Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 15 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

Are you scared?

Yves looked at Qiao Sha in his arms. There was no fear on her small face, but she was acting like a baby to him. In fact, she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, a little girl, living in purgatory on earth, working hard time and time again. Down, even if he lied, it was not unforgivable.

She was a victim after all.

“Are you scared?” Yves stroked her hair tolerantly, trying to move her away.

But she hugged his waist softly, nodded to him and said: “I’m terribly afraid, my feet are still soft now, give me Yves a hug.”

Yves hesitated and looked at her puzzled.

“I won’t rely on you.” She smiled openly at him, and pointed to the washstand next to her, “Just put me there. I want to sit down for a while.”

There is no love between men and women in her eyes, maybe she just treats him as a divine envoy to help her, he is careless.

Yves didn’t hesitate anymore, holding her waist and picking her up, she was so light, like a cloud, he subconsciously moved lightly and hugged her and sat on the washstand.

“Now we are equal.” She smiled and stared at him, her legs gently swinging beside him, and the blood-stained skirt was rubbing against both sides of his legs intentionally or unintentionally.

Yves wanted to retreat, leaving between her legs, she gently pulled his skirt, and took a hard thing from under the skirt with her other hand and pressed it against his chest.

It is an exquisite little pistol.

She pointed to his chest, slowly drew a circle, stopped at the position of her heart, mimicked the sound of a gun, and lightly “banged”, “I shot your heart, will you die?”

Through the priest’s clothing, his chest is itchy.

“God can’t die.” He looked down at the small pistol that was in his heart, and looked at her again. A rare smile appeared in his eyes unconsciously. He had to admit that she was so cute.

Like a little girl excited to show her toys, she told him enthusiastically that she shot tonight, so the boss’s voice numb her wrist, and she shot it crooked.

“The first time you shot?” Yves asked her.

Of course not. She has been to the shooting range many times in her world, but this pistol is indeed the first time.

Qiao Sha nodded, “Yes, but I’ve seen count shots many times.” She slowly moved the gun to Yves’ chin, Yves’ mouth…

The muzzle was against his lips.

“The earl put the gun in my mouth and asked me to lick it obediently.” She said softly, “I didn’t do it. I was so scared that I cried. He shot through the vase behind me. He is so accurate, unlike me, even if I hold a gun, I can’t protect myself.”

101: “…”

Yves felt uncomfortable. The feeling of muzzle against her lips was intensely uncomfortable. Has she ever been treated like this?

“Yves.” She moved the gun away, leaning on him softly, and resting her face on his shoulder, “I’m really scared, can you understand?”

She didn’t use you to call him anymore.

For a moment, Yves felt that she seemed to treat him as equal, the closest person.

This time, Yves felt her fear, she was just a little girl, how could she not be afraid.

Yves wanted to calm her fear, he never realized that he would gently stroke a trembling back.

“Don’t be afraid.” He said to her.

Only 101 is very clear that the host is not afraid at all, she is extremely chic when she shoots, and she is deceiving people again.

Yves held her gun hand, and he gently wrapped a strand of his black hair around her index finger where she shot.

Qiao Sha felt a chill on her fingers, she raised her head in surprise, and saw that the black hair on her index finger turned into white light and disappeared, “Yves, this is…”

Yves held her gun hand and pointed it outside the wall.

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and heavy rain poured down.

Yves held her hand and fired a shot out the window, silently.

Qiao Sha watched the shot go through the heavy rain, and accurately hit the wind chime hanging on the tree, and the wind chime shattered under the sound of thunder.

Damn, a hundred steps through Yang.

“Perhaps, this is the only thing I can help you.” Yves let go of her hand, “I hope you can protect yourself.”

Qiao Sha stared at her index finger, her eyes shining brightly.

This is what God made himself want to hang up for her, she originally just wanted him.

101 There is nothing to say…

There was a gentle knock on the door outside the room, and Luna whispered outside: “Madam, the master seems to be about to wake up, shouldn’t it be time to give the master medicine?”

Oh, what a pity, her earl husband is about to wake up.

Qiao Sha warmly embraced Yves and responded with a reward: “Yves, you are so good to me, I don’t think I can do without you anymore.”


