Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 17 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]


Under the melting moonlight, the golden laurel flower fell all over the sky like snow, and he stood under the laurel tree, light-colored like silver snow illuminated by the moon.

Lilith is like a girl who has spied on the Moon God, standing in the flowers and snow, being blown by the fragrant wind, with silver-white hair, silver-white robe, and cold gray eyes. Surya does not seem to have a trace of other colors, just like the moon. , Holy and indifferent.

She couldn’t imagine that Surya like this would like someone. There is no love or hatred in him. He quietly looks at you and makes you unable to approach him.

He didn’t say anything, but that look made Lilith uneasy. She stopped where she was and said apologetically: “Sorry Surya, I didn’t mean to spy on you with divine power.”

He forgave her, just as he could forgive everyone, and said to her politely: “It’s okay, Miss Lilith.”

But this made Lilith disappointed. She would rather Surya be angry with her and irritate her, at least this shows that in his heart, she is different from others, and she can arouse his emotions.

Surya looked at her as if looking at a flower, an ant, any one of the many beings, he received the letter, and politely nodded to her, “Good night, Miss Lilith.”

He turned and left.

“Suria, wait a minute.” Lilith still called him, she once again plucked up the courage, as she did when she confessed to him for the first time, and solemnly asked him, “Your Majesty’s ball, I can invite you Do you dance the first dance with me?”

Surya stopped and looked back at her, still with the same look, and said to her, “I’m sorry, Miss Lilith, I don’t plan to dance.” He went to the prom just for the godfather.

“Even if the princess invites you, don’t you dance?” Lilith couldn’t help asking him, her tone a little aggressive.

But Surya still replied politely: “Yes, Miss Lilith, I don’t plan to dance.”

He repeated it again, then turned and left.

Lilith looked at his back, a little annoyed but helpless. After being rejected twice in a row, anyone would be annoyed. But the other party was Surya. She could only helpless for Surya who would not be tempted by anyone. .


At the Royal Academy, there will be school visits every week, and families of students in the academy can come to visit.

Originally it was not Qiao Sha’s turn to visit Surya, and even the old count didn’t plan to visit this son at all.

But now the old earl is seriously ill in bed, the doctor said it is best to ask the godfather to come and see for himself.

Qiao Sha, the stepmother, had to go to ask the godfather to come and visit her stepson by the way.

Early in the morning on the school visit, Qiao Sha got up to prepare. When Hill was pushed into the bedroom, he saw Qiao Sha wearing earrings in front of the dressing table.

Today, she wore a green dress and emerald dress. When she leaned forward and looked in the mirror, a large piece of white skin was exposed on her back. Her back and neck were exceptionally beautiful. They looked like a pair in the sunlight outside the window. painting.

Since her father was sick in bed, she made many colorful skirts, stuffed the closet with only white skirts, and never wore the white skirts, but the color of the skirts was very similar to that of the dead lady.

Why did she choose this color?

Hill couldn’t help but frowned, glanced at his sleeping father on the bed, took the box in his servant’s hand, and sent his servant out before speaking sourly, and whispered: “Go to see your stepson, you need such a well-dressed Did you wear it specifically for Surya?”

Qiao Sha turned her head from the dressing table. She wore different earrings on both ears, one pearl and one ruby. She gently dangled her fingers and asked Hill, “Which is more beautiful?”

The shards of light from the earrings dangled on her cheeks, and Hill’s gaze was fixed on her face, and she became more and more angry. She was exceptionally beautiful today, but she was so beautiful to see Surya.

He didn’t answer, his face was full of displeasure.

Qiao Sha got up and walked over and said, “Naturally, I have to go to see Surya beautifully, otherwise how can I fool you into the ring.”

Hill’s throat was sour and sore, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her knees, lowered her voice and said, “I don’t need you to seduce Surya, I would rather not have a ring.” Sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

“How do you do that.” She touched his head, her smile was full of carelessness, and she nodded the velvet box in his hand with her finger, “What is this?”

She opened the box with her fingers. Inside were a pair of shining pearl earrings. The pearls were as big as fingernails and were actually very rare black and green.

Hill saw the shining light in her eyes. He knew that she liked these luxurious jewellery. These days, he offered boxes of jewellery pearls just like offering treasures just to please her.

“Give it to you when you go to the ball.” Hill was also invited to the ball, and he hoped he could spend a good night with her.

She was going to wear it now. She bent down and turned her face to Hill, and said to him, “Put it on for me.”

Hill smelled the scent of her body and revealed it to him faintly along with the spring breeze under her neckline. He had to admit that the deep green lined her as white as snow. There were ruby ​​earrings dangling on her earlobes, and the tips of her earlobes were slightly pointed. The redness, looks so beautiful, so charming.

