room with no lights on. The light rain outside the window made the air dull and humid. He smelled a strange fragrance and looked at the incense burning in the corner of the room.

He has never incense, and now the fragrance makes his mind faint.

Hill even figured out how to smoke the crowweed.

He got up and wanted to wash his face in the bathroom, but when he walked to the bathroom door, the soles of his feet hurt.

He lowered his eyes to see a row of upward nails on the ground, and the dark nails pierced the soles of his shoes through the soles of his shoes.

Is this what Hill thinks too? He took great pains to deal with him.

Surya slowly pulled out the nail, and the red blood ran to the ground. A tingling sensation faintly came from the pain, and soon he lost consciousness on the soles of his feet.

The drowsiness in his head became heavier.

The nails are also painted with crow and crow grass?

Surya stretched out her hand to support on the wall, trying to force herself to wake up with divine power, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes—

The shadow of a slender woman, a pair of bare feet walked towards him, the top was bare smooth calves, the thighs looming under the green silk…and further up, there was a nightdress with a huge neckline, wrapped in a delicate body, Joe Sha was standing there, she looked at him and called his name: “Surya, what’s the matter with you?”

Why is she here? Obviously he has checked before that there is no one else in his room…

Is his perception wrong? impossible…

Naturally, God’s perception cannot go wrong.

Qiao Sha was transmitted by 101, and 101 now has a very acceptable transmission function.

101 is helpless, it is just to complete the task as soon as possible, it is increasingly worried that the host will turn the world upside down.

After confirming that it was not her own illusion, Surya turned around and wanted to leave.

“Suria, don’t you want to talk to me?” Qiao Sha suddenly said behind his back: “Talk about how your mother was killed by your father.”

Surya stopped, but didn’t look back, “What do you know?”

This is what 101 said, he has yet to fade away “humanity defects”, he still retains feelings for his mother.

Then he has the ability to hate.

“I know that your father killed Mrs. Ava.” Qiao Sha didn’t make a fuss and told him directly, “He was afraid of women in green dresses, because Mrs. Ava wore a green dress when he was killed, like I am wearing now. “

She walked in towards him and kicked away the nail on the ground with her bare feet.

The sound of “ding ding bell” entered Surya’s ears, and it was particularly clear. He felt that he was sweating, sweating abnormally.

He condensed his mind, and forced the tingling sensation in his body with his sweat and blood with divine power.

“As for why I killed Mrs. Ava, I couldn’t ask.” Qiao Sha’s voice suddenly approached his ear, “I only heard him curse Hill when he was crazy, saying it was for him, for his mother… “

too close.

Surya opened her eyes abruptly, took a few steps back to stay away from her, she stretched out a soft hand and hugged his waist.

“Be careful, there are nails.” She hugged him, like a beautiful flower blooming for him, blooming under his eyes.

Surya’s condensed mind fell on her body for a moment.

“If your foot hurts too badly, you won’t be able to dance the first dance.” She kicked away the nail at his foot, “How can it work.”

He staggered his eyes and focused again, trying to push her away, but her body was slippery. He stretched out his hand and didn’t know where to push her, so he could only step back, “I didn’t promise this.”

“You acquiesced.” Qiao Sha approached him again and said, “How can God abandon the promise?”

“I didn’t agree.” Surya stepped back again.

“No refusal is called acquiescence.” Qiao Sha approached step by step, forced him to the wall, looked at him and said: “You can definitely refuse, but you don’t, because you think no one can win you, Surya You have to pay for your arrogance.”


Surya frowned and looked at her, “Why do you have to dance the first dance with me? You are… my father’s wife, my stepmother, dancing with me is not good for you.”

“Suria, are you worried about me?” Qiao Sha looked at him with bright eyes, “I am really moved.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Surya frowned tighter.

“You are.” Qiao Sha interrupted him, “I said yes.”

It’s not polite to talk to her.

Surya understood that the crow crow in his body was gradually losing its effectiveness, and the lightning and thunder outside the window made him more and more sober, “I won’t dance with anyone, Joe Sha.”

Qiao Sha was not angry. She suddenly hugged his waist and staggered a bite on his neck.

Caught off guard.

Surya opened the white light in pain to spread her out, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the bathroom.

“Suria, are you looking for me?”

It was the voice of the godfather, “The door is open, I’m coming in.”

Surya was surprised and grabbed Qiao Sha’s shoulder, and she immediately said, “If you push me away, I’ll call out. The stepson and stepmother are hugging and hugging in the bathroom. There are still unidentified hickeys on their bodies. Guess you What would the godfather of God think?”

101 was more shocked and speechless than Surya, it was a bite mark.

“Suria? Are you in the bathroom?” The godfather’s voice sounded in the bedroom outside the door.