101 remembered that she was in the dark room and told Hill that she would always be with him.


Qiao Sha was very satisfied and sent Yves away and returned to the bedroom.

Hill had changed clothes and sat in the wheelchair next to the bed. It was a green dress with a square neck and open back. It was much bolder than those white dresses of Joe Sha.

This dress is the clothes of Surya’s deceased mother, hidden in the pair of relics in the dark room.

Hill blushed, cramped holding his bare arms, “Are you sure, this will work?”

“Always try.” Qiao Sha turned his wheelchair over and put his back on the bed.

Luna mixed the juice of the crow crow grass and fed it to Fu Ya on the bed. Fu Ya frowned groggy, her fingers and lips moved.

He is about to wake up.

Qiao Sha walked to the bed, took away his trembling hand, and put the pistol into his hand.

Only one kerosene lamp was left in the room, and everything turned into a dreamlike hazy.

The thunder was so loud, the wind and rain completely opened the windows, and the lightning flashed across the room. Hill shivered at the thunder, curled his shoulders, it was so cold.

He turned his head to look at Qiao Sha who was sitting on the sofa. She was not nervous at all, holding her cheeks to watch the rain. Is this really possible?

Another flash of lightning flashed, and the thunder that followed immediately knocked down the manor, deafening.

Hill subconsciously covered his ears, and suddenly heard a rapid gasp behind him, as if a drowning person suddenly came to his senses, gasping cold air.

That is…

“Are you awake?” Qiao Sha stood up from the sofa, and walked to Fu Ya who was sweating on the bed. Fu Ya’s eyes that had just woke up were shaking without focusing.

He seemed to be drunk, trying to focus on Qiao Sha’s face and see her clearly…

However, he was attracted by the green behind her. He was lying on the bed groggy, shaking his head to see the green skirt woman sitting under the window…

Under the thunder and lightning, the woman in the green skirt sat motionless. He remembered the green skirt…that was…that was Ava’s skirt…the skirt she wore when she first saw him…

How could it be possible that Ava was already dead, she died when Surya was born, why did she appear here? How could she appear here…

In the dim room, he couldn’t see anything. He only felt dizzy and there was no pain. His whole body was numb, his mind was spinning, and his ears were like water, and all the voices were dull.

It was thundering and raining outside the window, and his eyes couldn’t be opened by the thunder and lightning.

Who is that? What is that…

“Who…who is there?” He pointed to the woman in the green skirt under the window, struggling to produce a few weak words.

Someone stopped by his bed and said calmly, “That’s Hill, count.”

Hill? Is that Hill?

He opened his eyes wide, trying to make his dizzy eyes see more clearly, “No…no…” That was obviously a woman in a green dress…

“Father, are you awake?” Hill’s voice suddenly appeared in the room, ghostly asking him: “Father, you…you don’t recognize me?”

The voice seemed to come from the woman in the green skirt.

How can it be! impossible! That is obviously… Ava!

He struggled to get out of bed, but his dizziness made him fall back, “Turn on the light…Turn on the light! Close the window, turn on the light!”

“What’s wrong with you, count?” Someone was beside him, panicking, “The lights are on, all the lights are on… Why close the window? The doctor said you need to breathe, because the moonlight outside is so good, why do you want to turn it off? window?”

He stayed on the bed, fixed his gaze on the person who was talking on the side of the bed, and he finally saw clearly that it was Qiao Sha, his little lamb…

“What are you talking about…” he asked Qiao Sha incredulously, “outside… isn’t it raining?”

“Of course not.” Qiao Sha replied, “The weather outside is very good, the wind is calm, the moon is so round, how can it rain?”

The lights are on? Didn’t it rain?

how come…

He shook his dizzy head desperately, staring out the window again, lightning and thunder, and the heavy rain almost flooded the manor.

“Don’t believe me, you can ask other people.” Qiao Sha pointed to the servant next to her.

The maid lowered her head and replied: “It’s not raining, Lord Earl, have you seen it raining outside? But it’s not raining.”

Hill’s voice also appeared again: “Father, what’s wrong with you? It’s not raining outside, don’t scare me…”

It didn’t rain, it didn’t rain…

He stared at the woman in the green dress again. Is that Hill? no no! That is obviously Ava!