His throat moved slightly to remove the ruby ​​earrings for her, pinching her soft earlobes, his cheeks and body were hot and tingling, and there was no other annoyance and dissatisfaction in his heart except for the throbbing heartbeat.

These days, he keeps using substances to please her and satisfy her. Sometimes she likes them, and sometimes thinks that the jewels are not big enough.

He knew that she was a bad woman who was greedy for vanity and lustful, but he couldn’t help but please her and give her everything.

Just like now, he knew she was wearing the earrings he gave and went to see Surya, but he still couldn’t get angry with her.

It was he himself who refused to go with him. He now has crippled legs. He can’t stand himself like this. He enters the dream Royal Academy to meet Surya, especially by her side.

Surya’s pitying gaze was enough to make him fall apart.

Someone knocked on the door gently, “Madam, Master Shelley and Miss Beth have arrived.”

It was David’s voice, and Hill hurriedly withdrew his hand.

The door opened behind him, and he heard David reporting back to her.

She stood beside him, leaning on his wheelchair, and inadvertently tapped his neck with her fingers. He shuddered with numbness, a sense of guilt of guilty conscience disgusted him, and made his strange heartbeat speed up.

“I’ll go right away.” Qiao Sha’s voice rang in his ears.


Qiao Sha handed the sleeping earl to Luna and Hill, and today David will accompany her to the Royal Academy.

When she came downstairs, she saw Beth sitting in a precarious manner. She was wearing a water-red dress and tied a ponytail today. She looked fresh and tender as a rose flower.

As soon as Beth saw her, she stood up, greeted her with bright eyes, and blurted out: “You are so beautiful today, Qiao Sha.”

Qiao Sha smiled and hugged her. Her thin arms immediately hugged Qiao Sha’s waist and said nervously: “Can I really go with you? Will it cause you trouble?”

“Of course not.” Qiao Sha let go of her and took her hand: “I asked you to accompany me. I came from a slave. I have never been to this kind of occasion. You accompany me to prevent me from making jokes. .”

Beth could naturally hear that Qiao Sha was looking for a reason for her. She didn’t know how to thank Qiao Sha, so she hugged her again. She had no friends, no one dared to be friends with her, be close to her, only Joe Yarn doesn’t mind.

“Two beautiful ladies, we should start.” Shelley looked at them with a smile.

Qiao Sha pulled Beth into the carriage of Earls Court, and Shelley escorted outside the carriage on horseback.

This was indeed the first time Qiao Sha left the manor after coming to this world. The Royal Academy was near the palace, not too far from the manor. It took three or four hours to ride a carriage.

On the road, Qiao Sha kept looking at the scene out of the car window. The closer the distance, the fewer pedestrians, homeless people, and various vendors on the road.

After passing a checkpoint, there were no pedestrians on the wide road, all carriages coming and going.

Beth told her that after the checkpoint was the palace’s area, ordinary civilians were not allowed to enter, unless he was a seminary student.

Yes, she remembered. In the original book, it was stated that the original master was not allowed to go in and out of many occasions as a slave, not to mention the scope of the palace, where nobles came and went, she was not allowed to go in and out, unless her “master” count carried it. She goes in and out.

In this world, if you want to change your destiny and become the so-called “noble upper class”, there are only two ways—becoming a soldier, or becoming a theologian in the seminary, which means that you have become an envoy of the Holy Spirit of Light, noble Messenger.

The carriage stopped outside the gate of the Royal Academy. Originally, Qiao Sha had to get out of the carriage and could only enter after verifying his identity.

But Shelley was there, and he greeted the godfather, so they didn’t even show their faces. Under Shelley’s escort, they sat in a carriage and entered the college.

It’s a pity that when they arrived, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon. Surya and the others happened to be having a practical class, and they had to wait until the end of get out of class to visit.

Beth waited in the chamber for a while, and couldn’t bear to stand up and look outside, “Can we go to see them in class?” She asked Shelley, “I have never seen the seminary students in class.” She was envious. She also wants to go to school as lively as everyone else, but she can’t. She has a special female teacher who comes to the palace to teach her.

What she learned was only some of the necessary etiquette skills for princesses.

How could Shelley refuse her, he hoped that the princess would be happy, and give her the greatest happiness in the range he could give her.

“Of course.” He went out to say hello, and returned soon, with two more clothes in his hand, which are the uniforms of the seminary. “Put on this clothes and I will accompany you to stroll around the academy.”

Their dresses were too garish and inconvenient to enter the classroom and many places, so he and the godfather borrowed two sets of college uniforms.

Beth took over the uniform in surprise, “Where did you come from? Can we wear it?” She looked at Shelley happily, “Shelley, you will always be so good.”

Shelley looked at her, pursed his mouth and smiled softly, he was willing to work hard to become stronger for his little princess.