Surya hurriedly covered her mouth and lied to the godfather for the first time, “Yes, please wait outside the door.”

The person under his palm was still smiling at him, his warm lips opened slightly, and he was muffled under his palm, and asked him unclearly: “You promised me, is it Surya?”

Her hot breath, soft lips.

His heart beating suddenly, a burning pain in his palm, torment him.

She struggled in his arms, and Surya subconsciously hugged her tightly.

He didn’t know what the godfather was doing in the bedroom. He only felt the people under his palm looking at him enthusiastically. She grabbed his hand and placed it gently on her waist, and he touched her tail.

The soft tail swept his palm under the skirt, and he subconsciously held down the restless tail, but heard her breathe hotly.

He suddenly became confused.

Under his palm, she breathed warmly and said: “I copied a poem and wanted to give it to my godfather, but there is a sentence in it that I don’t understand.”

What does she want to do at this time?

“I brought honeysuckle flowers, and even my **** are scented…” She chanted unbearable poems to him so low, “I want to pick happy flowers for you from the mountains… I want to be on you Go and do what spring did to cherry trees…”


Surya’s face was red, and she subconsciously put her finger into her mouth, blocking all her words.

She was supported with a sob.

More than his palm was hurting, and the lightning bolts outside the window seemed to criticize him.

But he couldn’t escape her tricks, she held his fingers and looked at him with those eyes…

He closed his eyes helplessly, and promised her: “I promise you, don’t talk, don’t move, don’t look at me anymore.”

Qiao Sha heard the long-lost system sound—

“Host, the male protagonist’s hatred value has risen from 20% to 30%.” 101 had to admire.

No one can escape the temptation of the host.


Qiao Sha who achieved her goal did not stay much at all. After Surya left the bathroom to deal with the godfather, she let the system send her back to the dark room.

She returned to the bedroom from the dark room. Luna just closed the bedroom door and came in. When she saw her, she whispered: “Master Hill rushed into Master Surya’s bedroom with someone. It seemed that there was a quarrel… The godfather was also angry… “

“Really?” Qiao Sha carelessly leaned into the cot beside the earl’s bed and waved to Luna: “Let’s not go out, let them make a noise.”

Luna sat next to her and leaned over her ears and said lowly: “But I heard that the godfather is asking who has fallen into the water of Master Surya. I am afraid that our affairs will be revealed. trap…”

“What are you afraid of? Hill did all of this. We are just poor women who are oppressed and exploited by him.” Qiao Sha approached the bed and stretched out comfortably, “God will forgive us.” Like Surya forgiving the maid hiding in his bathroom.

He must be able to forgive her for this poor woman.

“Host, you are not pitiful at all.” 101 has recently found it hard to resist quarreling with her.

Qiao Sha snorted, and said to it coquettishly: Am I not for you?

101 remained silent, although but…

“Other than me, who would work so hard for your task?” Qiao Sha asked it again.

101 actually thought about it seriously, maybe it really didn’t.

The next day, Surya and the godfather left the manor before dawn.

Qiao Sha did not get up. After waking up, David handed her a letter from the godfather. The letter severely rebuked Hill for doing something to Surya, and told her that she should be careful about Hill. If she is intimidated by Hill and encounters any trouble, you can write to him for help, and he will do his best to help her.

What a kind godfather.

Qiao Sha looked at the haggard Hill and comforted him: “It doesn’t matter, there will be opportunities in the future.”

The prom is coming soon, and Hill’s greatest support is about to go online.

In the original text, Surya offended the old pope’s godson at the ball. This godson had a lot of wicked ways and delusional to encroach on Princess Bess and become the new pope.

He will join forces with Hill to deal with Surya, because Surya has won Beth’s heart and His Majesty’s favor.

Princess Beth dreamed of the fall of the empire and the fire in the palace, which was caused by the godson. He wanted to kill her majesty and become the true ruler of the empire.

Of course, in the end Surya destroyed him, abolished the papacy, saved the empire and the princess, and became the supreme god.

“Madam, Master Shelley, here comes the letter for you.” The maid knocked on the door, still carrying a beautiful small box in her hand, “Master Shelley, say this is a gift from Princess Beth.”

Qiao Sha took it and opened it. Inside were a pair of extremely eye-catching emerald earrings.

Beth gave her a pair of more expensive earrings, waiting for her to come to her adult dance party.

Qiao Sha smiled, she is looking forward to this ball very much, and wish the lovely little princess a happy adult.

In the next few days, Hill gave her many dresses and accessories one after another, all for the prom.

In this dance, because his father was seriously ill, he would replace his father and attend the dance instead of Earls Court. It was also his first “date” with Qiao Sha alone.