He was going to see clearly, he raised his hand to hold the hand of the person next to the bed, Qiao Sha next to the bed suddenly let out an exclamation.


The vase on the table suddenly shattered to the ground, and the woman in the green skirt suddenly fell on the sofa.

Qiao Sha hugged her shoulders and shrank in the corner, looking at him in horror, “Oh my God! You…Why did you shoot Hill to death?! You…Are you crazy…”

He didn’t shoot, how could he shoot, he didn’t even shoot…

He hurriedly raised his hand and saw that he was holding a gun in his hand, the bullet in the gun was empty.

With a “boom”, his brain collapsed completely.

The cold sweat soaked his back, what’s the matter… what’s the matter?

Is it a dream? Or… is he crazy?

He saw Eva, he saw lightning and thunder, when did he take the gun, he shot and killed Hill…

Countless women in green skirts were dancing in his mind, and he saw many clouds, mushrooms, and lambs in front of his eyes…

He slumped back on the bed and fainted in a daze.

Silence returned to the room.

Hill on the sofa turned her head to look at Qiao Sha, and she calmly told Luna, “Clean up everything. Next time the count wakes up, nothing will happen.”

Luna nodded with a pale face.

Qiao Sha looked at him and smiled at him and said: “Remember, what happened just now is just your father’s dream. According to his imagination, there is something wrong with his spirit.”

Hill understood it completely. She arranged the scene just now to make her father think that she had a mental problem… to make her father think that she was crazy.

He said in a low and hoarse voice: “Father…will you believe it?”

“If you do this a few more times, he will start to suspect that he is crazy.” Qiao Sha took the pistol again and said to him: “Look, he just held a gun, but everyone talked to him. Said that he did not hold a gun at all, and this gun has never existed. Everyone told him that he was ill and had hallucinations, and slowly he would believe it.”

In her world, this is called brainwashing.

The hallucinogenic crow, crow and grass are enough to make him drunk, dreamy, and deranged.

Hill was terrified.

Qiao Sha sat next to him, stroked his soft hair, soothed him and said, “Hill, don’t you want to be the owner of the manor and inherit everything from your father?”

Inherit everything from his father.

Hill looked at her delicate face, including her?

“Do you want Surya to inherit all this?” Qiao Sha brushed his eyebrows with her fingertips.

Hill grabbed her soft hand, “All this belongs to me, everything about my father belongs to me, I will never give it to Surya!”

She let him hold his fingers, “This is your only chance, while Surya is away, become the owner of the manor, Hill.”

Hill’s eyes flickered in her eyes, like a cluster of flames, “If I become the master of the manor, you will still be the mistress.”

Qiao Sha smiled at him. She is not rare to be the hostess of the manor, but she still has to reward the hard-working puppies.

She gently lifted the finger he was holding, and handed it to his lips.

She acquiesced in him kissing her finger.

Hilton paused and looked at her white fingers. Her fingers were long, thin, soft and flawless. He could imagine the warm touch of this hand when touching his skin.

His throat was astringent, and he lowered his head and kissed her fingers. Even her fingers smelled of lactose, which was uncontrollable…

He wants to get her, own her, and inherit her.

Qiao Sha looked down at him and turned to look out the window. Today is Surya’s first day in school, right? I wonder if her lovely stepson missed her.

101 couldn’t help but speak: “Host, you are terrible.” The count was still on the bed, and her maid was still standing by.

She had just said in the bathroom that she would never be able to live without the envoy.

At this moment, I was thinking of Surya again.


The heavy rain is getting bigger and bigger.

In the seminary that Qiao Sha couldn’t see, a holy light suddenly fell in the classroom, wrapping Surya in the middle of the classroom, and spreading.

All the students who were in the evening class witnessed this scene-Surya’s first class, he just stroked the Bright Bible with his fingers, and suddenly the light fell.

The godfather on the stage stared at Surya, who was bathed in the holy light, and closed the textbook. Maybe he should directly enter the advanced bachelor’s class. It won’t even take long before no one can teach him.

He will surpass everyone and become the true patron saint of the empire.

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