Qiao Sha held her clothes and tilted her head to look at them. Does the princess really like Surya? Or do you have to like Surya because of fate? No matter how she looked at it, she felt that the princess and Shelley were the happiest when they were together.

“Host.” 101 suddenly went online to remind her, “The heroine must be with the hero, otherwise the world will collapse.”

Got it, long-winded.

The trousers, the uniform of the seminary are the same for men and women. They are white and silver trousers and robes, and the neckline is decorated with light golden laurels.

When Qiao Sha put it on, she felt a little touched. Women are hardly allowed to wear pants in this world. Only men have the right to wear trousers.

Unexpectedly, men and women in the seminary have the same rights.

She put on her pants and came out. Seeing Beth blushing stiffly, she whispered to her: “I only sneaked through the pants when I was a kid… It feels strange now, shall we wear it like this?”

She looked at Beth as if she saw “Qiao Sha”. In fact, the original owner, Qiao Sha and the princess, are also canaries in cages, accustomed to their fate.

It’s just that Beth is the fate of being a heroine.

And Qiao Sha is just the fate of a **** vicious female partner.

“It’s nothing bad, Shelley and the others can wear it like this, and we can naturally too.” Qiao Sha tidyed Beth’s clothes, and took her hand out of the dressing room.


The sun is very good, and today is a rare windy and cool weather.

Surya and the group of [Guangming Palace] theologians are also rare to attend practical classes with other theological students of level 5.

The practice class was originally just a normal physical exercise for riding and shooting, but it gradually became a practice and test of [Divine Power].

Today’s festival is even more exciting and lively, because level 5 theological students can finally see with their own eyes the supernatural powers of the theologians who can enter the top [Guangming Temple].

Among the six theologians in [Guangming Palace], the most famous is Surya. The only one who broke the history of the empire and jumped directly into the Palace of Lights within a week of enrollment.

Not to mention, his appearance caused a sensation as soon as he enrolled. Even Lilith, who was once highly sought after, confessed to him and was rejected.

So as soon as Surya entered the field, he was stared at from start to end, whether it was riding a horse, shooting an arrow, or sitting quietly.

Those eyes focused on him and never left.

But no one dared to step forward and took the initiative to talk to him. He never spoke to anyone from start to finish, only when it was his turn to play, he nodded slightly in response.

He looks so gentle, but so repellent from thousands of miles away.

Even Lilith-senpai, who has the title of Imperial Rose, didn’t make him take another look, even though Lilith-senpai was sitting next to him.

The lower-level school girls gathered a little closer to him, talking lowly about his affairs.

Someone whispered: “I heard that Lilith-senpai confessed to him again last night that she wanted to invite Surya to dance the first dance at the princess’s ball.”

“Did he agree? What did he say?” Another hurriedly asked.

The speaker shook his head and lowered his voice: “He rejected Lilith-senpai again and said that he would not dance with anyone, including the princess.”

“What? Does he even refuse the princess?” The curly-haired girl widened her eyes: “He really said that? You swear you are not lying.”

“I swear.” She raised a hand. “My brother heard it with his own ears when he passed by. Senior Surya said he would not dance with anyone, not even a princess…”

Lilith, who was sitting not far away, finally couldn’t listen anymore, turned her head and frowned to look at them, and said coldly: “What are you talking about, maybe you can come to me and tell me.”

The group of theological students who were talking quietly was frightened and hurriedly shut up, dragged their partner and ran away. Only three of them were still standing there.

Lilith saw the three people frown more tightly. Is that… Shelley?

Shelley, wearing an ordinary shirt and knight boots, stood at the entrance of the playground, and the group of theological students dispersed, revealing Shelley standing behind.

How could Shelley appear here?

Lilith looked at the two female students next to Shelley again. One of them, with her hair tied like a ponytail, stood there with her head bowed, and it turned out to be Princess Beth.

Lilith stood up in surprise, why did Princess Beth come here? Also wearing…academy uniform.

What about the lady next to her? Her maid?

Lilith looked at the woman next to Beth, holding Beth’s face, she was a very beautiful woman, wearing a pair of valuable pearl earrings, white as snow, not at all like a princess’s maid.

That beautiful woman grabbed Shelley who was a little angry, and Shelley stopped like that. Shelley had always only listened to the words of his Majesty and the princess. Now he is standing in front of the woman, listening to her talking with his head down.

That is……

Surya suddenly moved.

Lilith looked down at Surya, and saw that he looked straight towards Shelley, frowning on his seldom moved face.

Surya actually frowned?

Who is he looking at? Not Shelley, nor Princess Beth, but…

Lilith saw that beautiful woman reflected in Surya’s eyes, how similar it was to the woman reflected in his eyes last night…

who is she?

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