He valued it very much. On the other hand, he was also in contact with the old Pope, preparing to officially inherit the title, but his father didn’t seem to be getting better anyway.

After he inherits the title and eliminates Surya, he can take the ring, restore his legs, and own the manor, Qiaosha, and all the powers of Surya alone.

In the past few days, Surya seems to have completely cut off contact with his family, only occasionally heard from others that he has unlocked new powers. The godfather claimed that Surya has surpassed him and surpassed the temple of light. No one can teach him anymore.

Qiao Sha compares the original plot, Surya’s divine power awakens much faster than the original text. In the original text, he quickly turned on his divine power after the ball.

Now because he entered the seminary early, he is getting closer and closer to awakening.

Come on for the prom.


Qiao Sha pinched her finger to count the days, and finally counted to the day of the prom.

She did not enter the palace with Hill, but was ordered by Beth to enter the palace early.

Although Hill was unhappy, there was nothing he could do. He thought about it, and before sending Qiao Sha onto the carriage, he asked her: “Avoid Pei Yue.”

Bae Yue?

Such an oriental name?

She didn’t remember who this was for a while, and when she heard the name again, she was outside the princess’s bedroom.

She waited outside the palace, and heard a woman in the palace mentioned the name—

“Beth, you should try to invite Surya, your father values ​​him very much.”

“I worked hard for the queen…” Beth’s voice was embarrassed and frustrated, “I really worked hard, but he…”

“It’s not just Beth.” The woman interrupted her and said to her gently: “Does your first dance want to dance with Pei Yue? You know how many mistresses he has, and how disgusting your father is he.”

“Of course not, of course I don’t want to.” Beth said nervously, “Mother, I will try to invite Surya.”

“Good boy, you are the pride of the queen and the most glorious little princess in the empire.”

Soon, a beautiful woman with an unusually gorgeous dress and a few meters in skirt size walked out of the temple. It appeared to be Beth’s mother, the queen of the empire.

She greeted Qiao Sha very gently and let Qiao Sha go in to accompany Beth.

When Qiao Sha walked into the bedroom, she saw Beth sitting under the window. She was very beautiful today. She wore a crimson dress. The huge skirt was like a blooming rose, and her chest was tied with a girdle. Wanting to drip, the long golden hair spread out one shoulder.

“It’s so beautiful.” Qiao Sha sighed sincerely, the little princess waiting to be released.

Beth turned her head under the window, but her eyes were red. She stood up and threw herself into Qiao Sha’s arms, and started to cry softly.

“It’s too difficult, Qiao Sha, I really work hard, but…how can I force someone who doesn’t like me to like me suddenly?” She can only say to Qiao Sha, only Qiao Sha will not look down on her tears and It’s useless, “I’m trying to please Surya, but I can’t force him…”

“Why not?” Qiao Sha gently stroked her long blonde hair, of course she could.

This is the fate of the princess, and it should be the fate of God, no one should try to escape.

101 began to collapse, what happened to this world…how did it become more and more distorted? What went wrong? Obviously nothing went wrong…


The ball doesn’t start until eight o’clock at night, but you can enter the palace at six o’clock.

One after another, princes and dukes entered the palace with their grandly dressed ladies and daughters and entered the Laurel Palace.

The laurel is a symbol of the gods and the national flower of the empire. The entire palace is planted with golden laurel trees for the Holy God of Light, like a little crown.

Surya followed the godfather into the palace. When they entered the palace, it was close to eight o’clock. The godfather will be responsible for praying for the princess tonight, so he is wearing a formal uniform.

Surya rarely changed into a tuxedo, and his white shirt was tied into his trousers, making him look thin and tall.

He followed the godfather all the way into the laurel palace of the fragrant temples, and the lively crowd looked at him and calmed down for him.

Lilith, who was following her father, saw him at a glance. She had been waiting for him, and she couldn’t help holding the fan in her hand when she saw him. He was always so eye-catching.

She watched him walk down the side of the crowd, like a quiet laurel god, not looking at anyone, sitting quietly in an inconspicuous corner.

But no matter how inconspicuous the corner is, it can’t stop everyone’s curiosity.

Lilith wanted to walk towards him, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked in a certain direction, that direction… where the earl’s hill was sitting.

But he didn’t seem to be looking for Hill, his eyes turned to Hill’s side for a moment, and then he closed it back.

Who is he looking for? Is he waiting for the girl who won him?

Lilith left her father and walked towards him. She stood in front of him and asked him jokingly: “Suria, are you really going to dance with the girl who won you tonight?”

Surya raised her eyes and looked at her, and replied in a gentle and indifferent voice: “Yes, Miss Lilith, I promised her.”

Lilith’s heart was sinking like a stone. It turned out that Surya was really waiting for her. Who is she? Let Surya agree to wait.

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